Chapter 279-Heavenly Emperor

Haotian was extremely sad, standing in the black hole sky, not as comfortable as a fish, only the trembling of sheep entering a group of tigers.

“What is the sky?”

While he was still trembling and doubting his own, Doubao’s question came from his ear again.

Haotian glanced over, Duobao’s eyes were serious.

“Heaven?” Haotian also got serious, what is the sky?

This is the first time he thinks so seriously now.

“The supremacy… the vastness of the sky…” Haotian flashed a few thoughts in his mind, and he finally denied them.

It feels right, but it doesn’t seem to be so right.

His eyes became confused. This question didn’t seem to be that difficult at first… But after thinking about it carefully, it wasn’t that simple.

Can’t think of an answer.

“It seems that you haven’t figured it out yet.” Duobao sighed. It turns out that even the future Heavenly Emperor doesn’t understand what heaven is?

In other words, he was not sure of own idea at all.

Dobo doesn’t know what the sky is…There is no fixed answer at all.

In his opinion, everyone has their own understanding of what is heaven…the difference is only who understands.

If Dao Zu Hongjun understood it, then the sky he understood was the sky above the heads of all other creatures.

If ordinary people understand the sky, then they just understand.

Haotian Future is the Heavenly Emperor. He does not need to understand the sky, but he must have his own self-confidence. What he understands is the sky.

“That’s right.” Duobao turned his mind and looked at Haotian: “He is not the Heavenly Emperor yet, he has just turned from a boy to an adult.”

Turning her head to look at Yaochi, her eyes were full of doubts at this time, and she was seriously thinking about what the sky was.

There is no need to ask any more, a simple question confirms that the two future Heavenly Emperors and Queen Mothers are still so young at this time.

“Uncle Shi… Shinephew is offended.” Duo Bao suddenly bowed seriously to Haotian and Yaochi.

Haotian, Yaochi’s thoughts were interrupted by Duobao’s actions, and his heart shook.

Inexplicably, suddenly there was a feeling of imminent disaster.

“Senior nephew… Dubao, what do you want to do?” Yaochi said, only to find that his own voice was trembling.

Haotian is the same. It’s no wonder they are not calm, mainly in front of Duobao, how can they calm down?

“It’s nothing.” Duobao shook his head lightly: “It’s just a matter of following the master’s decree.”


Duobao waved his hand, Haotian, Yaochi disappeared in front of him instantly.

The core of the black hole sky, among the countless black holes, the disappeared Haotian, the two figures of Yaochi reappeared.

“This is where?”

The two of them trembled and felt a great conflict. They looked at countless black holes the size of rice grains around them with fear…Countless powers spread out, and each of them could easily beat them into dust.

Powerful and terrifying!

Standing in this area, apart from fear, the two of them can feel only endless helplessness!

There is no way to resist, and without taking a shot, you can feel the huge gap between the two sides.

Any black hole, the power contained in it, makes them powerless to resist.

The Magic power in the body rolls, but it can only roll in the body and cannot rush out of the body at all.

The two of them couldn’t calm down, and everything they saw and felt around them seemed to swallow them with their bones.


A huge roar came, and Haotian and Yaochi’s eyes widened, their eyes horrified.

Ahead, a huge invisible wave appeared, unable to see the appearance, but could clearly sense the huge danger.

The speed of the wave was extremely fast, and when they found it, it had already arrived in front of them.

The two of them were swept away without any resistance.

The vast and powerful force immediately dissipated their own power.

The body and mind seemed to have no defense, letting that power rush into the body, rushing from the body unscrupulously, over and over again.

The pain of skinning and deboning came, and the two people’s complexions were distorted, but they could not even think of anger or cursing.

All the energy was spent on resisting the force that washes out one’s body…Although it had no effect.

The two were like a lone boat in the ocean, letting the waves hit, unable to control themselves.

Both body and mind are being baptized by storms.

The two resisted hard and barely survived. In the powerful impact of one wave after another, the two thought that they would die on a certain wave… but they did not expect that they would survive until the end.

Suddenly the powerful wave disappeared… it seemed to have passed.

After the rest of their lives, the two of them were filled with the joy of escaping from the dead, and they lay on the ground while gasping for breath, and even lost the strength to stand up.

“stand up!”

At this time, a stern voice suddenly sounded.

Haotian, Yaochi, a jealous spirit, stood up unconsciously.

It wasn’t until I stood up that I didn’t react, and after looking at the source of the sound, I saw a familiar figure…it was Dubao!

The moment they saw Duobao, the anger in their hearts erupted and they stared at him angrily. If it weren’t for the exhaustion of body and mind, all their energy was almost dissipated by the previous wave. At this time, they Already pounced on it.

After a few breaths, Haotian finally recovered some strength, not enough to act, but enough for him to speak out, and yelled at Duobao, “Duobao, do you want to kill us?”

Duobao’s face was cold, he was not as smiling as they had seen before, calm, and some were just indescribably cold.

Under Duobao’s icy gaze, Haotian’s voice fell unconsciously.

I don’t know why, I suddenly lose my confidence… at least not so much.

“Two uncles, if I really want to kill you… why bother?” Duobao’s voice was calm, but Haotian and Yaochi clenched their fists together.

Just mocking?

This is definitely a mockery!

He is a nephew… they are uncles!

When can my nephew ridicule his uncle in this way?

Is there any concept of superiority and inferiority?

“Two uncles, if you want to leave, I won’t stop.” Duo Bao Yang opened a door in front of them.

Outside the gate is the familiar scenery of Haotian and Yaochi, which is the place before they entered Kunlun Mountain.

As long as they pass through this gate, they will be able to leave Kunlun.

However, looking at the door, Haotian and Yaochi were silent.

Duobao: “Two uncles, I can tell you clearly that this is your experience following me… and it’s just the simplest experience.”

“Master asked you to follow me in the cultivation… Master nephew dare not listen.”

“Senior nephew will try his best to help the two uncles in cultivation… do their best.”

“However, if the two uncles think that they can’t bear it…then you can leave as much as you can, and I will definitely not stop them.”

Haotian’s fist tightened, and he glared at Duobao: “Is this your experience? Cultivation? Training?”

“Sure this is not torture?”

“Which cultivation is like this?”

He was aggrieved, you know, just now, they almost died!

As long as they have a slight thought of giving up in their hearts… he can be sure that they will definitely not be able to survive now, and they will definitely die in that invisible wave.

He had no doubt about this!

The feeling of walking on the edge of life and death like this is really not so pleasant.

“Otherwise?” Duobao asked back, calmly: “What should the real cultivation look like?”

“Drink tea, chat, enlightenment?”

“Relax, cultivate if you want to cultivate, rest if you want to rest, there is no danger… Is that kind of cultivation what you want?”

Yaochi said angrily: “Even if it wasn’t, it shouldn’t be what it was just now… we almost died!”

Duobao is still calm: “No, I have been watching, if there really is an accident, I will take action.”

“The two uncles will not endanger their lives.”

“But…” Yao Chi waited to say something, but was interrupted by Haotian.

Haotian looked at Duobao seriously, and after a long time, he asked, “Why?”

He didn’t understand, why did Dubao treat them like this?

Although cultivation is not that easy, it shouldn’t be that dangerous… at least it shouldn’t be that dangerous all the time.

There are big dangers in cultivation, but those big dangers only appear after step-by-step accumulation, buffering, and habit… It is the test of the results of one’s own cultivation.

If it’s such a danger, he can accept it… But, like Dubao, who comes directly to the death penalty… How can he accept it?

There is no enmity between them and Dubao, he feels that Dubao will not harm them… there is no reason!

However, because of this, he was even more puzzled.

When he comes up, he will make a big move… Although Dubao said that they will not die, is this reasonable?

Duobao looked at the two seriously and replied, “No, how can the two uncles grow up?”

“Do you have to do this?” Yaochi couldn’t help but ask.

“There are also easy ones, do you want to change the two uncles?” Duobao asked suddenly.

“Of course, we…”

Haotian interrupted Yaochi again, his face was serious, and he didn’t rush to speak.

Just staring at Duobao earnestly, and heard the extraordinary meaning represented in Duobao’s words.

This is not as simple as it seems on the surface. Different choices may represent different destinies!

“How about changing? How about not changing?”

Duobao: “Change, so Duobao guarantees that the two masters will be cultivated normally, there will be no danger, but there will not be much progress.”

“Why don’t you change it?”

“If you don’t change, Duobao can guarantee that after the cultivation of the two uncles is completed, at least you can become a golden immortal, maybe… Taiyi golden immortal is not impossible.”

Haotian, Yaochi was surprised, staring at Duobao, stunned.

Are you serious?


Taiyi Golden Immortal?

We suffer so much danger, bear so much pressure… In the end, just can we become golden immortals?

Even Taiyi Golden Immortal also uses such words. Maybe… Are you really kidding us?

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