Chapter 241

“It’s not just strength… there is potential!”

Xi Wangmu’s spirit fell on Lu Wu, and it was soon discovered that it was wrong.

Originally, Lu Wu was born as the Xiantian Divine Mansion of Heaven and Earth, and his potential was not weak, but it was also limited. In this life, Taiyi Jinxian was the limit, but now, in her perception, Lu Wu actually has the potential to impact Daluo Jinxian. !

How can this be?

Recalling Duobao’s previous behavior, Queen Mother Xi instantly remembered what he had fed Lu Wu: “Ginseng fruit?”

Queen Mother West’s eyes widened suddenly!

Is that ginseng fruit?

She is very skeptical!

She has also seen and eaten ginseng fruit, but when did the ginseng fruit she ate had such a powerful effect?

Can enhance potential?

This is not a ginseng fruit anymore, it can even be called a big Luojin fairy fruit!

Because it can help creatures have the potential to impact Da Luo!

This is definitely a treasure!

Such a treasure, placed in any power, would be regarded as a treasure, and would not be used in idle time, but was so easily given to Lu Wu by Duobao?

This kind of thing, it feels like it can have a lot of effect even for her, it gave Lu Wu…too waste!

Although this idea was wrong, Queen Mother Xi gave birth to this idea.

Seeing that Duobao’s figure was about to disappear, Queen Mother West suddenly shouted: “Please stay!”

Duobao took a halt, stopped, and looked back at Queen Mother West: “What else is your Majesty?”

Although things are developing like this, Duobao is still very polite.

Queen Mother Xi’s rudeness is her business, as long as he doesn’t tear his skin and the enemy is facing each other, he still maintains his own quality.

“That… is it true that you said before to borrow the Kunlun mirror?” Queen Mother West organized a few words and asked.

Duobao shook his head: “That was before, now I don’t need it.”

“Since your Majesty is unwilling, he is not the one who is difficult for the strong, and it is still impossible to force the most precious thing.”

Queen Mother Xi heard the meaning in Duobao’s words and suddenly smiled.

She was originally a stunning beauty, such a smile, the spring breeze blowing on her face, made people feel relaxed and happy.

Unconsciously, the little resentment in Duobao’s heart also dissipated.

“never mind!”

Duobao shook his head: “This is my abruptness. Let’s just give up on this matter.”

Whether to say or not, a good face works anytime.

Facing beautiful women, even if they are not interesting to them, they will greatly improve their goodwill.

Unless it has done too much.

So far, Queen Mother Xi has not done such a thing.

Duobao smiled, nodded towards Queen Mother West, turned and left.

“Please stay!”

Queen Mother West shouted again.

Duobao stopped again and turned his head: “What else is your Majesty?”

“Kunlun mirror, don’t you want it?” Queen Mother shook the Kunlun mirror in her hand and asked with a smile.

She suddenly realized a problem, maybe she felt right before.

She really had a chance to come, and the chance was in Dubo’s body.

After he easily fed Lu Wu the magical spirit fruit that resembled a ginseng fruit, but whose effect was far superior to that of a ginseng fruit, Queen Mother Xi knew that Duobao must have a big treasure on him, and it might be very useful to herself.

Otherwise, her induction will not be so strong.

She was preconceived before, and all kinds of thoughts and thoughts were biased.

“Your Majesty is willing to lend me?” Duobao asked suspiciously.

It is certainly good to be able to get a Kunlun mirror.

With the treasure of this time law in hand, he can also insight into the time law faster.

When there is a choice, of course, it depends on Gold Finger.

Why should you be so stupid to go to Insight yourself.

That’s just a way out of nowhere.

“Of course.” Queen Mother West nodded, shaking her hand and threw the Kunlun mirror to Duobao again.

Duobao took it, and looked at Queen Mother Xi with incomprehension: “Your Majesty?”

He didn’t understand why Queen Mother West’s attitude changed so much before and after.

You used to shout and scream before, but now you are so cooperative?

Queen Mother West saw Duobao’s doubts and explained with a smile: “Before, I misunderstood you, and I was wrong. Here, I apologize to you.”

With that said, Queen Xi was about to bow and apologize.

Duobao’s figure flashed and appeared in front of Queen Mother Xi, supporting her: “Don’t dare, don’t dare, you are an elder, you have a little misunderstanding, just let it go, it’s nothing.”

Queen Mother West was shocked, Duobao didn’t touch her in such a space, but she couldn’t fall anymore.

She tried to increase her strength, but even if she exhausted all her strength, she still couldn’t let her body lower even by a single cent.

“Sure enough, Duobao’s strength has far surpassed me!”

Unable to fall, Queen Mother Xi stopped reluctantly and straightened up.

Duobao asked curiously, “I don’t know what the misunderstanding is?”

He was really curious about what the Queen Mother Xi had thought of, which caused her to have such a huge change. The attitude before and after was almost two people, which was really incomprehensible.

“Um.” Empress Xi was embarrassed, facing the curious Duobao, looking at his dark eyes, she didn’t know how to say it.

Could she say that she thought Dubo was here to force Magic Treasures?

The misunderstanding has been resolved, and it would be embarrassing to say that again!

Hehe smiled and changed the subject, Queen Mother West said, “Since you are here to borrow the Kunlun mirror, you can’t borrow it for nothing. I have some conditions. I hope you can agree to it. It is the price of borrowing the Kunlun mirror.”

“what do you think?”

Duobao nodded immediately: “Of course, I don’t know what the conditions are?”

Although he was still curious, but seeing Queen Mother Xi’s appearance, it seemed that he didn’t want to say it, and he couldn’t force it.

“Conditions…” This time Queen Mother West was stunned.

She just said that, but she didn’t expect Duobao to agree so simply.

She had guessed that her chance fell on Duobao, but she still didn’t know what the chance was.

What she wanted was her own chance, not some messy conditions.

The more critical issue is that she still doesn’t know what her chances are… So, if she asks her to make a request, she really doesn’t know what to offer for a while.

“Huh?” Duobao saw Queen Mother Xi’s hesitation and was a little surprised.

It was you who said the words, but in the end your reaction?

Isn’t it because you haven’t figured out what conditions to make?

Duobao fixedly looked at Queen Mother Xi, her beautiful face gradually showed a bit of embarrassment.

“Didn’t think about it?” Duobao asked tentatively.

Queen Mother West nodded and admitted.

She actually admitted it!

Dubao is speechless, Dage…No, it’s Big Sister. You made the conditions yourself, but you haven’t thought about it yet…Is there any such play?

Suddenly, he suddenly thought of the three conditions in a novel he had seen before…


Dubao shuddered suddenly, no, no, that would definitely not work.

He is not Zhang Wuji, and he will not be influenced by a woman for life.

Women will only affect the speed at which he draws the sword!

There is no woman in your heart, so it’s natural to draw a sword!

Queen Mother West felt a little bit, and looked at Duobao weirdly.

This guy, did she think about something that shouldn’t have been, why did she feel offended?

When Duobao received Queen Mother West’s gaze, he gave a sly smile, and then hurriedly changed the subject: “Well, if you didn’t think it well, you see, for me, if you’re satisfied, just nod your head, how about?”

Queen Mother West nodded immediately after her heart moved.

Anyway, she didn’t know where the opportunity for own should be, Dubao said so… Maybe the opportunity was in his words and it was not necessarily.

“I think your majesty’s injury has not healed. He has strength and never save one. I have a place where I can increase and speed up the recovery of strength. It is better to…”

Duobao couldn’t speak any longer. Seeing the growing doubts on Queen Xi’s face, he asked in confusion, “Your Majesty?”

Queen Mother West looked dumbfounded, even when she heard Duobao’s question, she didn’t respond.

What is he saying?


Who is unhealed?

There is no strength…

Queen Mother West turned her head and looked around, looking for the unhealed person in Duobao’s mouth, and looking for the person whose strength is inexhaustible.

After turning his gaze around, he finally fell into his hand, Lu Wu who fell into a deep sleep in the state of a kitten.

She seems to have found the person who has not healed!

However, Lu Wu was injured, but under Duobao’s ginseng fruit, he has recovered, not only recovered, but also has a lot of strength ascension.

There is no reason to say that there is no one in terms of strength.

“Could it be that there are other people here?” Queen Mother Xi looked carefully.

In fact, Dubao’s words are very clear, and there is nothing incomprehensible.

The person in his words who has not healed from his injuries and is inexhaustible in strength is himself.

It’s just that Queen Mother West herself is in her peak state, where does her injury have not healed, and her strength will never survive?

This made her very suspicious… Is the person in Duobao’s mouth really her?

“Your Majesty, what are you looking for?” Duobao asked strangely, looking at Queen Mother West who looked everywhere and seemed to be looking for something.

After that, he also looked around, mountains, trees, sky, wind… it seemed that there was nothing special.

Queen Mother Xi blinked, and she was back to her senses. With big beautiful eyes, she stared straight at Duobao, and asked in a tentative tone: “The person you are talking about…Is it me?”

“Huh?” Duobaomeng said.

What do you say?

Is his words so incomprehensible?

Seeing the cautious and unbelievable appearance of Queen Mother Xi, Duobao couldn’t help reflecting on himself.

I went through what I had said before in my head, and couldn’t find any incomprehensible places, and couldn’t help but look at Queen Mother West in astonishment.

“His Majesty?”

“Oh…” When she saw Duobao’s gaze, Queen Mother Xi knew that Own’s guess was correct. The person he was talking about was really himself: “Um, you continue.”

After saying this, she herself didn’t react.

After the words were spoken, he finally reacted, and asked Dubao in surprise, “You said my injury has not healed? I have no strength?”

“Why do you say that?”

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