Chapter 238

Sage is no longer superior, no longer an absolute powerhouse!

How can this be?

If this is the case… Then why do they have to pay such a high price, and they will not hesitate to borrow merits from Heavenly Dao in order to become holy!

If it weren’t because there are ants under Sage, how could they be like this?

Zhundi understood the words of the introduction, and that’s why he felt so unacceptable!

“Brother… are you sure?” Zhundi asked in a calm voice.

Sui Ying looked and looked forward to own Zhundi, and from his eyes, he could see what he wanted to hear.

However, it is a pity that facts are facts, and this may be what he guessed.

Even if he said what Zhun Di wanted to say, there would be no change in the facts.

“If nothing else… it might be.”

In Zhun Di’s shocked eyes, Xie Yin still said what he didn’t want to hear the most.

“Brother…” Zhundi looked at the lead, somewhat unable to accept this thing: “In this case, why should we be sanctified? For this, we still owe such a great merit?”

Suddenly sighed, but also helpless and sad: “Who knows, such a change will happen?”

Only they know how much they have paid for sanctification.

I originally thought that after being sanctified, it was eternity, and it could be paid back slowly in the future. Although the price was high, it was worth it.

But now, things seem to be a lot different from what they thought.

Sage may no longer be an absolute powerhouse!

It’s like thinking that you have become an emperor, and you are aloof, but who knows, suddenly, there is a big cultivation faction above the emperor, and the so-called absolute status is gone.

It is difficult to accept who it is replaced.

“Want to start… maybe, I guessed wrong?” Looking at the lost Zhundi, he said with comfort.

Zhudi looked at the lead steadily, without speaking.

The lead can’t go on.

Guessed wrong?

He is Sage. Now that he has such a guess, plus the past, it is a high probability that the guess is a fact.

“Brother… let’s keep working hard!” Suddenly, Zhundi said firmly.

Then he looked over, looked at Zhun Di’s firm gaze, paused, and smiled: “That’s what I said, just keep working hard!”

At the beginning, the poor and the whites broke through, but now they are just starting again…No, now they are Sage, and the conditions are much better than before.

Under such inferiority at the beginning, they all broke through, can they still not be able to do it now?

Sage is not the pinnacle, so try to climb to a new pinnacle.

In this regard, they have absolute confidence!

“Sanqing has already walked ahead of us…whether my guess is correct…maybe it may be for other reasons…but…” As he said, he looked at Zhundi.

The two nodded their heads: “But, we will not be worse than them, will we?”

Sanqing knows more than them. From this point of view, the advantage is greater than them!


Duobao moved his own time and space, based on time and space, and headed upward.

The closed loop of time and space needs to turn its own time and space into a circle, with no beginning and no end, wherever it starts, and wherever it ends.

He himself was born in the Age of Lich, and only the Age of Lich.

The age of the lich is not over, the future has not yet happened, and only the past can be traced.

Duobao walked toward the past along time and space.


After not taking a few steps, suddenly a huge buzzing sound came from one party, The next moment, a huge vortex suddenly appeared, blocking his way, blocking his way.


Duobao raised his eyebrows and looked carefully: “Time and space resistance?”

The vortex in front of it is transformed by the laws of time and space, blocking all creatures that walk in time and space.

Duobao stepped forward and stepped into the whirlpool.

Fang entered the whirlpool, and immediately, the whirlpool dissipated, giving way to the road behind.

He is already a big Luo Jinxian, and he is qualified to set foot in time and space, so time and space resistance is nothing to him.

Moreover, there is no need to use any means, just a powerful body with a flash of power and Dao Yun, which is enough to disperse the space-time resistance.

Duobao did not put the dissipated space-time vortex in his eyes and continued to move forward, but within a few steps, he stopped again and looked in front of him.

Another huge vortex appeared, blocking the way.

“and also?”

Duobao was a little surprised. According to his understanding, the resistance of the space-time vortex should only appear once. He has already passed, how can it still appear?

Moreover, the new whirlpool on this side is different from the previous whirlpool. This whirlpool is stronger!

Taking a step forward, before arriving at the whirlpool, the powerful body vibrated the whirlpool with great strength.


Before he started, the whirlpool had already begun to tremble under the strength of his body.

But soon, a force flashed across the vortex, and the vortex immediately stabilized, no longer trembling.

“Heavenly Dao!”

Duobao looked up at the void, as if he could see the existence behind it.

The power that suddenly appeared in the vortex, he saw clearly, was the power of Heavenly Dao.

He could break through this whirlpool originally, but now he is a little afraid of it.

Before coming to the whirlpool, he stretched out a hand, felt it carefully, and said in his heart as expected.

“Heavenly Dao is trying to stop me?”

Doubao was puzzled and frowned.

In the whirlpool, there was originally only the power of time and space. After Heavenly Dao’s intervention, the power of Heavenly Dao was added.

Heavenly Dao represents the world and the great famine.

He felt the aura of the prehistoric in the whirlpool, if he were to force an impact, it would have a significant impact on the prehistoric world, and it would also produce a huge Karma, which was not the result he wanted.

“Why?” Duobao was puzzled. He was just looking back at time and space. Why would Heavenly Dao show up to stop him?

Obviously in the branch of destiny, even Sun Wukong’s strength can go back to time and space, but it won’t work when it comes to him?

He is now the real Da Luo Jinxian…

“Isn’t it because I don’t have enough Realm?”

Doubao guessed.

If this is the case, it will be troublesome.

He has the strength, Realm, most likely it will be difficult to get up.

“That’s not right, I have the strength, and I have the ability to look back, but Heavenly Dao blocked… If not, I will go back to the age of the three races!”

Duobao changed his mind, but he didn’t understand.

Why did Heavenly Dao stop him?

“Or, it’s because the place where I’m from is different, and it’s impossible to go back to time and space… It seems that I haven’t seen other creatures going back to time and space… Is it a different cultivation method?”

Duobao guessed, but there was no answer.

“Strong charge?”

Looking at the whirlpool blessed by Heavenly Dao, Dubo was unwilling to give up.

The cultivation method of closed-loop time and space is really good. If it can be done, it will not be of great benefit to him, but for the younger brothers and sisters of own, it is the most perfect cultivation road.

It just so happened that the Dao method he created before was just to reach the Taiyi Golden Immortal, and then with this time-space closed-loop method to strengthen Dao Xing, it would be able to perfectly compensate for their foundation.

That’s the best.

But now, Heavenly Dao blocks…unless he wants to provoke Heavenly Dao Karma, it’s better not to force him.

Thinking about it, Duobao’s eyes were uncertain, unwilling but not daring to rush.

“Time and space… prehistoric…”

Duobao stood above the time and space, before the Heavenly Dao time and space vortex, he was unwilling to retreat and fell into deep thought.

“There is a big secret in the prehistoric time and space… Heavenly Dao is unwilling to let me in, or unwilling to let any creature set foot.”

“The closed-loop method of time and space can be practiced in the branch and famine, but it cannot be done in the famine and famine.”

“So, this avenue, here, is dead…There is no such way in this world!”

In the end, Duobao did not dare to forcefully attack the prehistoric time and space.

Suddenly, there was a flash of inspiration in Duobao’s mind. He lowered his head to look at the time and space under him, and his eyes narrowed: “The prehistoric time and space cannot be forced through. The past, the present, and the future are impassable… but it does not mean that time and space are closed loops. , It really cannot be cultivation.”

“There is no time and space… I will create a time and space!”

“The left and right are just closed loops of time and space, and the length of the base of time and space… Whether it is the time and space you are in is actually not that important!”

“As long as the space-time base is formed and used as the base point, then the closed-loop method of space-time can be used!”

Thinking about it, slowly getting a little excited.

This method is indeed feasible.

The brain becomes more and more active: “And in this case, it seems… more developmental!”

No matter how long the history of the prehistoric world is, it has an end.

Even if it runs through the great past, the present and future have their limits.

And if you create time and space by yourself to form the base of time and space, then everything can be infinite.

For the closed loop of time and space, the longer and larger the space-time base formed initially, the greater the harvest after each cycle of cultivation!

In comparison, it has more potential and vitality.

Theoretically speaking, such a development, if it is well developed, is stronger than it runs through the entire prehistoric time and space!

“So, can I create a space-time?”

After confirming the feasibility of my own ideas, another problem immediately appeared… about the law of time.

He has also studied the law of time, but it is not an introduction.

He hasn’t fully understood it at all, and it’s still a little bit short of it.

Can such a degree of knowledge of the law of time enable him to create a time and space that is sufficient to form the base of time and space?

After all, the base of time and space is not a simple thing. It can’t be created by knowing time and the laws of space.

There is also a bottom line.

Duobao simulated it several times in his mind, and the air of time circulated in his body, and then a blurred time and space appeared.

It didn’t last long, and it disappeared quickly.

“Sure enough, it won’t work!”

Duobao sighed: “Introduction to the law is the foundation, and I have enough knowledge of the law of space, but the law of time is still a lot worse.”

Just now, when he tried to simulate time and space, there was no problem with space, but there was a big problem with time.

There is simply no way to form a closed time. The past, present, and future are all lacking so much.

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