Chapter 236

“It’s good, it’s bad… let’s take a look!”

When you stand at the highest point, you don’t care about what you are right now.

But when the strength reaches the limit, becoming the strongest will inevitably be regarded by other creatures and even the world as a support!

Chaos breeds the world, and the world breeds creatures.

Creatures grow in the world, and the world develops in chaos.

Chaos is gestating the world and destroying reality. Similarly, the world is gestating and destroying creatures.

Time, life span, natural disasters, earth disasters, all kinds of things are enough to kill you.

It seems that the world is unkind, it is ruthless, and it is constantly growing. All these are just hardships, experiences, and things that must happen in the process of growing up.

This is the fate of the world.

The creatures that can keep up with the development of the world and break through these tribulations will grow with the world, and when they reach the highest point, they will become and lead the growth of the world.

Just like Hongjun before.

Same as the current Duobao.

Although Duobao is still far from Hongjun’s opponent, his potential has already allowed Heavenly Dao to press the future of this great world onto him.

Duobao’s greatest strength lies in the unknown and potential.

Hongjun had no doubt that the Primordial World would become another development under Duobao’s leadership, but the specifics, whether it could be better… he was not so sure either.

After all, leading the development of a world is not that simple.

There are countless barriers, especially the details, which are countless and harder to control.

If one is not handled properly, there will be unknown changes in the world.

For Duobao taking over Honghuang instead of him, Hongjun did not stop him, but was happy to see the result.

It’s just that this is not an ordinary world after all, shouldering the development of the entire world, it’s not just himself.

His every move has a great impact on the world!

More importantly, Duobao himself still doesn’t understand the identity and location of own.

This brings greater unknowns and variables.

Hongjun thought for a moment: “In the beginning, let me help you watch a little bit!”

In order to avoid too many changes in the early stage, he still can’t just let go.

When everything is stable, at least until Dubao understands his identity and has the heart to move forward with a world before letting go.

“However, it’s like this now… it’s good too!”

Thinking about it, Hongjun looked at the changes in the prehistoric world and smiled.

Although Duobao didn’t know his own identity and didn’t want to do anything specifically, there is no doubt that the prehistoric world has been changed by him now.


“Space-time closed loop?”

Back in the Immortal Cave, Dubao had a thought circling in his mind.

In the branch of the long river of destiny, he saw Sun Wukong, who was moving upstream in time and space. Although he was disappointed with this Sun Wukong, Dubao also discovered a new point of knowledge in him.

“Space-time closed loop… this is a good idea!”

Duobao touched his chin, thinking carefully.

The road to strength has no end, no matter when, strength is not too strong.

The stronger the better!

“Infinite stacking, limit cultivation… Tower of Laws…” Duobao counted all his cultivation methods up to now.

There are countless spells and magical powers, and the Three Pure Immortal Laws are extensive and profound, covering infinitely. Although he has changed the basic Taoism, his magical powers and spells are all fighting, protecting the way, and changing the basic Taoism, there is no problem.

The previously envisioned battles, the stars, the mountains and the seas, and even the creation of the world…for him now, it is not a problem.

It can be done easily.

However, it wasn’t until all this was done that Duobao understood that magical powers and spells are really trails, and Taoism is the root.

With Taoism, magical powers naturally appear, but if you cultivate magical powers painstakingly, you may not be able to have Taoism.

What is Tao Xing?

With Duobao’s current understanding, it is knowledge, the understanding of heaven and earth, all things, and the avenue itself.

As long as you have a thorough understanding, the fundamentals and the core are clear, and you will naturally understand.

To use an appropriate analogy, in the case of cars, supernatural powers are finished cars, and Tao Xing is the technology for making cars.

Finished cars are limited, and if you understand technology, you can have unlimited cars.

This is the gap.

Moreover, this is only a superficial gap. In fact, the real gap is even greater, and it is far from being able to be said in a few words.

Therefore, a person with strong magical powers may not be as strong as Taoism, but a person with Taoism must be a god-tier person.

In the past, Duobao was most concerned about supernatural powers, but now he has turned to Taoism.

He has basically figured out the Three Qing Immortal Techniques.

Although it is a bit strange to understand why his Realm is still so low after understanding the Three-Clear Immortal Law, I will understand after thinking about it carefully.

The so-called master leads the door, and practice depends on the individual.

The true cultivation is far from complete that can be explained by a few Taoist methods.

Even if the person who created this method is Sage…this is also true.

How far you can go and how much you can gain depends on yourself.

To be able to turn what you see and understand into your own is to truly understand it.

Therefore, for a long time, Duobao has been turning what he understands into real Taoism according to his own ideas.

For example, he created the corresponding cultivation Dao Fa for his fellow juniors and younger sisters.

Those Dao laws are his understanding of Dao.

He is also trying to understand everything through own thinking, and build a complete and solid cultivation system with own thinking.

A little bit, from the lowest to the highest, fully explain each Realm and each level.

This kind of foundation is his core cultivation method now, and it is also the embodiment of his Taoism.

In general, he has three types so far, folding, limit, and law tower.

Both fold and limit are well understood, and at first they were just the simplest two words. With his efforts, they have become almost as powerful as synonymous nowadays.

The law tower is based on this foundation, with the law as the foundation, continuously extending, adding own thinking, building the law tower from scratch, and strengthening one’s own understanding of the law.

Everything else, no matter how much it is said, no matter how messy, the foundation is still here.

So far, these three avenues are all pretty good, and Duobao is quite satisfied with this.

However, now, because of the long history of fate, although he did not find the gravel of his own fate, he has gained other gains.

Time and space closed loop!

Duobao kept chanting this vocabulary in his heart: “Put your own timeline, line of existence, lock, pass through, present, future…form a closed loop, an infinite loop.”

“Each cycle, you can double the Ascension based on the initial basic space-time strength as a unit.”

“Although the Fang Primal World is very weak, this method… also has its merits!”

Duobao concentrated on thinking.

However, although such a closed loop of time and space is good for the growth of strength, he is still not very satisfied.

The only thing that grows like this is strength, and there is not much growth in the understanding of Tao and the growth of Taoism.

What has increased the most is only strength… For him who now understands the fundamentals of Taoism, it is indeed insignificant.

“When the Tao goes up, the power will naturally go up. On the contrary, if it is only the power up, the Tao will not be able to Ascension… In the end, it may not necessarily be a good thing!”

A person carries a power far beyond the control of his own way, and his strength cannot be ascension high. On the contrary, it is more likely to turn himself into an unstable bomb that may explode at any time. .

After carefully calculating the closed loop of time and space in his mind, Duobao silently shook his head: “This method is not advisable!”

Of course, pushing up time, space, existence, etc., is a shortcut to increase strength, but it is turning the cart before the horse and going astray.

“However, although the road is off track, there is no problem with the foundation, and this idea is also okay.”

Duobao meditated, and the complicated thoughts in his mind gradually became clear: “Time and space closed loop…Just add Dao Xing to it… so that after each cycle, you can increase Dao Xing… That’s perfect!”

“Um…” Thinking of this, Duobao was suddenly stunned.

He suddenly realized a problem: “It seems…folding and the method of limit… are the same. The strongest growth is strength, not Taoism.”

“In contrast, it is not much stronger than the closed-loop method of time and space!”

“In the end… if there is no change, it will turn itself into a bomb!”

Duobao’s heart sank, reflecting on himself.

“If it weren’t for the emergence of the closed loop of time and space, maybe I don’t know when this problem will be discovered…the folding and the limit method, there is such a big problem!”

“Dao Xing, magical powers, power… after all, power is fascinating… even me, unknowingly!”

Duobao sighed deeply: “Perhaps, this is the devil!”

“Sure enough, cultivation isn’t so easy. I’m stuck in a devil without knowing it!”

Once again, Duobao understood the difficulty of cultivation, and the hint of pride that had risen in his heart dissipated.

“It’s also normal. There are cognitive differences in my current Realm. The Taoism created is not perfect. This is normal.”

Duobao pondered: “As long as you find out in time, after you change it, it will be fine.”

In pondering reflection, Duobao looked at the juniors and younger sisters in the dark trial field, and silently nodded.

I didn’t look at it in detail, I just felt a little bit, and felt the breath of cursing power that they had left before in them, knowing that they didn’t let him down.

“Although it is folded, there is a problem with the limit method… However, it can still be supported before Da Luo Jinxian.”

Duobao concentrated on: “For the time being, it’s okay, and it won’t affect them.”

Folding, the method of limit has a problem, he immediately thought of his juniors and sisters who had cultivated himself to create Taoism by the method of folding and limit.

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