Chapter 235

“Thank you, Master.” After confirming that Hongjun really wanted to give the Xiantian treasure to himself, Duobao was overjoyed and thanked Hongjun again.

“You don’t need to be polite.” Hongjun looked at Duobao, and the more he watched, the happier he became.

This is his disciple.

Blue is better than blue, this sentence can not be used in the predecessor and apprentice.

Because the vast majority of apprentices will never catch up with the master.

Especially for Sage.

Talent, heels, opportunities, especially heels and opportunities, occupy the biggest factor.

If you don’t have enough footsteps, chances are no good, no matter how hard you try, Xiantian’s restrictions are too big to break through.

The stronger the master, the higher the realm, the more difficult it is for the disciples he accepts to catch up with the master.

Just like him, the few disciples he accepted are already Sage, but that’s all, they will never reach his current Realm.

This is the limitation of heels, feet and opportunities, and it is difficult for Houtian to surpass.

Hongjun also understood this, but he didn’t expect that his disciple would give him such a big surprise.

Counted down, it was the third generation, but it was able to break through and become a saint without the help of the grandiose and purple spirit, and it directly surpassed his master. Moreover, there is still a lot of room for improvement.

Hongjun was not surprised at all. Whether Duobao could catch up with him, even if he surpassed him, he felt that it was only a matter of time.

As a master, the one who doesn’t want the apprentice to be able to surpass them… It’s just that the ones who can really surpass are few and far between.

“Duobao, let me ask you a question.” Hongjun said softly.

Duobao was frightened. This master seemed to be a bit too kind, completely different from the Taoist master he had in mind.

“Master, please ask.”

Hongjun: “What do you want to do when you enter the long river of fate?”

Duobao was taken aback, thinking what he wanted to ask, but he wanted to ask this?

“Return to Master, the disciple wants to find the gravel of own destiny… transcend destiny.” Duobao answered honestly.

Hongjun: “…”

Look for own destiny grit…what is your own situation, don’t you know it yourself?

You are an odd number, not among Heavenly Dao.

Since you are not in Heavenly Dao, how can you find your own destiny gravel in the long river of fate under Heavenly Dao.

Hongjun looked at Duo Bao and suddenly sighed.

I’m afraid that this disciple doesn’t really understand the situation of own.

“Master?” Duobao looked at Hongjun suspiciously.

Okay, why do you sigh suddenly?

Could it be that I made a mistake?

I didn’t say anything?

Duobao was confused and a little nervous.

Hongjun shook his head and asked Duobao, “Duobao, do you know your identity?”

Hearing this, Duobao’s heart suddenly tightened. What does this mean?

My identity?

Am I not Dubo?

However, the ancestor is the Taoist ancestor, he will not say such things for no reason.

So…Is the identity of the one who traveled by yourself discovered?

Duobao is very nervous. If his identity is discovered, what should he do?

If Hongjun discovers that he is not his true disciple or grandson, or discovers his identity as a traverser, will he slap himself to death?

Dubao couldn’t calm down, but his face remained calm, showing a puzzled expression, and asked Hongjun: “Master? Why did you say this?”

“I’m Dubao, what status can I have?”

“I am your disciple-grandson!”

Hongjun looked at Duobao’s betrayal, pretending to be a fool, and shook his head: “It seems that you understand.”

Duobao shook his body and his expression was a little ugly: “What do you mean by Shizu?”

Hongjun smiled and patted Duobao’s stiff body: “Don’t be so nervous, although you are an anomaly in Heavenly Dao and not in Heavenly Dao, you don’t have to worry about what I do to you.”

Duobao’s body is even more stiff.

Sure enough, he found out, he found out his own identity.

He knows the facts about my traverser… wrong, anomaly?

Duobao suddenly reacted, staring at Hongjun in a daze, “Am I an odd number?”

Is he discovering his anomalous identity rather than the identity of the traverser?

Peace of mind, Duobao is not so nervous.

If it’s just an odd number, it’s okay.

For Shizu, it shouldn’t be because of an unusual identity… to shoot yourself to death, right?

“You are an odd number, not in Heavenly Dao, and there is no gravel of your destiny in the long river of natural destiny.” Hongjun took Duo Bao and returned to the long river of destiny in the real prehistoric world.

Duobao didn’t react at all, and he didn’t even have eyesight. It just changed the environment after a single thought.

Hongjun stretched out his hand and pointed. In the long river of fate, gravel flew up, and the breath of countless creatures was immediately visible.

On the gravel, there is a strange power, even a mortal, seeing this, can clearly distinguish whether there is any gravel representing own destiny.

“Look… the destiny of the creatures under Heavenly Dao is in it, even if it’s Da Luo Jinxian after detachment, it’s no exception. You can still find traces, even if it’s me, it’s in it.”

“And you alone…not among them.”

Duobao took a closer look and looked over all the gravel. He did not find the own destiny gravel in it.

“So, it’s not that I can’t find it, but it’s not there at all?”

Duobao understood, but he still had some doubts.

The original Duobao should have existed, but it was only after he traversed…because his identity as the traverser became a variable, so it disappeared?

“Since you understand it, let’s leave.” Hongjun said, looking at Duobao who was stunned.

“…” Duobao looked dumbfounded, is he going to drive people?

Do you want to drive him away when you meet up?

Did he do nothing?

Don’t you like yourself?

But, if you don’t like it, why do you want to give your own Xiantian treasure Qiankun Ding?

You know, even his uncles and uncles, only the master and the second uncle have to bestow the Xiantian treasures, but he doesn’t have the master.

You can give him Xiantian Zhibao when you first meet. Obviously you like own very much, right?

Duobao was puzzled, but he didn’t dare to say anything.

In addition, his identity is abnormal, and staying with Hongjun is also feeling guilty.

“Yes, the disciple Duobao pays goodbye to Master.” Duobao respectfully saluted, and only left after being affirmed by Hongjun.

Hongjun narrowed his eyes slightly: “This kid has a secret!”

The slight changes in Duobao’s body did not escape his eyes.

When he revealed Duobao’s anomalous identity, he could see that Duobao was obviously relieved.

Originally, he was very nervous.

“So… does he have any other identities?” Hongjun thought, and after a moment, he shook his head without delving into it.

Waved to restore the long river of fate.

After returning to the Zixiao Palace, before standing still, three anxious voices came from my ears: “Master, Duobao is okay?”

Sanqing stared at Hongjun nervously, waiting for his answer.

Although I know that since the master has taken the shot, there must be no problem, but after not getting a definite answer, I can’t help but worry.

Hongjun shook his head: “It’s okay, Duobao has gone back.”


Hearing this, Sanqing suddenly let out a sigh of relief.

Listening to two exhalations coming from their ears, the three of them looked at each other and suddenly laughed together.

“Master, why did Dubao enter the long river of fate?” After relaxing, Tongtian asked Hongjun.

“He wants to find the gravel of own destiny, to transcend destiny.” Hongjun replied.


Isn’t this for fun?

Duobao is not in Heavenly Dao. How can he find his destiny gravel in the river of fate?

It was just an answer, and the three of them immediately understood why Duobao caused such a big reaction in the long river of fate.

It must be because he was in the long river of fate, unable to find the gravel of own fate, and staying for too long.

The long river of destiny is a river, and the river will flow.

No creature can stay in it for too long, otherwise it will hinder the flow of the river.

The stronger the strength, the greater the impact on the river.

However, if the strength is strong, the impact can be slightly alleviated, but it can’t be stayed for too long.

In this way, the matter is very clear.

The three of them looked at each other, all of them Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

What is this all about!

The many creatures of the prehistoric people were terrified, and the things that made them worry about it was just because Dubo suddenly wanted to find the gravel of his own destiny?

It all feels absurd.

“Okay, let’s go back…just take care of Duobao when you have time…Don’t make so many things.” Hongjun said earnestly.

Although he could solve the matter this time, and it was within his control, it would be a good thing for the overall development of Honghuang, but if it was not properly maintained, when something was beyond his control.

At that time, he would not know what to do!

Judging from the situation that Duobao is showing now, if he is really allowed to let him go…it’s really not the same!

He knew about the weird race, but the strongest of the weird race was only the existence of the Sage level. For Sage, the influence was not great, let alone him.

However, its power fell in the hands of Duobao, and the strongest ominous power was already able to affect Sage, which was stronger than the strongest ominous power of the weird race.

It can be said to be a vivid interpretation of what is called “blue” than blue!

What made Hongjun tiring and even flustered the most was that Duobao’s strength was still ascension, and the current level of ominous power was not the strongest.

With the growth of Dubao’s strength, it is foreseeable that its future will be stronger!

Later, it might be able to affect his existence, not surprising.

Sanqing heard Hongjun’s words, looking at each other, very embarrassed.

They also want to take care of Duobao. The point is that they can’t find an entry point at all!

The main reason is that Duobao’s ability to make things is too strong, even if he is constrained to Kunlun, he can do so many things!

To be honest, they really did their best!

Sanqing yelled in his heart, very helpless.

Hongjun also knew their difficulties, and sighed deeply: “Try your best!”

This is his choice… From the previous choice to rescue Duobao, everything is actually doomed.

The future… is no longer under his control!

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