Chapter 230

“Master, Senior Brother Sanqing…” Zhun Difang was about to file a complaint as soon as he sat down.

Hongjun’s eyes fell, and Zhundi’s whole body was agitated, and suddenly he didn’t dare to speak any more.

When Sanqing heard Zhundi’s words, he turned his head and gave him a fierce look.

Zhundi is afraid of Hongjun, but not Sanqing.

Moreover, this time, he took control, so he wasn’t afraid.

“This time, I have already understood.” Hongjun said calmly as if he hadn’t noticed their small movements: “This is a good thing.”

“Good thing?” Nuwa was surprised.

Is such a thing a good thing?

Could they be wrong?

Is the ominous power that emerged from the old man of Hundred Soldiers a good thing?

Sanqing nodded in his heart, that was indeed a good thing.

Can Ascension talent, even the limit is the strongest quasi-sage under Sage.

However, it is a good thing if it can offset its powerful consequences, and if it can’t, it is the biggest disaster.

Sanqing thought, and looked at Hongjun strangely.

Ominous power, without control, is an absolute disaster, there is no doubt about it.

It’s just that, looking at Master’s appearance… Does he have a solution?

In the eyes of all the saints, Hongjun continued: “This object is called ominous, and it is contaminated with ominous creatures. If you can’t get rid of it, you will be covered in red hair and become a weird thing in the future. puppet.”

“Weird Clan?” San Qing suddenly widened his eyes, looking at Hong Jun in shock.

Especially Tongtian. Hearing Hongjun’s words like this, he suddenly became a little worried Dubao: “Master…”

Hongjun waved his hand and interrupted Tongtian’s words: “Don’t say anything, wait for me to continue to come.”

“The weird race is the ruler of a chaotic world in the chaos.”

“This ominous power is one of their exclusive powers.”

“They rely on ominous power to enslave the common people, and they have distorted the Heavenly Dao in that world.” Hongjun’s calm tone said the words that made the sages almost jump up.

Tongtian said in shock: “Enslave the common people? Distorted Heavenly Dao!”

so smart?

Can even Heavenly Dao twist?

How can Dubo manage it?

Is he going to be okay?

Hongjun glanced at Tongtian, and in an instant, Tongtian closed his mouth.

The saints looked at Hongjun in amazement.

Then I heard Hongjun continue to say: “However, you don’t need to panic too much. Although this weird family is weird, in fact, it is not considered as powerful. It is just that this weird power is hidden to the depths and has already surpassed the law. .”

“Even if you wait, as Sage, once you get infected, it’s hard to notice.”

“What?” Zhundi was really about to jump up when he heard this.

This is horrible!

I thought that although the power was weird and ominous, it shouldn’t be enough to affect Sage.

Therefore, although I am worried, I am not too worried.

But now, hearing Hongjun say this, how could Zhundi sit still.

“Master, if this is the case… then why not destroy it?” Zhun Di asked in a puzzled but puzzled way.

Hongjun stopped speaking and looked at Zhundi displeasedly.

Under the majestic gaze, Zhundi’s voice gradually weakened, slowly becoming inaudible.

After Zhundi calmed down, Hongjun scanned the crowd before continuing to say: “The weird race wins over the weird and loses at the weird.”

“Its power is just above the weird and ominous power that it specializes in.”

“Although the Sage that it can make is also affected, as Sage, you can also find it, and then use various means to eliminate it.”

“Furthermore, after all, it only belongs to the side door. The side door technique is Sage contamination and cannot be removed. It has little effect on Sage. It only exists in the body and cannot be removed.”

Nuwa was silent, and she had something to say, but Zhundi was afraid to say it.

Has little effect?

Exist in the body?

Isn’t it said that it has little effect?

Sage Wanfa does not invade, a thousand catastrophes do not grind, transcend fate, time and space, the existence of concepts.

What can have an impact on Sage, can it be said to have little impact?

Can it be called a side door?

Nuwa felt that if this kind of power can be called a side door, then the gold content of this side door is too high.

“It has little effect on Sage?”

Sanqing listened, looking at each other.

Is the ominous power that Master said is really the ominous power they know?

Others Sage don’t know, they have experienced it firsthand.

After being contaminated with ominousness, it will slowly devour its own avenue, Magic power, and grow by itself.

Even after a long time, they can be turned into puppets directly.

Such an impact can still be called insignificant?

Sanqing was very suspicious, Qi Qi looked at Daozu Hongjun with suspicious eyes.

Isn’t what Master said and what we know is not a kind of power?

Hongjun saw Sanqing’s suspicious eyes, did not explain, just continued: “The ominous power, in addition to these bad effects, there are also good effects.”

“What’s the impact?” Zhun Diji asked again if he could not eat.

All the saints looked at him speechlessly.

Not so long in memory?

Fortunately, Hongjun was not angry this time, just glanced at Zhundi, and continued: “Ascension talent is possible.”

“What?” Zhundi exclaimed.

you again!

How could Hongjun be so angry that he hadn’t noticed that his disciple was so stupid before.

Waved, a magic power flew out and fell on top of Zhundi, forming a golden hoop.

When the golden hoop fell, Zhundi suddenly felt a soft and powerful force from the golden hoop, and instantly penetrated his whole body, squeezing him, let alone talking, even blinking his eyelids, it was especially difficult.

Zhun Di looked at Hongjun with begging eyes: “The disciple knows that he is wrong.”

The lead leaned over and bowed down: “Master, Zhundi didn’t mean it, please forgive me.”

Hongjun waved his hand: “It’s okay, I just don’t let him speak, not intending to punish him.”

“After being contaminated with ominous, you can greatly Ascension the talent of the creatures.”

“Moreover, if you have the ability, you can still find the existence of ominous power in the process of cultivation.”

“At the early stage, ominousness is very weak. If you can find a way to contain it, then you can only enjoy the benefits of the ominous force without having to bear the disadvantages of the ominous force.”

“There are also standards for ominous power. Only after reaching a certain level of strength will it appear and turn it into a puppet.”

“If the strength is not good, the ominous power is also unattractive.”

Hongjun was almost like a machine gun, and quickly finished a lot of words: “So, the ominous power is a good thing for my primordial beings.”

“It just can speed up the cultivation of prehistoric life.”

When all the saints heard this, they all showed a clear expression.

It turned out to be like this!

This is indeed a good thing.

Then I moved my heart: “The Great Circle of Heaven and Earth has grown tremendously. In contrast, the Great Circle of Five Elements is in the hands of the great races and Rogue Cultivators, which is much weaker.”

“This time, won’t it happen to increase the power of the Five Elements cycle, right?”

The more I think about it, the more it makes sense.

“It’s very possible!”

“Could it be that this matter was done by the respected master?” He then looked at Hongjun, shook his head silently, and looked at Sanqing again: “No, Sanqing said before that they knew about this matter, and they did not deny it. This matter has nothing to do with them. related.”

“If it is Master’s handwriting, Sanqing knows it, but I wait but I don’t know… Master is really partial!”

Picking up the bitter heart.

Is the gap between the direct disciple and the Outer Sect disciple that big?

All the disciples of the respected master, why is the treatment so bad?

What Sanqing can know, they don’t even know any news?

Such a thing is not the first time.

At the beginning, when he was also sitting on the futon, Sanqing, Nuwa was accepted as a direct disciple, and he and Zhundi were just Outer Sect disciples.

When the treasure was divided, Taiqing obtained the Xiantian Supreme Treasure Taiji Picture, the original obtained the Xiantian Supreme Treasure Pangu flag, and the heavens obtained the four swords of Zhuxian that are not under the Xiantian Supreme Treasure.

Even Nuwa won the best Xiantian Lingbao Mountain River Sheji and Red Hydrangea.

As for the two of them, if it weren’t for Zhundi, the master would not be willing to give them Lingbao.

Even though Zhundi begged hard, the two of them won only one ten second rank golden lotus.

Two Magic Treasures are not Xiantian treasures.

As disciples, the difference in treatment is so big, how can they be reconciled.

“Master, you are really too partial!” He looked at Hongjun with a bitter gaze, and said silently in his heart.

“Aren’t I your apprentice?”

The thoughts that had originally appeared before, after being suppressed by him, suddenly appeared again.

“Master is so unfair…I wait for what else is necessary and stay in the profound door!”

Looking at Hongjun in turn, and then at Zhundi, who was suppressed by a force of Hongjun, while feeling bitter in his heart, he also silently made a decision.

He looked at Sanqing and then at Hongjun: “Master…we will prove to you that we are no worse than Sanqing, and we are also your disciples!”

The sages didn’t know the thoughts of the lead, and Sanqing looked at each other, and the gaze at Hongjun was even stranger.

Is it really?

Although it seems that the ominous power that the master said is somewhat different from the ominous power they understand.

But with their understanding of ominous power, they know that ominous power does have an effect, but, in the same way, it is not so easy to surrender it.

It’s easy to say, just touch the upper and lower lips.

It’s really hard to do it!

Judging from the current situation of the prehistoric creatures, how many creatures can achieve this, Sanqing is not optimistic about this.

“Even so, I won’t worry about it anymore, thank you Master for explaining.” Suddenly, the guide bowed to Hongjun and said, “Master is in charge of everything.”

“Yeah.” Hongjun nodded: “So, you can leave.”

Let’s talk, waved and removed the golden hoop on the head of Zhundi.

All the saints saluted and retreated.

Zhundi waited to talk about it, but was led and pulled, and walked toward the outside of the palace.

“Sanqing stayed.” Hongjun’s words came.

Sanqing paused, took the lead and shook his body. After a pause, he pulled Zhuan Dike and speeded up his steps.

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