Chapter 228

To be honest, Honghuang is really not a world where you can rest at ease.

All kinds of catastrophes, small catastrophes continue, there are still calamities produced, and in the end there is the threat of immeasurable calamities.

If you really want to count it, Duobao really doesn’t know how he can make himself, the people he cares about, and the people he cares about, survive these dangers.

“How nice if I am not a big brother?”

While sighing, Duobao suddenly thought of this, and then suddenly shook his head: “No, you can’t think like this.”

Childhood is the best, because Wu You is carefree and has no worries.

Almost everyone misses childhood, because when they grow up, they are not as good as they thought.

All kinds of pressures and responsibilities are like a mountain, and they can’t breathe.

Therefore, they all miss their childhood.

However, a few people have thought that the childhood they miss is not without pressure, responsibilities, and troubles, but because someone helped them resist.

It’s the parents, it’s the elders!

Under their Wu You worry-free life, it is their parents who help them resist all the pressure, responsibilities, and troubles.

If there is a saying, the reason why you feel that the years are quiet is because someone is carrying a burden for you.

“I miss my childhood, but I also look forward to being the one who protected my childhood!”

Dubo thought silently in his heart.


In the long river of fate, Duobao walked slowly and walked.

After a long time, he did not find the gravel of fate that represented him.

Even in the long river of fate, he didn’t have a trace for such a long time.

“Something is wrong!” Dubao was surprised: “Is it because my Realm is not enough?”

“Could it be that only after reaching the Realm of the Taiyi Golden Immortal can you find the Gravel of Own Destiny?”

Duobao was not reconciled. He wanted to find the Gravel of Own Destiny, so that he would not feel manipulated, nor would he feel that uncomfortable.

Although fate hasn’t affected him so far, he knows the existence of this thing, and whenever he thinks about it, he feels uncomfortable, like he is wearing an invisible shackle.

“No, look for it again, you will definitely find it.”

In the long river of fate, there is the gravel of the fate of all creatures, and his is also among them.

If you can’t sense it, it’s nothing more than spending a little more time. As long as you don’t give up, you can find it after all.

Duobao didn’t want to give up.


Suddenly, the River of Destiny shook, forming a huge wave, hitting him.

“Huh?” Duobao turned his head, condensed his eyebrows, sensed the power of the waves, and stood there without dodge.




The huge waves fell on him, and Duobao did not fall back half a point, nor did he receive a trace of damage.

On the contrary, the waves were smashed into pieces as they fell on him.

“Is it because I stayed in the long river of fate for too long, which triggered the reaction of the long river of destiny?”

Duobao guessed, looking at the long river of fate, grinning: “So, is this going to beat me out?”

“Unfortunately, the strength is not enough, the difference is too far.”

His body has reached its limit, extremely powerful, and even the long river of fate is unable to push him.

“Taiyi Jinxian can enter here to find the gravel of own destiny, so that it can be detached. I already have the strength of Daluo Jinxian. Even if Realm is not available, it is enough to stay for a long time.”

Duobao felt relieved. Although he felt the dissatisfaction of the long river of fate, he did not care very much.

Anyway, I can’t hurt him, just leave him alone.

The most important thing is to find own destiny gravel.

There are many dreams in the night, and Duobao is no longer sluggish, his divine spirit spreads out, breaking through the power of the long river of fate, and exploring the entire river of fate with all his strength.



The river of fate rioted, endless waves appeared, wave after wave toward Duobao.

Duobao stood in the center, no vision flickering on his body, but his own powerful force spilled out.

It was transformed by his pure physical strength.

Before the endless waves reached before him, they were dissipated by invisible forces. Not far from him, they turned into waves and water droplets, falling back into the long river of fate.

The longer the time, the greater the movement of the long river of destiny, the waves that have been set off have become bigger and bigger, and they are almost out of sight, covering the sky and the sun, almost trying their best to call Dubao.

However, no matter how furious the river of fate is, or how fierce the waves are, it will not be able to break through the defense of his physical strength.

That is almost equivalent to a moat, and the power that gathers the entire river of fate has never been able to break it.

The long river of destiny is the place where all lives are gathered. The slight fluctuations in the long river of destiny will have a big impact, let alone such a big movement at this time.

In the wild world, countless creatures suddenly felt their hearts tighten, and all looked up at the sky.

They didn’t know what they were looking at, but they just wanted to do it all of a sudden, and, inexplicably flustered, they felt as if something big was happening, but they couldn’t see it.

The palpitation gradually turned into a panic, and this feeling became stronger and stronger.

“What’s the matter? Why do I suddenly feel this way?”

“Did something happen?”

Countless creatures raised their heads, looked at the sky, exhausted their own Taoism, magical powers, and wanted to discover the source of the feeling, but found nothing, but as time passed, they became more and more frightened.

They know that something big must have happened, but they don’t know what happened.

“It’s destiny… it’s the river of destiny that has gone wrong!”

“Fate is furious, it is angry, what is it angry?”

Ordinary creatures don’t know the source of this change, but there are also capable people in the predicament, and countless great can look at the long river of fate, and they are terrified.

They condensed Magic power into their eyes, displayed magical powers, Taoism, and wanted to find out, but they were blocked by a huge wave, and all they could feel was a surge of anger.

“A huge wave has been set off in the long river of fate… Who does it seem to be trying to deal with?”

“Who is it that can make such a big movement in the long river of fate that has always been calm?”

The great powers were horrified, their hearts were shaken, and after seeing the huge wave of fate, they were even more panicked and trembling.

“There are creatures in the long river of fate!”

Suddenly someone said in surprise.

In the long river of fate, the huge wave of fate suddenly dissipated, and in the splash of the waves, there was a figure vaguely seen by Mighty.

The figure was blurred, blocked by the waves, and could not be seen at all.

There are even more terrifying power manifestations on his body, covering his body, making them unclear.


Suddenly, a terrifying scream appeared, and a white-haired old man appeared from the sky, covering his eyes, and constantly screaming: “My eyes! My eyes!”

The red blood flowed from his eyes covering his fingers, with terrifying power.

The blood dripped and landed on a high mountain.


The mountain of ten thousand feet was crushed by this drop of blood, the rubble rolled down, and the power of terror was born in it.

The fragmented mountain began to change, and the strange creatures seemed to be swords, spears…you can see the shape of various weapons.

These strange creatures are walking among the fragmented mountains, so that the creatures who see this scene are terrified.

The creatures who were close to each other ran away in desperation.

“It is an old man of Hundred Soldiers. He spied on the horrible existence in the long river of destiny. He was influenced by its power and was affected by the backlash… His pair of Divine Armament eyes, I am afraid that they will be destroyed!” You Da Can recognize the identity of the old man, exclaimed in surprise.

That is the ancestor of one of the hundreds of warriors in the prehistoric clan, a figure of the Daluo Jinxian level, turned out to be so miserable just because he spied on the creatures in the long river of fate.

Hearing his screaming screams, the great powers quickly withdrew their own gazes, erased the thoughts in their hearts, and dared not look any more.

The old man’s voice is too miserable. Those Divine Armament eyes are even more powerful and supreme. With these Divine Armament eyes, even among the big Luo Jinxians, they can rank top. It’s so wasteful.

Some are pity, some are gloating.

“Who is that person?”

“Why is it so powerful…what the hell is he going to do?”

Everyone understood the reason for the riot in the long river of destiny, and it was all because of the shadows in the long river of destiny.

It seems that he entered the river of fate and did something that caused the rage of the river of fate to destroy it.

However, even with the greatness and power of the long river of fate, it is difficult to destroy it.

Therefore, the power kept accumulating, and the horrible things they are seeing now happened!


Everyone was still in a state of panic, and suddenly saw the figure of the old Bai Bing suddenly screaming, his body stiff, falling vertically from the sky, and falling into the broken mountain.

Then, something more terrifying happened.

An ominous red light that made people feel chilly when they saw it flew out of the body of the old man of the Hundred Soldiers and fell into the mountains.

Countless strange figures appeared out of thin air, all in the form of weapons, wandering in the shattered mountains with hairy power.

“What kind of power is that… so fierce, so weird!”

Someone said in surprise.

Before everyone could react, suddenly their bodies trembled, their eyes widened, and they looked at them in amazement.

I saw that a blood-red big knife suddenly came out among the fragmented mountains.

He really walked out, seeming to have feet under his body, jumping around, out of the mountain, and then disappeared.

Everyone is hairier, and the chill in their hearts is heavier, almost freezing their whole person.


Someone swallowed subconsciously, looked at in amazement, and his voice trembled: “That thing, come out!”

The old man of Hundred Soldiers is obviously just a big Luo Jinxian, these strange creatures that have arisen because of him, logically speaking, should not be stronger than him.

However, what made everyone horrified was that those weird creatures were all stronger than the old man of the Hundred Soldiers in their induction, and they were much stronger.

“That’s not the strength of the Baibing old man… it’s the strength of that person!” In the Wuzhuang view, Zhen Yuanzi and Hongyun stood side by side, watching the changes in the weird mountain, and said in a deep voice.

“This breath…”

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