Chapter 223 The Jade Cauldron Arrives

“It’s useless, it’s not the same space, he can’t hear it.” Guang Chengzi said.

Everyone didn’t care, they just yelled loudly, hoping that he could hear it.

In the current situation, there are no races or powers. As long as they are not ghosts, they are all their companions.

They don’t want them to have an accident by heart.


Everyone didn’t care, they had been abandoned, and they didn’t want other people to come and die again, each shouting hoarse.

“Hey!” Guang Chengzi had no choice but to say nothing.

These people all know what he said, but they don’t want to listen.

“I can’t even enter the door, I still want to save people!” Guang Chengzi sighed.

It’s a good thing to have someone come to rescue them, but to save people depends on their own strength and the opponent’s strength, okay?

Otherwise, it is not called to save people, but to die!

“I hope he can get rid of the difficulties, otherwise… there will be a lot of fertilizer here!” Wenshu suddenly said.

“Don’t use tuo to describe it, it’s disgusting.” After struggling to no avail, Yun Xiao also gave up, indifferent, failed and failed. Anyway, the big brother has not come yet, cherish this last happy time!

“That’s it, how can I use a tuo to describe own? Isn’t it disgusting or not?” Zhao Gongming echoed.

“I don’t need fertilizer, what should I use?” Manjusri asked.

“…Anyway, you are procrastinating…we are not!” Zhao Gongming couldn’t find the words to refute, and his brain wasn’t enough, so he said directly.

Manjusri rolled his eyes: “Just you are hypocritical!”

“What are you talking about?” Yun Xiao glared at him.

Manjusri immediately lowered his head, this senior sister couldn’t provoke her, she was super fierce.


During the noise, suddenly there was a sound like something cracking in my ear.

“What sound?” Yun Xiao turned his head and looked.

In the eyes, a figure in white clothes like snow, holding a snow-white sword in his hand, walked in slowly.

“Junior Brother Yuding?” Yun Xiao looked at the visitor in surprise.

“Really broke open?”

Everyone looked at Yuding in shock. They didn’t expect that he could actually break through the door outside and come here.

“Little brother, hurry up, this ghost tree is more fierce than those ghosts, you can’t save us, hurry up.” After the shock, someone reacted and said loudly.

Yuding nodded at the person, still walking slowly.

Guang Chengzi looked at him with a black line.

Your uncle, is walking so slow?

Either turn around and leave, or come over, test it, and then walk again after you understand that you can’t do anything, so slowly, if the ghosts come back, you can’t run even if you want to.

“Senior Yuding, don’t make concave shape.” Yun Xiao couldn’t help shouting. The word concave shape was what he heard from Master Duobao, and it felt that it was suitable for use here.

“It’s not that I don’t want to go fast…” Yuding still walked one step at a time, explaining as he walked, “I can’t walk fast.”

Everyone is speechless, with long legs on you, is it not up to you to decide whether you can walk fast?

Is it possible that someone is pressing you away?

Fortunately, the distance between them is not very far, after walking for a long time, in the anxious eyes of everyone, Yuding finally came under the big tree.

“Try it, and leave as soon as you are sure that you are powerless.” Zhao Gongming said.

Looking at Yuding’s temperament, you know that since he is here, he will definitely not be reconciled if he doesn’t try.

“Yeah.” Yuding nodded.

Everyone looked anxiously and waited.

Not waiting for Yuding to rescue them, but waiting for Yuding to leave after discovering the facts.

Being able to break through the door outside has proven his strength.

This is a good seedling. If it is cultivated well, it may not be able to deal with those ghosts in the future.


With a sound of the sword, Yuding held the white jade sword in his hand and pierced the ominous ginseng fruit tree.

Bang bang bang!

There was a series of roars, Yu Ding remained motionless, but blood was already overflowing from the corners of his mouth.


Everyone was amazed, they didn’t see the trajectory of Yuding’s sword, the sword was too fast.

However, they could see Yuding attacking the ghost tree, and the blood at the corner of his mouth was proof.

What surprised them was that Yuding was not shocked and flew out.


Still in surprise, a buzzing sound suddenly sounded, and everyone instantly cooled from their feet to the top of their heads, their hair was horrified, and they all looked at the fruit tree, where terrifying power was recovering.

That power was extremely terrifying, and it hadn’t fully awakened yet, and it had already made everyone tremble and frightened.

“Young man, hurry up, if you don’t leave, it’s too late, leave us alone!” someone yelled anxiously.

“Junior Brother Yuding, hurry up, you are not strong enough now to save us. This time we failed and we failed. Don’t let you in too!” Zhao Gongming persuaded.

Yuding silently shook his head and looked at the ghost tree calmly: “It’s too late!”

Everyone’s heart tightened, and they looked at the ghost tree in horror.

A cyan leaf suddenly fell.

Infinite vitality is contained in it, and the breath of good fortune can be felt from it, it seems that it is a peerless baby.

However, everyone who looked at this leaf didn’t feel that way at all.

“my body!”

Suddenly, someone shouted.

Everyone was awakened and all bowed their heads. The moment they lowered their heads, they found that the skin squirmed above Own’s body, as if countless insects were crawling underneath.

In the horrified eyes, suddenly those skins seemed to have their own consciousness, and they emerged from the body, forming lumps one after another.

The pimple grew up very quickly, about the size of a fist, and after twisting it a bit, it turned into a smiling baby.


There was a cry of horror, it was horrible!

Fist-sized babies grew on the smooth skin.




In a daze, everyone seemed to hear the baby’s innocent laugh.

It’s just that these laughter, falling in their ears, are so terrifying, and at the same time it makes people creepy, it is completely unacceptable.

“What the hell is this!”

Yun Xiao suppressed the nausea and horror in his heart, and shouted at Yuding with all his strength: “Yuding, run!”

Yuding shook his head: “Run? Where to run?”

“I can’t run away anymore!”

He suddenly turned the white jade sword upside down, facing the tip of the sword to himself and the hilt to the fallen leaves.

A red light flashed!

At this time, everyone discovered that this white jade sword was actually equipped with a red sword.

Jian Ying fell down, bright red across the sky, and shook gently against the swing of the sword body.

That seems to be a very ordinary Jianying.

Yuding handed Jianying to the leaves.

It’s really handed over, not stabbed.

Jian Ying touched the leaves, and all the terrifying fluctuations disappeared instantly.

The terrifying power in everyone stagnated and kept emerging, and the growing baby muscles also stopped squirming.

A gust of wind blows!


Everyone’s eyes widened instantly.

I saw that the scary blue leaves were broken under the sword!

It broke!

Yuding’s face turned red, and then disappeared.

After the leaves were shattered, he took back the white jade sword, pointed the sword Ying to the void and fell down!




There was a series of cracking sounds, and everyone suddenly felt the restraint of own power, and it seemed that it was gone.

They thought they had hallucinations.

Until someone suddenly jumped up from the void and shouted in surprise: “I’m out!”

Everyone then reacted and looked at their bodies. The vines that bound them had shattered with the movements of the jade cauldron. Even the ancient tree that pressed them invisibly, swallowed their vitality and blood, the magic power of the ancient tree, Also disappeared.


In an instant, the surprised crowd suddenly used force and jumped up from the ground, like a rat.

“Thank you!”

“Thank you!”

“Thanks for your help!”

Everyone was surprised and inexplicably surprised. They thought they were dead this time, but they didn’t expect that they would be saved.

“You are welcome, let’s run away before they come back!” Yu Ding said calmly.

Everyone took a deep look at Yuding and bowed heavily to him: “Great kindness, I dare not forget each other, but if I have a request in the future, I will definitely go through the waters and fire, and will not hesitate!”

Yuding nodded lightly and watched everyone leave.

Yunxiao, Guangchengzi, Zhao Gongming, and Manjusri came to Yuding, “Let’s go too!”

“Yeah!” Yuding replied and turned around, taking another step, one step, and walking slowly.

This time, Yun Xiao and others were not urging him.

They have seen something and have some guesses.

“The weirdness in you is the power of this weird tree. It needs to be suppressed with my own strength. I can’t help you, I can only rely on you.”

Yuding said as he walked.

Everyone nodded.

“Yuding… your Jianying…” Yun Xiao looked at the Jianying of the white jade sword in Yuding’s hand.

What you can see is as ordinary and ordinary as before.

But at this moment, no one dared to underestimate this seemingly ordinary Jian Ying.

Because it was this seemingly ordinary Jianying that smashed the power of the ghost tree and rescued them.

“Cursing Jianying…” Yuding explained without concealment: “This is what I obtained in a forbidden place, and it has great power.”

“The reason I dare to rescue you is because of its existence.”

“Have a strong power and a strong curse, right?” Yun Xiao asked, frowning.

Guangchengzi, Zhao Gongming, and Manjusri all stared at Yuding closely.

“Yes.” Yuding said calmly.

“What curse?” Yun Xiao asked in a deep voice.

“Wan Jian penetrates the heart.” Yuding calmly said the words that made the four people’s hearts tremble.

“Thousand arrows pierced the heart!” Manjusri couldn’t help widening his eyes, and said in shock.

“Yeah.” Yuding is still calm, it seems that the person who bears ten thousand swords is not like him.

“Jian Ying has supreme power. So far, I haven’t seen anything that can stop it from attacking.”

“It’s just that after you get it, you will endure the difficulty of piercing your heart with a thousand swords at all times.”

“Every time you use it, you will add ten thousand swords. The stronger the opponent you encounter, the stronger the thing you use to deal with, the more fierce the ten thousand swords you add.”

Yuding explained indifferently, there was no strangeness on his face. If he hadn’t listened to what he said, it would be impossible to tell that he was suffering unimaginable pain every moment.

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