Chapter 219


However, this child is not simple, he is an ominous creature, and wherever he goes, it will inevitably trigger a series of disasters.

Moreover, she is not very old, she is ignorant of world affairs, she doesn’t understand many things, and she doesn’t know how to constrain.

Her appearance will definitely make a big change in the starry sky.

“Do you want to restrain it?”

Duobao groaned and shook his head: “No, let her make trouble, um… leave some more means just in case.”

Duobao simulating Samsara in the prehistoric world, in the starry sky, opens up the exclusive way of Samsara for the creatures in the starry sky.

With Samsara, the creatures who die in the starry sky in the future will naturally reincarnate from Samsara.

In this way, no matter how big the trouble is, there won’t be too many problems.

Dubao is satisfied.

Pinching a finger: “Has one hundred and fifty years passed?”

“I don’t know the juniors, junior sisters, what’s going on now?”

Duobao looked towards the starry sky, and purposefully searched for the whereabouts of his younger brothers and sisters.

Soon, he had news.

Seeing a group of younger brothers and sisters, Duobao frowned.

“One hundred and fifty years, the strongest is the limit Celestial Immortals!”

In the perception, the strongest of the juniors and sisters is Celestial Immortals, and the weakest is even Celestial Immortals.

Cultivation becomes more difficult as it goes to the back. The Realm in the front is the best breakthrough and the best cultivation.

Under the condition of lifespan crisis, it took one hundred and fifty years before all the juniors and juniors reached the limit Celestial Immortals?

Dubao is not satisfied, very dissatisfied.

He could not accept this result.

I originally thought that for one hundred and fifty years, without seeking a golden fairy, at least a true fairy would do.

Unexpectedly, their strongest is only the limit Celestial Immortals.

“Can’t even the lifespan crisis allow you to double your cultivation?” Duobao was disappointed, feeling that he had failed Sanqing’s entrustment to him.

Sanqing gave these juniors and younger sisters to him because of his trust and belief that with his help, these juniors and younger sisters will make rapid progress.

But now, with such a result, how can he go to see Master, Master and Second Master.

“Can I still carry it like this?”

Dubao whispered: “Is it so lazy because I know that even if you die, I can be resurrected?”

“It seems that the crisis of life span alone is not enough to make you desperate cultivation.”

Duobao’s eyes were cold, with deep disappointment.

He had high hopes for these juniors and younger sisters. With their talents, this should not have been the result.

Even more shouldn’t give him such an answer sheet.

At the current level, when the ten-thousand-year period arrives, they may not even be able to become a golden immortal, let alone a Taiyi golden immortal.

And his goal is to make all the juniors become golden immortals after ten thousand years. If they can produce one or two Taiyi golden immortals, that would be great.

“There is no time!”

There will be great events in the prehistoric times, and there will definitely be great horrors and great crises in the future.

“I don’t even have the qualifications to know now. If something really happens in the future, I may not be able to protect them anymore.”

Duobao looked solemn and secretly said in his heart: “When the time comes, they may have to rely on themselves.”

“If the strength is not enough…If a few fall, Master and them will be sad, and I will also be sad.”

“Can’t be soft-hearted!”

With a thought, Duobao looked at the juniors in the starry sky, and his eyes flashed fiercely: “Well, well, since you don’t cultivate well, then I will force you to do it again!”

“Don’t blame me, I didn’t want to.”

Duobao explored the void and grabbed an ancient tree that was radiant and Tao Yun scattered.

On the old tree, there are fruits like babies.

As the old tree shook, the collision gave out a baby-like smile, innocent and innocent, and the people who watched it smiled knowingly.

Looking at the ancient tree, in the palm of his hand, ominous power poured into it.

The old trees changed rapidly, and they were invisible from the outside, they were still as dense as those baby-like fruits.

When I first saw it, I was still naive, but when I looked closely, I could feel the chill from the bottom of my heart.

When the wind blew, the fruits collided above the big tree, and bursts of baby laughter spread.


First listen to joy, then listen to the chill, listen carefully to the hair.

This fruit tree was planted with spiritual water from the ginseng fruit branches he had previously obtained from Zhen Yuanzi.

This is a supreme treasure, at this time, it was contaminated with ominous, and all of them suddenly became ominous creatures.


Duobao stared at the fruit tree with a trace of unbearableness in his eyes, and quickly dispersed, throwing the fruit tree into the starry sky outside.

“Go and create the dark turmoil!”

“Go help them… grow fast!”

With many treasures of hope, the ominous ginseng fruit tree flew into the starry sky, took root, absorbed the ominous force, the branches shook, and the leaves fluttered.

One by one innocent ginseng fruit flew out from the tree, each transformed into form, and with a pure and flawless smile, scattered towards the stars in the sound of laughter.

Duobao looked at the ominous ginseng fruit tree for a long time, for a long time, until the ominous ginseng fruit tree was hidden in the starry sky, without looking away.

Ginseng fruit is the Xiantian spiritual fruit. You can live forty-seven thousand lives by smelling it. If you eat one, you will live forever, and it also carries Taoism, but Ascension’s own perception of Tao.

But the ominous ginseng fruit is different, they are no longer Xiantian spirit fruit.

Creatures eat spirit fruits, and ominous creatures eat people.

They will feed on the common people, eat the common people, and nurture themselves, just like the supreme ones Dubao knows, creating dark turmoil again and again!

Originally, he didn’t intend to release the dark turmoil, just release it, it shouldn’t be this time, at least it must be late stage.

But the performance of the younger brothers and sisters really disappointed him.

He also saw the progress of the Lich races, but compared to them, the progress of these juniors was much better.

But, you know, those witches are just the humble little witches and little demons among the two families of liches.

Their own talents can’t keep up with Sanxiao, Guang Chengzi and others.

The talent can’t keep up, but at the same time, it’s just a little bit worse than them.

How can Dubao be satisfied with this, and how can he not be disappointed!

Even ordinary Liches can’t compare with them. It is foreseeable how they be lazy during the period of his cultivation.

Duobao was very angry, the more he thought about it, the more angry he got.

“With such a good condition, none of you can cultivate well. You have lost such a background and such an opportunity!”

“Under the dark and turmoil…you should realize the importance of strength!”

Duobao believes that the reason why the juniors and younger sisters have such a performance is because they have not realized the importance of strength.

Therefore, for cultivation, it is not so important.

They still don’t understand that strength is the only foundation they can survive in this world!

Without strength, no matter how big their background is, they are imaginary after all, and they disperse as soon as the wind blows.

“Flee, resist… After you have gone through the dark turmoil again and again, you will understand the importance of strength when you think about it!”

With a sigh, Duobao closed his eyes again and began to cultivate.


In the starry sky, all the creatures shuddered together at the same time, looking towards the void.

“What’s the matter? Why do I suddenly feel cold all over?” Zhu Rong stopped the fight and looked at the void, wondering.

Opposite him, Gong Gong also frowned his eyebrows: “It’s not an illusion, I have it too.”

The two looked at each other, and their faces suddenly became solemn: “Something really happened!”

It’s okay if a person feels this way, and now they all feel this way, it means that just now, something bad really happened.

Moreover, they still don’t know what happened.

This feeling is very bad and makes people feel uncomfortable.


A river suddenly appeared, Zhu Rong and Gong Gong looked over.

Above the river, with a solemn face of Dijiang, Zhu Jiuyin and other brothers and sisters stood on it.

“Gonggong, Zhu Rong, do you feel that way too?”

Coming down from the river of time and space, Di Jiang asked immediately.

“You too?” Gonggong suddenly widened his eyes and asked in shock.

Di Jiang nodded heavily: “Yes, we all have.”

“I worked with Zhujiuyin to calculate, but I couldn’t calculate anything. I can only feel that a catastrophe is coming!”


While talking, suddenly a huge fireball appeared on the horizon.

Among the fireballs, Dijun, Taiyi, Fuxi, and Kunpeng were among them.

“Dijun, Taiyi…” Zhu Rong asked badly, “What are you doing here?”

“Zhu Rong, don’t be impulsive!” Di Jiang scolded, looking at the same dignified Dijun, Taiyi class, and he understood.

“Do you feel that way too?”

Emperor Jun, Taiyi, Fuxi, and Kunpeng came to the ancestor witches, and Emperor Jun nodded his head: “Yes.”

He looked at Fuxi on the side: “Emperor Xi used the Hetu Luoshu to calculate, with the help of us, we can only calculate the imminent disaster, but can’t calculate the specific situation.”

“We have calculated that no matter it is my monster clan, you and other witch clan, and other creatures in this starry sky world, they will all face an unprecedented catastrophe.”

“A careless…maybe we will all die here!”

The ancestors were horrified.

They knew Dijun, Taiyi, and knew that he was not an alarmist.

Since he said so, it must be true.

“Then why are you here this time?” Di Jiang asked in a deep voice.

Di Jun sacrificed the Hetuluo book: “My Hetuluo is the treasure of calculation. I cannot calculate the details of the catastrophe. I want to use your strength to calculate it together.”

“This catastrophe, none of us can escape, it’s dangerous and terrifying.”

“In this case, let’s put aside the gap between my lich clan and let us work together to survive this catastrophe.”

Di Jun asked in a deep voice: “What do you think?”

Di Jiang didn’t hesitate: “I have this intention.”

“Hope, with the strength of our Lich family, we can figure out the specific source of the catastrophe, so that it can also increase the chance of survival a little bit.”

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