Chapter 217-Terror Mountain


In the starry sky, a huge movement suddenly sounded.

Taiyi glanced back and said in surprise: “They are here!”

Yellow Dragon didn’t respond, and said coldly: “Don’t worry about them, now that we are here, we are safe.”

“It’s okay if they don’t come in, if they come in… ten dead and no life!”

“Taiyi, Yellow Dragon, if you don’t hand over the Five Niu Orbs, don’t blame me for being ruthless!”

A group of monster races stood on a dimly yellow treasure ship, and shouted loudly in front of a thick black man with huge horns on their heads.

“Master Bingtie, if they were willing to hand it over, it would have been handed over, why wait until now.” A little demon next to him licked his lips and said with a bloodthirsty light in his eyes: “Why, just do it!”

Biao Tie looked at the Yellow Dragon and Taiyi who were walking slowly in the mountains, did not speak, and was a little confused.

“This mountain…” Looking at the mountain, he narrowed his eyes: “It seems to be an ordinary mountain!”

Yellow Dragon, Taiyi snatched the Five Niu Orbs from them before. This orb was especially important to him. Therefore, he led a group of monsters to hunt down.

Leaning on the treasure ship under him, Yellow Dragon and Taiyi are not rivals, they can only run away in embarrassment.

But they had been running away before, but now they are so slowly, as if the snail’s speed is abnormally slow.

“No hurry, the situation is not right.” Pe Tie Ning said, “They must be able to rely on such behavior.”

I was at large before, but now I am leaving.

“This mountain…is their backing?”

Bingtie didn’t dare to be careless.

Originally, there was only Star in the starry sky, but suddenly a lot of things appeared.

Mountains, rivers, and continents that shouldn’t have appeared in the starry sky all appeared in the starry sky.

Each of them looks normal, but most of them contain unimaginable dangers.

Especially in many of these places, let him, the supreme demon clan, Emperor Jun, and Tai Yi suffered a lot and returned with a wound.

Although the mountain in front of me looks ordinary, it is definitely not that ordinary, otherwise Yellow Dragon and Taiyi would not behave like that.

“My lord, the place may be terrifying, but why don’t we go in?” The little demon said again: “Use a five-thunder treasure ship to hit them and force them out.”

He also knows that these seemingly ordinary existences in the starry sky are not Star’s things, and possess great horror.

And how horrible and dangerous it is, I don’t know if I don’t go in.

But maybe after you go in, you may not be able to come out.

However, as long as they don’t go in, those horrible things can’t threaten them.

“Yeah…” He said in a deep thought, a little emotional: “Yellow Dragon, Taiyi, you wait to grab my orb, I don’t care about you, if I hand it over, I will leave immediately.”

“If you don’t pay, don’t blame me for being rude!”

The Yellow Dragon finally stopped cautiously, and Taiyi also stopped.

Yellow Dragon turned his head and said in a condensed voice: “Baitie, we robbed the orb you were waiting for, but don’t you take away my Kunlun disciple’s treasure less when you wait?”

“This is nothing more than courtesy!”

“In this trial field, everyone depends on his ability. Whoever is strong is whoever is strong. It has nothing to do with hatred, but for cultivation!”

Up to now, they still don’t understand what the sentence that Big Brother Duobao meant before leaving.

[Hope, ten thousand years later, you will still be there. 】

I didn’t feel it at the time, but now every time I think about it, I feel terrified.

The starry sky is really not as beautiful as they thought.

It doesn’t look so ordinary.

After Duobao left, they went to find their own cultivation place, and soon, the starry sky gave them a meeting ceremony.

The original endless life span was immediately reduced to ten thousand years.

Ten thousand years of life, this is a curse, so that they no longer have the leisure and peace before.

Under the pressure of ten-thousand-year life span, they had no choice but to look for resources for cultivation everywhere.

Because, relying on them alone, it is impossible to breakthrough Realm within ten thousand years, and must be assisted by cultivation resources.

Fortunately, in this starry sky, there are many sources of cultivation.

The strongest is the source of law. In addition, there are various Magic Treasures and regions that can help cultivation.

Although they are all dangerous, in order to survive, they have no choice but to go.

Suddenly, they understood the truth that cultivation is not easy.

Hearing this, he was silent, and after a breath, he shook his head: “That’s the case, then don’t blame me!”

“Let it go!” Biao Tie yelled, and many little demons poured Magic power into the treasure ship, and then a five-colored thunder brewed in the treasure ship.

The thunder burst, powerful and unparalleled, emitting a bright light, flew out of the treasure ship, and called to the two Yellow Dragon.

“No, hide!” Tai Yi was anxious, he had experienced the power of this treasure ship, it was really powerful, and this thunder was even more overbearing.

If it weren’t for this treasure ship, with the Yellow Dragon’s defenses, they could also fight against it.

With this treasure ship, they can only escape.

“Don’t move, they can’t hurt us!” Yellow Dragon’s eyes jumped, and he quickly grabbed Taiyi and said loudly.

Seeing Taiyi being pulled, he breathed a sigh of relief: “This place is more fierce than that treasure ship. Don’t move, no matter what happens, don’t move!”

Yellow Dragon asked again.


The thunder fell into the mountain, and before it arrived, Taiyi and Yellow Dragon’s hair had already stood up.

“It’s stronger!” Tai Yi said in shock, instinctively trying to avoid it, but was held firmly by the Yellow Dragon and couldn’t move.

Suddenly he became even more anxious: “Yellow Dragon, you can’t hold it!”

Before he finished speaking, his scalp was numb, and his whole body trembled. Taiyi almost couldn’t stand steady when he looked at the endless falling rocks that suddenly appeared.

The falling rock blocked the thunder, and the powerful thunder, exposed on the falling rock, annihilated itself without a spark.

After the thunder was annihilated, the falling rock did not disappear, and followed the source of the thunder and flew towards the people like Yan Tie.

“Not good, dangerous!”

Yan Tie also trembled, shook his head, and felt great horror and great danger.

“Turn the bow and run!” Pei Tie shouted loudly.

The little demons were also panicked, desperately inputting Magic power, and fell into the boat.



Under Magic power, the treasure ship quickly turned around.

With iron eyes struggling to split, the whole person was suppressed by an invisible force, unable to move, and desperately shouted: “It’s too late!”


The sound came out, the rock fell.

Countless falling rocks arrived in front of the treasure ship, scattered separately, and landed on the heads of a group of monster races.

The moment the rock fell, the eyes quickly became hollow, including the iron, and then, an inexplicable force wrapped around the ship, turning the original seemingly ordinary treasure ship into a ship that made people feel cold when they saw it. The ominous ship.

The movement was gone, Pe Tie and others stood on the ship, countless little demons performed their duties, and controlled the treasure ship to fly towards the starry sky.

Nothing seems to have changed.

But Taiyi couldn’t help but take a breath, and his hair was horrified: “This, this, this…”

Yellow Dragon sighed: “This is the weird part of this mountain…There are inexplicable powers in it. If you can resist it, it’s okay, if you can’t resist, it will become like them.”

“Like them?” Taiyi repeated it again in shock.

“Yes, like them, become puppets, walking in the starry sky, turning all the creatures encountered into puppets on the ship!”

Taiyi’s heart palpitations: “Puppet!”

He suddenly remembered some strange legends that had gradually appeared in the starry sky over the years.

He didn’t understand why before, but now, he felt that he seemed to understand a little bit.

“So, all the weirdness in the starry sky come from this?” Tai Yi asked in surprise, “The source of this is this mountain?”

Yellow Dragon turned around and exhorted: “Keep up, don’t mess up.”

Taiyi didn’t dare to be careless anymore, and followed carefully, not daring to take a half step.

“It can only be said that this is one of its sources. There are too many weird legends in the starry sky. It shouldn’t all come from this mountain. There must be other places.”

“How did you escape before?” Taiyi nodded in general, and then asked in surprise.

With such a powerful force, even Bare Iron and those monster races did not have the slightest resistance to resist. It is really impossible to imagine how the Yellow Dragon escaped when he encountered such a danger?

I didn’t understand it before, I haven’t felt it yet.

Now that I have experienced it for myself, I see it again, and it suddenly feels different.

Such a terrifying power far surpasses them, is it really able to resist and escape?

As far as pure strength is concerned, they are not much stronger than Biantie.

Yellow Dragon said in a condensed voice: “The strength is strong, but if the foundation is strong enough and the background is strong enough, it can still resist for a period of time.”

“As long as you escape when you are still awake, you will naturally be able to get rid of the influence of that terrifying force.”

“The quality is high enough?” Taiyi repeated, and suddenly realized: “The real body of the Yellow Dragon?”

“Yes.” Yellow Dragon nodded, and a glimmer of happiness flashed in his eyes: “It is also relying on the real body of the Yellow Dragon on the ground that I can escape under such terrifying power.”

“If I were replaced by the original me, no matter how strong I was, under such strength, I am afraid that it will be no different from that iron, and I will lose the power of resistance in an instant!”

“I feel that this force is of high quality, and only the same level or even higher level can resist it. If the quality is not enough, no matter how strong it is, it is useless.”

“Oh.” Tai Yi nodded suddenly.

“You don’t need to be so scared. Your Taiyi puppet mental method is also passed on by the senior brother. It is of sufficient quality. Under such power, it can resist for a period of time. It will not instantly become a puppet like that iron. .”

Yellow Dragon saw Taiyi’s heart lingering and comforted.

“Is that so?” Taiyi murmured with palpitations, feeling a little at ease.

That’s it!

The demon’s demon’s fate really frightened him a bit.

That’s horrible!

If you don’t have the power to resist, walking in this mountain will really feel like dancing on the tip of a knife. If you are not careful, you will be crushed, and there will be no room for return.

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