Chapter 214

After receiving Hongjun’s answer, Sanqing suddenly relaxed completely.

Suddenly, Taiqing asked in confusion: “But, Master, that measure…”

Hongjun: “The amount of calamity is indeed an indispensable stage for the growth of heaven and earth. Each occurrence of the amount of calamity is extremely helpful to the growth of heaven and earth.”

“However, the amount of calamity is not irreplaceable.”

“Master?” Sanqing was shocked.

Can the amount of robbery be replaced?

How to replace?

Hongjun: “To put it simply, the purpose of measuring the calamity is to help the world grow, and it is the disaster of the sky and the earth itself.”

“But, if the creatures in the heavens and the earth are strong enough to help the heavens and the earth grow without using the amount of calamity, then whether or not the amount of calamity occurs is not that important!”

“If the creatures in the heavens and the earth are more helpful to the heavens and the earth than the calamity, then what else is necessary for the calamity to appear?”

Hongjun awakened all three Qings in an instant.

“It seems… indeed!” Tongtian murmured in shock.

“That said, in fact, the best development situation of heaven and earth is that heaven and earth are immortal, and there is no disaster?” Taiqing asked in amazement.

Hongjun nodded, looking hopeful: “Yes, this is the real perfect world.”

“Unfortunately, such a world can only exist in legends.”

“How difficult is it to do this!”

“Almost no world can do this. According to those worlds I know, there is no world without catastrophe, calamity.”

“Even, in some worlds, there can be a catastrophe in thousands of years, thousands of years or even hundreds of years… hey!”

Hongjun sighed, as if sighing for the distorted development of these worlds, and at the same time, sighing that he still had a calamity in the wild world.

“Speaking of which, my predecessor world… tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars will cause a catastrophe. Relatively speaking, it is still very good?” The original asked in surprise.

Apart from the prehistoric world, there is another world. Of course they know this.

“Yes.” Hongjun nodded, “To be precise, it shouldn’t be very good, but the best.”

“Best!” Sanqing was surprised, is this the best?

“Moreover, we can be better!” In Sanqing’s shocked eyes, Hong Jun said again.

Sanqing looked at each other in silence. After a while, suddenly his heart moved, and he said in unison: “Duobao!”

“Yes!” Hongjun nodded approvingly, exclaiming: “Duobao, I really underestimated him.”

“Originally thought that, as a creature other than Heavenly Dao, he was just a variable, and there was not much he could do.”

“Unexpectedly, he could achieve this level, and it may even affect the great development of heaven and earth!”

“The two groups of Liches pass through his hands. Once they come out, their strength will be greatly increased. At that time, it will be a great benefit to Heaven and Earth.”

“After the Lich returns to his place again, the world will usher in a great development. Perhaps, the matter of calamity…I dare not say that it disappears completely, at least it will extend countless Yuanhui again.”

“This is a great thing for Tiandi!”

Hongjun looked forward to the place where Duobao was: “Duobao…maybe, the development of our world depends on him.”

Sanqing was shocked, shocked, and heavy.

Tongtian suddenly asked, “Master, is it a bit too much for such a heavy burden to fall on him?”

Hongjun shook his head: “What kind of ability can he take on what kind of responsibility? He has such ability to obtain such a responsibility.”

“If it’s you…no, even me, it’s hard to take care of it.”

“Master…” Sanqing.

“Moreover, you don’t have to worry about him, because of his actions, Heavenly Dao has completely favored him.”

“Regardless of whether he succeeds or not, in the wild world, as long as he doesn’t want to ruin the world, then no matter what he does, nothing will happen to him.”

“Moreover, as long as he wants to, as long as the prehistoric world has it, it will belong to him!”

Sanqingting’s heart trembled: “So good?”

“Of course!” Hongjun sighed, “Otherwise, why do you think Dinghai God Orbs will be gathered in his hands?”

“Originally, the Ding Sea God Orb was too strong, so it was destined to have no chance of getting together. Even if you wait and want to get together, it will be difficult!”

“Neither can we?” Sanqing asked in surprise.

Originally they thought it was just that they were unwilling, but as long as they were willing and at some cost, they could still gather.

But now it seems that it is not the case.

“Of course, Dinghai God Orb is the core part of Chaos Orb, and getting Dinghai God Orb means that it is possible to restore Chaos Orb.”

“The Chaos Bead is the greatest treasure in the chaos, and Pangu axe, good fortune jade disc, and the creation of Qinglian are one of the four greatest chaos.”

“Chaos is a trivial matter. This is the prehistoric era. How can things in chaos appear in the prehistoric era?”

“Even my good fortune jade disc cannot be consummated in the wild, let alone other chaotic treasures.”

Hongjun sighed and said: “In the past, there were only Xiantian babies in the predicament, but Chaos babies were not.”

“Before?” Taiqing heard the meaning of Hongjun’s words, moved his heart, and asked: “Master meant… Duobao?”

“That’s right.” Hongjun nodded: “With Duobao’s current situation, as long as he thinks, the chaotic treasure like the Chaos Orb can be reproduced in his hands.”

“Furthermore, Pangu axe three points, Tai Chi diagram, Pangu flag, chaos clock, originally there was no chance to reproduce it, but if he wants to…”

Needless to say, Sanqing has already understood.

Tongtian was shocked: “Can this be done?”

Hongjun nodded: “Of course, now, his status in the prehistoric world is even higher than mine.”

“Are you taller than Master?” Primordial shock asked, “Isn’t it possible?”

Who is Hongjun?

That is the existence of Taoist ancestors, preaching sentient beings, in harmony with the sky, and the supreme status, how can it be higher than his place?

“The fact is like this, because he can lead the prehistoric world in a better direction, and I…” Hongjun said with a wry smile.

“You should also know how to develop in the future. If that continues, the prehistoric world will indeed become stronger, but…the creatures in it will become weaker.”

“This is not a normal development!”

Sanqing was silent.

Yes, they all know the future development.

As Sage, I have already detached from time and concept.

The lich behind, the three emperors and five emperors of the human race, and even the enfeoffment of gods, Journey to the West, after they became holy, they all knew it.

They know what will be developed in the future, but they cannot change it.

Without him, the general trend.

For the development of the world, they knew the future development and had to follow the trajectory.

Three sorts of family, a break in the confinement of the gods…this is what they also know.

However, unlike what the common people know, for them, this is just acting.

“Can Duobao really lead Honghuang to make it better?” Tai Qing asked suddenly and uncertainly.

Although he knew that this kid Dubao was very good and thoughtful, suddenly, the development of the entire prehistoric world fell on him, and there was an extremely unreal feeling no matter how he thought about it!

“Yes, I believe him!” Hongjun nodded firmly.

“No matter how bad it is, it will not be worse than the Honghuang I lead!” In his heart, Hongjun added.

“Then Duobao’s mind is Honghuang’s mind. How does he want to develop Honghuang, how will Honghuang develop?” Tongtian asked.

Hongjun said silently: “Yes, now, he is the most important person in Honghuang. Anyone can have an accident, even me, but he can’t have an accident.”

“His appearance is the most important variable for the Primordial World!”

“If he doesn’t want to, then Sanqing can not divide the family. If he doesn’t want to, the Conferred God will not appear. If he doesn’t want to, the Lich can always control the world!”

Hongjun’s words made Sanqing feel more shocked.

Suddenly the young man appeared in front of him, and suddenly realized that the young and even a little silly young man had already developed to such a stage unknowingly?

“I know that you don’t like normal destiny, so this time… it’s up to Dubao to arrange it!”

“Let’s see, under his leadership, what will our prehistoric world look like?”

“The perfect world… can it be achieved?”

Hongjun said with hope.

Then, I suddenly remembered something, and added: “By the way, everything is going according to his own will. Don’t interfere, so as not to have other variables.”

Sanqing nodded in amazement.


“What the hell happened?”

In the ominous starry sky, after Sanqing left, the smile on Duobao’s face disappeared, replaced by an extremely solemn one.

“Judging from the expressions of the master and the two uncles, this matter is very serious, but it seems that it is not something I can know now.”

“what exactly is it?”

Dubao pondered it carefully, but there was no answer for a long time, just countless guesses.

“I am now the Golden Immortal of Da Luo, and I am finally a person in the predicament, and it can be considered as a self-preservation.”

Duobao probed himself and whispered softly.

“In any case, no matter what will happen, your own strength is the foundation of everything, and the confidence to deal with everything.”

“So, I still need to Ascension my own strength.”

“With the strength of my current Daluo Jinxian, in the eyes of Master and the others, they can’t handle it…otherwise they won’t behave like that.”

“Perhaps, only the quasi-sage can deal with it!”

In speculation, Duobao’s face is more serious: “So, next, I should work hard to Ascension, breakthrough Da Luo, and reach the quasi-sage. So, if you want to, it should be fine.”

“Not just me, but also a group of juniors and younger sisters… Their strength must also be Ascension as soon as possible to deal with unpredictable things in the future!”

Duobao raised his head to look at the starry sky. The Star was shining in the starry sky, and the mist created by the cursed regeneration yellow grass has disappeared, because the entire starry sky has been covered with cursed regeneration yellow grass due to the behavior of the twelve ancestor witches.

The fog is no longer necessary.

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