Chapter 206 Sanqing and Hongmao

From this point of view, they are inferior to Zhundi.


“By the way, what is that kid Dobo doing?” The three of them were silent for a moment when Sage suddenly gritted his teeth and asked.

This kid, let them do so many things for no reason, it was too hard for them to toss, but he was hiding on the side.

How can there be such a cheap thing in this world?

Moreover, they are also really curious, what happened to Duobao the Lich?

Why is the entire Lich family almost empty.

If you really want to do something with the lich, at least you should save some seedlings, it won’t be so troublesome!

“I don’t know…” Tongtian Sage thought for a while, “It should be in his Immortal Cave.”

“This kid doesn’t like going out. He spends most of his time in his Immortal Cave.”

“Go, find him.” Taiqing Sage stood up.

He really wants to know, what exactly does Dubao want to do?

Primitive, Tong Tian then stood up, his actions were simply and neat.

They are also curious.

Soon, the three of them came to Dubao Immortal Cave without knocking on the door, and went straight in.

In the Immortal Cave, it was empty, and Duobao was not seen, but there was a blood-red Star.

“Is this?” Primal Tianzun stared at the Star warily, and at some point in his hand, he had already held the Shamrock Ruyi Scepter in his hand.

In this star that looked only the size of a fist, he actually felt the danger!


He is Sage!

The original feeling was absurd. Turning to look at Tongtian and Taiqing, they found that they had also held Duster and Qingping sword in their hands.

He was sure that this was not an illusion.

“You also found out?” Yuan asked.

Taiqing, Tongtian nodded at the same time.

“This thing was made by this kid Dubao!” Taiqing looked solemn: “It seems that this kid’s current strength is afraid that it has caught up with us.”

Tongtian, the primitive nodded subconsciously.

Although they haven’t seen Duobao yet, they already have the answer just from the feeling that this planet brings them.

“This kid…” Primordial Tianzun scratched his head, and suddenly there was no Sage style.

It is a good thing that Duobao’s strength catches up with them, and he is also happy for Duobao.

However, this mood is… very complicated.

“Let’s go…” Staring at Star for a long time, Taiqing sighed and took the lead to walk into Star.

With a complex and primitive mood, Tong Tian also followed behind.

The moment they entered Star, the three of them were dumbfounded again, looking stupidly at the world, strange and familiar.

“This is…Honghuang?” Tongtian asked in disbelief.

Primitive felt it carefully, and shook his head, with a more complicated tone: “It’s not the prehistoric…it’s the kid, imitating the world created by the prehistoric.”

After all, it was Sage, who quickly saw the nature of the simulated prehistoric world.

“You see, it feels that although it looks very similar to the prehistoric world, many places are stronger than the prehistoric world, such as the four seas, such as…”

The original can’t go on.

The world created by simulating the prehistoric world is even stronger than the real prehistoric world…Where does it make sense?

Primordial didn’t know, how did Dubao develop this world?

Even he… can’t do this.

Taiqing, Tongtian was also watching, sighing and sighing.

This apprentice suddenly surpassed the master…It feels so subtle!

“Where’s Duobao? Isn’t it there?” Tongtian suddenly asked after a long time.

In this world, he didn’t even find Duobao’s figure.

Duobao was confined to Kunlun by them. If he wasn’t in the mountains, he would be in his own Immortal Cave. If he wasn’t in the Immortal Cave, he would be in this world.

But in this world, he didn’t even see it?

This is weird!

Taiqing Sage looked towards the starry sky of the world, his eyes became more solemn, with a vigilant voice, and said solemnly, “It should be there!”


Primitive, Tongtian looked into the starry sky of the simulated prehistoric world together, and then fell silent again.

After entering, they subconsciously ignored the starry sky.

Without him, in that place, it is the source of the danger that makes them feel. After watching for a long time, it feels like a frightening feeling.

“It should be.” Tongtian whispered.

The three of them looked at each other, and suddenly all headed towards the starry sky.

Coming out of the starry sky, a bad premonition suddenly appeared in my heart, causing the three of them to stop.

It feels very weak, but very strong, and it makes them the sage of Sage, and they hesitate to move forward.

“Why don’t we call Duobao?” Tongtian asked, feeling the feeling in his heart.

The original feeling is hot.

They are Sage, they are Dubao’s elders.

When he came to the world that Duobao had opened up, he wanted to call Duobao to come because of the danger?

Does he not want to face?

He is not Zhundi!

“No!” The primitive waved his hand and said categorically: “It’s just a little dangerous, don’t believe it, what can it do for us?”

With that, I took a step forward and entered the starry sky directly.

Taiqing, Tongtian couldn’t stop him, looked at each other, and in desperation, they all followed.

As soon as Fang entered, he immediately felt uncomfortable, as if there was something more in his body!

This feeling is not an illusion, it is real.

With their Sage Cultivation Base, if they can feel this way, then something must have entered the body.

What made the three people surprised and even horrified was that they didn’t realize when this thing entered their bodies!

I didn’t even find out what it was that entered the body!

The primitive expression was solemn, and there was a strong Taoism on his body, and a Qingyun appeared above his head.

Above Qingyun, a lot of light was shed, falling into the body, starting a little search from the body to the mind.

The eyebrows reach the sky, and the domineering Sword intent appears, like a mountain, sweeping across the body.

Taiqing waved his palm, condensing a Yin & Yang Tai Chi picture, sprinkling black and white Yin & Yang profound light, falling into the body, and searching inch by inch.

After a while, nothing was gained.

The three of them looked at each other helplessly, and suddenly Qi Qi saw the shock in each other’s eyes and said loudly, “Brother, you have red hair!”

“Second brother, you have red hair!”

“Brother, why do you have red hair on your body?”

As soon as the words came out, the three of them looked at each other suddenly, stayed for a moment, all bowed their heads and looked at own body.

When I entered my eyes, I saw the body, and at some point, dense red fluff appeared.

The three of them were shocked. Soon after they discovered the red hair, they suddenly felt a trance, and a trace of violence flashed in their eyes.




Three buzzing sounds in a row, the violence in the eyes of the three people disappeared, and their minds regained.

However, the three people after recovery were not so easy.

They looked at each other in horror.

What is red hair?

It could affect their dignified Sage’s sage. Although they were quickly suppressed by their own avenues, it was just this trance. If it was in battle, it had already decided the victory or defeat, and even life and death.

“What is this?” Tongtian exclaimed.

It’s weird!

Too strong!

As their minds recovered, the red hairs on their bodies disappeared.

However, the three of them could clearly perceive that these red hairs were not completely disappeared, but temporarily hidden. They were still hidden in their bodies, lurking.

Moreover, the three of them felt that if Hong Mao stayed in their bodies forever, it would be a great danger to them!

If it can’t be completely eliminated, I’m afraid that the future will be huge.

“This… was also made by Dubo?” Yuan asked in disbelief.

This world was created by Duobao, and this starry sky was also created by Dubao. What appears here has nothing to do with Dubao… Who believes?

No one answered him, because each had the answer in his mind, including the original question.

The three searched themselves in detail again to find the location of the red hair.

Although I have searched it once before, I didn’t find it, and it was difficult this time, and the result shouldn’t change much.

But the three of them still have a fluke and want to find…what if?

In fact, there is no case at all!

I couldn’t find it before, I can’t find it now!

“That thing seems to be devouring our avenue, Dao Yun…” Suddenly, he said in shock.

Hearing the words, primitive, staying in the sky for a while, then carefully sensed.

I couldn’t find the existence of Hongmao, but after a targeted and purposeful search, I quickly found something.

Tongtian looked up in amazement, “Yes, that thing is indeed devouring our avenue, Dao Yun…it is growing!”

“With the help of our avenue, Cultivation Base.. Grow!”

“Hiss!” Yuan took a long breath.

This ghost is not only extremely hidden, but also able to use their own avenues, Cultivation Base to grow… predictably, when they really grow up, they may not be opponents.

The three of them suddenly remembered that they had been affected by the red hair before, and they were in a daze for a moment.

When the red hair grows up with their bodies, it will not be just a moment to be afraid of trance, maybe they will all become not them!

“Such a dangerous thing… how did Duobao get it out?” Primordial Heavenly Venerable asked in shock.

Taiqing, Tongtian looked at each other, how did they know this?

This thing is terrible!

Not only because of their secrecy, but also because of their growth, and their ability to grow with the help of other creatures!

If it falls on Da Luo Jinxian, then in the future, it will reach the level of Da Luo Jinxian. If it falls on Sage, it will become Sage.

If this thing falls into the wilderness, wait until they grow up, I am afraid that the entire wilderness will be replaced by them!

More importantly, once this thing is contaminated, even they Sage can’t find it, let alone other creatures.


Thinking of this, the three of them took a breath, the more they thought about it, the more creepy they became.

this is too scary!

so horrible!

“Let’s go find Duobao!”

“Ask the specifics of this thing, don’t let it develop arbitrarily, otherwise…” Tai Qing said in a deep voice, and couldn’t help shaking his body, his eyes were scared, it seemed that something terrible was thinking of something.

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