Chapter 199 Ominous Origin

“Intensity is enough, but the number is too small… The number of Wu Clan is quite large.”

Duobao pondered for a moment and had an idea: “I don’t know, can the regeneration power of grass also serve as a curse?”

Cursing yellow grass is based on ominous power, and the curses in it are all derived from ominous power.

Only other powers and effects that are also extended by the ominous power can be used as a curse and added to the cursed yellow grass.

This curse is not the same as the ordinary curse, but a different system.

Other curses, if added, might cause resistance from ominous forces, cancel out the two, or overwhelm one end of the other.

In short, they cannot coexist.

In Dubao’s guess, it should be so.

However, he wants to regenerate the cursed yellow grass, so that it has the ability to burn endlessly and spring breeze to regenerate.

In the ominous power, he did not find the power to regenerate. Therefore, if he wants to do this, he needs to add other curses and powers.


I lowered my head and thought carefully: “I have the power to regenerate… But how can I use it in this cursed yellow grass?”

“Two different types of curses will conflict…”

The reason why he was so strenuously cursing the yellow grass, actually is not really wanting to annihilate the Witch clan and reduce their lifespan, just to give them a sense of crisis.

In the prehistoric world, time and life span are the least valuable.

As long as they become immortals, even the lowest Celestial Immortals, their lifespan is endless, the so-called same life as the sky, but so.

At this point, his experience is the deepest.

A light Closed Door Training, the time consumed is not calculated in years or even ten thousand years, but in Yuanhui.

A Yuanhui is 129,600 years.

An infinite life span is a good thing, but to a certain extent, it is also a bad thing, and the sense of crisis is insufficient.

This is also the problem that a group of his junior brothers and sisters are experiencing now.

Originally, he had the idea to give a group of juniors and younger sisters a sense of crisis, reduce their life span, and let them feel the feeling of living by counting the number of days.

However, all the younger brothers and younger sisters are still replacing the foundation, and it is not easy to get started.

It just so happened that all the laws came to complain, and he happened to experiment with his own idea among the Witch Clan first.

Cursing the rebirth of the yellow grass is vital to his plan.

Only those who are contaminated by the curse will have their lifespan reduced. Therefore, a few cursed yellow grasses have little effect at all.

Although he can refine and curse yellow grass infinitely, that kind of efficiency is too low, and he needs to be guarded from time to time.

too troublesome!

The best is that they can regenerate themselves, be inexhaustible, and kill more.

In this way, it was like a virus, and it didn’t take long to limit the life span of the entire Wu clan.

Regenerating power appeared in Duobao’s hand, and the power turned into a curse when he thought.

Holding the Curse of Rebirth in the left hand and the Cursed Yellow Grass in the right hand, the two gleamed together, and there was a faint feeling of conflict.

Duobao moved his hands closer, and instantly, the sense of conflict became stronger, and there was even a sense of engulfing and longing.

Both types of curses want to devour each other.

“Swallow…” Duobao shook his head lightly. As he thought, the two types of curses were very conflicting.

There is no way to merge and coexist.

call out!

As soon as the thought moved, Duobao mobilized its power to suppress the power of the regenerative curse, and turned to look at the cursed yellow grass. As soon as the power came out, he saw the cursed yellow grass bursting out with a powerful red light.

After the red light passed, the curse of the yellow grass was annihilated.

“It’s better for jade to be broken than for tiles…you are just a blade of grass and a curse, are you so strong?”

Dubao has a headache.

Regenerative curse he can suppress its resistance, but this curse Huangcao, because he has no deep control over the ominous, so he can only suppress it forcefully.

But the curse of Huangcao’s character is too strong, forcibly suppressed, it will be annihilated immediately.


When Dubao had a headache, Xiao Hong’s voice suddenly rang next to him.

Duobao turned his head in surprise and saw Xiao Hong’s body flashing: “Xiao Hong, are you awake?”

“Dad, what are you thinking?” Xiao Hong asked while the light flashed.

Duobao’s eyes were even more pleasantly surprised: “Xiaohong, your intelligence has improved a lot.”

Xiao Hong had already digested the Dao Yun that he had helped her swallow before, and she had entered the next stage.

With her Ascension, Duobao can also vaguely see Xiao Hong’s appearance in it, which is a girl.

Moreover, Lingzhi also Ascension a lot.

“I have a daughter.” Duobao’s thoughts flashed, and then he opened his mouth and smiled happily.

“Dad, what were you thinking just now?” Xiao Hong continued to ask.

As soon as she woke up, she saw Duobao’s frown and her excited heart suddenly became a little unhappy.

She wanted to know what was going on that troubled her father so much, and whether she could help.

Duobao shook his head slightly: “It’s okay, it’s not a big deal.”

“Since you have digested it now, then Dad will help you again…completely transform your body.”

Duobao calculated it in his heart, and according to Xiaohong’s current strength, it was enough to absorb and swallow the sea of ​​Fang Dao Yun. After she had completely digested it, that was when she truly emerged.

Thinking this way, I still feel a little excited.

With that said, Duobao couldn’t wait to put his hand on Xiao Hong’s body, and the Magic power ran, and the powerful power appeared.


There was a buzzing sound in Xiao Hong’s body, and after that, her body escaped from Duobao’s palm.

Duobao looked at the past with puzzlement: “Xiaohong?”

“Dad, what were you thinking just now? Did something happen?”

“Can Xiaohong help?”

Xiao Hong asked expectantly.

Duobao was taken aback for a moment, somewhat relieved, and continued to shook his head: “It’s okay, be good, come here quickly and let Dad help you completely transform.”

“I don’t… Dad, just say it.” Xiaohong swayed from side to side, avoiding Duobao’s palm, with a firm attitude.

Dubao had no choice but to look at Xiao Hong’s appearance and thought for a while. This is not a big deal, and maybe Xiao Hong can really solve it.

After all, Xiaohong is an ominous creature, a higher level of existence than ominous power. Maybe she really has a way!

Thinking of this, Duobao said all the problems he had encountered, and then smiled and looked at Xiao Hong.

Red light flashed on Xiao Hong’s body, and happy emotions kept coming.

After receiving her emotional expression, Duobao’s heart was immediately bottomed.

Can be solved!

Sure enough, Xiao Hong’s happy voice came: “That’s it, it’s very simple.”

With that, Xiao Hong’s body suddenly shook. The next moment, the red light on her body dimmed instantly, and even her voice became much weaker.

“Dad, here.”

A crimson light suddenly floated out of Xiao Hong’s body.

“Xiaohong, what’s the matter with you?”

Duobao didn’t even look at the red light. He held Xiao Hong anxiously, and could feel her current weakness.

“Dad, Xiaohong is very happy…I can help you.”

Xiao Hong’s weak voice sounded, and then, the red light on the whole egg dimmed, staying still on the spot, no more movement.

“Little Red!”

Duobao was shocked, and the Magic power kept falling into Xiaohong’s body.

With the fall of his Magic power, Xiao Hong’s originally dim body, instantly, recovered again, and the red light mastered it.

Following that, the red light dissipated, constantly devouring the sea of ​​square Dao Yun.

However, even though the body recovered, Xiao Hong’s consciousness was still silent.

Duobao took a closer look and found that it was just a deep sleep, not other problems, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

Watching Xiao Hong constantly devouring the sea of ​​Dao Yun, in a deep sleep, quickly digesting.

Duobao gave a wry smile and let go of his heart. Only then did he stretch out his hand and grab the red light that caused Xiao Hong’s weakness in front of him.

After sweeping the divine mind, he immediately felt the essence of this red light.

It is also an ominous force, but it is much stronger than an ominous force. If you really want to say it, it can be said that it is an ominous source of power.

Holding this ominous origin, Duobao can feel that as long as the power of this ominous origin is incorporated into his body, he will no longer be afraid of harm from the ominous power in the future.

Moreover, he can also fully control the ominous power.

“Why are you!” Duobao sighed, looking at Xiao Hong lovingly.

This thing, after he understood its essence, knew how precious it was.

For Xiao Hong, being afraid is not a simple thing, it should be regarded as her origin, and losing a little will cause serious damage to her vitality.

At this time, I took out so much… no wonder I fell into a deep sleep in an instant.

Moreover, if it were not for his timely action, I am afraid that Xiaohong would fall into a permanent slumber because of this.

This shows the importance of this thing for Xiaohong.

This is almost life related.

“Dad just wants to do an experiment, it doesn’t matter… why do you do that.”

Duobao clenched the ominous origin power in his hand.

Judging from this kind of action, how much Xiaohong trusts him, it can be said that he did not hesitate to himself.

In one sentence, as long as you want, as long as I have it, I will give it to you.

Duobao held the power of the ominous origin for a long time, a long time.

After a long time, Duobao integrated the power of the ominous origin into his body. In an instant, he could feel his own control of the power of the ominous, and at the same time he understood all of the power of the ominous.

Very clear, no more omissions.

It’s just that, after taking control of the ominous, he is not very happy, and some are just heavy.

“Little Red!”

Suddenly, Duobao let out a long sigh and shook his head slightly.

Turning the palm of his hand, cursing the yellow grass, and the curse of regeneration immediately merged together, without the slightest conflict.

It’s easy to take shape!

Looking at the Rebirth Cursed Yellow Grass in his hand, Duo Bao looked for a moment, and suddenly shook his hand to toss it. The yellow grass flew out, entered the starry sky, and headed towards the area where the witches were.

The speed of the yellow grass is extremely fast, and within a few breaths of time, it travels through endless light years, arrives at its destination, stops in the void, and takes root.

In the starry sky, rain suddenly fell, and the yellow grass grew rapidly under the rain. In the blink of an eye, it changed from the size of a finger to the size of a half star.

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