Chapter 197

With the help of Duobao, the ominous heart quickly swallowed Dao Yun, and it became stronger and grew.

As if the seeds got enough nutrition, the balloon got the air and changed rapidly.

Before long, above the ominous heart, red light flashed like a revolving lantern.

Duobao recognized the essence of the red light, which was a more intense and powerful ominous.

He knew that this was because the ominous heart had absorbed enough nutrients to produce a change, and it was a manifestation of its entering the next stage.

Ominousness is very powerful, one level stronger than ordinary ominousness, that is, it is better than the ominousness that Duobao made by himself. The intensity is not comparable, but the quality is slightly higher.

Duobao sensed it carefully, and suddenly discovered that the ominous power at this time was more concealed, more powerful, and more continuous.

Because of his help, ominousness is undergoing a qualitative change.

“Is it because of my shot or its natural development?”

Duobao pondered: “The ominous power and the ominous creatures seem to exist at two different levels… The ominous power is just the power of the ominous creatures.”

“It’s not my reason, it’s the stage of its own evolution.”

Reached out and grabbed an ominous post-evolution. After taking a look, Duobao was a little surprised: “Curse…taboo…desolate…chaos…withered…withered…”

In this ominous power, he actually felt a lot of other auras, no longer so pure.

“No, the core is still ominous, but different powers extend from the ominousness… more simply, the effect.”

Duobao’s finger is on the ominous power, and the power is scattered, curses, taboos, waste…and so on, the power is immediately scattered.

Thoughts flew out, wrapped in the power of the curse, floating in front of him.

After watching it for a moment, a thought moved, a yellow grass appeared out of thin air, and the cursing power merged into it.

The yellow grass changes rapidly, the red light flashes, and it switches between yellow and red.

Soon after, it calmed down, and the yellow grass was still yellow grass.

“Curse the yellow grass!” Duobao stretched out his hand and took the yellow grass in his hand, carefully observing it.

In the yellow grass, the power of the curse is contained, and the core is still ominous.

Through induction, he clearly knew that as long as he used this yellow grass to write a person’s real name, the other person would be cursed immediately.

As for what kind of curse…

Duobao looked at the extension of several other ominous forces.

At present, what is contained in this yellow grass is only pure cursing power, and there is no specific effect.

To put it simply, it is the curse of blankness and a mark.

The curse power needs to be combined with other ominous powers to form a truly powerful and vicious curse.

For example…desolate.

Looking at the other powers, Duobao thought, and suddenly the power of the wild flew in and fell into the yellow grass.

In an instant, the whole yellow grass was different.

It was as if there was a sword in the scabbard, making people feel chills in their hearts.

Now, the curse of yellow grass is completely formed, and there is also a specific curse.

As long as you curse the yellow grass and write down a person’s real name, he will be cursed immediately.


This is not a simple curse. The middle one curses so much that everything in his own life, magic power, and magical powers will diminish and decay, just like Deva’s five failures.

Duobao held the cursed yellow grass, and suddenly wanted to know its effect.

After thinking for a moment, he took the yellow grass and wrote his real name in the air.


Suddenly, there seemed to be an invisible channel opened in the void, one end connected to Duobao and the other end to curse yellow grass.

The passage is extremely secretive, if it is not Dubao himself or the person who casts the spell, it is difficult to find it if he is not serious.

In the passage, Huang’s power emerged from it and quietly fell on Duobao’s body.


With a slight movement of Duobao’s body, the curse power was naturally annihilated.


After the cursing power was annihilated, the cursed yellow grass was backlashed, and a flame instantly ignited.

In the flames, the cursed yellow grass turned into ashes.

“Will backlash…” Duobao nodded lightly.

This did not exceed his expectations, nor did he underestimate the cursed yellow grass.

Whether it is from the concealment of power or the intensity of power, it is not low.

Among the Realms that he has divided, is the real Realm.

This is something he didn’t care about, and he just made things out.

If you take it to heart and make it with your heart, it is enough to threaten the average golden fairy, even if the limit golden fairy encounters it, it will also have a headache.

“Yes, not bad…” Duo Bao praised.

This is a good baby, and it can be regarded as a method if used well.

“I remember Qiong Xiao seemed to like something like this… after I got it out, I gave it to her.”

Among the three heavens, Yunxiao is flat, Bixiao is anxious, and Qiongxiao is yin.

At first, he thought that these three girls were similar, but after getting along for a long time, he discovered that Bixiao was lively, stimulating, but not brainy enough to do things.

Yunxiao is quiet, stable, and has the wind of a general.

On the other hand, Qiong Xiao was muffled, seemingly quiet, but actually faint.

However, this is only the character, in fact, the heart is still kind.

In other words, all the juniors and younger sisters who have not experienced the suppression of Life are all good people now.

However, in the future, I’m not sure.

If you really have to experience so many things, who can guarantee that you will not change?

Thinking of this, I was suddenly inexplicably sad, and looked at the bright starry sky: “I will do my best… Hope, all the younger brothers, younger sisters… never forget the original heart… No matter what you experience.”

Thinking, thinking, suddenly squeezed a fist, sighed softly, and it immediately became a promise.

“Everyone is still a good boy… definitely can’t change… if it changes… it’s my responsibility as a master.”

“The so-called son is lax, the father’s fault… Junior brother, the younger sister is lax, the brother’s fault.”


The crisp voice interrupted Duobao’s promise-like thoughts, and he turned his head to look.

In the eyes, a blood-red, football-sized egg replaced the original heart.

“Are you wise?”

Duobao was suddenly inexplicably surprised, looking towards the sea of ​​Dao Yun, one tenth had already been swallowed.

The rest, it’s not that I don’t want to swallow it, it has reached its limit, and it needs time to digest.

“Father, father!”

Among the red eggs, the voice kept coming, did not answer Duobao’s question, just kept shouting in surprise.

“Isn’t it enough?” At a glance, Duobao quickly understood the current situation.

It swallowed one-tenth of the sea of ​​Taoism and allowed the ominous heart to evolve to the next stage, but it has not bred a complete intelligence, but it is a little stronger than instinct. Wisdom is roughly equivalent to a newborn chicken or duckling. .

Can you see or remember, can you not remember… Simply put, you can see and perceive everything in the outside world, but you can’t remember, because this function has not been developed yet, and there is no place to store memory.

In addition to being really impressive, there is something in my bones.

For the red egg…it is Duobao.

“Hey~” Duobao replied, as he recognized the child.

“I should have given you a name…” Duobao softened his eyes, stroked the red egg, and said softly: “Look at your red face… just call you Xiaohong.”

“Father, father!” The Red Egg didn’t know anything, just cried excitedly.

Duobao also responded: “Xiaohong, Xiaohong… From now on, you will be called Xiaohong.”

“Little Red…”


“Don’t call him father, call him father.”





Duobao constantly corrected Xiaohong’s name, but Xiaohong never changed.

Duobao was not in a hurry, and patiently corrected it.

This is the first time in his life to be a father… in his previous life and in this life.

Being a father for the first time, I have no experience, so I need to learn.

However, Dubao felt that his father was still very qualified in at least one aspect.



“Hey!” Duobao responded excitedly and almost jumped up happily.

After spending such a long time, he finally corrected Xiaohong’s name.

In terms of patience, he felt that he was indeed a qualified father.


“Hey, where’s dad… Xiaohong, you digest well. When the digestion is over, dad will help you and try to transform as soon as possible.”

Dobao looked at Xiaohong affectionately, and said softly, “Dad can’t wait.”


In the starry sky, Gonggong found Star, the law of water, and led the Witch Clan under his command into this Star.

Without saying much, each started to cultivate.

For a while, the sound of fighting rang.

Numerous witch races, fighting in pairs.

This is the method of their Wu Clan cultivation, in the battle, the strength can be increased.

With the battles of the witches, the whole water law Star, because of the battles of many witches, began to have different changes.

The law was manifested, and the witches were wrapped silently.

The law is so secret that even Gong Gong hasn’t discovered it.

Under the envelope of the law, the witch races naturally adjusted and changed their actions during the battle.

As time passed, the longer the battle lasted, the every move of many witches slowly got closer to the law, smoother and stronger.

It seems that there is no such big movement at first, and it is even more Bodhi. However, when you look closely, you can clearly feel that every movement seems to be deducting a certain law and mystery.

Movement seems to be the way!

This is an extremely advanced Realm in cultivation, and it is impossible to achieve it.

Now, in such an environment, many witches have passively achieved it.

Gonggong did not discover the existence of the law, but he discovered the changes in the strength and movements of the wizard tribe’s Erlang.

“Hiss~” Gonggong hissed lightly, his eyes widened, and he looked at the witches in disbelief.

How long has this happened, and there has been such a big change!

Is the effect really so obvious?

Less than an hour has passed, and the witch races have already had obvious changes in their strengths. If it really lasts for a Yuanhui, no, it only takes ten thousand years, a thousand years… even if it’s only a hundred years, it is estimated that the strength of the witch tribes is all Can have earth-shaking changes.

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