Chapter 170 Kunlun Mountain Ownership (plus more first)

In Taiqing, Yuan Shi turned his back to Tong Tian, ​​and Yuan Shi’s voice came: “Tong Tian, ​​don’t blame Big Brother, Big Brother also wants a face.”

“I’m wronged you.” Taiqing Sage said.

After speaking, the two are about to leave, and they have already settled to pay attention. No matter how much Tongtian keeps, they will not change their minds.

However, just when they were about to leave completely and their figures became blurred, a word from the sky pulled them back again.


“You haven’t thought about it. If I were exposed, would you be okay?”

Taiqing, Yuan Shi regained his clarity, and turned around quietly, looking at the indifferent sky.

After watching for a long while, Taiqing, Yuan Shi sat back again.

They hadn’t really considered this issue before.

Indeed, the Three Cleansing Ones, the three of them should have the same status in Dubao’s heart.

Any one who collapses is similar to the other two.

“Then, what do you say?” Yuan Shi Tianzun said helplessly for a long time.

Really, is it so difficult to maintain the dignity of being a teacher?

“Three sorts of families, that’s for sure.”

Tongtian had already thought about it, and in the eyes of the two of them, they slowly said: “The heavens should also be developed.”

“Not only because of Dubao, but also because this is our responsibility.”

Sage is like a satellite other than Star, helping the world a lot.

“Big brother is right, we have been procrastinating long enough before, and we didn’t pay attention.” Tongtian said quietly, “Now, since I remembered it, then it is imperative to open up the realm of heaven.”

“Then…” Yuanshi Tianzun was puzzled, how is this different from what they said before?

Can they keep their Face?

Taiqing also looked over in confusion.

Tongtian shook his head: “Two brothers, don’t worry.”

“It’s actually right to separate the family from the three cleansers. It’s the general trend, just as the older brother said.”

“One is that the Tao is different, and the other is that Kunlun can’t bear the existence of the three Sages.”

Hearing this, Taiqing looked weird and looked at Yuanshi, then looked at Tongtian together: “Are you sure?”

“?” Tongtian felt the weird tone of the two, and asked puzzledly: “What’s wrong? What’s the problem?”

Yuanshi Tianzun asked curiously: “Third brother, do you really do not know, or do you not know?”

“Huh?” Tongtian looked puzzled: “What do you know?”

Yuanshi, Taiqing glanced at each other and nodded.

I’m sure, Tongtian’s performance, I really don’t know.

Taiqing sighed slightly: “Don’t you know? Duobao made changes to Kunlun.”

“Change?” Tongtian was puzzled, and then suddenly: “Are you saying that he hid Kunlun?”

“Of course I know this.”

Taiqing smiled bitterly: “Are you sure? Then you should look at it again.”

The sky was puzzled, but he still looked at Kunlun. Under this look, his complexion suddenly changed, and he was surprised: “Is this?”

Yuan Shi sighed, “Did you see it? This is Duobao’s method.”

“The original Kunlun really couldn’t bear the existence of the three Sages, but now Kunlun… there is no problem at all.”

The eyes of Tongtian who looked at Kunlun were full of surprise and amazement.

As you can see, at some point in Kunlun, countless strange trees appeared.

The big trees are unusual, each one exudes an aura comparable to a quasi-sage, that is to say, each of these big trees is comparable to a quasi-sage.

Counting them down, there are a total of 129,600 such peculiar trees in Kunlun.

In other words, this is equivalent to 129,600 quasi-sages.

It’s more than that!

Under the gaze of Tongtian Sage, these quasi-sacred trees, each rooted in the chaos, absorbed the chaos, turned it into energy, and nourished Kunlun.

There is a connection between each other, and it cannot be simply measured by the 129,600 quasi-sages.

Much better than that.

Surprised, after the shock, another aura suddenly appeared in Tongtian’s mind, unconsciously, Tongtian sank in.

The positions where these 129,600 big trees are located, in their respective combinations, are connected by aura, forming a large array, extremely powerful.

In the feeling of Tongtian, it is not even worse than the Monster Race’s Universe Star Dou Great Array!

He loves the formations, and he has a profound understanding of the formations, but the big formations in front of him really make him dazzled, unconsciously want to sink into it, and get a glimpse of the mystery.

“Dobo really did this?”

Fortunately, Tongtian is Sage, surprised, shocked, and immersed for a while, then returned to God and asked inconceivably.

“Who is it if it’s not him?” Taiqing Sage smiled bitterly. He didn’t know whether he was suffering or laughed: “Apart from him, who do you think we have such a trick?”

“Originally, these Kunshan trees weren’t that strong yet, but as they absorb more of the Qi of Chaos, they are also growing.”

“Moreover, its growth rate is the same as that of their owner, which is incomprehensible.”

“Kunshan trees, are they called by this name?” Tongtian was suddenly overwhelmed, and looked at the two elder brothers, and said in surprise: “So, we don’t need to separate families?”

No matter how good the reason is, they will always be separated.

The biggest reason is that Kunlun cannot support the three of them, Sage.

They are also reluctant and unwilling, but this is the destiny.

If they don’t separate their families, this Kunlun where they have been staying for a long time will be catastrophic.

The so-called lack of merit, even if there is a great opportunity, it is unbearable.

A deity makes a mountain, not its altitude!

Landscape Immortal Cave, while carrying the existence of immortal gods, the existence of immortal gods is also making landscapes.

The two promote each other and make progress together.

This is a good thing.

But if the mountain is too strong, or the fairy is too strong, beyond the balance, it will cause catastrophe.

The mountain is too strong, attracting competition from other cultivators, the immortal god is too strong, the landscape cannot bear it, and there is a problem!

This is normal development.

They separated mainly because Kunlun could not bear the existence of the three of them.

“Third brother, you think about it.” Seeing the surprise in Tongtian’s eyes, Taiqing and Yuanshi were also warm in their hearts. Taiqing smiled and shook his head: “The separation of families must be done.”

“Even if Kunlun can bear the three of us, this family still needs to be divided.”

“Why?” Tongtian was anxious.

Yuanshi Tianzun explained: “You are really dizzy, we are all sanctified, and we have established great religions.”

“We can be together, but the disciples under the family still need to start their own families and get out of the mountain. Are they always staying in Kunlun Mountain?”

Tongtian: “…then, must this be the case?”

“Chi’er.” Tai Qing sighed and scolded with a smile: “I’m waiting for the three brothers, but I’m not together, is the relationship lost?”

“As long as the feeling is there, what’s the harm in not being in the same place?”

“On the contrary, if the feelings are not there, they will always be together, and they will be bored with each other, and it will cause a lot of things for nothing.”

“Such a reason, don’t you still have a sense of it?”

Tongtian bowed his head, he could figure it out, but he still didn’t give up.

“Okay, I’ll talk about it later.” Seeing Tongtian’s appearance, Yuan Shi turned the subject and asked, “You said there is a way to keep our face, what is the way?”

Tongtian was sad for a long time, but also suppressed his mind, and said, “We can divide the family…”

Speaking of the word separation, Tongtian paused for a while before continuing: “In the opening up of the heavens, our deity can sit in the heavens and walk in the avatar and clone.”

“In this way, if Dubao asks, he will say that we are clones, incarnations, and the Cultivation Base is not high, which is normal.”

“Moreover, in this case, we can still find a way to ask Dubao his cultivation method.”

Hearing the words, Taiqing, Yuan Shi’s eyes suddenly showed an extremely surprised look.

“Yes, this method is wonderful.”

“We can say that the deity Closed Door Training, Insight Holy Path, is hard to be distracted, so we separate such an incarnation and take care of it.”

“This truth is true.”

The two were overjoyed, and Tongtian’s words completely solved their problem.

Seeing Tongtian still a bit sentimental, Yuan Shi Tianzun smiled: “Okay, don’t posture like this.”

“We are not in Kunlun, we will open the mountains separately, but in the chaos, we will all open up the heavens.”

“From the current situation, our deity will not show up in a short time.”

“At least, it will definitely not come out until Dubao discovers it.”

“We are not in Kunlun, but we can be in chaos!”

Tongtian suddenly raised his head and looked at the two elder brothers in surprise: “Yes, why didn’t I expect it?”

Great, so that the three brothers don’t have to be separated.

The three of them have been together since the opening of the world.

The feelings are so deep that others can hardly imagine.

Although all have become saints, Sage and Sage are still humans after all.

Seven emotions and six desires are still there.

It’s just more open than ordinary people want to see.

But once you encounter something you can’t see, the reaction will naturally be more intense than ordinary people.

“That’s it!”

Tongtian smiled stupidly, suddenly remembered something, and then said to Yuanshi Tianzun: “Second brother, Kunlun Mountain, I’ll leave it to you.”

“Why?” Yuanshi Tianzun puzzled.

This was originally negotiated by him and Taiqing to give the sacred mountain of Kunlun to Tongtian, the youngest Little Brother.

“Don’t hide the two elder brothers, younger brother, when I traveled before, I saw a fairy mountain overseas, called Jin’ao Island, which is also a scenic spot.”

“It was originally intended to be a Beppu, but now it seems that it is just right.”

“So, after the separation, the younger brother will move to Jin’ao Island, and the older brother will find another one, and the second brother will leave Kunlun Mountain for you.”

Hearing this, Yuanshi Tianzun waved his hand again and again: “No, Kunlun Mountain must be yours.”

“Your Jinao Island, just give it to me.”

“I’m going to Jinao Island, you stay in Kunlun.”

Kunlun Mountain is the second sacred mountain in the sacred mountain. Looking at the sacred mountain, apart from Buzhou Mountain, there is no stronger mountain than it.

As Big Brother, they certainly hope to leave the best to their own Little Brother.

“Okay.” The Heavenly Dao person smiled and shook his head: “That’s it.”

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