Chapter 163 Xiantian Tea Tree

“How come?” Houtu glanced awkwardly at the Big Brother, Big sis: “Look at the aura in us, doesn’t it look like a witch at all?”

Duobao nodded: “That’s true, if it wasn’t for the breath and blood in your body, I really doubt who you are?”

“However, why are you so weak?” Duobao asked in confusion: “And, why do you seem to not understand a lot of things?”

All Ancestor Witches: “…”

Is it we don’t understand?

What do we not understand in the prehistoric world?

Mainly…you seem to be different here.

Hou Tu cautiously asked: “Look at us…what kind of strength?”

Duobao: “…”

“What is your strength, you don’t know yourself?”

The ancestors and witches looked at each other, of course we knew it, but…it seems to be with you…we don’t know.

It always feels like something is wrong.

All the ancestors looked at Duo Bao together, waiting for his answer.

Duobao felt speechless and sighed, “Of course it’s Jinxian.”

The ancestors were shocked: “…Golden Immortal?”

Duobao: “Otherwise? How strong do you think you are?”

“Are you quasi saint?”

As he said, Duobao shook his head, seeing the confusion in their eyes, and reprimanded: “If you have low strength, just cultivate honestly.”

“Every day, don’t think too much, don’t have such beautiful dreams.”

“Although your names are very similar to those of the Twelve Ancestral Witches, don’t scream, just treat yourself as the Twelve Ancestral Witches and the quasi-sage power.”

“This is not a good thing!”

Duobaoyu said earnestly: “Cultivation is about step by step, diligent and conscientious. If you can dream of Ascension strength, then everyone should dream of it?”

Speaking of this, Duobao was stunned for a moment: “It seems that there are really people in the predicament who can rely on the strength of dreaming Ascension!”

He looked to the west, one of the two Sages, but he was dreaming.

As Dubo thought about it, the ancestors looked at each other, and finally Hou Tu asked, “Then, how to cultivate?”

Duobao: “……”

Looking at the ancestral witches, Duo Bao became even more speechless, and asked inexplicably, “You don’t even know how to cultivate?”

“Anyway, you are also a witch clan, and you are taken by the twelve ancestor witches, why don’t you understand cultivation?”

“Besides, if you don’t understand cultivation, how did you cultivate into this golden celestial strength?”

The twelve ancestor witches looked at each other.

Don’t understand cultivation?

Of course they understand, but they don’t know how to ascension their strength to the Realm that Dubao is now.

I don’t know how to cultivate to the realm of Taiyi Golden Fairy.

They knew about the normal Taiyi Golden Fairyland, but now, all the ancestors have understood that the Realm strength in Dubao’s mouth is different from the Realm strength they recognize.

Their dignified quasi-sage strength, here, can only be regarded as golden immortals.

Then the Taiyi Golden Fairyland in his mouth…beyond the understanding of the ancestors.

After thinking for a moment, Dijiang said helplessly: “We are the Witch Clan, we all rely on blood ascension, we can ascension without cultivation, normal cultivation method…”

Speaking of this, Di Jiang suddenly blushed, and he was not used to lying for the first time in his life.

However, they are really curious about Duobao’s cultivation method.

Especially after discovering that his strength is so strong, I became even more curious.

In curiosity, there was even excitement, excitement, and anticipation.

In any case, Duobao’s strength is clearly above them.

Although there seemed to be many points of confusion, as long as they cultivated into the Taiyi Golden Immortal that Duobao said, there was no doubt that their strength could be improved.

Duobao knew it, and sighed: “It’s not that I said you, you can’t rely too much on the power of blood.”

“The blood of the Witch is strong, but it can’t be completely dependent on the blood. It’s not good.”

“Yes, yes.” Di Jiang nodded again and again, then looked at Duobao expectantly: “Then I don’t know, can Dao Zun teach us the cultivation method?”

“I am willing to treat each other with respect.”

Having said that, Dijiang cast a look at the other ancestor witches.

Suddenly, the ancestors and witches saluted together.

It’s just that after half of the courtesy, it can’t go on.

A powerful force suddenly appeared, supporting them, making them unable to continue.

The ancestors were shocked by the power of this power, but they were already able to accept it, and they all looked at Duobao.

Duobao Fu’e: “It doesn’t need to be like that, some cultivation methods are just…not important things.”

“Just give it to you, no teacher’s ceremony, I’m just a disciple.”

It seems that these witches are not as good as they said, but rather miserable.

Duobao didn’t believe it anymore. If they were really mixed up so well, with the power of the Witch Clan, how could they lack their cultivation method?

“It is estimated that they are not so high-ranking among the Wu clan.” Duobao secretly said in his heart.

“Really?” The Ancestor Witch was surprised.

Duobao nodded: “Of course it’s true. Can I lie to you?”

As he said, he stretched out his hand, and a flash of light turned into twelve jade charms, which fell into the hands of the ancestors and witches.

“Where I am, there is no too strong cultivation method, some basic cultivation methods are given to you.”

The ancestors and witches were extremely pleasantly surprised.

After a while, the excitement and joy on the faces of the ancestors dissipated, replaced by astonishment and suspicion.

The ancestors and witches looked at each other, and suddenly they all saw Duobao together.

“What’s the matter?” Duobao asked strangely.

Di Jiang held the jade charm, and asked abruptly: “This is your cultivation method?”

There is nothing special about the cultivation method that Duobao gave them.

It is no different from the normal cultivation method they know.

Moreover, in the cultivation methods they know, what Dubao gave, to be honest, can only be regarded as the upper-middle class, not even the first-class, let alone the best.

This made the ancestral witches very puzzled.

Dubao has no reason to lie to them.

However, if Duobao really used this method to cultivate, it would be impossible for him to cultivate to such a level of strength.

The ancestors looked at each other and couldn’t think of the answer.

Duobao looked at the ancestor witches strangely: “What’s the problem?”

“That…” Dijiang organized a few words and asked cautiously: “Do you use this cultivation method to cultivate your current strength?”

Duobao nodded: “Of course?”

“Although I am not cultivating these Taoisms, they are basically the same.”

“You also know that I am a member of the Sanqing Sect. Naturally, the cultivation method is the Sanqing Immortal Method, not these ordinary cultivation methods.”

“However, apart from the final power difference, there is no other difference.”

Duobao looked at the ancestral witches and was also puzzled: “Do you think there is any problem?”

What is the problem?

The problem is big, alright!

The ancestors looked at each other.

What they wanted was a method to cultivate Duobao’s current strength, not this ordinary cultivation method.

If these ordinary cultivation methods, why should they look for Duobao?

They only know more than Duobao, not less than him.

“That…” After thinking about it, Di Jiang organized the language in his mind, and then asked: “Well, although it is a bit presumptuous, we still want to ask, how can we achieve your current strength?”

“Of course, if it’s inconvenient, you don’t have to answer.” After the question, Di Jiang also found that own took the liberty to add.

“Such cultivation method is the most precious anywhere. We are indeed too much.”

Di Jiang secretly said in his heart that he wanted to give up, but he was really unwilling.

After all, their strength has reached the limit for a long time, even if they have not reached the limit, it is almost the same.

The road ahead is not much.

In addition to being sanctified, they will hardly have much strength Ascension.

Originally, they didn’t think there was any problem.

But now, after seeing Duobao, they found out that there was still a way ahead, and there was still a long way.

It’s just that they couldn’t reach it in their previous method!

“No matter what, these things are regarded as our presumptuous compensation, please accept it.” Di Jiang said, taking out a series of Magic Treasures, materials, and Spiritual Roots.

Duobao was surprised to see the radiant brilliance that Dijiang took out, and the magic Treasures and materials that were not easy at first glance, then look at Dijiang and others.

“I somewhat believe in your position among the Witch Clan now.”

The status is not high, where did these babies come from?

Watching Duobao, he could see a lot of Xiantian Lingbao and Spiritual Roots.

Watching, watching, suddenly Doubao’s eyes lit up and he landed on one of the purple tea trees.

“Huh?” Duobao called out, “Xiantian Tea Tree?”

To be honest, Magic Treasures or something, he is not lacking now.

However, this Xiantian tea tree can produce tea.

He is still a person who likes to drink tea.

What is the taste of tea from Xiantian Spiritual Roots tea trees?

Thinking, Dubao couldn’t help licking his lips.

“If you like it, take it all.” Di Jiang keenly noticed Duobao’s gaze, and pushed all the treasures, including Xiantian Tea Tree, in front of Duobao.

Duobao took a deep look at the ancestor witches, and accepted: “In that case, I’m not welcome.”

“But, I’m not the kind of person who takes other people’s things for nothing.” Duobao said, looking at the ancestor witches.

The hearts of the ancestors and witches were raised in an instant, and it seemed inexplicably that some great opportunity was about to come.

“In return…” Duobao sighed, “I’ll help you condense your strength.”

“Your strength is too weak.”

As he said, Duobao waved his hand, and a force appeared, divided into twelve equally, and fell on the Twelve Ancestral Witch.

The Twelfth Ancestor Witch listened to Duobao’s words for a moment.


Are we imaginary?

Are we empty?

They don’t believe it, but, The next moment, they believe it.

Under Duobao’s power, the blood, strength, strength, and everything of the Twelve Ancestral Witch was quickly consolidating.

Following this, their Realm is constantly decreasing.

Quasi-sage, Daluo Jinxian, Taiyi Jinxian…

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