Chapter 157: Simulating Samsara

“Know what?” Houtu hadn’t reacted yet.

“Tell me for Venerable!” Duobao gave a helping hand, what kind of Xiaobai had he encountered!

One by one, they survived in a dangerous world like the prehistoric, but all of them looked like Xiaobai.

I don’t even understand this basic survival skill. I’m really curious. How did they survive until now?

There was Styx before and now there is Houtu.

Suddenly, Duobao was very suspicious. When will he see someone who dares to call himself Hongjun?

Thirty Third Stage, in the Purple Cloud Palace, when the words Hongjun appeared in Dubao’s heart.

The white-haired young man sitting in the Lotus Position in the depths of the palace opened his eyes, looked at Duobao, and shook his head helplessly: “This skin monkey really dares to say anything.”

“Huh?” The moment he saw Duo Bao, Hong Jun suddenly discovered the aura on Duo Bao’s body. Even in his state of mind, he couldn’t help but scream.

Outside Haotian, Yaochi heard a voice and asked loudly, “Master, what’s the matter?”

Hongjun came back to his senses: “It’s nothing.”

Hongjun looked at Duobao with surprise in his eyes: “When has the skin monkey been so strong?”

“Is this almost catching up with Sage?”

“Is this the strangeness of creatures other than Heavenly Dao?” Hongjun thought in surprise.

As soon as his thoughts turned, what Dubao had done during this period suddenly appeared in his mind.

In an instant, Hongjun was no longer surprised, he was completely shocked.

“Long Li, Jie Li… another Realm classification standard?”

Hongjun was stunned, thinking carefully, and after pondering for a while: “According to the Realm classification standard of this monkey, even I can’t reach Sage, right?”

Calculating carefully, based on his current strength, it is estimated that in the Realm divided by Duobao, he can only be regarded as a quasi-sage at best.

Moreover, it may only be said that it is the first-time quasi-sage.

After getting this result, Hongjun fell silent and fell into deep thoughts.

“Am I really sanctified?”

“Am I Sage?”

“No, I’m just a quasi saint, am I?”

Various thoughts kept appearing in his mind, and it took a long time for Hongjun to come back to his senses slowly.

He smiled silently: “Perhaps, I’m really just a quasi-sage, and I don’t necessarily say it!”

Looking at Duobao with a sigh, Hongjun’s eyes gradually changed meaningfully: “Maybe…a fake Hongjun who pretends to be Hongjun may not be impossible to appear!”

With the thought, Hongjun’s breath changed, and then Realm was never unpredictable, and soon fell to Sage.

“Can’t go down…” Hongjun sighed: “It seems that we still need to find the monkey and use his means to compress Realm.”

“The means within Heavenly Dao, Realm that is difficult to repair into a monkey… even me is no exception.”


“Yes, for Venerable, then what?” Hou Tu still didn’t understand.

Duobao rolled his eyes, you are so stupid Realm.

“If you don’t change your name yet, do you really want to compete with the Houtu ancestor witch for the name Houtu?” Duobao said angrily, “If you don’t want to die, change your name as soon as possible.”

“Of course, I would also advise you that if you change it or not, it’s up to you.”

“If you really want to die by yourself, then I can’t stop it, right?”

“Oh!” Listening to Duobao’s words, Hou Tu gradually understood something, and then looked at Duobao weirdly.

It seems that he is because own is too weak?

So you don’t believe that you are Hou Tu?

In his mind, he should be very strong.

With his current strength, I am totally sorry for the identity of the land in his heart.

Although, this seems to be very…but why does Hou Tu think more and more awkward?

My strength is so low, I am really sorry for you!

Houtu yelled in his heart. After a while, he said to Duobao: “Change, change, change, you must change.”

“You are right, for Venerable’s sake, I really can’t grab the name from the Houtu ancestor witch…” At this point, Houtu was inexplicably sad. He quickly picked up his mood and asked: “Do you think I am What name should I change?”

“That’s right.” Duobao nodded in satisfaction. He could listen to advice, even if he was not stupid yet, he could still save him.

Listening to Hou Tu’s question, Duobao thought about it: “Houtu must not be able to bark, but I’m used to calling it. If it’s not easy to change, just choose a homophonic.”

Houtu blinked his big beautiful eyes: “What kind of homophony?”

“Back picture… what do you think of this name?”

Houtu repeated: “Houtu…well, it’s okay, not bad. From now on, I will be called Houtu?”

Duobao was pleased, feeling that he had saved another creature, and felt an inexplicable sense of accomplishment: “Well, then I will call you the post picture.”


While talking, Samsara Dao Yun suddenly appeared from Houtu.

Dao Yun permeated the simulated flood, and then rushed towards the infinite black hole suspended in the air.

Duobao looked over in surprise.

I saw that Samsara Dao Yun rushed into the infinite black hole, and after a while, he reappeared, transformed into countless creatures, floating in the air.

These creatures are illusory, with hollow eyes and no intelligence, just like a puppet.

“This is?” Dobo squinted his eyes. “A ghost?”

He looked at Houtu: “Why do you have Samsara Dao Yun on your body?”

Duobao is very strange, shouldn’t Samsara Tao Yun only have it in the real Houtu?

Moreover, she still needs to appear after transforming Samsara, how can she appear on the woman in front of him?

“Could it be…she really is Hou Tu?”

Duobao’s heart trembled, and then he stared at Houtu closely.

“Wh…what’s the matter?” Houtu was staring at him in panic.

It’s not that she is not calm, but it is because Dubo has put too much pressure on her.

If ordinary people can’t find Duobao’s strength, the key is that she has a strong inspiration and can fully feel Duobao’s strength.

In this way, it is conceivable that Duobao’s every move puts her under great pressure.

“Impossible!” Duobao shook his head fiercely, so weak, how could he be the Houtu Ancestral Witch?

That is a dignified quasi-sage… this one just barely reached the golden immortal.

What is Houtu?

After it was born, at least it was Taiyi and even Daluo Jinxian’s existence.

It’s impossible for them to be just Jinxian, and she doesn’t know what the concept of Jinxian’s strength is.

Anyway, for her, she was able to pinch a group of golden immortals to death when she was just born.

“It should be after being in contact with Houtu for a long time, after being infected with the aura of Houtu, and being affected by Houtu, only then have these Dao Yun…”

Duobao thought in his heart, feeling that he should be right.

“Samsara Dao Yun.”

Duobao thought about it carefully, looking at the ghosts, a thought flashed through his mind.

“There is Samsara Dao Yun, and so many ghosts…”

He looked at his empty world: “If a small Samsara can be built with this, it will definitely be inferior to the real big Samsara. However, dealing with these little ghosts, for my simulation world, It’s also quite enough.”

“With Samsara, my world will be more perfect.”

“This should also be able to recreate a lot of Dao Fruit… the Dao Fruit gift of a group of juniors and sisters, it can be considered a few more.”

“Speaking…” Duobao thought about it seriously: “I remember that there were still a lot of Dao Fruits in the Yinsi Difu.”

“That’s it!” Duobao clapped his palms.

Hou Tu, who had been staring at Duobao, was full of doubts in his eyes.


What is it?

“What are you going to do?” Hou Tu asked.

“Transform Samsara.” Duobao stretched out his hand and grasped Samsara Dao Yun in his hand, the Magic power was poured, and Samsara Dao Yun moved with it.

Houtu’s body trembled and looked at Duobao in amazement, “What? You don’t want to live anymore?”


No one in this world knows better than her the price of samsara.

Transforming Samsara is a serious and dangerous thing, and you need to use your body as a carrier to carry Samsara’s Taoism.

Moreover, there are many subtle conditions that need to be met one by one to transform Samsara.

Because of Dubao’s strength and his unpredictable methods, Hou Tu did not doubt whether he could meet these conditions.

Although this was incredible, Hou Tu found that he had no doubt whether Duobao could transform Samsara.

Just astonished, he dare to turn Samsara?

Is it true that you don’t want to live anymore?

“Don’t want to live anymore?” Duobao stopped his movements, looked at Houtu, and saw the worry in her eyes. He understood in his heart, and smiled: “Don’t worry, it’s okay.”

“What’s okay?” Houtu was anxious, blocking Duobao: “Listen to me, Samsara is not so friendly. If you are not careful, you will fall.”

“That needs to use itself as a carrier to carry Samsara’s place.”

Although, if Duobao had transformed Samsara, it would be equivalent to helping her assume her destiny in disguise, solving her danger, and leaving her out of danger.

However, Hou Tu believed that it was her destiny to transform Samsara, and she didn’t need to let Dubao help her to withstand such a danger.

It should be hers, she doesn’t escape.

She didn’t want Dubo to give his life or sacrifice for this.

Seeing that Duobao didn’t care, he didn’t seem to understand the danger.

Hou Tu explained all the dangers he felt about Samsara before, but he looked at Duobao after the late stage, hoping that he could let go of the idea of ​​Samsara.

Seeing Hou Tu’s worried and expectant gaze, Duobao smiled: “I didn’t see it, you are quite kind.”

“Then you gave up?” Hou Tu asked expectantly.

Duobao shook his head: “Don’t worry, I’m not the real Samsara, I’m just a small Samsara. It’s not that dangerous, and it’s quite simple.”

“Easy?” Houtu’s eyes widened when he heard it.

Is this dangerous thing like Samsara in your eyes?

Without allowing Hou Tu to react too much, in the hands of Duobao, Samsara Dao Yun condensed, and under the infusion of Magic power, it quickly consolidated, and then countless Magic Treasures appeared in it, sucking the solid Samsara Dao Yun in.

Under the Samsara Taoism, all Magic Treasures have been inexplicably connected, and then quickly merged into a Samsara disc with six holes on one side.

Dubao grabbed the Samsara disc and smiled at Houtu: “Look, isn’t this complete?”

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