Chapter 124 Ten Golden Crow

“Sure enough, my decision to block Kunlun was correct. Hong Huang is really too dangerous.”

“I don’t know, how are they going to solve the matter this time?”

Du Bao just looked at such things, and felt dangerous, and couldn’t think of a solution for a while.

“Forget it, the sky is falling, naturally there are tall people going to top it.”

“There are two families of Lich in the prehistoric world, let them deal with it.”

Duobao put his heart down and stared at the Five Elements cycle that was out of balance in the world, and suddenly fell into contemplation.

Although he could not solve the real crisis, he was still a little curious in the face of such a situation, and instinctively wanted to come up with a solution.

“The biggest reason for this incident is that the water cycle suddenly became much weaker, and Five Elements lost its balance.”

“If Five Elements is to be rebalanced, will the matter this time be resolved?”

“There are two ways to rebalance Five Elements.”

“One is to reduce the other Five Elements to the level of a great water cycle, so that it can naturally be balanced.”

“The other is to strengthen the water cycle to reach the original level again, which can be considered a solution.”

Duobao thought quietly: “Well…try the first method first.”

In short, it is a simulation world, it doesn’t matter if the game is broken.

“Five Elements regenerates and restrains each other. In terms of mutual restraint, the fire is damaged by water first.”

With a move of his mind, Duobao mobilized the power of the great cycle of water elements to form infinite water, falling towards the great cycle of fire.

When attacked, the circle of fire will immediately counterattack, and Duobao has quick eyes and quick hands, and immediately suppresses the circle of fire, making it lose the power to resist.


The immeasurable water fell, and the great cycle of fire was immediately weakened.

With his actions, the circle of fire continued to weaken, and at the same time, the world also changed due to the weakening of the cycle of fire.

A chaotic atmosphere suddenly appeared, causing Duobao’s brows to frown.

In addition, after the chaos aura became strong to a certain level, suddenly there was another slumping, desperate aura.

Duobao immediately stopped his actions: “Forget, the Five Elements cycle presides over the movement of the world. If the Five Elements cycle weakens, it is equivalent to weakening the world.”

“The cycle of fire represents the endocrine of the world…that is, the stability, despair and hope of the world.”

“The stronger the fire cycle, the more hope and motivation the world will be.”

“If the circle of fire becomes weaker, then the world will fall into despair and depression.”

Duobao understood, and didn’t dare to continue.

Suddenly he also understood that his current behavior was unreasonable.

It is like a person who has a liver disease and has to weaken other organs for treatment.

It feels absurd to think about it.

But Duobao did this before.

“Um… this really doesn’t work.”

“Then there is only the second method left.” After a short pause, Duobao was ready to test the second method.

At the same time that Duobao stopped his movements, the ten Golden Crows on the hibiscus tree in the sun star suddenly stopped their movements.

“It seems to be all right?” The big Golden Crow felt the changes in himself, and then asked his own Little Brother: “What about you? Are you okay?”

“Dage, it seems to be all right.”

“I don’t feel bad anymore.”

“I don’t feel bad anymore.”

All the Little Brothers felt okay.

The big Golden Crow was confused, and didn’t understand how this sudden incident came about?

How is it good for a while and bad for a while.

I don’t understand it at all.

Seeing the little brothers dancing happily on the hibiscus tree again, the big Golden Crow also let go of the thoughts in his mind.

No matter what, anyway, it’s okay now.

Wait until the father and uncle arrive, and then ask if they can figure it out.


“If Five Elements can’t resist each other, then Five Elements will grow together.”

Dobo stared at the world for a long time, silently pondering, after thinking about all kinds of methods in his mind, he finally decided, simply.

With the power of the corresponding attributes, it is possible to directly increase the power of Five Elements.

“Is it the Ascension water cycle first or the other Five Elements power of Ascension?”

Duobao carefully tested it and found that the power of the pure Ascension water cycle would be squeezed out by the power of other Five Elements, motivating the power of Five Elements to counteract each other.

“Then…grow other Five Elements.”

Duobao thought about it for a moment, and countless Magic Treasures of wood attributes appeared in front of him.

The powerful wood attribute power, controlled by him, fell into the cycle of wood.


With his movements, countless nodes suddenly appeared on the wood loop, like holes.

Upon seeing this, Duobao was a little surprised.

These holes seem to fit his Magic Treasures.

Press Magic Treasures into these holes one by one.

Following this, the power of the wood cycle skyrocketed.

Endless life force is generated in the heaven and earth, making the world full of life force.

Duobao hurriedly used his power to suppress the life force, and the heaven and the earth returned to calm.

Then, in accordance with the power of Five Elements, the soaring vitality will go to the cycle of fire.

The cycle of fire swallows endless life force and begins to grow and become stronger.


Above the Sun Star and Fusang, the newly recovered Ten Golden Crow suddenly became blazing with flames on his body, his eyes turned red, and his body was hot and unbearable.

The power of the sun’s true fire continues to skyrocket.

For an instant, Ten Golden Crow felt himself exploding, his whole body swelled, and it seemed to explode.

The powerful flame almost burned their sanity.


Before long, the ten Golden Crows couldn’t bear the soaring real fire of the sun, and they spread their wings and flew.

After flying up, the skyrocketing real fire of the sun only slightly weakened.

Ten Golden Crow has been flying among the sun stars for a long time, the feeling of explosion is only slightly weakened, and it is still unbearable for them.

In such an uncomfortable feeling, they gradually lost their minds and flew out of the sun star toward the wild land.

As they flew into the wild land, that feeling suddenly disappeared a lot.

In this way, the ten Golden Crow kept flying above the ground, relying on the flight to reduce the explosive feeling on the body.

Wherever they flew, the powerful sun was really falling, the earth was dry and the rivers dried up.

On this day, the initiative is not calm.

The great creatures who had long been accustomed to the sun in the sky, suddenly raised their heads together and looked at the sky, their expressions turned ugly in a flash.

As I could see, ten suns appeared above the sky.

In the past, one sun was sometimes too hot. Now, with ten suns coming out, the temperature in the world has suddenly risen rapidly.

Many creatures with weaker Cultivation Base have dripping sweat on their faces and bodies. After a short period of time, they all have the meaning of dehydration.

“What’s the matter?” Countless creatures were amazed, looking at the ten suns in the sky.

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