Magic card gods

Chapter 237 Life and Old Man Zhao

"I'll take you Lemon~I'll take you Lemon~I'll take you~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Wei Yuan thought it was wrong, and he had to sing for him like the monk in the temple. You have to be vague, so that others will not be able to understand what you are reading.

Another one is that whether it is monks and priests chanting scriptures or small vendors yelling along the street, they are all chanting with elongated tunes with ups and downs, because as long as the method is correct, the voice will not be tired.

A few hours of yelling, and a ceremony lasting for several days, most people really can't bear it.

It's just that Wei Yuan didn't understand the tone of the monk, so he found a tune by himself, rock for a while, jazz for a while, folk songs for a while, and yodeling for a while. Hi for a long time before it stopped!

The chicken leg looks sad, and the two airplane ears are tightly attached to the back of the head. This trick is learned from the stupid rabbit Mengmeng.

Wei Yuan fell in love with the scene when he saw it, and he didn't know that his silly rabbit was like this? Can't help but let out a long sigh.

Hearing this emotional sigh, the old village head couldn't help sighing: "Little master is really compassionate and compassionate!" Even the big monks I met in the city when I was young, they don't have such compassion as the little master!

When leaving the next day, the old village head stuffed many potatoes into Wei Yuan's bamboo bowl.

Wei Yuan was startled, "Where did this thing come from?"

The old village head said that he didn't know the details. According to legend, when the Great Zhou Dynasty was founded three hundred years ago, a monk who traveled east across the sea brought it back from the Raksha Kingdom overseas. Because it does not pick the ground, has high yield and is cold-resistant, it is planted in many places.

Only then did Wei Yuan remember that there was a goose stewed sweet potato in the restaurant in the county before!

At that time, I was used to it and didn't pay attention to it. Now I saw the whole potato, and I remembered it.

According to Wei Yuan's understanding, this world is not normal. There is an evil Raksha country to the north, but there are no Russians there, and it is said that it is not a human country.

Overseas, there are Raksha Ghost City, Yuren Country, Daughter Country, Gentleman Country, Intestine Country, Black Tooth Country, White Republic Country, Gentleman Country, Two-Faced Country, Dog-Finish Country... There are countries and human beings in the western continent. Gathering places, but more are the sites of those non-human races.

In the whole world, only the land of China can be regarded as the paradise of human beings, at least it used to be. Other places have always been a mix of people and aliens...

When Wei Yuan left, all the old and young men in the village came out to see him off. According to the village chief, this little master has helped the village a lot, but the village chief didn't say anything about it.

At this time, the villagers surrounded Wei Yuan and walked towards the village entrance, while they were still discussing yesterday's dog meat soup, saying that they hadn't eaten such a delicious meal in many years, and if the bones were still there, they would have to make soup today.

The faces of the old village chief and the third Orion turned green. I'm afraid they should keep this secret and bring it into the coffin.

Wei Yuan comforted in a low voice: "The village chief doesn't have to worry about it, just leave the matter of Li Gou'er to me. I will properly bury his skull. Then you can say that Li Gou'er may have gone out to wander..."

Wei Yuan also owed his hands, and woke up refreshed in the morning, when he suddenly saw the skull on the ground, and remembered that he forgot to put it away yesterday.

In the end, I don't know if his "chanting sutras" is effective, but there is a strange energy on this ordinary skull.

Wei Yuan's heart moved, and he tried to press it up with his hand, but it was directly refined into a solid skull bone bead the size of a glass bead!

How to explain this to the old village head and others? A night of chanting to condense the chanting?

Simply saying that he wanted to take the skull away and bury it alone, the old village chief was naturally very happy.

In other words, this small solid miniature skull is as exquisite as a handicraft, what is the use of it?

Wei Yuan did know about the so-called human parietal bone counting beads.

In Water Margin, Wu Song got two iron ring knives and a string of human parietal bone counting beads from Sun Erniang and Zhang Qing's black shop on Shizipo.

What is human parietal bone counting beads? This is a magic weapon of Tantric Buddhism in the Western Regions. It is made of the human parietal bones (bones at the Yintang) of the monks after they passed away. Not everyone has it, it is said that only eminent monks have it, it is very rare.

My own stuff should be different, but it's a bit similar.

Wei Yuan thought of the magic soldier beans he refined, did this thing work? Bone God Lentils!

Forget it, keep it for now.

Wei Yuan's harvest this time is not a thing that he doesn't know how to use, but a piece of fur.

It was a palm-sized piece of black and yellow furry dog ​​fur. Wei Yuan looked at the old village head several times in the morning, and always felt that those rags were not very good. The last time I saw the dog skin hanging on the tree, I asked for such a small piece. It is estimated that the remaining old village chiefs must be burned.

This piece of dog skin was brought close to the wrist, and the Hezi activated body like a wristband moved, wrapped the leather bag and put it next to other rags, obviously of different materials, from linen to cotton to silk brocade, to leather fur , actually quickly merged together.

And it seems to be born as one, without any trace of stitching and sewing, but it still looks different in color...

Wei Yuan nodded, and proudly said: "This is the perfect combination of fur, leather and silk fabrics. You can go to Paris to participate in the fashion designer competition! Anyway, the more abnormal, the better the designer! Hahaha!"

It's a pity that it is too small, and it is not enough to be a sleeve!

In addition, Wei Yuan felt that the effect of the golden bell cover seemed to be strengthened when he woke up.

He tapped his arm with his Zen stick, and there was a faint metallic sound. Doesn't seem to be an illusion? !

The current principle of Wei Yuan's golden bell cover is still unclear, but every time after "subduing demons and eliminating demons", it will always become stronger.

This golden bell cover is like a passive skill, it will form a thin film on his body surface, which can effectively reduce and block damage. Even the viscera in the body have a strong strengthening and protecting effect.

However, in order to strengthen the viscera, Wei Yuan needs to vibrate the membrane, making the membrane vibrate to exercise the viscera.

That means speaking loudly, yelling, or singing.

Talking loudly and yelling would make him look like a fool, so Wei Yuan chose to sing.

Chicken legs are hard to decide!

Erha is very enthusiastic, and often choruses. It made Wei Yuan want to kick it!


Old man Zhao is sixty-six years old this year. He is already a very old man in this world, but his body is still strong, but this is not a blessing. Living longer means suffering more.

At this time, the old man Zhao was weeding in the field. The rain this year is not bad, but because of this, there are a lot of weeds in the fields.

He himself reclaimed some land on some small flat land in the mountains, hoping to grow a few vegetables to more or less cover a roof of grain. Now it's time for autumn harvest, and this dish is also harvested, it looks gratifying.

He raised his sleeve and wiped the sweat from his brow, leaning on a hoe and looking at the hill. The years have already carved a deep imprint on his face, and there is no fluctuation in his cloudy eyes.

He lost his father in his early years, and his mother died of illness a few years after remarrying with his mother. He is known as the broom star who restrained his father and mother, and was driven out of the house by his stepfather to beg for a living.

Finally, he stopped in a small village near the mountain outside the county seat, because he would marry a wife and have children because he was willing to work hard.

But the good times didn’t last long. When the eldest son was 12 years old, he was pecked open by a strange bird outside the village and sucked his brains to death. When the younger daughter was 4 years old, he was eaten by an unknown monster on the mountain. There were only huge scratches on the scene. and blood.

His wife went mad and died two years later. The only remaining second son was severely beaten for colliding with the caravan of the merchant gang in the first two years, and died after being carried home and vomiting blood for three days.

After finally raising him to the age of sixteen, the only remaining child was beaten to death after being slapped in the face and then slapped in the face for blocking someone's cart.

How cruel life is to old man Zhao, and there are tens of thousands of people in this world like old man Zhao who suffer silently, live silently, without hope and joy.

Old man Zhao took a breath, and started to work again. If he finishes his work earlier, he might be able to fetch two loads of dry firewood for a few pennies.

If one day I can't do it anymore, it's time for me to go down. Maybe the mother-in-law and the child are waiting for me!

Suddenly, he seemed to hear someone singing!

The singing sound echoed in the mountains, the sound didn't disperse, and it came slowly without knowing how far away, but it was still so clear.

I'm going from south to north

I have to go from white to black

i want people to see me

but don't know who i am

if you see i'm a little tired

just pour me a bowl of water

if you already fell in love with me

just kiss my mouth~


Old man Zhao didn't quite understand what the lyrics were about. He could not read a single word, and the songs he had heard were all country slang.

The life in the countryside has become more and more difficult these years, and no one has sung for a long time. Thinking about it, I am afraid that I have not heard anyone sing for ten years.

Following the appearance of the singing, it didn't take long for a person to appear on the mountain ridge.

The man was wearing a half-worn moon-white monk's robe, and was carrying a canopy on his back. Although it was already autumn and the autumn tiger was fierce, the monk strode with ease, showing no sign of being hot or tired.

After a while, the monk had already approached. The old man Zhao is neither blind nor deaf, so he is called Blessed. He felt that he was living and suffering.

At this moment, he could clearly see that the monk was very good-looking, and he was as white as those Juren lords straddling the streets. His robes and shoes were also spotless.

The monk looked like a fairy, which made old man Zhao a little nervous.

This monk looks so young, but he is even more imposing than the big monk in the temple. And how can a normal monk drive on the mountain ridge? Could it be a fairy? !


Wei Yuan lowered his head to look at the nervous old man who was standing on a small piece of plowed land halfway up the mountain, and asked, "Old man, what is the boundary of this place? How far is it from the county town?"

The old man Zhao was awakened by the words, and quickly said cautiously: "Holy Monk, this is Yanghu Mountain, which is more than 30 miles away from the county town!"

Wei Yuan walked down the steep mountain wall with ease, and the sixty-degree slope was not a problem at all.

Old man Zhao looked at it, and felt that this young monk was extraordinary.

Wei Yuan said: "Old man, don't call me a holy monk, I am a monk. Just call me monk Wuji."

The old man Zhao was so bluffed that he quickly bent over and bowed, "I used to listen to operas, that's what I called it."

Chicken Leg yawned: What kind of drama does this old man listen to? Could it be "Journey to the West"!

Old man Zhao looked, why was there a fat orange cat lying on the monk's bamboo stick?

Hey! Why three tails?

Old man Zhao quickly rubbed his eyes, and looked again: Ah, I was wrong, one. I must have passed out from the heat!

Old man Zhao thought of the song he had just listened to fascinatedly, and he understood two lines of the lyrics, one was "pour me water" and the other was about kissing.

The old man Zhao hurriedly said: "If Monk Wuji is thirsty, the old man has water here." As he spoke, he hurriedly walked to the side of the mountain under a short tree, where there was a water tank tied with a rope.

Wei Yuan thanked: "Then thank you, old man."

Wei Yuan took out his own bamboo tube, and took a bamboo tube of water from old man Zhao's pitcher.

Ton, ton, drink half of it first, and then pour water in the palm of your hand, so that the chicken legs can also quench your thirst.

At this moment, a black and white canine animal sprang out from the "thorn edge" at the foot of the mountain, rushing to the mountainside with dust all the way. The old man Zhao quickly picked up the hoe and wanted to fight this beast desperately.

Wei Yuan quickly waved his hands: "Old man, don't panic, this is my raised... Cough, mount!"

After Wei Yuan finished speaking, he regretted it. He heard that riding a dog rotted his crotch!

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