Magic card gods

Chapter 181 Brother Wei's Tail

Among the Tokyo officials, Tamaki Maiko is carefully collecting information, personnel, firepower, materials, organizational structure, official composition...all of these must be reported to Wei Yuan, so that he can find an opportunity to receive it in the future.

But what she didn't know was that there was actually someone watching her secretly all the time.

Ryota Toyama is a middle-aged man in his forties, with a square face, black-rimmed glasses, and moderate hair. He looks a bit ordinary.

He is peaceful and friendly. Although he is very Buddhist, he is very capable of working. He was a high-achieving student at the University of Tokyo. If he did not engage in politics, but instead engaged in scientific research, he would have made quite high achievements. That's why he was able to become the Minister of Palace Affairs position of adjutant.

After the dead body incident broke out, he was the highest among the remaining officials. In addition, in the absence of a leader, he stabilized the situation and took control of the Self-Defense Forces to launch stability maintenance and rescue operations.

Among the current officials, one-fifth of them were rescued by him. So he became the acting prime minister in the provisional government, controlling thousands of survivors, hundreds of officials, and more than 2,000 members of the Self-Defense Forces.

However, only few people know that Ryota Toyama fully supported the establishment of the Tokyo Abnormal Incident Countermeasures Bureau more than half a year ago. For a long time afterwards, it was Ryota Toyama who deployed materials and manpower to prop up the organization.

Later, more and more ghouls cannibalized people, and the Tokyo government began to pay attention to this seemingly childish institution.

Although Ryota Toyama doesn't give orders very much now, he is very Buddhist. But in fact, it has been secretly controlling most of the power of the Provisional Government and the Countermeasures Bureau.

Before that, he had noticed Zhou Siqi's strangeness. Although the identity card brought her impeccable information proof, her behavior and conversation would still reveal some strangeness.

However, Zhou Siqi's arrogance that did not take the lowly aborigines of the fantasy world seriously made her choose to rise rapidly. This naturally fell into the eyes of Ryota Toyama, who had been observing the abnormal target.

No one knew what Ryota Toyama was thinking, what was going on behind that honest and gentle face.

He doesn't care about the outbreak of dead bodies, the rampage of special infected people, or the cannibalism of ghouls, even if the interim government and the countermeasure bureau don't deal with it, he doesn't care either. But he cared about Zhou Siqi's every move.

Although Zhou Siqi thinks that the clothes are perfect and the scenery is infinite, it is all because of Ryota Toyama's standing on the sidelines, and sometimes he even lends a helping hand to check for gaps and make up for omissions, so that Zhou Siqi's somewhat superficial plan can be implemented smoothly.

At this moment, Ryota Toyama has noticed Maiko Tamaki again...

The subject of observation all along died in a specially deployed mission, which was undoubtedly planned.

Toyama Ryota began to pay attention to Tamaki Maiko related to this.

He knew that there might be something wrong with Yoichi Hayakawa's death. Although it was just a guess, he knew what that woman Zhou Siqi was doing.

He just doesn't care about the dead, there are too many dead in this world, he doesn't care how many or how few.

However, Zhou Siqi's accidental death almost disrupted his plan. Fortunately, he found Maiko Tamaki. There is also someone behind her who interests him...

Tamaki Maiko collected information, and he sent the information to her; Tamaki Maiko transferred personnel, and he cooperated with the transfer of personnel; he even took the initiative to help her remove some stumbling blocks and create the best opportunities for her...

In the countermeasure bureau, the heads of several branches are discussing the battle plan with the staff at the headquarters.

They plan to launch an all-out war against the ghouls!

They have mastered a lot of information about ghouls through these seven or eight months of research.

The high level of the Countermeasures Bureau concluded that ghouls are a kind of natural enemy born from human beings!

Humans must either eliminate the ghouls and find a way to control the surge of Rc cells in the body, or they will become food for the ghouls and be kept in captivity.

Now in the hands of the ghouls, it is estimated that there are close to four thousand survivors, and every day new survivors are discovered and brought back, and survivors are slaughtered and eaten every day. It's like a pig raised in a pigsty.

The threat of ghouls is even more urgent than that of dead bodies and special infected people...

At this time, Dong Shengyue, the Chief Science Center of the Countermeasures Bureau, has already researched many practical technologies, such as the evolution of the Quinque weapon, such as the regular semi-ghoul test, such as the Rc cell containing liquid...

They believed that the Inquisitor had gained the upper hand in power.

The chief scientific officer, Dong Shengyue, came to the building quietly at night, stood on the edge of the building in the cold wind, and quietly looked at the dark and silent city below. What is he waiting for...

Humans and ghosts have their own calculations, and the world will not stop turning just because Wei Yuan is paralyzed.

During the day today, a three-eyed crow found a mutant fusion body that had no news on the outskirts of Bed Lord City.

It was this thing that broke the camp of the Worrying Country Yixinhui and killed more than half of the survivors. Of course Wei Yuan was very concerned.

It's just that after that night, the huge fusion body disappeared. Wei Yuan found Zhou Siqi after searching for two days without any results... until now, this thing came out again.

According to what Yuriko Gaocheng told Wei Yuan, the monster connected by countless crimson lines was a monster seven or eight meters high and more than ten meters long formed by combining a hundred or so moving corpses.

But looking at it now, this thing is more than ten meters high and almost twenty meters long!

Obviously, although this thing didn't show itself, after resting for a few days, it grew up!

Even if Wei Yuan didn't know that the core of this thing was Wisteria Koichi, it didn't affect his determination to kill this thing. It's just that I have to wait for myself to get better. Looking at this thing now, if I let it go for a month, it's no wonder that it has to grow into a leader on the third level!

Just when Koichi Wisteria woke up from his deep sleep again and absorbed the dead bodies and Kabane on a larger scale, Makoto Ito, who had been hiding in the ruins of the bed city for several days, also made a move.

This cowardly and cowardly guy actually shot and killed the seriously injured Soichiro Takashiro.

After all, Soichiro Takashiro has limited talent and lack of luck. Even if he ate the white meat of two confidants in the end, he didn't grow much. Instead, he was seriously injured in battle after battle, and was discovered by Makoto Ito.

When Ito Makoto found Soichiro Takashiro, his first reaction was to run. After running for more than ten minutes, I stopped, and then I went back after thinking for a long time.

He secretly observed Soichiro Takashiro for five or six hours, and finally couldn't help the resentment in his heart, and bravely stepped out to kill Soichiro Takashiro.

Before killing Takashiro Soichiro, he humiliated Takashiro Soichiro severely, and said that he would find his wife and daughter to take revenge.

After hacking Soichiro Takashiro to death, he was so excited! He felt so relieved! Feel like a man at last! In addition to playing with girls, he finally did another amazing thing!

The once tall and unrivaled president of the General Assembly died under his hands like a pig and dog, howling again and again before dying! This feels so good!

In less than ten minutes, Gui Yanye came after her...

Gui Yanye held the somewhat corrupt head of Xiyuan Temple World in one hand, and dragged a black-bottomed red-striped Kabane machete nearly three meters in the other, approaching Makoto Ito step by step.

The big knife just dragged across the ground, and it split the concrete floor! Long cracks spread from a distance to the front of the body!

Makoto Ito suddenly felt that he was not a man again!

He begged for mercy loudly, slapped his own mouth, shifted the responsibility to the world of Xiyuan Temple, and said how much he loved Gui Yanye...

In the end, with snot and tears, he was hacked to death by Gui Yanye with a knife, and cut off his head! I didn't dare to resist until my death...

Although he is already an awakened person, and just now he hacked to death Takashiro Soichiro who made him squat in a small dark room and almost ate him. But as expected, he was still a coward until his death.

Where should I go, Gui Yanye was a little confused, holding the heads of Xiyuan Temple World and Ito Makoto.

In her mind, which had almost stopped thinking, the scene of the rooftop in the past appeared. Go find that man, as for why, I don't know.


At night, the bed hosts the city shelter.

Ai Xi was spreading futons on the tatami, when Hao Mengmeng suddenly pushed open the sliding door and walked in.

"Didn't you say to see Big Brother Wei? Why did you come back so soon?" Ai Xi asked with her back turned.

After a few seconds, she didn't hear any answer, so she turned her head to look and couldn't help asking: "Mengmeng, what's wrong with you? You don't look very good!"

Hao Mengmeng suddenly came back to her senses, and asked mysteriously, "Ai Xi, did you know? In fact, Big Brother Wei also has a tail!"

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