Magic card gods

Chapter 180: Zhou Siqi's Card Bag

The card pack that Zhou Siqi exploded was already opened by Wei Yuan.

It is now the seventh day, and Wei Yuan can move his hands and thoracic spine.

There are five cards in the card pack, two of which are Zhou Siqi's equipment, and one is the ring with the "Malicious Transformation".

【Aberration Ring (Blue)】

[Excellent Equipment Card/Accessory/Ring]

[Perverted spirit: This ring is attached to the perverted spirit of the previous owners, +2 spirit. 】

[Shapechanger: Wearing this ring will greatly reduce the difficulty of your transformation. Reduces the chance of resisting polymorphs and increases the power of polymorphing spells. 】

[Malicious Transfiguration: Cast a malicious transfiguration on a target, and the target has a chance to transform into strange monsters, deformed children, insects, monsters, and wild beasts. 】

[(The lower the target's magic resistance, the greater the probability of being transformed into a monster with a huge difference, and there is a certain probability that it will cause mental damage and confusion.)]

[(occupies 4 energy levels, requires 15 spirit, 13 physique)]

[Malicious Transfiguration has a cooldown of 6 hours and consumes 5 energy levels or 120 points of mana/other energy. 】

【"Once upon a time, the spells attached to this ring were Bull Stamina and Partial Magnification. After the result was lost from a mage who had a sexually unharmonious life, several owners became perverted and died faster than one. In the end, it became what it is now.”]

It seems that this ring was a good ring for the benefit of mankind. As a result, the subsequent owners took it away from "business", and after their death, they all had a great impact on the ring. It is even possible that this ring has already been opened out of the card pack many times, which is why it has mutated so much!

Wei Yuan felt that it was better to use the ring that benefited mankind in the first place!

In addition to this ring, there is also the bone ring on Zhou Siqi's head. This thing was already smashed by her, but opening the card pack is not to open the original owner's card, but a new card formed by the logic of the card player.

It's like that ring that was originally very loving, after a few rounds of owners, it has changed beyond recognition.

Now the dilapidated head ring has also appeared...

[White Bone Ring of Wisdom of the Dead (Blue)]

[Excellent Equipment Card/Accessory/Head Ring]

[Wisdom of the dead: The wisdom of the dead masters is deposited on the white bone ring, which increases the thinking speed and reaction of the wearer. 】,

[Clarity Technique: Released on the wearer himself, he calms down and is not disturbed by external objects. 】

[Summoning of Demonic Giant Skeleton: Summon an elite-level demonic Giant Skeleton below Tier 3 to fight for you. 】

[(Every minute the giant demon skeleton exists, it consumes 3 energy levels of the summoner. If it thinks you are weak and bully, it may eat the master)]

[(occupies 5 energy levels, requires 16 points of spirit)]

【"Originally this giant skeleton was a good summoner who worked hard and worked hard, but it was influenced by bad guys!"】

Wei Yuan was not optimistic about this piece of equipment.

What is the wisdom of the dead? If those masters had wisdom, would they still leave their wisdom behind after death? Not reliable!

And Zhou Siqi has the art of clarity, and was furiously provoked by Wei Yuan's talk, and made a lot of irrational choices, which shows how powerful this characteristic is "talking and talking"! Of course, it may also be that Wei Yuan was born with a talent for oral sex and performed well.

As for the demon giant skeleton, Wei Yuan remembered that it was only a giant skeleton before, and its strength was only at the second level!

It seems that this is influenced by Zhou Siqi! The matchmakers are poisonous!

The next three cards are the highlight!

The first is Zhou Siqi's career card.

In the red frame, in the middle of the picture is a figure standing among the beasts.

【Magic Beast Tamer (Red)】

[Perfect Class Card/Beast Tamer Branch/Heterogeneous Method]

[Affinity: You who follow the way of nature will have a great affinity for non-human creatures. 】

[Taming: Use your unique means to tame your chosen target. It will be easier for the target to succumb to you and crawl before you. Even if ta is much stronger than you. 】

[Tuning: Tune the target you have tamed to make it more obedient, and make it gain new abilities and become stronger. 】

【Fit Transformation: You can gain part of the power of the tamed thing. You can also take the initiative to enter a powerful combined transformation state with your tamer for a short period of time. 】

[(requires physique 15, spirit 17)]

[(If it is a shaman/druid and other natural occupations that bind this occupation card, it will help you understand the heart of nature)]

【"I advise you to be cautious..."】

unique means? Pajamas?

Wei Yuan intends to temporarily seal up this card...

The second card is also perfect, with a two-headed Cerberus leather cape drawn on it.

【Dog Fur Coat (Red)】

[Perfect Equipment Card/Defense/Cloak/Cloak]

[Hellfire Protection: This cloak is wrapped in hellfire. +5 fire resistance, giving the wearer a once-a-day lava shield against heat. 】

[Resentment-ridden: Huge resentment is condensed in this fur, which can trigger an outbreak of resentment every three days. 】

[The Guardian of the Hellhound: The soul of a two-headed hellhound is bound on the cloak. +2 strength, +2 constitution, every 12 hours you can summon two hellhound spirits to fight for you. Lasts 2 hours. 】

[(The outbreak of resentment will increase your all attributes by +3, and cause mental stimulation to nearby enemies, but it consumes 3 points of your spirit every minute. If the spirit attribute is lower than 5 points, you may fall into madness)]

[(occupies 11 energy levels, requires 15 strength, 15 physique, 20 spirit)]

【"Licking a dog is not as good as running a dog, and running a dog is not as good as a dead dog. Cerberus dogs call experts!"】

This cloak is very much needed!

Wei Yuan: I also have a dog fur coat!

The last card is also perfect, a curved horn.

【Devil Horn (Red)】

[Perfect Grade Prop Card/Magic Oddity/Demon Product]

[Summon Demon: Randomly summon a level 4 demon to serve you. 】

[(Note: You need to find a way to send it away, and you should be more careful during use. If you are taken advantage of, the first thing the devil will kill is you)]

【"The strong don't need the service of the devil at all, and the weak will most likely become the plaything of the devil."】

This card is extremely risky. If Wei Yuan blows the horn in this world, even if he finds a way to send it away, it may expose the location of this fantasy world and attract the invasion of the bottomless abyss.

When the time comes, it won't be that the fantasy world has gone berserk, it's that the fantasy world has fallen!

Many phantom worlds have fallen into dangerous worlds like the bottomless abyss, the nine hells, and subspaces because of Katu's chaos.

Perhaps this card was not a trap dug by Zhou Siqi's last resentment for Wei Yuan.

Wei Yuan put it away, and planned to return to Tianyuan City to talk about it. If it doesn't work, just sell it to the Katu Association, they will give you a good price!


Dinner was cooked by Saeko Busujima, and a large table of dishes was prepared in a very short time.

Ashe is very embarrassed every time. After all, Sister Saeko needs to manage the shelter and cook for them, which is really hard.

Every time Ai Xi said this, Hao Mengmeng also looked guilty, but he ate more than anyone else!

"One more bowl!" "One more bowl!" shouted non-stop! Ashe was ashamed of her!

But Saeko thinks that cooking is a rare time to relax, and she likes it very much.

While eating cat rice, the chicken leg is still listless, and the hair on its body has only grown a little. It is very inferior. She hides except when eating.

Erha was lying on the ground gnawing on a shiny silver "big bone stick", rattling! It looked delicious, making Hao Mengmeng greedy.

After Wei Yuan was able to move his hands, in order to reward Erha for making the savior urine, mainly to stop the idiot dog from demolishing the house, he made a teething stick out of stainless steel for it!

Now Erha's IQ has not recovered yet. The lower the intelligence of the target of this mentally handicapped technique, the longer the duration. It seems that it has been a week, and Erha has not recovered yet.

Isn't this just trying to gnaw the iron bone! If it weren't for Erha's good teeth, one question after recovery would be: Where are my teeth?

King Kong who was sent away by the maze exile technique was also very uncomfortable.

The maze was huge, and the puzzles at the exit were very difficult. King Kong had to hold back for three hours before coming out. It was Wei Yuan who counter-summoned him, otherwise he would not be able to find his home.

King Kong now hates all mazes and similar man-made structures!


During this period of time, Wei Yuan was stabilizing the basic market in the southern part of the city, and at the same time contacted the senior investigator Maiko Tamaki through the Three-Eyed Crow.

Now that Wei Yuan has avenged her, it can be considered that he has initially subdued this woman.

Now Tamaki Maiko has a very bad sense of the provisional government, and even hates it. Because of Hayakawa Yoichi's death, she didn't have deep feelings for the strategy bureau, and she was more inclined to Wei Yuan's side.

She is not a hero who understands righteousness, she is just a little woman who wants to be with her lover. The death of Hayakawa Yoichi made her hate these bureaucrats.

After all, no matter what, Wei Yuan is also on the human side. As long as you fight ghouls, there is no big problem. She decided to take refuge in Wei Yuan.

Wei Yuan's biggest goal in this fantasy world is to kill Zhou Siqi, and the remaining task is to dominate this fantasy world, complete the task as much as possible, reap benefits, and test his own ideas by the way.

And this kind of Ark is undoubtedly the enemy, and the Tokyo officials who are interim government plus countermeasures are also competitors.

Wei Yuan wants to devour the powerful power of the Tokyo government, and eat a fat man with one bite...

The hateful US emperor actually revoked my embassy! Very angry!

It also caused the stock market to plummet, causing me to write late!

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