Magic card gods

Chapter 136 A Ghoul Arose Among Us

The first day and night of the dead body incident.

The night sky is full of stars, and the night scene of the city that used to be brightly lit is now pitch black.

On the rooftop of the private Fujimi Academy, seven or eight students were sitting in the corner with their knees hugged, their faces ashen ashes.

Summer nights are not very cool, but they feel cold.

In one day, there were no living people in the school, and the former classmates and teachers began to bite the living people, and they dangled downstairs covered in blood. Occasionally let out a low growl...

Is this hell?

These eighteen or nineteen-year-old students don't know what to do at all, but it doesn't seem to work to wait. Because I am cold and hungry.

"Gu~" a female classmate's stomach rang. She has two pink ponytails. She used to be a rich lady, but now she can only starve and freeze on the rooftop.

That's right, she is the character Takagi Saya in the original book.

She has a good mind and is considered a bully in elementary school, so she skipped a grade to go to school. She is only 16 years old now.

Her father, Soichiro Takashiro, is the leader of the most famous local group "Worrying for the Country and One Heart Association", and he can be regarded as a figure who can eat both black and white circles.

At the beginning, Wei Yuan didn't dare to touch this organization, because it can be seen from the name that they are not a simple Jidao organization, but a large group involved in politics and business. Behind it is the platform of high-ranking officials and bosses in the inner city.

Wei Yuan's secret integration of those extreme organizations has already attracted the attention of the Metropolitan Police Department. If he will take action against worrying about the country, it may attract official forces to suppress it.

However, it is different now.

Wei Yuan: Official? It's official! Now the hard fist is the boss!

A male student on the side heard Takashiro Saya's stomach screaming, and felt a little relieved.

Although I am also hungry, I ate a lot in the morning and I can bear it now.

Look at the young lady next to him, how hungry is he? Maybe I will be able to hear it in a while, the proud eldest lady in the past is crying!

People are such strange creatures. Once there are people who are worse than themselves, or people who used to be superior but are not as good as themselves, then it is not difficult to accept their miserable situation.

Fan Debiao, a people’s artist in northern Liaoning, once said: Happiness is when I’m hungry, and when I see someone else holding a meat bun, he’s happier than me; when I’m cold, when I see someone wearing a thick padded jacket, he’s happier than me. ;I want to go to the latrine, it's just a pit, if you squat there, you will be happier than me.

There is no harm without comparison!

However, before the boy was relieved for a few seconds, a fat hand next to him handed Saya Takashiro an energy chocolate bar.

The one who handed the things was a short, fat man wearing glasses and looking unattractive, just like a very ordinary otaku.

But this nerd is unusual, he is a military nerd. He even went to the Lighthouse Country for a month of military training.

Hirano Toda has this kind of experience, as well as a sense of crisis that seems to be a little neurotic, so he always carries a few energy chocolate bars with him.

Takashiro Saya looked at Hirano Toda in amazement, she didn't expect that this fat man who admired him very much and had no sense of presence usually had such a skill. But she didn't have time to think about it, and her hunger prompted her to take the energy bar.

"Thank you." She thanked in a low voice, and began to chew secretly.

Seeing the sweetness of Gaocheng Saya's food, the boy who was a little happy just now suddenly became ill, and even felt resentment in his heart.

I am suffering from hunger and hunger, but someone next to me is feasting, can I not hate it?

This boy even hated Saya Takashiro a little, why didn't she give some to herself? I also hate Hirano Toda, why don't I share the food with myself?

Gaocheng Saya noticed his unfriendly eyes, and she felt a little depressed.

The reason why she said thank you in a low voice and ate the energy bar carefully and secretly was because she was worried that someone would have bad thoughts.

Don't worry about scarcity but inequality...

After a while, she and Notoda found Takashi Komuro, Hao Yong Jing and Rei Miyamoto, who had a strange atmosphere.

Gaocheng Saya whispered: "We can't wait like this. The few phone calls during the day have already shown that this is not a regional incident. I'm afraid we won't be able to wait for rescue in a short time. We have to control our own destiny..."

A few people who already had similar ideas hit it off and planned to form a temporary team to break out of the school.

Saya Takashiro proposed to go to his father's worrying about the country, because there is a strict organization, a high-walled compound, and guns, and there is a greater possibility of surviving there.

When it comes to survival, everyone can't help but start to worry about their family members.

The protagonist team upstairs is planning to break out, and the protagonist team in the downstairs classroom is still waiting.

Ito Makoto, Xiyuan Temple World, Gui Yanye, and several other students, a total of eight people.

It's just that only the three of Makoto Ito are in the same class, and the remaining five boys are all one grade higher.

At the critical moment, it was Xiyuan Temple who took the risk of putting them into the classroom to escape the dead body.

It's just that staying like this is not an option.


Senior sister Zhou Siqi, who was far away in the inner city, finally ran to the temporary official shelter with three or four police officers and six or seven people after a hard fight.

Official buildings are always stronger and taller, and many times the doors and windows are blocked to form a small fortress. And there are self-defense forces and other military police stationed there.

If it weren't for the fact that the dead virus was transmitted in water sources and broke out in a large area, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government would not even be so passive.

However, even if many people inside became dead immediately, the officials still stabilized their position. In particular, the newly formed Tokyo Abnormal Event Countermeasures Bureau performed extremely eye-catching.

Let me ask, what event could be more abnormal than this now?

The first batch of investigators who got the Quinker weapons were all elites. They swung all kinds of strange-shaped Quinker weapons to kill the body. It took them a whole day. Stabilized the temporary shelter.

The remaining officials and people began to try to clean up the dead bodies, rescue the people, and contact the outside world.

Only at this time, Tokyo's connection with the outside world was completely cut off.

They only knew that last night there was a nuclear explosion on the mainland of American father, coupled with the dead body incident on their side, it was unexpectedly matched. It makes people feel like the end is coming~

With this outstanding performance and the highest combat effectiveness, the Tokyo Abnormal Incident Countermeasures Bureau has become a temporary official organization.

The highest official surviving official, Ryota Toyama, the former Deputy Minister of Imperial Affairs, expressed his support.

The Countermeasure Bureau is now discussing countermeasures and wants to do something. After all, it was originally aimed at some human-eating monsters that look like people, but not this kind of human-eating monsters that are dead bodies of all people! The business is a bit wrong~

The most urgent task is to contact the six branches of the Countermeasures Bureau established in each district. This kind of thing happened to this branch just a few days after it was established. I hope that a few more can survive.

Senior sister Zhou Siqi's status is not low, and she arrived with a small group of survivors, her status is not bad. Organize civilians in official camps.

She was a little moved when she saw the Quinkers weapons in the hands of the investigators.


In the underground biochemical laboratory in Tokyo, Chiweilong led people to wipe out most of the biochemical monsters.

The damage brought by the ghouls was really not small, not only causing the spread of the newly developed dead virus, but also destroying many areas in the laboratory, and letting some experimental monsters escape. But that has nothing to do with the red-tailed dragon, that is what the survivors on the ground have to face.

If the red-tailed dragon wants to rule Tokyo, and even the entire Japan, it is bound to make the disaster worse, so that he can appear as a savior.

Through some ground monitoring, he saw dead bodies roaming around and fire-prone Tokyo.

He didn't take it seriously, but smiled lightly: "If you can't break it, you can't stand it. My country will be reborn from the ruins."

On the other side, the ghouls who were beaten back and killed several by him also hid in a building to lick their wounds.

These first batch of awakened ghouls were united to form an organization called Ark.

They believe that ghouls are the direction of human evolution, and those who are stupid and unable to accept evolution must become the food of new humans.

It's just that this action caused a lot of losses to the ghouls in the ark. Eight of the eleven apostles participated in the attack. As a result, two of them died when they attacked Umbrella's Tokyo branch, and one was captured alive. The ghouls under him also suffered a lot of casualties.

Originally, they thought that the person who captured their members was some kind of shady small organization, but they didn't expect to bump their heads on the iron plate.

What was even more unexpected was that because of this battle, 30 million people in the entire Tokyo circle were reduced to hell.

However, they also found that these ghouls seem to have natural antibodies, even if they are bitten by a dead body, they will not be infected. And those half-dead bodies can still be used as food!

Isn't this a revelation from God?

Humanity is bound to decline, the future is a world of ghouls!


Wei Yuan and the others dispatched three times in one afternoon, brought back a large amount of survival supplies, and even rescued the thirty or forty people.

Because of their actions, and the radio broadcasts along the way, many people knew that there was a shelter in the suburbs, and some survivors with strong hands-on skills even came to the shelter to hide on their own. Dead body viruses attack very quickly, so it only takes a few hours of simple isolation to know if anyone is infected. As long as they obey Wei Yuan's rules, the refuge will accept them.

This afternoon, those who came to the refuge by themselves also took in twenty or thirty people.

However, when Wei Yuan came back from going out for the last time in the evening, he saw a red dot on the map of his mobile phone! That is a ghoul! In my refuge, a ghoul got mixed in!

Wei Yuan called everyone for a meeting, and there were almost 200 people in the shelter at this time.

He repeated the sanctuary's discipline and rules again, and then said with a smile: "Finally, I have something to announce. Among us ~ rape~ a monster~"

For a moment, there was an uproar in the audience. Originally, these people had a lot of resentment and pressure because of Wei Yuan's high-handed rule. If they couldn't beat him, they would have killed him long ago.

Now he actually dares to say such tiger-wolf words?

Reflecting on myself, I feel that what I wrote is really rubbish.

It really makes me feel guilty that everyone tolerates me being such a trash.

I hope that I can improve somewhat, and I am worthy of so many book friends who have subscribed.

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