Magic card gods

Chapter 114 Saving the Old Daoist Kane

When parting, King Kong Caesar said to the orangutans: "After I leave, you all have to watch over your property carefully, plant willows and pine trees at the right time, so that nothing is lost, and wait for me to protect this bald orangutan and fight in other worlds. After success, I will still come back to take you out of the sea of ​​suffering.”

Well, these words were actually made up by Wei Yuan.

Although King Kong Caesar has developed wisdom, he is only a wild orangutan. How can he have such literary talent? I have never read the original Journey to the West. It just growled and beat its chest at the gorillas.

Wei Yuan spent a lot of time and thoughtful calculations, and finally the old pagoda tree made some favors to fulfill his idea, after all, he took the leader of the third rank King Kong Caesar under his command.

The old locust tree was also generous, and directly gave Wei Yuan a large piece of bark so that he could do business.

At that time, Wei Yuan exhausted all the energy levels just by using the card [Domination Charm (Red)] to contract Vajra Caesar.

He also understands that his first adventure in the fantasy world is almost complete.

I've already done what I can do, and as a Tier 1 brat, I absolutely can't get involved in the following things.

After all, there are only two foundations for card players, class and card.

If the level is not enough, stronger cards cannot be driven, and if the level of the card is not strong, it will fall into a bottleneck.

A lonely yin does not grow, and a lonely yang does not grow. These two are like Tai Chi fish with one yin and one yang, promoting and restricting each other.

Now Wei Yuan's class is too low, which has greatly restricted his performance.

Instead of thinking about getting fancy cards, it's better to slash monsters a lot, stimulate energy level fluctuations, and upgrade early.

If you can advance to level 2, the effect of the cards you bind will also be improved, and the effect of the soul card will be greatly enhanced.

However, Wei Yuan actually completed a task after contracting King Kong Caesar in Tier 3.

【Less basic exercises (red)】

[As a unique traveler, isn't it a basic operation to leapfrog and fight monsters? Please kill or subdue a monster two levels higher than you alone. 】

[Reward: Increase the fluctuation of energy levels by 2, and increase the upper limit of energy levels by 3. 】

【"Thirty years in Hedong, young people are poor, so terrifying, we must not stay!"】

This task can only be completed at the first level, and the second level will be two levels higher, and it will be a fourth-level monster! The further you go, the bigger the class gap, not to mention the low-level challenge to the middle-level!

In this way, Wei Yuan rose to level 1 and level 7. Another 1 point of free attribute, now 5 points have been saved!

He didn't expect that he would complete his first Perfect-level mission just like that!

And the reward for this mission is actually the upper limit of the energy level!

The so-called raising the x energy level before is to increase the fluctuation of the energy level, and if you make up enough fluctuations, you can upgrade to 1 level. Up to 1 level will increase the upper limit of 10 energy levels.

But Katu can be upgraded, and every level up will also increase the upper limit of 10 energy levels.

So generally speaking, Katu's crude "attribute system" still maintains a certain degree of "fairness".

If you can really go to the extreme, at least there is no gap between everyone in terms of energy level.

There are very few ways to increase the energy level.

For example, Wei Yuan's equipment [Dark Blue Eagle Headband (Green)] has +1 energy level. This is a very rare attribute with huge strengthening value.

But upgrading is the same for everyone, equipment and other ways to increase energy levels, it all depends on skill.

Now Wei Yuan's third soul card [World Positive Feedback (Soul)] has actually begun to break this balance!

Sure enough, you are not a task system, you are a script plug-in!


When I went back, I still walked by water. Wei Yuan put away all the summons, leaving only the chicken legs. Three people and one cat walked the Yellow Dragon River on the old turtle, and went directly to the Rongguang Bridge at the south gate of Luo Ge's camp.

That speed was much faster than when we came here, and it only took 2 hours. If there is no old turtle, trekking through the ruins will take a long time.

It is now the 28th day of the fantasy world adventure, and it is said that the duration of the adventure will end in two days. At that time, Katu will be "sucked" back to the original world.

It's just that Wei Yuan received the mission from the old fairy, and the adventure lasted 10 days longer, so he still has one more chance to use the [Dominance Talisman (Red)].

Since Lao Gui had agreed to it before, and he also helped him diligently, naturally he couldn't break his promise. After making an appointment with Old Gui, Wei Yuan and the others returned to Luo Ge's camp.


"You guys are back?" The old fairy's face was full of relief.

She could see a happy smile on her granddaughter's face, and it seemed that the person she chose for her was not wrong.

Wei Yuan took out the bundle of thick old bark and handed it to the old fairy, who took it solemnly, and said with some excitement: "If the old Niubi is really alive..."

While sending people to invite Katu and the members of the committee, she offered incense to the fairy family in the hall.

By now, Wei Yuan has almost known the plan of Tianyuan City Second Academy.

Just like dividing a territory, many important origin fantasy worlds are controlled by different Katu forces.

For example, this Huanglong City fantasy world is one of the main origin fantasy worlds of Tianyuan City.

The power of Tianyuan City is the largest in the fantasy world of Huanglong City, the development of the fantasy world is the deepest, and it has the ability to mass-produce identity card beacons. At least one-third of the Katu who entered the fantasy world of Huanglong City belonged to Tianyuan City every time.

Katus from other cities can come in and take risks, but if they try to do something big, they will be attacked by the Tianyuan City Katus Association.

However, the Katus are not treating guests to dinner, so naturally there is competition.

Especially between cities and cities, it is also competitive.

In many cases, there are even huge differences in ideology or three views, and it is normal for them not to be able to see each other. They also often have disputes with each other.

However, if it falls into a vicious cycle of competition, it will eventually become a crowd-eating gu, which is extremely detrimental to the carders in the original world. Therefore, under the constraints of the Nine-Cities Alliance, the competition between cities has maintained a certain degree of restraint.

However, if certain "specific conditions" are met, "wars" can also be launched between cities.

It's similar to the national war, guild war, and Sabak siege in the game.

Either one's own side becomes stronger, or the other side becomes weaker, as long as the conditions are met, an application is made to the Ninetowns Alliance through the process, and the two sides will fight with each other. The party that loses will naturally lose benefits, such as being deprived of the dominance of the fantasy world.

This time, Tianyuan City intends to send him to the fantasy world of the ruins of Huanglong City at a price while the 5th-level Katu is recovering from his injuries, so as to get through the first scene that he hasn't been able to get through in the past twelve years. In order not to meet the conditions of "disadvantage to the development of the fantasy world", and be coveted by carders in other cities.

And the reason why the Katu in Tianyuan City failed to get through the first scene for twelve years is because the Illusory World has changed a lot after it got out of control and merged. Most of the previous experience is useless, and everything has to be explored from scratch.

The second is that this is the first act of the original fantasy world, which is a sub-act. It is very suitable for low-level card players to come in and earn the first pot of gold, but there is no benefit for mid- and high-level card players. Instead, it will cost a lot of money.

The ruins of Huanglong City in the A-level large-scale fantasy world can enter the 5th-level card disciple at most, but it does not mean that the 5th-level card student is just like visiting the door, and you can enter casually with a beacon.

1st to 3rd rank card disciples, there is no price to come in.

Tier 4 card players will need to spend extra material cards to enter.

And when it comes to the "tickets" for Tier 5 card disciples, it has more than doubled by ten times.

In order to enter such a low-level first act of the fantasy world, is it worth spending a dozen perfect cards and millions of Tianyuan coins as the price? Katu also want to pursue maximum benefit!

But this time it just happened that the sloppy uncle among the teachers who led the team was seriously injured, and his strength temporarily retreated to level 4. In addition, the quest clues had been broken through all the time, so the Tianyuan City Katu Association gave birth to try to get through Huanglong The idea of ​​the first act of City Fantasy World.

In fact, not only the Second Academy participated this time, but also the First Katu Academy of Tianyuan City. After all, the two are Katu Academy in the same city, and they share common interests.

Otherwise, what do you think Zhu Huamei is doing in this fantasy world? Really only for a little warlock mercenary? It was just hugging grass and beating rabbits, doing some private work by the way.

When Wei Yuan retrieved the bark of the old locust tree, Zhu Huamei and Billy Zhou had also defeated the leader of the high-tech zone in Huanglong City, the strange blood female star, and retrieved the ancient book that recorded the key information.

It's just that only one person can understand the text of this ancient book...

Two days later, the normal katu adventure duration ran out, and they returned to the original world. Some Tianyuan City katu who had more time like Wei Yuan started to operate.

According to the divination that the old fairy asked the five great immortals to make on the bark of the old locust tree, everyone came to a place in the wilderness, cleared the monsters, and opened the giant stone mechanism in a specific order...

The old Taoist priest who fought for a chance of life for everyone in Luo Ge's camp after he died alone did not die. This is the key clue that Tianyuan City got.

Now, by passing through the teleportation formation in this mechanism, one can reach that secret realm. The old Taoist priest was hiding somewhere in that secret realm.

The old fairy once said: "The old cow-nosed Sun Kai'en knows a kind of exercise called the Snake Bend Turtle's Breathing Kung Fu. Before the catastrophe, he has the effect of holding his breath and restraining himself for three days."

That is to say, when this kung fu is activated, there will be a suspended animation effect, whether it is body temperature, heartbeat, pulse or brain waves, all are in suspended animation.

If you say that, then there is an explanation for the old Taoist priest who has not heard from him for twelve years. It may be that the fake death is serious, and the time is too long to wake up!

Now, everyone in Tianyuan City is going to that secret realm to rescue the old Taoist priest.

Originally, Wei Yuan had nothing to do with it, but the old fairy girl from the Luoge camp said something, and Billy Zhou and others from the second college felt that Wei Yuan was a rare talent, and Miss Zhu Huamei from the first college He also said good things to him, so he sneaked in to get some benefits.

When the fight really started, Wei Yuan and Hao Mengmeng watched almost the whole process. Neither of them can even perform functional functions such as detecting terrain and detecting enemy attributes.

Those Tier 3 card disciples are not vegetarians, they have strong fighting power and complete functions.

The two of Wei Yuan only had the value of shouting 666.

However, through this battle, Wei Yuan also observed the methods of several Tier 3 bosses, analyzed their routes and card strengthening directions in his mind, and gained a lot of knowledge.

Otherwise, a grassroots carder like Wei Yuan really wouldn't have a chance to see the methods of a Tier 3 boss.

Moreover, Wei Yuan was not without gains. In that secret realm, Wei Yuan found an incorruptible corpse through the flower vines in the Zen realm. It was not Daoist Sun Kai'en, but a corpse of a foreigner.

Wei Yuan picked up a blue outfit [Witter's Leg (Blue)] from the corpse.

Wei Yuan quietly put away the wooden prosthetic leg. He felt that he would have one more thing to do when he came back to Huanglong City Fantasy World!

Soon everyone found, Taoist Sun Kai'en who hid himself in the cave in the gable wall. After bringing him back to Rogo's camp, the old fairy began to cast spells to treat him...

Due to laziness, I update late. I review, I was wrong...

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