Chapter 723 Ice Cave

When Mu Nanfeng returned to Tianlan Jinyuan, he happened to see everyone coming out of the back garden.

“Yan’er, Xingchen…”

Mu Nanfeng hurried forward with a happy expression.

Xu Yan looked at him, “Nan Feng, where have you been today?”

“I’m looking for someone.” Mu Nanfeng didn’t intend to hide this from her.

“Who are you looking for?”

“Xu Chenxi!”

Xu Yan frowned slightly: “Xu Chenxi? Isn’t she with Mu Beichen?”

She has not forgotten her grudge with Xu Chenxi, nor has she let go of her hatred for that woman.

It’s just that after being imprisoned for so long, she didn’t have a chance to deal with that bitch.

Later, after being in a coma for so long, there was no more information on this matter.

Now she woke up in a coma and saw Ye Xingchen again, and she focused on Ye Xingchen.

For a while, she had no other thoughts and energy to manage Xu Chenxi’s affairs.

Now Mu Nanfeng mentioned it suddenly, but she thought of her plan again.

She would give Xu Chenxi the most painful torture and the most miserable ending.

Mu Nanfeng said bluntly, “She’s back, and she’s blind.”

“Blind?” Xu Yan was stunned. How could a good person be blind?

When Ye Xingchen heard that Xu Chenxi was blind, he probably guessed what was going on.

Tang Qing was found by him, and it’s no secret that the man was blind.

Ye Xingchen asked, “Where is she now?”

“In Heishui District, I have someone locked her up.” Mu Nanfeng replied.

Ye Xingchen’s eyes dazzled: “Take me to see.”

“I want to go too.” Xu Yan said.

Mu Nanfeng had originally planned to go, and since Ye Xingchen and Xu Yan were also there, they happened to be together.

“Okay, I will take you there now.”

When Mr. Mu heard that the three of them were about to go out, he cordially instructed, “You kids, you should have a good rest and safety.”

“Don’t worry, grandpa.” Mu Nanfeng didn’t want him to worry, “we will go back.”

So the three set out immediately.

Heishui District.

This is a biological experiment area.

Since the water quality nearby is black, experts are studying here specially.

When he came to an old small courtyard, Mu Nanfeng opened a door to the room.

The furnishings in the room are very old, a bit like the decoration of a courtyard house.

“Where are people?” Ye Xingchen frowned when he noticed that there was nothing in the room.

Mu Nanfeng walked to an antique and fiddled with the antique.

Suddenly, a wooden board in the center of the floor moved away.

“Below.” Mu Nanfeng replied.

Ye Xingchen walked down the stairs and found a large space underneath.

He turned around and stretched out his hand, “Yan Yan, come, my brother will hold you.”

Xu Yan stepped on the stairs and stretched out her hand to him.

Mu Nanfeng walked at the back.

In a short while, the three of them arrived underground smoothly.

Xu Yan looked at the scene in front of her, shocked in her heart.

Below this is an ice cave.

There are many ice needles in the ice cave, forming a beautiful ice curtain.

Xu Yan walked on the ice and felt this feeling very strange.

“Nan Feng, what is this place?” Xu Yan became curious, “Why is there an ice cave here?”

Mu Nanfeng patiently replied, “This used to be a treasure house for the last concubine. There were a lot of gold and silver jewelry here, but they were all stolen later.”

“I bought this piece of land a few years ago, and originally planned to use it for development, but later discovered that there was an ice cave here, so I temporarily stopped the plan.”

He is very optimistic about this land, although the location is not very good, but the environment is very good.

Perhaps, in the future, he will consider developing this into an ice city.

“It turned out to be like this.” Xu Yan thinks this place is very special, and development really needs to be cautious.

Mu Nanfeng didn’t want to delay business, and walked in front to lead the way for them, “Follow me.”

The three of them passed through the small ice caves and came to a large azure ice cave.

In the center of the ice cave, there is water flowing.

The water is sky blue and very beautiful.

Of course, when Xu Yan was immersed in this beauty. A voice broke this beauty.

“Let me go, Mu Nanfeng, you scumbag, let me go.”

I saw someone shouting loudly on the other side of the ice cave.

Turning his eyes to look, it was Xu Chenxi who was locked in an iron cage.

The three of them looked over.

Xu Chenxi grabbed the iron cage and felt that someone had come in, and knew that it must be Mu Nanfeng.

“Heh…” Ye Xingchen sneered when he saw this disgusting face.

Xu Chenxi heard this voice, and his blood instantly solidified.

“You, you are not Mu Nanfeng…”

“Who are you?”

Ye Xingchen approached her step by step, an evil smile appeared on his face. “Finally meet again, Xu, Chen, Xi.”

He spoke word by word, his tone so cold.

Xu Chenxi’s heart trembled, she couldn’t possibly hear this voice.

“Ye Ye Ye… Ye Xingchen?” Xu Chenxi collapsed like a monster.

She muttered to herself.

“No, it’s impossible… Ye Xingchen has already died, that person has been bombed to death a long time ago.”

“An illusion, it must be an illusion.”

Xu Chenxi shook her head, she stared straight ahead, but she couldn’t see anything.

The figure is getting closer.

Xu Chenxi was frightened when she heard the footsteps, and she drew back.

“No, it’s impossible…”

“Ye Xingchen can’t be alive, it’s absolutely impossible…”

“A prank, a prank, you are not Ye Xingchen, you are not him…not…”

She didn’t believe it.

That explosion was so powerful, how could a person still be alive.

“You are pretending, you must be pretending, he can’t be alive, it’s impossible…”

Xu Chenxi shrank into a ball, clutching his head.

“You really are blind.” Xu Yan felt a burst of pleasure in her heart when she saw her appearance, “I didn’t expect you to have such a day.”

“Xu Yan…” Xu Chenxi became furious when she heard this voice.

She turned her gaze to Xu Yan, and asked fiercely, “What are you guys doing? Do you think this is fun, right?”

“What are you doing with someone who looks exactly like Ye Xingchen? Are you trying to intimidate me?”

Xu Chenxi was afraid of Ye Xingchen since she was a child.

Back then, she was taken home by Xu’s father, and Ye Xingchen was the only one who treated her coldly.

Since childhood, Ye Xingchen has never liked her very much, and it can even be said to be disgusting.

Ye Xingchen loves Xu Yan, this is something everyone knows.

And her appearance successfully attracted Ye Xingchen’s attention.

Ye Xingchen felt that she had taken away the love of Xu’s father and Xu’s mother, and felt that she shouldn’t show up in Xu’s family.

He had threatened her before and threatened her.

Because of the existence of this person, she never dared to do anything beyond.

She has to learn to please everyone since she was a child, because only in this way can she survive and not be discarded.

In order to live on the street, she has always endured the injustices of life.

Everyone loves Xu Yan, but she is always an accessory

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