Machine War: Infinite Frontier

Chapter 327 Weird World

Contact lenses are a good idea, but they are inconvenient and uncomfortable to wear. It is better to just hang an eye mask, so that you can go to the island and wait until both eyes are bright. Wearing a mask?

After sending away Cornelia, who stayed here all night, the number of people in the barrier also became much smaller. Except for Suzaku Shumu, all the people who came in from the outside were taken away by Cornelia, and Cornelia Leah was the first two people controlled by Lelouch. The only ones left inside, except for Xiao Yun, No. 3, No. 4, No. 5, C.C and Shumu Suzaku, were those who were originally inside. .

Although Xiao Yun said that those people who ran out were troublesome, in fact Xiao Yun did not take those people to heart at all. Those who ran out could not know the changes in the barrier, even if they noticed something strange from the outside. Tuodan can deceive them at any time. As long as James Cooper sends them a letter, he can make them fall into the trap at any time.

Talking about extermination is just an attitude. That is to say, there are a few people who are worried that people who run away may cause trouble outside. Others don't need to worry about anything. Instead of worrying about those people outside, it is better to prepare now. Greet those who come after you.

The purpose of asking Cornelia to take those two people out was to be able to gather those who had run away at any time. Compared to these people, Xiao Yun's advantage was simply from another dimension.

After Cornelia left, she also followed Xiao Yun's instructions and added a retractable cover on the top. When necessary, it could be closed at any time to make the barrier dark. Xiao Yun asked C.C to command the group of knights. There are light poles inserted everywhere, and each light pole is far apart. The yellow light emitted by the incandescent lamp can only illuminate a small area near the light pole. The artificial and weird space is now ready.

It was a boring wait for half a month. Cornelia would come to see Xiao Yun every now and then to bring some supplies, while Shumu Suzaku had already begun to receive training in the use of knight equipment. Everyone was busy with nothing to do on weekdays. They started practicing together, and a group of fierce men and women worked hard every day to become fitness experts.

The real test begins when the computer connected to the door device responds.

Just as Xiao Yun was sleeping with Cornelia in his arms, the door was suddenly knocked and the voice of No. 4 came: "BOSS, the door is responding."

As soon as he heard No. 4's words, Xiao Yun jumped up from the bed, picked up his clothes, put them on himself, and shouted at the door: "Let everyone get ready."

"Already notified."

Cornelia also rubbed her eyes, pulled the quilt to cover her beautiful body, and sat up: "Are you here?"

"Here we come." Xiao Yun glanced at Cornelia and said, "Get up, get dressed, and go to the basement with C.C."

Cornelia hesitated to speak, and finally said only two words: "Be careful."

Xiao Yun nodded and left the room, walked out of the building and looked in the direction of the camp from a distance. He looked up at the dome and saw that the closed lid had just closed to block all external light. Suddenly, there was only All that was left were the yellow light pillars and the thick fog that suddenly began to spread and quickly spread.

But this situation has no impact at all on the knights wearing combat uniforms. They can still see the situation clearly in the dark through their helmets.

But if the GEASS abilities of Xiao Yun, No. 4 and No. 5 are added, the situation will be different.


My name is Jimmy, Jimmy Chen. I am a lieutenant knight of TMC. I received an order to participate in a special operation mission. In fact, I have long known that this is a special operation to an alien space. I have heard about the alien space before. There have been great changes, and today I finally have the opportunity to visit the alien space in person.

When I arrived at the meeting point, I realized that the advance team had already entered in advance, and now a relatively stable long-term channel was finally opened through the equipment. The task of our group of people was to go to support and prepare more All supplies and personnel were sent over.

I followed the person in front of me who was guarding the mechanical hound who was consigning supplies and entered the door. After the scene in front of me changed, I knew that I had entered an alien space through the door, but what was going on in this dark and foggy situation? The people who came together carefully dispersed and were on guard. Except for the equipment in operation, no one was found around them. Where are the people from the advance team? Where did they go? Why didn't anyone come to guide us?

Jimmy frowned slightly and tightened the weapon in his hand. Under the arrangement of the person in front, he quickly passed the mechanical hound and ran towards the front. Voices rang in his ears.

"Nothing was found, no one was there. Where are the people from the advance team? Why is there no one?"

"I saw many lights scattered far away..."

"The equipment brought by the advance team is operating normally. Wait, I found the news left by the advance team... Is this, run, run quickly?"


A sudden scream rang in the ears of everyone who had turned on the communication, making everyone's hair stand on end.

"Who is it? Who is in trouble? Can you hear me? Answer quickly!"

"They're from the Alliance, what's going on over there!"

Listening to the messy communication, Jimmy felt his hairs standing on end. He looked further away and suddenly saw several figures appearing: "I found something, I found something here... What is this!"

In Jimmy's eyes, several people in tattered combat uniforms were limping towards their direction. In Jimmy's eyes, the helmets of these people in combat uniforms cracked, revealing their rotten faces. The eyes on his face were still glowing with a terrifying red light.

Soon, the entire communication became chaotic again, and even gunshots rang out one after another. Everyone's ears seemed to hear strange sounds at this time, as if they were the breath of the devil, the praise of angels, and the sacred music of heaven. A feeling mixed with the howls of hell.



"Don't come here, don't come here!"

"Haha, I have loved you for a long time, but you insist on choosing him. I have no choice but to kill him and then forcefully possess you, hahahaha~~~~"

"What's wrong with you? Put down your weapons. Put down your weapons quickly! All AIs have locked their weapons! Something is wrong with this place. The advance team has been wiped out!"

"No, it won't be affected under the yellow light. Everyone, hurry up and rush to the place with the yellow light before the voice in your head drives you crazy."

"It's not too far, and there are still many people queuing up behind the door. Someone must go back and stop them from coming here. What is going on!"

Some people who still had sense hurriedly approached the yellow light, but what was strange was that the lampposts that had people standing on them suddenly went out, and those lampposts that were approached also went out, which caused these people to just They ran toward another light, but after they ran over, the original light came on, and the light they were approaching went out again.

In this process, more and more people are falling into madness because of the voices and pictures in their heads. There are still some people who are struggling to hold on but can no longer maintain their few sanity. They laugh crazily: "Hahaha, trap." , It’s all a trap, it’s all a devil, it’s all a devil.”

Chaos and wailing, madness and despair enveloped the entire barrier. The weapons were locked and could not be used, so they used fists, teeth and brains.

Jimmy was lucky enough to rush back towards the door, while the people behind him who were still rational took out a bomb, threw it towards the door and detonated it.

Slowly, the chaotic and crazy people calmed down and fell weakly to the ground. They closed their eyes one by one and began to fall asleep. The bombs also completely detonated the equipment surrounding the door in the camp and closed the passage.

Jimmy and a few other lucky people returned to their original place. When they looked up, they saw many people behind them looking at them inexplicably.

"Hahahaha~~~" Jimmy smiled crazily and took off his helmet. Although it should be something very scary and frightening, he felt a strong sense of madness in his heart. He couldn't control his laughter and shed tears. Laughing wildly: "There are demons, there are demons! The advance team was wiped out and turned into monsters. Everyone in the past has gone crazy and they will also turn into monsters, hahaha, hahaha!"

Those who hadn't had time to pass by looked at the few people running out of the door, all laughing or crying crazily, and felt a little frightened.

"Medic, medic!"

The incident was reported immediately, and a detailed inspection of the returning people was immediately carried out.

When the examination results came out, the words mental pollution became particularly conspicuous, and the records brought back by their assisted AI also confirmed that everyone was affected by something inexplicable. Only artificial intelligence was not affected by this. , everyone frantically attacked the air and teammates. At the same time, they also saw the first group of advance team members who were completely invisible to the eyes of the second group of people who were affected. Each one of them also had crazy faces as if they were being controlled. The eyes were red, like beasts with suppressed desires, just surrounding the crazy second group of people.

The advance team was completely wiped out, and half of the second batch of personnel was lost. If Jimmy and the others had returned later, they might have lost all of the second batch of personnel. This made the expressions on the faces of the commanders of the three-party alliance become quite ugly. The loss was too great and it did not bring any useful information at all. The only thing that was known was that this world seemed not to be a complete world, but an alien space full of strange power.

One person said: "Are you still going to try?"

Someone retorted: "The equipment over there should have been destroyed. There is no way to open the door and connect to our world. Who knows what terrifying and unknown things exist in that alien space. From now on According to some records, that kind of madness is more like something with extremely high impact and contagiousness. We don’t know whether it’s a virus or something weird. Are we trying to kill more people now?”

The third person said: "Even if we continue to try, we will only have one or two chances at most. We can intervene through other doors and then transport equipment to stabilize the passage again. But as long as we send people over, we will not be able to escape that influence. Even if No one who has undergone a high degree of mechanical transformation can escape that kind of influence, so I don’t think this is a virus. I’m afraid there really is something we don’t understand, unless we immediately make a suitable body for the auxiliary AI. The next batch of personnel All of them use auxiliary AI, and there are many things that can’t be done, but it’s no problem to complete the command.”

The second person was a little unbelievable: "Most of the advance team and the second group of people are guarding the door like wild beasts. Why don't they attack when the second group of people passes by? It's obvious that they are waiting for an opportunity to attack. Come over from the other side of the passage, do you still want AI to open the door?"

The third person said: "I'm just providing an idea. What exactly is this mysterious thing? Shouldn't we figure it out?"

The second person said: "There are too many alien spaces where the door has been opened. There are so many unknown and mysterious things. Why don't you figure them out one by one? This situation has never happened before even in human history." Come on, maybe the place where the door opens this time is really a world where real ghosts and gods exist."

While the three of them were arguing, a muscular man in his forties wearing a casual suit came over, and the appearance of this man made the three of them suddenly quiet.


The sturdy man glanced at the three of them and said: "I already know everything about the situation. On behalf of the Federation, I now order you to abandon this operation and seal everyone, and hand over all relevant information. That's it for now."


The strong man glanced at the person who spoke and said coldly: "The Federation is not so cruel. We warned them not to talk nonsense. We are all soldiers and know the consequences of leaking secrets."


"Ignore what you shouldn't care about, and don't ask about what you shouldn't ask."

One sentence directly dispelled the curiosity of the three people just now, and they nodded honestly without daring to ask anything.

The muscular man warned the three of them and then turned around and left. The three of them looked at each other and saw some possibility in each other's eyes.

"Has the Federation had contact with similar things a long time ago?"

This doubt could only be kept in their hearts from now on and they would not be able to get an answer. However, the three of them also ordered the suspension of the operation at the same time and then began to order everyone to shut up and give stern warnings.

In another world, Xiao Yun felt a little distressed when he saw the broken equipment. He ordered the technicians in the first batch of people to hurry up and start repairing the original parts. Then he looked at another batch of new ginseng fruits and Jesus. I couldn't help but sigh in my heart: "TMC, what a good person." (End of this chapter)

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