At the foot of a mountain, there is indeed a village.

Looking at this village, there is a neat row of houses, but the appearance of the houses is similar, they are all yellow, and the wind and sand are blowing all the time. Even if there are other colors, they have already been covered by yellow sand.

When Feng Nian and the group stepped into the village, the village was very quiet. The village road is neatly repaired, and the surface is lightly covered with a thin layer of yellow sand. The cultivated land is far away, but from a distance, you can still see villagers working in the fields with their heads down.

Hi everyone, I'm the head of this village. A smiling old man appeared in front of everyone. His face was full of grooves, like the surface of a mountain peak that had been blown by wind and sand for a long time.

Yan Sheng immediately used his best interpersonal skills. He explained to the village that they are self-driving tourists. Seeing the strange mountains here, they thought of borrowing a place to rest here, and he was willing to give the village chief Pay the cost of borrowing the house.

Seeing that the crowd was generous and they were outsiders, the village chief took them to find a vacant yard to live in.

The vacant yard happened to be next door to the village chief's house.

This yard was originally used for my eldest son to marry a wife, but people disliked our village for being poor, and the marriage was blown up. No one has ever lived in the yard, so you can just rest. The village chief's face showed Lonely expression.

Everyone didn't want to mention the sadness of the village head's family anymore, but asked about the situation in the village.

This village is built on the hillside. The nine mountains are called the chain mountains, but each mountain is shaped like a monkey, so it is also called the monkey mountain. In order to facilitate the distinction, the locals list them as one monkey mountain, two monkey mountains, etc. from left to right. The village happens to be at the foot of Jiuhou Mountain at the end, so it is called Jiuhou Village. The villagers in the village are all surnamed Hou. The village is called Hou Jing.

Yan Sheng gave the village chief a few banknotes. After the village chief thanked him, he stuffed them into his pockets casually and let everyone rest freely.

After the village chief left, the old horse took out a few talisman papers and wanted to spread them around, but was stopped by Feng Nian, Uncle Ma, don't bother.

The old horse immediately understood and put away all the talisman papers.

There are two rooms on each side of this courtyard, adding up to four rooms in total, and the main room is in the middle, which is similar to other houses in the usual village, except that it seems to occupy a smaller area than the yard of the village chief's house next door. This yard should be cleaned on weekdays, and there is no fallen leaf. The little sand on the ground was also brought in by the wind when they came in.

After Yan Sheng sent the village chief away, he chatted with the village chief outside the door before entering, The village chief said that no one usually comes here, so let's stay here with peace of mind.

Usually no one comes, but the house is cleaned very clean!

The eyes of Wei Zhen and Feng Nian happened to meet, it seems that they were thinking the same thing.

Feng Nian didn't say any more, and just asked everyone to rest. After all, there is still some time before dark. She didn't even arrange for someone to be on duty like she did in Baipi Village.

Outside the door, a person stared fiercely at the yard next door to the village head, and then spat at the door of the village head's house, saying indignantly, The village head took advantage of it again! His name is Hou Qian, and he is also from Jiuhou Village. villagers.

Don't talk nonsense, the yard next door to the village chief's house is clean and spacious, Hou's ex-wife gave him a hand and motioned him not to talk nonsense, because she knew that if the village chief heard what he said and annoyed the village chief, Their family has no good fruit to eat.

The yard next door to my house is so big, it has six rooms! Hou Qian still ignored his wife and shouted cursingly, because the village head's family got all the benefits.

Seeing that Hou Qian still didn't know how to restrain himself, his wife had no choice but to drag him away with all her strength, beating and scolding him as she dragged him back, After drinking a few sips of yellow soup, you will talk nonsense, let's go.

There was a sudden silence outside the door.


Feng Nian fell into a deep sleep this time, and when he woke up, it was already 6:15 in the evening. She opened the door and saw that Wei Zhen and other people also got up around this time.

She looked up, the sky was dyed red by the sunset, the glowing red clouds were really beautiful, and the sun was about to set.

After the last ray of light from the sun faded away, the whole land was replaced by night, and the lights of Jiuhou Village began to light up back and forth.

At this moment, the village chief Hou Jing knocked on the door of the next yard.

It was still Yan Sheng who went to make contact.

After standing at the door and saying a few words, Yan Sheng told everyone about the intention of the village chief. It turned out that the village head's family specially prepared a table of country dishes and wanted to invite them to try something new.

Wei Zhen asked Yan Sheng to promise the village chief, and told them to go there in a while.

After just ten minutes, Yan Sheng knocked on the door of the village chief's house next door.

The village head counted the number of people, and saw that none of the outsiders who came to Jiuhou Village today was left behind, so he welcomed them into the house with a smile on his face.

The village chief placed the table in the yard, and several lanterns were hung high in the yard, and the light reflected from the lanterns fell into the yard.

Could it be a human skin lantern? Feng Nian looked at one of the lanterns. The lantern does seem to be made of leather, and the candle inside makes a crackling sound from time to time.

You people in the city really like to joke, how is that possible? The village chief waved his hand, motioning everyone to sit down one by one.

Yan Sheng also had deep doubts in his heart, the village head's house looks very spacious, why not eat in the house, but move to this courtyard?

The village chief seemed to see the doubts in Yan Sheng's heart immediately, and explained, The house is small, and it's not as cool as the yard, and you can see the moon in the yard, isn't the little girl's favorite?

Yan Sheng coughed lightly. If the village chief knew that his boss Nian's favorite thing was not watching the moon, but catching ghosts, he wondered if he would faint from fright.

The village chief started chatting with Feng Nian and his group. He said that in the past, the place was surrounded by green trees, and the scenery was pleasant, and the wind and sand were not as severe as it is now. It's just that the environment has deteriorated faster these years, although a lot of trees have been planted around , but still failed to stop the wind and sand from attacking.

While the village chief was talking to everyone, his wife had already started to serve hot dishes on the table, and the table was full.

The village head took the initiative to fill everyone's bowls with fish soup, These fish are all caught in the stream in our village. They are very fresh. Try them.

Yan Sheng's stomach was already beating with hunger. When he was in the yard next door, he could already smell the aroma. They didn't eat a mouthful of hot food all day today. The fish soup was so milky white that it was sprinkled with his favorite green onion. He took a sip first, and it tasted good.

Xue Rui on the side stroked his forehead helplessly, didn't Yan Sheng notice that no one moved his chopsticks? He was clearly winking at him desperately, Yan Sheng is really a foodie.

Seeing that Yan Sheng drank the soup, the village chief hurriedly introduced, This is the chicken raised at home, and the eggs were just laid today, try them all.

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