Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 65 65 Return to Shanlin Town


In the town of Hillwood, four people gathered in the blacksmith Kallus's blacksmith shop - Chahar, the housekeeper of Shanlinburg, the blacksmith Kallus and his son Bal, and the carpenter William's son Ram. ♦♤♗

After spending so many days, Kallus had completed the construction of the plow blade of the curved shaft plow. At the same time, after reporting to Chahar, he invited Ram, William's son and a carpenter apprentice, to come and help him to complete the work. The construction of the plow body of the curved shaft plow.

Why didn't you find William, a carpenter with better skills?

William is actually very busy these days. Kallus has tasks assigned by the lord, and so does William.

Moreover, operating black ironwood is really a difficult job, much more difficult than processing other woods.

If it weren't for Chahar's coordination, William wouldn't be willing to let his son come over to help Kallus.


With excited shouts, Kallus, with the help of Ram, finally completed the assembly of the curved shaft plow.

The plow tip, plow bed, plow wall, plow shovel, plow shaft, etc. are all available. Not to mention, using Luo Ning's drawings as a reference, Kallus and Ram's restoration of the curved shaft plow is quite good. High.


Kallus laughed, walked aside, picked up a jar of wine and took a sip, his cheeks flushed, "After so many days, I finally completed the task assigned by the lord!"

He was not only happy about this, but what made him even more happy was that he had made this plow.

Any craftsman, whether a blacksmith, a carpenter, or a mason, views his or her finished work as a work of art.

Not to mention that Quyuanli is something that has never been done before. Although it was created by the lord, as the first person to create it himself, he can brag about it for a lifetime. ♦♧☞

Baal and Ram can brag about this matter for the rest of their lives. One of them is a blacksmith apprentice and the other a carpenter apprentice. They actually participated in the production of such high-end items. Thinking about it, they feel like they are living in a dream.

Chahar looked left and right, up and down, at the plow in front of him, his eyes shining with anticipation.

"Well done Kallus, I think the lord will definitely praise your craftsmanship when he sees this plow!"

He fiddled with the tip of the plow. This plow was much heavier than the light plows currently used in the farmland, and its structure was much more complicated.

"I wonder how it would work. Is it more effective than a light plow?"

They trust Luo Ning, but when faced with new things, they still have doubts in their hearts.

"How about we move out and find a cow to try?"

The two young apprentices were eager to give it a try, and they only needed one to move the plow body and the other to move the shackles.

"No, no, no!"

Kallus quickly stopped the two young men's intention, "You two brats, don't mess around. If it is damaged, we won't have time to get a new one before the lord comes back."

The fire in the eyes of the two apprentices extinguished.

Indeed, although the plow body is made of ordinary wood, Ram is just an apprentice carpenter and his skills are not very solid. With the help of Baal, he spent many days to complete the plow body. If it was broken, it would really be a big deal. Know how to explain to the lord.

Chahar pondered for a moment, "Counting the time, it has been more than half a month since you left the territory, and you are almost coming back from Muma City."

Although Luo Ning told Chahar before setting off that his departure might take a long time, he didn't expect to be away for so long, which made him even more anxious.

He had just assumed the role of housekeeper. Although he was very busy these days, it seemed that he had started a new life, and he was very happy in his heart.

If the lord suddenly disappeared, it would be really painful.

"Let's not move it."

Chahar decided: "When the lord comes back, we will show it to him, and maybe he will give us suggestions for modification."

"Mr. Butler is right!"

Kallus agreed very much: "It would be better to wait for the lord to see it first."

At this moment, a guard ran over quickly, "Mr. Butler, the lord is back!"

"came back?"

Chahar was overjoyed, and his hanging heart finally fell to the ground, "Where are you, sir?"

"Coming into town soon."

The guard replied: "Your Excellency asked us to inform you and Mr. Administrative Officer to hurry over. He has something to arrange."

"Okay, okay!"

Chahar trotted out in a hurry. Before leaving, he turned around and told Kallus, "You guys, take a look first. If there are any areas that can be improved, change them first. I'll report it to you later and see when he has time to take a look." Take a look at Quyuanli."

Kallus and the three people agreed quickly, feeling nervous in their hearts.

The adults are back and want to accept their results. Although the adults are kind, they will be in trouble if they are not satisfied.

"Come on, polish the plow body smooth!"

Kallus greeted him and continued polishing with his two apprentices.

Not to mention what happened in the blacksmith shop, at this moment Luo Ning was slowly crossing the boundary marker with his convoy and slaves and returning to the town.

The second time he came back, Luo Ning felt like he was back home. This land belonged to him.

The team slowly walked through the simple and dilapidated Shanlin Street (the road that goes through the center of the town and goes directly to Shanlin Fort). The shop owners along the street, the farmers and serfs who happened to pass by got to know the lord this time, and began to move towards where Luo Ning was. He saluted in the direction and called the lord at the same time.

More than half a month has passed, and the fact that Luo Ning is the lord of Shanlin Town has been known and accepted by all the residents.

Luo Ning was riding on a horse, with a friendly smile on his face as he greeted the people who saluted him, acting very friendly to the people.

The slaves following the team were shocked when they saw this scene. In their opinion, the nobleman who bought them seemed to be really respected by ordinary people.

No wonder, no wonder they are fed every day. Where can I find such a good noble lord?

Some slaves who have recovered a little ability to think even begin to self-hypnotize and work wholeheartedly for their masters.

Not long after, a figure jumped out from one side of the team, but it was Chahar running over.

"Master, you are finally back!"

Chahar said excitedly that to be honest, he was shocked when he saw so many people just now and couldn't figure out what was going on.

"Long time no see, my butler."

Luo Ning smiled and greeted, "How is the situation in the castle?"

"Everything is fine in the castle. The toilet you told me about before leaving has been completely built!"

Chahar quickly replied, "Under David's protection, there are no problems in the castle. In addition, the curved shaft plow on Kales' side has been completed. Everything is going smoothly!"

While he was talking, Administrative Officer Wilson ran over on horseback, dismounted in front of Luo Ning and saluted respectfully, "Lord Luo Ning, welcome back!"

"Long time no see, Mr. Administrative Officer."

Luo Ning greeted equally kindly, "How have you been these days?"

"Don't worry, sir. I have already taken care of dividing the town into villages and groups. I can report to you at any time when it is convenient for you!"

"very good!"

Luo Ning praised him, and then pointed to the hundreds of slaves behind him,

"We will talk about the report later. These people are the slaves I bought from Muma City. Now I need you and Chahar to cooperate to settle them, provide food and shelter, and their information must also be registered. Just like the previous census.”

Wilson and Chahar glanced back and forth at this group of people who seemed to be in good condition. They did not expect that these people were slaves and their mental state was too good.

Chahar and Wilson bowed and said: "As you wish, sir!"

Sorry, the time is set for eight o'clock tomorrow night. Fortunately, I just saw it.


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