Lord of the Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 22 Night Dou (Double the last half day for monthly votes)

Under the glow of the red moon high in the sky, and in the light of a gas street lamp that was lit far away, Lumian identified the footprints and followed them slowly and slowly. It didn't take long for the wet marks to completely dry up and no longer serve as a reminder.

But Lumian has memorized the sizes of the four pairs of footprints, the patterns on the soles and the characteristics of their respective walks, so that they will not be confused with other footprints. Even so, his tracking is still quite difficult. Different from the ruins of Kordu Village, tens of thousands of people come and go in Chaan Street and the surrounding area every day. The footprints left behind are not only countless, but also stacked on top of each other and destroying each other, making it impossible to locate the real target.

At the same time, there are all kinds of garbage left by vendors, as well as some negative effects caused by the bad environment. Lumian occasionally feels like he is looking for a drop of water in the sea. Fortunately, it is midnight.

There were very few pedestrians on the road, and most of them were drunkards. It exuded the distinct smell of fireflies in the dark night, and the footprints were more or less staggered. Lumian could rule it out at a glance. In addition, Margot and others had just walked not far, and many traces had not been destroyed. He reluctantly Follow up. Sometimes, due to the environment or Maggot's caution, the footprints will suddenly break, but Lumian will not give up. He will calm down and try to walk forward, left and right. A longer distance to find new traces.

After repeated trial and error and a lot of time, he finally found the footprints he wanted.

In this way, Lumian tracked all the way to Yeluan Street in the market area and stopped in front of a five-story apartment far away from several cheap dance halls.

The footprints of Maggot and his men went inside.

"You don't need the protection of your subordinates. You have enough confidence in your own strength..." Lumian muttered silently to himself, becoming more convinced that the target was an extraordinary person.

He glanced at the dark corridor and thought about what the "Hunter" might do to deal with the corresponding traces before returning to his real residence. He thought that even if he took a carbide lamp and looked for it step by step, it would be difficult to locate Maggot. , and may even fall into the opponent's preset trap. After thinking for a while, Lumian had a preliminary plan, withdrew his gaze and walked to the next street.

Not long after, he met a man in his twenties who was so drunk that he could walk unsteadily. When the man reached a broken gas street lamp and started vomiting, Lumian pressed his hat and walked over to hold him down. The voice said: "I want to buy your top, www.youxs.org."

The drunkard's first reaction was to wonder if he was so drunk that he was hallucinating.

He was wearing a gray-blue tweed jacket, which he bought at a cheap ready-made clothing store in the Candide Market. He only spent 1 fel coin, www.youxs.org, which is 30 ricks, to buy such a piece of clothing. Two whole years of old clothes.

Am I crazy or is this guy crazy? The drunkard tried his best to raise his head and look across, but due to the lack of light, he could only see the outline of Mo Lake hidden behind the darkness.

The next second, there were two cold coins in his hand.

The drunkard weighed it instinctively, touched the pattern on the surface of the coin, and burped, "Why did you buy it?"

"If you don't want to, I'll find someone else," Lumian said as if he wanted to take back the two coins.

The drunkards no longer asked, they all yelled and slowly took off their coats and took away the contents of their pockets.

When Lumian walked away with his clothes, he raised his head with difficulty and waved his hand: "Haha, madman, a madman who gives money..." When he returned to the apartment on Yeyang Street again, Lumian An had changed her clothes, wearing a dark blue peaked cap, a gray-blue duffle coat, washed white trousers, and a pair of old and dirty leather shoes.

Including some things that will be used later, he spent a total of 12 Filkin.

Looking up at the apartment where there was no light coming out, Lumian was suddenly stunned: Why do I have to target Maggot, an extraordinary person? His three men were not innocent even when they died, and the star was very weak, and they didn't know how to hide their traces. It would not be much harder for them than killing a chicken..." The fate of being attacked by Montsuri's fool was not chosen. What kind of person is going to bear it next! Why did I just think about how to hunt Maggot? I was not like this before. I can be ruthless when I should be ruthless, and I will try to solve it as simply as possible when I can solve it easily. No Carrying an extra burden...

As thoughts swirled around him, Lumian gradually raised the corners of his mouth. He found that he instinctively chose the more dangerous prey, because it seemed to be more challenging, and it would be more comfortable and enjoyable for him to do so quickly. He looked down at the left chest that was covered by clothes. Lumian suspected that it was inside the body. The changes brought about by pollution were certain. After a few seconds of silence, he lowered his voice and said in a low voice: "It seems that he is somewhat crazy..."

He didn't plan to change the target. He seemed to be able to smell the smell of blood. This was a gift and a curse. Pressing his peaked cap, Lumian carried a pile of things and walked around to the back of the target apartment.

He placed greasy pieces of meat, flammable sofa stuffing and other items near the corner, and created a circle of fire protection tape around them.

Then, Lumian lit the match and threw it over. Sparks quickly spread on the most flammable materials, and soon grew from small to large, swallowing up everything around them.

Black smoke rose up, and when the smoke grew bigger and enveloped the surroundings, Lumian shouted at the top of his lungs, "Fire! There's a fire." He yelled again and ran back to the front of the apartment, shrinking into the shadows in the corner. , His plan is, since I don’t know what trap you have planted in that room of the apartment where Maggot lives, then I will let you come out on your own.

And if Maggot is an "arsonist", he will definitely be able to realize that the flames and smoke below cannot form a real fire house, and his response will be completely different. When the time comes, Lumian can judge the sequence of the opponent based on this to decide. Should we move forward with the plan or give up on it.

As the smoke rose, the fire flashed and Lumian shouted, the residents of the apartment and the surrounding houses ran down the stairs to the street.

Because the fire was not large and the interior of the apartment was not affected by smoke, no one took the risk of jumping.

Lumian stopped talking and stared at the entrance and exit of the apartment, while others shouted similar words on his behalf and began to look for the fire point.

Two seconds later, a figure jumped down from a window on the second floor and landed.

Maggot, who was formally dressed in a red blouse and sail-colored trousers, with blond hair standing straight up.

Maggot took advantage of the fact that he was an extraordinary person and lived on a low floor. Instead of taking the corridor like other tenants, he jumped directly out of the window.

After landing, he looked back at the apartment and found that the fire was not big at all. His behavior of jumping out of the window was unnecessary and made him look panicked and stupid.

At this moment, he saw a figure wearing a peaked cap and a gray-blue vinegar tweed jacket emerge from the corner next to him. The figure lowered his head, pointed at him, and laughed: "Look, this person is so stupid! "

With a bang, Maggot's emotions exploded, and he rushed towards the man who laughed at him with slightly red eyes.

He was fast, and the figure was even faster. He had already turned around and ran towards the nearest alley.

Maggot wanted nothing more than to beat the guy's ass and chase after him.

The two of them ran in tandem towards the dark, deserted alley.

Bang bang, the figure rushed to the front of a street, pressed his right hand, and turned over.

Maggot didn't pause, stepped hard with both feet, and jumped up into the air, jumping directly over Jie Cheng.

As soon as he landed, he saw the figure stop and turn around.

Under the crimson moonlight, the face under the dark blue peaked cap was revealed in Maggot's eyes.

He was wrapped in layers of white bandages, leaving only his nostrils, glasses and ears exposed.

The opponent's left hand did the same, and held a silver-black, slightly sinister short knife. Maggot's penis enlarged rapidly, and his heart skipped a beat.

He woke up instantly and understood that he had just encountered the influence of a similar provocation.

Holding down a little uneasiness in his mind, Maggot directly pulled out the black revolver hidden in his waist. He aimed at Lumian and activated his provocation ability: "Just that knife? Idiot, now it's a gun. era!"


Maggot pulled the trigger, and a bullet shot out and went straight to Lumian's head. Lumian suddenly fell backwards, as if it had bent into an arch bridge.

Then, with a flick of his waist, he flew out horizontally, dodging the second bullet fired by Maggot.

Then, Lumian straightened his body like a spring, and threw the "Corrupted Mercury" in his hand towards Maggot, as if it was just a flying knife.

As soon as he dodged the blow, Maggot saw Lumian pounce on him like a ferocious tiger.

Only then did he realize that the other party's ears were stuffed with thick paper balls, and he was hardly affected by the provocation he just said.

The one who knows a hunter best is always another hunter.

This made Maggot's psychological anger emerge again, as if he was silently provoked by the other party's performance.

Bang, Lumian made a fist with his right hand, made a crisp sound, and hit Maggot's temple.

Maggot raised his left arm and blocked it steadily.

At the same time, he raised his right hand again and aimed his revolver at Lumian's head.

It's such a close distance, it depends on how you hide.

In an instant, Lumian leaned forward, as if to hit Maggot's chest with his head, and reached out with his left palm to grab his right wrist, while his right leg kicked the back of his head very flexibly. .

No. What he kicked was not the back of his head, but the falling mercury stuck in the cracks of the stones in the street next to him!

The silver-black evil dagger rose into the air and was half-led and half-led by Lumian's arch to fly towards Maggot.

To read the latest chapter of Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Fate, please pay attention to the Knight Novel Network (www.tcknh.com)

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