Lord of Puluo

Chapter 373 Xindi Tianguang and Zhengdi Tianguang

A house spirit can be so powerful that even the earth gods cannot stop it. Will this really happen?

There is no doubt about this, the lady is an example.

If the lady is released, the ordinary local god will really not be able to stop her.

But the question now is, why do Nectarine and Xiaofeng believe that Li Banfeng can stop this house spirit named Axia?

The fighting power of the Earth God is at least as high as the clouds, and Li Banfeng's cultivation is still on the ground. Is Xiaofeng's divination reliable?

"You insist on opening up wasteland here?"

Nectarine looked ashamed: "Brother Baisha, I know I don't have the face to beg you, but the people here are unfamiliar and I can't find anyone to help.

We asked for a plot of land with a radius of one mile. We laid out the offerings for several days and burned several deeds, but the land god never responded to us.

We don't know the reason, but we just ask you to give us some advice. "

The offerings, deeds, and a series of procedures were all fine, but there was only one problem: the local god was not at home.

Now that the Earth God is at home, do you agree to this?

"I'll find an expert and ask." Li Banfeng said perfunctorily to the two of them, then found a secluded place and entered the residence.

"Madam, someone is clearing land on my land. How should I deal with this matter?"

"Mr., don't be anxious." The lady took out an adze, chisel, axe, and saw from the front cabinet, brought two pieces of wood, and two needles flew like lightning, and she made a small bench in an instant.

"Ms. sir, sit down."

Li Banfeng sat on the small bench, thinking about the meaning of his wife's move.

Is this showing off the workmanship?

"My husband, you are the god of the land. It is actually a good thing for someone to open up wasteland. To put it further, when my husband is promoted to the clouds, every bit of popularity on the land will be a result of cultivation.

Speaking more closely, if someone succeeds in clearing wasteland, there will be skylight on the land. Obtaining skylight is equivalent to gaining Taoist fate. Accumulating more Taoist fate will be of great benefit to my husband's future practice. "


Tao Yuan?

Li Banfeng said in surprise: "Madam, when I first came to Puozhou, I looked at the sky light. That sky light can indeed accumulate spiritual connections, but is it different from the sky light in the new world?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Honglian, who was far away in the eighth room, shivered.


The lady smiled and said: "My husband, the sky light that happened that time was probably caused by that bitch Hong Lian. The world calls it the Zhengdi Sky Light.

People say that the sky light from the Zhengdi sky is different from the sky light from the New Earth. In fact, this is a fallacy. The two sources are different, but their nature is the same. It is just that the sky light from the Zhengdi sky is more intense than the sky light from the New Earth.

The light from the sky is like a thunderbolt. With one strike, ordinary people will soon die.

The light from the sky in the new earth is like sweet rain, falling in the air. People cannot benefit from it, or even notice it. "

Li Banfeng was stunned: "If you can't use it, doesn't it mean it's useless?"

"Humans cannot use it, but my husband's land can be used. The light from the sky falls on the earth like sweet rain. When combined with the unique earth energy of the new land, it will turn into strange flowers and plants.

These exotic flowers and herbs, when refined, are good medicine for accumulating karma. If my husband needs karma, he will take these medicines himself. "

Li Banfeng shook his head and said, "I've taken the skylight once, so I should have good luck."

"According to the truth, if you shine in the sky once, your fortune will be enough for my husband to cultivate to the clouds. But others are running a business. My husband has two doors open here. It is good to accumulate more fortune after all."

Li Banfeng wiped his sweat and said, "I don't understand what Madam said about two doors opening."

"The little slave is saying that our husband has two house spirits, Hong Ying, do you think so?"

"Who wants him to raise her?" Hong Ying lowered the head of her gun slightly shyly. In recent days, her figure has become more and more plump, and her previous clothes can no longer fit her.

Li Banfeng laughed dryly and did not dare to continue.

The record player went on to say: "My husband, if you don't want fate, there will also be hunters coming to collect these exotic flowers and herbs.

The more hunters come, the more famous the land will be. Then there will be land reclamation people. Successful land reclamation will attract light from the sky, and the popularity of my husband's land will become more and more prosperous. "

It's a complete virtuous cycle.

Li Banfeng became more and more delighted after hearing this.

However, the lady also warned: "When the wasteland is opened up, it is equivalent to recognizing the landlord. It is not easy to change the landlord.

The land boundary of one mile is not too small. My husband must have spotted the person who will open up the wasteland. He must take the necessary examinations. Don't waste your own land.

If the landowner is unable to manage the land at all, causing a piece of land to become abandoned due to neglect, it will be difficult to convert the entire land boundary into a legitimate land in the future. "

Li Banfeng thought about the whole process of the cycle, and suddenly had some doubts.

"Hey, madam, what would happen if this light from the sky, like rain, shines on the ground?"

The record player was silent, and Li Banfeng also felt that his question was ridiculous. How could the skylight of Xindi appear on the real ground?

Hong Ying turned away from the mirror and said, "Qilang, there really is such a place."

"Bitch, talk too much!" the record player scolded, and Hong Ying turned away and said no more.

"Hey, my husband, it's not that I don't want to tell the truth, but my husband is impatient. I'm worried that my husband will be in danger again."

Li Banfeng puffed up his chest and said, "I listen to my wife very much."

"Your Majesty is willing to listen to me, so I will say a few more words. If the light from the sky, like rain, shines on the righteous earth, it will be in harmony with the qi of the righteous earth. What will be transformed is not the fate of Taoism, but cultivation."


Li Banfeng was stunned for a moment, and a place appeared in his mind.

Bitter mist mountain!

The snake-banded chrysanthemum on the Bitter Mist Mountain can be used to refine the city snake-banded pill, and the snake-banded pill can be used to exchange for cultivation.

Along the Kuwu Mountain, Li Banfeng thought of Xu Han, the ancestor of Jin Xiu.

Mr. Xu once said that there is a special place in Yaowanggou, which is Kuwu Mountain.

It is precisely because of the special features of Kuwu Mountain that Neizhou is also interested in Yaowanggou.

"Madam, is Kuwu Mountain such a special place?"

The record player pondered for a moment and said: "Since your husband has guessed it, I will not hide it. Kuwu Mountain is a special place in the Zhengdi. It has been soaked by the light of the sky for many years and produces strange flowers and plants, which can improve your cultivation.

I know that my husband has been to Kuwu Mountain, and I also know that my husband has collected snake chrysanthemums. The few chrysanthemums that my husband picked at the beginning are not worth mentioning in Kuwu Mountain.

But my husband must promise my little slave not to go to Kuwu Mountain again. My husband has never seen the real dangers there. "

Li Banfeng agreed to his wife, and then asked: "Now that land reclamation has come to the land, since it is a good thing, how should I respond?"

"This is a bit difficult. My husband is not qualified enough, so I have to rely on external help. Hong Ying, please lend me some power.

Erdao, give me some murderous intent,

Judge Bi, when you fly with your husband, you must let him see the boundary of the land within a mile. "

Hong Ying and Tang Dao agreed repeatedly, and the judge snorted: "Me?"

The record player said: "If it's not you, who else could it be?"

"You mean flying?" Judge Bi said three words.

The record player smiled and said: "You know everything else, so I don't need to say more.

Movie player, you are going to do some scenes on the land for a while, don’t let the pioneers see my husband’s true face,

My husband, you have already developed your aura. If you want to raise your status, you must have some real skills. After the Judge's Pen takes you to fly, you can use the skills of Shenzhai Compound as hard as you can. By then, little slave I will help you,

My husband must remember that only by firmly believing that you have the cultivation level of Yunshang can you light up the world. There can be no ambiguity in your heart. This is the most difficult level. My husband needs to try a few more times.

Once the plot of land is lit up, the husband immediately eats the offerings and makes a covenant with the land reclamation people. Whether they want to open up the land themselves or hire someone to do it, they have to agree in advance. One day later, they will start the school exam, and then they will make a countermeasure with the husband.

It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t work out this time. There will be opportunities in the future. My husband, please don’t get upset! "

Li Banfeng took note of his wife's instructions, borrowed Hong Ying's power, took the Tang Dao, the Judge's Pen, and the projector, and left his home.

He first chose a place on the edge of the forest. The view here was wide and it was easy to distinguish the boundaries of the plot. One mile of plot could not be given more.

Then he found a tree, adjusted the angle, and arranged the projector.

Then he arrived in front of the tent. Xiaofeng lowered his head and hid behind Nectarine, who looked at Li Banfeng with an earnest look.

Li Banfeng asked first: "Are you going to open up wasteland yourself, or hire someone to open up wasteland?"

On Meng Yuchun's land, there are several people who have successfully opened up land and are operating the land. These people have experience.

Xiaofeng shook his head behind him and said: "We are clearing the land ourselves. Except for going to their place to get some water, we can no longer interact with the people on that land."

Why is she so hostile to Meng Yuchun's land?

Li Banfeng asked Nectarine to move the offering table to the edge of the forest, and asked them to burn the deed and prepare all the offerings.

"Just wait here and see if the Earth God will respond today. If there is no response, try again tomorrow morning."

The projector had already set up the scene, and Li Banfeng found a hiding place and took out the judge's pen.

"Fly." Li Banfeng gave the order and waited for more than ten minutes, but there was no movement.


"Wait a minute."

Li Banfeng had no choice but to communicate with the judge, so he really couldn't be in a hurry.

After another ten minutes, Judge Bi yawned and flew up with Li Banfeng.

Li Banfeng was in mid-air, with a clear view of the land within a mile.

He activated the Deep House and Courtyard technique and heard the sound of war drums sent by his wife.

The drums were beating loudly and intensively, Li Banfeng's fighting spirit was high, and his fighting power soared.

Tang knives were flying around, creating a strong murderous aura.

Nectarine hugged Xiaofeng tightly. Affected by the projector, she could not see Li Banfeng in mid-air. Under the superposition of power and murderous intent, the two of them felt sincere fear.

At this moment, Li Banfeng felt that he had become an invincible general. With a roar, he seemed to be able to drive back thousands of troops.

The traveling cultivator had the talent to measure distances, so Li Banfeng maintained his authority and stared closely at the boundary of the one-mile plot.

After more than ten minutes, the border did not light up.

The judge's pen asked five words: "Is it okay?"

Li Banfeng took a deep breath and continued to increase the intensity of the deep house compound.

The record player continued to increase power, and the rumbling drums were mixed with voices singing, word by word, making Li Banfeng's blood boil: "A roar in front of Dangyang Bridge, drinking up the bridge and water flowing back. His fourth disciple, General Long Changshan, is an unparalleled hero." Guan Jiuzhou, Changbanpo rescued Adou, and killed all Cao soldiers. "

"Wow, wow, wow~" Li Banfeng roared and continued to stare at the boundary of the plot.

After singing the song, the border is still not bright.

"Alas!" Judge Bi sighed, he was really tired.

He took Li Banfeng and flew to a high place quickly, which made Li Banfeng's pupils shrink in surprise.

After hovering for a moment, Judge Bi suddenly dived towards the ground with Li Banfeng.

What is he going to do?

Under other circumstances, Li Banfeng would have wanted to escape quickly.

But he can't escape today, and the judge's pen is helping him.

Knowing that he would be seriously injured if he fell to the ground, he still followed the judge's pen and rushed forward.

This is the technique of using one's own will to forcibly raise Li Banfeng's level.

Still more than fifty meters away from the ground, Li Banfeng felt that his cultivation level was approaching the eighth level.

When the distance was less than thirty meters, Li Banfeng's cultivation reached above the eighth floor.

Nectarine and Xiaofeng on the ground were blinded by the strong wind, but they didn't know where the wind came from.

Less than twenty meters away from the ground, Li Banfeng stared closely at the border line, his power and murderous intent were superimposed. The lady's singing rang in his ears. Even the judge's pen felt that Li Banfeng's status was enough, but the edge of the border was still Not lit.

Judge Bi immediately slowed down and took Li Banfeng back into the air.

"You're tempted." Judge Bi sighed, and he saw the crux of the matter.

It is so difficult to improve one's status. If Li Banfeng has any doubts in his heart, he will not be able to improve his status.

But Li Banfeng doesn't have Yunshang's cultivation, so it's impossible for him to have no doubts at all.

Just as Judge Bi was about to take Li Banfeng to the ground, he suddenly heard Li Banfeng talking:

"You are the Earth God."

"Who said that? How could I have such a high level of cultivation?"

"Let's not talk about cultivation. You have a contract."

"The deed was obtained by fraud."

"Don't worry about how you got here, you are the God of the Earth."

"Are you using your words to be precise?"

"Don't worry about what techniques I use, you are the God of the Earth, and there is a deed to prove it."

Two minutes later, Li Banfeng held the judge's pen and scanned his territory again.

Judge Bi felt an unprecedented aura in Li Banfeng.

"It's done!" Judge Bi laughed and took Li Banfeng to fly higher to ensure that he could clearly see the one-mile boundary.

The boundaries of the plot are slowly lit up.

Nectarine was very surprised: "Feng'er, we are done."

Xiaofeng nodded vigorously: "Yes, it's done."

Li Banfeng laughed loudly: "Hahahahaha, I am the God of the Earth, I will eat the offerings."

Judge Bi was also very happy: "I'll take you there."

"No need, I am the Earth God, I can fly! Hahahahaha!" Li Banfeng let go of the judge's pen.

"Fly?" Judge Bi thought for a moment, "He can't!"

PS: Banfeng waved his arms and just "flyed" down.

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