Lord of Deception

Chapter 441: A thought, a dead world (5k)

Yu Ziqing was holding the little kid in his arms. The ugly little kid was just born and could do nothing but cry.

Yu Ziqing felt it. Although this little kid was not as good as a weak chicken, his vitality was extremely strong, far exceeding that of ordinary people.

And this excessive vitality, at present, does not seem to have anything bad in it.

After all, for a living person, balance is the most critical thing.

If the five qi are not balanced and the yin and yang are not in harmony, there is a high probability of illness.

The same is true for this vitality. If it is too strong, it is not necessarily a good thing, especially if there is no foundation to carry it and it is too weak, it is not necessarily a good thing.

Yu Ziqing felt it for a moment, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong for the time being, he picked up the little kid and put it into the female master's arms.

The terrible wound on the female slave's abdomen began to recover rapidly after Han Dong expelled the sword energy that blocked the recovery from the wound.

She looked at the little kid Yu Ziqing was carrying, and wanted to touch it, but she didn't dare. She was afraid that if she touched it a little, the little kid would be taken out.

"Don't worry, this little guy is not that fragile."

Yu Ziqing placed the child next to the nun, while Han Dong rubbed his hands and leaned next to him, looking at the ugly little guy who hadn't even taken a bath yet.

The female demon carefully held him in her arms, her eyebrows softened, and her aura completely calmed down.

After the little guy came into contact with the female demon, the already strong vitality in his body seemed to be activated, covering him and resisting the female demon's power.

"Even her mother has to guard against this little guy, but..." Han Dong couldn't help but speak.

The female demon raised her head and glared at Han Dong.

"You know nothing. My daughter can instinctively protect herself at such a young age. Do you have this ability when you are so young?"

"..." Han Dong was speechless and did not dare to talk nonsense anymore.

He always wanted to say that this newborn child was really ugly.

It's a pity that anyone with any sense knows that if he says this, his wife will blame him for decades if she doesn't say anything later.

He actually wanted to ask Yu Ziqing if there was anything wrong with his ugly daughter.

He didn't ask for much, he didn't ask for any talents or anything special from his daughter.

As long as he can grow up like a normal child.

Yu Ziqing looked at the little kid who was still crying loudly, and sighed, his vitality is really strong, he has been crying for a long time, and he is still full of energy.

He waved to the two experienced cooks and asked them to take over, bathe the little kid, and then feed him some water and milk.

In this situation, don't expect to be able to breastfeed.

It is estimated that even if the female demon had this ability, she would not dare to do it.

The child was taken to take a bath. After being cleaned, he was fed some prepared animal milk and then fell asleep.

"Brother Dong, it's not convenient to do anything here. You and sister-in-law, please go live with me in the village. There will also be people to help take care of you. You two don't look like people who can take care of children."

Before Han Dong could speak, the female slave nodded happily.

Today is different from the past, and she really doesn't know how to take care of children. Her strengths are conflicting, and she is afraid of accidentally confiscating her.


Yu Ziqing responded, grinned, and immediately arranged for people to start preparations.

By the time they returned to Jinlan Mountain, everything was ready. The house had been built, and all the necessary furniture had been moved inside.

The thin man looked at the newborn kid with squinted eyes and a smile, but his mouth never closed.

He just likes little brats like this.

For people in Jinlan Mountain, the intensity and frequency of beatings will show a smooth upward curve as they age.

Life is the best before the age of six, and it is also very good from the age of six to fourteen. Before adulthood, the curve has not actually entered the stage of high-speed climbing.

But basically I started training when I was a teenager.

Of course, only those who grew up in Jinlan Mountain will have this kind of treatment a few years later. Those who are in their teens should go to mining first to hone their skills.

After settling everyone down and taking turns to see the little kid, the liangzhang and Yu Ziqing walked on the snow-covered road.

"Did you feel it?"


"Jinlanshan's special power could not cover the child, and he was repulsed."

"Huh?" Yu Ziqing was surprised and thought about it carefully.

Although the place where they were located was not within Jinlan Mountain, it was in the area between the mountain and the locust tree forest.

But this place is close to Jinlan Mountain, and although the strange force is slight, it is still there.

After thinking about it carefully with my eyes closed, it seems like this is what happened.

"It's not that it can't be covered, it's that the little guy's vitality is too strong and repels the alien force."

"Then tell me, is this little guy born in Jinlan Mountain?" The chief asked a question. After so many years, the chief still cares about this. The older he gets, the more he cares.

Yu Ziqing thought for a while and didn't answer in a hurry.

Generally speaking, there have indeed been births in Jinlanshan over the years, but they are generally the same situation.

She is not from Jinlan Mountain, she has not stayed in Jinlan Mountain for a long time, or she was not conceived in Jinlan Mountain, or was not born here.

Han Dong and Nu Ba, although strictly speaking, did not live in Jinlan Mountain in the narrow sense for a long time.

But they have lived in Jinlan Mountain in a broad sense for a long time. They have been here from the time they were pregnant to the time they gave birth to their children.

“Over the years, I’ve watched carefully and checked carefully.

Qi and blood escape and penetrate. I am very sure that everyone's body, even if there are other problems, definitely does not have that aspect of the problem.

I once thought it was a problem with the special forces within Jinlan Mountain, but later I discovered that it seemed to affect everything within the coverage area of ​​Jinlan Mountain.

Han Dong and his wife must have been affected to some extent. "

"It can't be a curse."

"Why can't it be?" Li Chang asked back.

"If it's a curse, Lao Yang will definitely be able to tell."

After Yu Ziqing finished speaking, he immediately regretted it. At least he couldn't stop thinking about Li Chang.

Li Chang has been thinking about this since he was a mortal.

Later, it became stronger and stronger, and when the Qi and blood were even strong enough to be able to forcefully open Jinlan Mountain's special power, there was even more hope.

“No matter what it is, that little brat must have forcibly pierced the restrictions when he was born.

But I will study the more specific and core ones later. "

Yu Ziqing said very firmly.

That little kid could be born only because a God-King of the Gods gave up everything to open a way in front of him. In addition, at the cost of the death of a God-King of Gods, a road was forcibly carved out.

Regardless of what Jinlan Mountain’s restrictions are, they are actually nothing.

He was run over by the way, and he didn't even feel it.

After comforting the old man, the old man went to play with the child with his hands behind his back, saying that while he was still young and his body was weak, he could lay the foundation first and strengthen his body.

This is clear. If you come to Jinlan Mountain, no matter whether you take the path of physical training in the future, the foundation must be laid for you.

The female master is definitely willing to do it. She can't do this by herself. If a master of physical training with extremely subtle control comes to help him, she will not disagree.

She herself has followed a very physical path.

How a child will choose in the future, whether he should practice swordsmanship with Han Dong, is a matter for the future, and he must have a basic foundation.

Yu Ziqing shook his head, wandered into Jinlan Mountain, and came to Yuhua Tomb.

He placed the tea tray, made tea himself, added some ingredients to the tea in Yuhua Tomb, and sprinkled it to Yuhua Tomb.

"Do you know what Jinlan Mountain's special power is?

No one in Jinlan Mountain can have children. Does this have anything to do with supernatural powers? "

"Don't ask me, I really don't know. At most, I can vaguely feel that it is related."

"After so many years, have you remembered anything? Evil Lord? Haoran's Way? Yuanjun? Have you remembered it?"

"not at all."

Yu Ziqing was a little disappointed. Jade Hua Tomb might not even know that Haoran's way was done by Evil Lord.

"I can't remember ever, or what you said.

In fact, I don’t have much impression of them, not even their names.

But in the past few days, I suddenly thought of something else.

A little picture appeared in my mind. "

In the Yuhua Tomb, black air flew out and entered Yu Ziqing's body. The next moment, Yu Ziqing felt a picture emerge in his mind.

A vast and dead world, with no wind, no rain, no sun, moon and starlight, and no trace of any living things. It was desolate and dead, so cold that it seemed to have lost its color.

Although the scene continues, everything you see has not changed at all, as if it is frozen at this moment.

Soon, the screen disappeared.

Yu Ziqing didn't know why, but he could probably guess that that place was definitely not the current world.

It's like a dead world that has had its sky lifted off, floating in the void.

According to his speculation, those eight achievements were void.

This is where the Yuhua Tomb, the Evil Lord, and the Holy Mountain were before they fell into the present world.

And what I suddenly remembered in the past few days was probably related to what happened in the past few days.

The impact of Jiu Nian's death and the Sun-Destroying Demon's touch of death must be much greater than he thought.

"Do you know where this place is?"

"I don't know. I have no impression or feeling. I just remembered it suddenly."

"You definitely couldn't let me see this picture directly before."

"I don't know why I could do it, but I suddenly felt it, and I felt that my recovery speed became faster."

Yu Ziqingxin said, "I'm sure. Your Jade Tomb has its own limitations. If you have a chance to recover, you will have to give a blow to the Sun-Destroying Demon."

At the same time, Lao Yang and I have to kowtow one more time.

Without the three of us, when I die of old age, you may not be able to move from the Jade Tomb state to the next step of transformation.

Yu Ziqing left some jade slips for Yuhua Tomb.

"If you think of anything again in the future, remember to greet me."


Yu Ziqing spread a lot of tonic food and turned around to leave.

The Yuhua Tomb devoured those tonics and continued to maintain its original state.

The only clear picture I can recall of what happened in the past is the same picture just now.

He felt nothing, not even a familiar feeling.

Just like a bystander.

In fact, new pictures are still emerging, but each one is the same as before, unchanged.

The life suddenly settled down, and Yu Ziqing sent the Sun-Destroying Demon back to the small temple.

This was strongly requested by the Sun Destroyer himself, because he did not want to miss this year's beheading season.

Even if the effect of beheading is quite average now, he doesn't want to miss it.

I don't want anyone to cause trouble during the beheading season because of his absence.

It is a duty, and it is also a necessity, just like daily home-cooked meals.

Yu Ziqing was very pleased that the Sun-Destroying Demon still remembered his duty, so of course he sent him back in person.

There are no particularly big changes in the development of Dadui. It is stable and improving. Many things cannot see big changes overnight.

He stayed in Dadaui for several months and read books honestly.

He returned to Jinlan Mountain and stayed there for a few months, continuing to read books. The provincial head said that he would not stay in Jinlan Mountain since there was a new baby in the mountain.

When Han Dong's daughter turned one year old, at the first-year banquet, a pink and plump little kid hugged Yu Ziqing's neck and licked his face with saliva.

Yu Ziqing looked over, and the little kid stared with his clear eyes, innocently showing his two baby teeth, and continued to chew happily.

Not far away, the female slaves were a little jealous and said to Han Dong.

"Your daughter is so smart, why can't she remember the only person who beat her? Why are you so close to Ziyu?"

Han Dong replied casually.

"Your daughter is very familiar with her. Even stupid dogs have been chased by her and eaten by her."


Han Dong was suddenly startled, and when he turned around, he saw that the female demon's face was a little dark.

"When did she chase the stupid dog and chew it? Why didn't I know?"

Stupid dogs are so ugly, how can a precious girl like her be able to talk like that?

"Ahem...a few days ago, when I took her to play, she was just riding a stupid dog."

On the other side, Yu Ziqing pushed the little guy's mouth away with his hand. He was now immune to this clear stupidity.

If this little guy hadn't always smiled at everyone and was still a girl, Yu Ziqing would have wanted to give her some beautiful memories with Jinlan Mountain characteristics at her first birthday party.

She looks like she is only one year old, but in fact her brain is growing very fast and she can speak. She doesn't speak when there are many people. I don't know who she learned it from. She has learned to hide her clumsiness at such a young age.

After the first-year banquet, Yu Ziqing took out his book list and looked at it. He finally learned a page. It was not easy.

Leaving Jinlan Mountain, Yu Ziqing headed straight for the abyss and rift valley.

This place is still in the final stage, and all the big monsters that came out are dead.

The rest are all ordinary monsters. If these monsters were to be attacked by someone like Jia Shi4, they wouldn't even have to raise their ashes, and all the good materials would be wasted.

That's why the finishing process is so slow. Follow-up cleaning is very time-consuming, and if it's for materials, it's even more time-consuming.

Yu Ziqing walked around and found that nothing happened to him, so he quietly went to the abyss.

Entering the abyss, it is rare to feel a sense of desertion in the first layer of the abyss.

Even on the Nu River, there are not even a few black sky demons to be seen at this moment.

In the past, the entire Nu River, as well as both sides of the river, were densely packed with black sky demons, countless of them.

All the way to the muddy sea of ​​turbulent times, there is still not much change here.

Blocked by the sea of ​​blood, flames and fire, not even demons can be seen here.

When I came here again, there was nothing left except the huge malice.

Those bastards were all brought out by Yu Ziqing. The one who was sleeping deep in the muddy sea of ​​the troubled world also took the shape of Yu Ziqing and turned into a Xiezhi. He disappeared and disappeared, and began to leave legends about the mythical beasts in various places.

Yu Ziqing wandered along the coastline of the Turbulent Sludge Sea and continued to dig holes to divert the water.

In the past, we couldn’t use so much black soil, so we sold it for takeout. If this stuff appeared in large quantities in a short period of time, it would become the same as the current red soil.

In just a few years, the price of clay soil began to plummet, much faster than expected.

This is because there are one or two types of clay in the formula that are of relatively good value, which can withstand the trend of continuous plummeting.

Yu Ziqing sells black soil here, and he sells it leisurely. These are long-term benefits.

But now, he plans to burn the sludge sea of ​​the troubled world to dry up, turning it all into black soil, and then try to carry it away in one piece.

The humanoid excavator dug out the river channel along the coastline, drawing the blood flames over to burn the sea of ​​sewage mud, while collecting the parts that had turned into black soil.

After working hard for several months, constantly resting and digging away the black soil, the blood flames finally completely enveloped the entire sea of ​​mud in the troubled world from all directions.

Continue to burn, continue to refine the black soil.

A large amount of black soil fell into the Taoist court, and the black soil in the north slowly grew larger, becoming far larger than the other four.

However, with the circulation of the five qi, the black land is slowly getting smaller, while the other four lands continue to grow.

Looking at the sea of ​​fire burning in all directions of the sludge sea in the troubled world, Yu Zi counted the time and tried to collect it again in a few years.

And the further we go, the faster it goes. It may take a few decades to completely dry up the sludge sea of ​​the troubled world. Don’t be in a hurry, just burn it slowly.

Leaving the turbulent mud sea, we came all the way to the patio in the abyss. There were no demons here.

This time, we killed too many demons. We need to slow down a bit later. If we continue killing, the demons will be exterminated. No matter where we can get materials from now on, our stable financial resources will be cut off.

All the way down from the patio, we came to the mountains and abyss.

As soon as Yu Ziqing landed, he saw something bulging on the bare rock. After the rock continued to change, it turned into the shape of a tiger.

Yu Ziqing's eyes lit up and he quickly held his hands in congratulations.

"Congratulations, congratulations to my brother for your improvement in strength."

"Ha, it's not bad. There's not much improvement in strength, but the fine control of a small part of the strength is indeed much better." Tiger is in a good mood.

"Brother, is it appropriate to talk here?"

"It's okay, just say it, this is the scope of my power.

Did you kill Jiu Nian? "

"I just helped a little. Old Sheep was the main force. I, the Destroyer, and the Source of the Earth God helped."

When Yu Ziqing was about to explain in detail, Shanjun stretched out his hand to stop Yu Ziqing.

"It's okay. You don't need to tell me the details. I just need to know that Jiu Nian is dead."

"Okay, it's like this, big brother, I want to ask you something this time."

Yu Ziqing stretched out a hand to his temple and lightly tapped it. A stream of light flew out and sank into Shanjun's head.

"Big brother, do you recognize where this is?"

Shanjun frowned.

"Have you been to this place?"


"This is a dead, lifeless world. You'd better not set foot there."

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