Lord of Deception

Chapter 422 The second world, how to use bridges (5.5k)

Yu Ziqing looked around Zi Zaitian for a long time, then stretched out a finger, touched the center of Zi Zaitian's eyebrows, and felt it carefully for a moment.

It’s absolutely unmistakable, it just feels like a fragment of personality.

They are similar to the fragments of personality scattered in the extreme cold forbidden land, except that their power and properties are different.

Yu Ziqing recalled that last time, after Zi Zaitian devoured the first clone that did not cut off the connection, he was truly qualified to succeed the Demon King.

Although he couldn't feel anything at that time and Zi Zaitian couldn't explain it clearly, he could only be sure of it.

It is basically certain that at that time, part of the person was actually swallowed.

With this as the foundation, he has the qualifications to succeed the Demon King.

This is the core of progress.

The clone that has been cut off from contact can only get a little information at most, which is not helpful to advance the progress.

In other words, the very nature of the Demon King can be split and merged at will.

Thinking about it this way, it really fits the previous performance of the Demon King.

All his abilities are fundamentally extended.

"I remember that the position of the Demon King was changed before, right?"

Before Zi Zaitian spoke, Yu Ziqing was minding his own business.

“I used to think that the person was a whole, but if the person is broken, that would be a very serious matter.

Just like the former Yang Demon, his personality was broken and he was forced to hold back his footsteps.

Spanning two eras, he is still half-dead.

If it is the characteristic of the Demon King, it comes from the fact that the person can be divided and merged at will.

So, is the current Heavenly Demon King the previous Heavenly Demon King?

Has this guy never been truly killed? "

"Hey, what do you want to say?" Lao Yang was thoughtful.

“What we did before was based on the fact that the Demon King has his own form and clones.

If the connection between the original body and the clone is severed, the clone will turn into an ordinary demon.

Therefore, we would naturally think that the previous Demon King himself was killed somehow.

The connection between this deity and its clones was naturally severed, and all previous clones were ordinary demons.

Then a leader appeared among the demons, took his place, condensed his personality, and became the new demon king.

But after discovering that the personality can be split and condensed at will, there is no difficulty.

This core logic has changed.

I remembered again that when the Demon King escaped and was about to die, he was so frightened that he split into thousands and ran away.

How did he determine that after being divided into thousands of people, the clone must be used as cannon fodder, while the main body can escape?

If the tiger was furious at that time, he casually grabbed it and made a large number of clones, including one of his original figures.

Is there no way he can escape?

So to completely ensure that there is no problem, there is only one conclusion.

After he was divided into thousands of things, there was no clone of him at all.

As long as one clone escapes, that clone is the original one.

Thousands of divided personalities can easily be reunited in one avatar, and the avatar becomes the original person.

After all, for guys like them, personality is the core.

And this kind of guy will immediately cut off the connection with the clone if something goes wrong.

At that moment, part of the clone's personality disappeared.

I just guess that the Demon King never really died, he just changed his vest and started over again.

I think this is more normal, after all, for a guy of this status.

If he dies, the demon below can come up to take his place and become the new demon king.

Something feels wrong.

There are so many benefits to starting over with a new vest.

The demon king in front rushed too far forward and attracted too much hatred.

This guy is obviously not the kind of guy who likes to charge into battle.

Just fake death, change your vest, hide behind, and wash away the hatred of the previous vest.

It is best to perform in public that your personality is shattered and your true self is annihilated.

No matter how much hatred you hold, most of it can be washed away. "

Yu Ziqing said that he felt that this method of opening a vest was indeed very practical.

If the game crashes and you can no longer play, just let the previous vest die miserably, wash away the hatred value, and start a new vest online.

It can also be a legitimate and logical change of strategy.

After all, it’s normal for the current person and the ex to have different ideas.

After listening to what Yu Ziqing said, Lao Yang turned to look at Zi Zaitian, who looked confused, with a glint in his eyes.

"The deduction is quite credible. If we look at it from this perspective, it leads to another problem.

How did the Demon Clan come about? "

"Huh?" Yu Ziqing was startled and grasped a little inspiration.

Lao Yang's eyes flickered, as if he had caught the truth.

“After the gods were overthrown, they became demon kings.

Based on speculation and fragmentary information, it can be roughly inferred that the core family members who followed the gods fell together with them.

Only then did the current Demon Clan come into existence.

This is a conjecture based on previous information.

Now, there is a problem.

How can a dependent clan be qualified to succeed the Demon King?

In fact, no one before Zi Zaitian was qualified to succeed.

The person who is qualified to succeed the Heavenly Demon King must be a Heavenly Demon with a trace of personality. This is exactly what you deduced. "

When Lao Yang said this, the glimmer of inspiration that Yu Ziqing had just grasped bloomed instantly, and he smoothly deduced the next thing.

"The last Demon King must have spawned a large number of clones.

These clones are the insurance for his existence, and he must maintain a certain number of clones scattered at all times.

When he throws away his vest, all the clones will inevitably be cut off from each other and their identities will be taken back.

Then a large number of ordinary demons will appear, and at this time, a new demon king will also appear.

At this time, the demon, the clone of the demon king, and the demon king appeared.

Ordinary demons can also divide and give birth to new demons.

Therefore, all demons, if traced back to their roots, actually come from the Demon King.

The Heavenly Demon King's suppression of ordinary Heavenly Demons is not just personal suppression, but also bloodline suppression. "

Yu Ziqing and Lao Yang confirmed each other and continued to deduce, and they roughly surmised that the demon clan reproduced in a way similar to mitosis.

Under normal circumstances, at first glance, it seems that all demon kings have a chance to become demon kings.

But in fact, ordinary demons will never have this qualification.

Unless an ordinary demon can devour a clone of the demon king who has a personality in his body.

Normally, this is completely impossible.

Ordinary demons resist personal suppression and bloodline suppression, and it's useless to fight with their heads.

Because the moment the Demon King senses something is wrong with his clone, he will cut off the connection.

The result was a devouring battle between two ordinary demons, which was of no use whatsoever.

If it hadn't been for Yu Ziqingzai, Zi Zaitian would never have been able to obtain this admission qualification, and his class would have been locked forever.

Even ordinary demons like Zi Zaitian will never know this kind of cruelty.

It seems that there is a chance to change the position of the Demon King, but in fact, one person has always changed his vest and continued to sit.

He also dared to give all the demons a completely impossible hope to hold them back, and he was not afraid of any demons rebelling.

Yu Ziqing didn't make these words very clear, and Zi Zaitian beside him fell silent.

Although the devil is considered a demon, in order to invade a monk, he must know enough about the monk.

In turn, the monk's way of thinking and feelings will inevitably affect the demon in the opposite direction.

Zi Zaitian can be regarded as a peer among the demons, so he is naturally motivated and ambitious.

Just thinking about it, no matter how hard he works, no matter how hard he fights, he will be just an ordinary demon cannon fodder for the rest of his life, and he feels suffocated.

If you were a demon, you wouldn't feel this way. Your brain is too different.

But the demon at least has the IQ of an average person. If he accumulates more, he can be smarter than an average monk.

Laoyang glanced at Zi Zaitian, raised the temporary laboratory in his hand, and broke the silence with a voice.

"This shielding disguise has almost reached its limit. After all, it is just a fake laboratory.

And it's lucky that the Demon King hasn't actively sensed it these days.

If he had reacted proactively, he would have discovered something was wrong. "

Yu Ziqing nodded and asked Zi Zaitian.

"You can sense the existence of the Demon King now, can you sense his location?"

"No, I can only confirm that he is in the abyss now. However, without relying on the information obtained, we can roughly sense the location of some distant demons."

"That's useless. As long as you catch another clone of the Demon King, he will notice it immediately." Lao Yang interjected.

While several people were discussing, Zi Zaitian suddenly looked into the distance.

"My sense of the Demon King is disappearing rapidly."

"Huh? Ran away?"

Zi Zaitian hesitated for a moment, flew out of the secret room formation, sensed it carefully, and then came back.

"The Demon King himself, or in other words, the one with the most personality, ran away."

"Go to the present world?" Yu Ziqing frowned.

"No, it's the lower level of the abyss."

"How far is the next Demon King's clone from here?"

"It's not far, about two thousand miles."

The three people set off immediately and easily found the clone of the Demon King hiding under a little demon's lair.

Let Zi Zaitian swallow it up, and the progress bar has indeed increased again.

But the camouflage mark on the colorful gem in Lao Yang's hand showed no reaction.

Yu Ziqing and Lao Yang looked at each other, both speechless.

"Good guy, it's not that he didn't actively sense it, but after actively sensing it, he didn't do anything.

Let some clones act as targets and run away quietly.

I'm still thinking that the tiger is staying in the abyss of the mountains at the bottom of the abyss.

How dare this guy continue walking downstairs.

It turned out that he sensed something was wrong and was in danger.

If you are discovered by a tiger, you will not die no matter what, and it is better than falling on our side.

This guy ran away pretty fast. "

This time, there was no cover for the devouring. It stands to reason that the Demon King should be able to discover it instantly, cut off the connection instantly, and take back a trace of the split personality.

But he still didn't do anything and ran away directly.

I continued to dig out another clone of the Demon King, but there was still no change. Zi Zaitian devoured it smoothly, and the progress bar continued to grow a little.

Now you can actually do it, no need to speculate.

The old sheep sighed with regret.

Who would have thought that things would develop like this? It was Yu Ziqing's choice to help Zizaitian swallow the demon king's clone, so it was nothing for him to help.

I originally hoped that if the Demon King found out and severed the connection, the clone would become an ordinary Demon.

Then it can be left to him as experimental material. Unexpectedly, the previous process went very smoothly, and the power of the counterfeit laboratory was seconded.

I didn't expect that the Demon King could really hold back. When he realized something was wrong, he quietly ran away, and even dared to use his clone to block the gun and confuse them.

By the time Zizai Tian sensed it, the Demon King had already found a way and left the first level of the abyss.

"What's going on with your induction now?"

"I can sense that the Demon King is alive, but he is no longer in the same world as us."

"If I remember correctly, the world once shattered and turned into an abyss. It stands to reason that these fragments are actually one world."

"I do not know then."


Yu Ziqing led the people away and headed straight to the second level of the abyss.

He didn't know where the entrance to the second floor was, but it didn't matter. When the tiger came out, he punched through from the bottom all the way up. The huge gap is still there, and you can go down directly to the abyss of the mountains at the bottom. .

Coming to the huge gap, all the way down, it didn't take long to arrive at a more desolate and dead world. Even the magic energy here was very rare, and the existence of spiritual energy was almost completely invisible.

"I didn't feel it either, not here."

Continuing downward, along the gap that was like a patio that penetrated the world, all the way down, and after reaching the mountains and abyss, Zi Zaitian still didn't sense anything.

"Are you sure?" Yu Ziqing looked at Zi Zaitian.

"He definitely didn't go to this world, and he definitely wasn't in the same world as me."

At this time, Lou Huai, who had been hiding in Yu Ziqing's boots when he was on the road, emerged.

"Brother, I remembered something."


"Zi Zaitian may be right, the Demon King went to the second abyss.

It's just not this second level, it's the second level world.

I dug out a little bit of relevant information in my inheritance before. "

Lou Huai pointed at his head.

Yu Ziqing felt a little dizzy when he heard this.

"The second level of the world? The real second level of the abyss? What do you mean? Is there an abyss before the abyss?"

"That's not clear. The relevant information in my inheritance is scattered and broken. Maybe I'm still too weak and didn't show it."

"You should practice hard when you go back, and I will think of ways for you to improve faster without causing problems."

"Okay, I'll listen to big brother."

They rushed up from the patio and began to clean up the clones of the Demon King on the first floor.

Zi Zaitian can now easily tell the difference. If it is a clone, it will be devoured. If the connection has been cut off, it will be given to Lao Yang as material.

After struggling like this for a year, the information Zi Zaitian obtained from the devoured clones was basically certain that there were no more clones on the first level.

At the beginning, the Demon King was divided into thousands of people, but those clones were actually not scattered very far. They all escaped and hid within a certain range.

The aura of the personality fragments on Zi Zaitian's body is getting stronger and stronger, and it is obvious that it is no longer in two pieces, but the progress is indeed far from enough, and the Demon King is hiding.

Lao Yang took the more than twenty demons who had been cut off as materials and left happily.

Originally, he could not go to the immovable continent, but he was delayed in the abyss for more than a year. For the sake of these rare materials, it was not unacceptable to let Jiu Nian spend an extra year.

Anyway, it’s already like this. It doesn’t matter if it’s one more year or one less year. Please remember the lesson and stop bragging in the future.

"Remember to study the book list I gave you."

The old sheep swayed and disappeared. Before leaving, he warned Yu Ziqing.

Yu Ziqing brought the two demons back to the living world from the abyss, and hid in Zizitian to cultivate. Lou Huai had a sad face, and was pulled by Yu Ziqing to read and study together.

Yu Ziqing said that this is the way to consolidate the foundation. If the foundation is thick, the subsequent practice will be smooth. Lou Huai had no way to refute and could only follow Yu Ziqing to read the book.

Yu Ziqing learned three lines by himself and three lines from Lao Yang. Now he reviewed it and confirmed that there was no problem before he started to learn the seventh line. He had not even learned half of the first page.

But that's all, Yu Ziqing has already felt that knowledge that seems not to be directly related to his practice is already affecting his strength.

He had a deeper understanding of the supernatural powers he had awakened before.

One month later.

Yu Ziqing took one step forward, and a sacred bridge of bones appeared under his feet. The lanterns were hung high, and the dim and soft halo illuminated the stark white bones on the sacred bridge of bones.

The focus of the Bridge in Wonderland is still on this bridge, the bridge built when meeting water.

After putting down a book, Yu Ziqing was going to see how Han Dong's wife was doing. He heard that the pregnancy was becoming more and more obvious, but the growth rate of the child in her belly was far slower than expected.

While he was thinking about this, he suddenly felt a strange feeling, like a calling.

He couldn't respond, and he didn't know where the source was. At this moment, the source of the earth in Yang Shen's arms shook slightly, and Yang Shen suddenly opened his eyes.

With the help of the Earthly Source, his Yang Shen saw the manifested Hungry Ghost Path, and also saw the light smoke turning into a rich ominous aura and falling into the Hungry Ghost Path.

There are hungry ghosts offering incense.

It's not for people, but for the sleeping King of Hungry Ghosts.

Why do hungry ghosts offer incense to the King of Hungry Ghosts?

The light smoke floats on the path of hungry ghosts, creating a picture.

In the gloomy and dark mountains, deep in a maze-like underground cave, a group of hungry ghosts are holding incense and worshiping a spiritual tablet.

The leader was a hungry ghost who looked like a mummy, but his face was not ferocious, but instead looked like a frown.

"Thank you, my king, for saving us from the torture of hunger. We originally planned to wait for my king to wake up and thank you, but I'm afraid it's too late, so I can only thank my king like this to fulfill my wish."

As he spoke, the cave trembled, and gravel and dust continued to fall.

Seeing the handwriting that was obviously different from the Si Shen Dynasty, Yu Ziqing understood instantly. No wonder he was poisoned. It turned out to be a hungry ghost from the Fudo Continent.

There was light smoke floating in the air, and almost 99% of the ominous aura created by the incense came from the hungry ghost at the head.

Yu Ziqing took a few steps and burst into steps. After a few steps, he returned to Jinlan Mountain. He came to the place where Yugui's core server was stored and picked up the colorful gem.

"Lao Yang, it's not my fault. If someone wants to bully me, I can't remain indifferent. You asked me to study hard, and now I will show you the results of my study."

Yu Ziqing activated the colorful gems to manifest the nightmare prison.

In the nightmare prison, he began to transform his identity. The Yang God enveloped his physical body, with the Yang God as the main body. His eyes began to burn with blood flames, manifesting the appearance of a hungry ghost.

The title above Yu Ziqing's head was changed to King of Hungry Ghosts.

At this moment, he clearly heard the call and opened his mouth, revealing a mouth full of jagged teeth.

He stretched out his hand and turned it over. A wooden bowl of sweet rain appeared in his left hand, and he tapped it lightly.

Dark whirlpools appeared in front of him.

One of the whirlpools corresponds to the hungry ghosts in the Immovable Continent.

Yu Ziqing swayed out sweet rain and fell into other whirlpools.

"I don't have anything to do with you for now. I'll go out to work later. We've been peaceful here for too long. I didn't expect that we would be bullied one day."

Yu Ziqing pointed at the whirlpool corresponding to the Immovable Continent and shouted in a deep voice.

"Bridge to Wonderland."

The so-called bridge is something that runs through an insurmountable place.

The Bridge of Fairyland can be used as a scroll to return to the city, which is the use of the Casting Court he built, so the target is Dadui.

Then, the Bridge of Immortality will definitely be able to make use of the Hungry Ghost Path he cultivated.

As long as he can give an introduction, it is enough.

And as the King of Hungry Ghosts, there should be no problem if he gives alms to attract people.

The Holy Bone Bridge whizzed out from under Yu Ziqing's feet and submerged into the whirlpool. Dim yellow lanterns lit up, as if the wind was blowing by, and there was a strange rustling sound, like a ghost crying.

Yu Ziqing took one step forward, stepped onto the Holy Bone Bridge, and disappeared into the whirlpool.

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