Lord of Deception

Chapter 331 I can’t refuse the help, big sister save me (10k)

Yang Mo calmed down and knew that there was nothing he could do about the current situation. If it didn't break open, he would go completely crazy.

Even if it means using one serious problem to solve another serious problem.

Now the two halves of consciousness are silent, staring at each other with big eyes and small eyes.

The core contradiction is that one wants to leave a glimmer of life here, and the other wants to destroy this glimmer of life.

"That demon is harming me." The Liuyang Demon sighed in frustration.

At that time, he was very high-spirited and arrogant. Except for a few people, he never looked at others seriously.

But all the pride suffered one fatal blow after another.

He had witnessed with his own eyes that one of the immortal gods he was looking at was sent to death.

Even if he survives later, he will still be beaten alive into this ghostly state.

He calmed down his arrogance, started to occupy the high ground with his IQ, learned how to be patient, found a way to recover, and tricked the human race into helping him.

But now, he was severely stepped on by a human demon.

This devil is so cruel. If he can't destroy his way, he will destroy his consciousness.

Now he finally recalled one thing from these countless years of success: people are different.

There are people in the human race who are as stupid as pigs, and there are people whose greed obscures their reason, but there are also people who are so bad that even the gods can't believe it.

The Sun-Liuing Demon couldn't help but cursed non-stop, while the Sun-Destroying Demon said nothing and looked on coldly.

The Sun-Destroying Demon felt that the human race demon was right. If he had made up his mind from a very early stage and left no trace of life at the end, he might have been able to track down the power of death by now.

How did it develop to this point?

But fortunately, time is not an obstacle to him. If he makes a mistake, he can correct it.

Thinking of this, the Sun-Destroying Demon stopped thinking about it, for fear that his consciousness fluctuation would be felt by the Liuyang Demon.

He quietly hid in a huge fireball and completely separated from the Liuyang Demon.

Because he thought very simply, it was not a simple thing to destroy this place, destroy this last ray of life, and try his best to rush to death without dying.

To achieve this goal, there is only one most extreme method, which is to destroy the Liuyang Demon, and only then can this place be destroyed.

He can't do anything now because he can't kill Liuyang Demon.

He wanted to find a way to kill Liuyang Demon.

And this thing itself is also a pursuit of death.

The consciousnesses of him and Liuyang Demon are originally one. Killing Liuyang Demon is the best way to embrace death personally without losing consciousness.

Although the human demon had bad intentions, his words were indeed correct.

The Sun Destroyer felt that he had never been so close to death.

The step he took was a step that Liuyang Demon had not taken for countless years. He took one step more than Liuyang Demon.

Just this step brought him closer to the death he was pursuing. That feeling fascinated him and made him more determined.

The Sun-Destroying Demon himself huddled in one of the huge fireballs, while the Sun-Liuing Demon could only huddle in the other huge fireball.

The two of them looked like they had never interacted with each other until death.

The Liuyang Demon was thinking about it. After a while, the Sun-Destroying Demon couldn't stand it anymore. He closed his big fire ball and closed the door to figure out how to find a way to kill the Liuyang Demon.

After thinking about it, we all came from the same source. If we can't defeat it, we can only introduce external forces.

But after thinking about it, there are not many choices for external forces that can be introduced.

It is absolutely forbidden to contact other gods. It is of no use and does not have bad intentions.

The Wei family that was introduced before even broke the contract. They are obviously not capable enough for such a big thing.

The final choice was either the man in the robe who came before, whom I had contacted several times, and who had evil intentions and deep thoughts.

Or it's the human demon. The demon is full of evil, bad enough, and he definitely won't mind killing Liuyang Demon.

The external force that can be borrowed is one of these two.

The Sun-Destroying Demon felt that the human demon was better. After all, the demon had personally witnessed death and felt the power of death.

This is a super plus point.

It's a pity that the devil may not come again in a short time.

I have to find a way to contact you.

After much thought, it was only the Wei family who could take advantage of it.

The only people he could contact on his own initiative were people from the Wei family.

Wei's people can't be reused, but they can be used as media to contact them, which is enough.

While he was thinking about it, a ray of charm fell from the void and fell into the Forbidden City of Extreme Cold, where it came into contact with the invisible blue halo that was diffused in the Forbidden City of Extreme Cold.

The charm carries a strange rhythm, connecting it to the frozen world.

The Sun-Liuing Demon and the Sun-Destroying Demon, who had been in contact with each other just now, did not hesitate to merge the two fireballs into one as soon as they felt this ray of charm, at least on the surface.

The Sun-Destroying Demon huddled in a corner and said nothing, watching with cold eyes.

The moment Liuyang Mo felt the charm, he shouted sharply.


"To this day, you are still like this."


"If I hadn't planned it, how could you have recovered so quickly?"


"Today is not what it used to be. Big changes are coming. You should calm down and put the overall situation first."

"If that dog-hearted Qiyin doesn't die, I will kill your mother's situation.

I have fallen to this point, my personality has been shattered, all thanks to that piece of shit.

There is him without me, there is me without him.

Back then, you protected Qi Yin, but you still dared to contact me?

roll. "

"Don't forget, I am guarding our way."

"I don't care, get out."

The fireball fluctuated violently, crushing the strand of charm on the spot and directly disconnecting it.

The next moment, the fireball immediately split into two again. The Sun-Retaining Demon and the Sun-Destroying Demon separated again in a tacit understanding and disliked each other.

The Sun Destroyer said nothing. He didn't speak before because he was afraid that others would know that they were broken.

He was also afraid that he would be different from Liuyang Demon and his changes would be noticed.

But now, the Liuyang Demon was cursing loudly, but the Yang-Destroying Demon acquiesced to these words and did not completely block the Liuyang Demon.

Because he is also angry.

At that time, the war was raging, the old world fell, and the new world was born. This was the last chance to fight back.

However, during his last battle, King Qiyin saw that the situation was not good and betrayed his teammates and ran away.

He was allowed to bear everything on his own, so that even though he was immortal, he was reduced to an even more miserable situation than today.

At that time, he was only one step away from complete annihilation. His consciousness fell into silence for a long time before waking up. After waking up, he had almost no power and could not control even the most fundamental personality.

As for the King of Seven Yins, after the final battle, he didn’t suffer much loss at all. There were still people who withstood the huge impact of most of the rotation of the old and new worlds on his behalf. He is still alive and doesn’t know where he is hiding.

All teammates suffered heavy casualties back then, and everything was completely overturned.

But no matter what, to this day, the one who is in the best condition has always been King Qi Yin.

The enemy is hateful, but today, he is even willing to contact the human race, willing to take advantage of the human race, and even willing to pay a price.

But what is even more hateful is the King Qiyin who betrayed his teammates and ran away.

The most irreconcilable hatred, the hatred that is unforgettable, is this.

No matter what race or world you put it in, backstabbing teammates and selling their stuff at critical moments will draw more hatred than the enemy.

If you give him an arrow now, it will definitely kill someone, and he will definitely kill the Seven Yin King without hesitation.

The Demon of Liuyang became obsessed with it, and kept pressing there. When the Demon of Liuyang finally stopped, the Demon of Destruction of the Sun suddenly said something.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguoyuedu recently to read and catch up on updates. I can switch sources and read aloud with many sounds. www.yeguoyuedu.com is available for Android and Apple. 】

"I may object to you on other things, but when it comes to killing Qi Yin, our goal is the same.

Just wait, I already have some ideas. I want to kill Qi Yin first.

Use the seven yins to witness death. "

"Okay." Liuyang Mo, who was standing above, agreed without hesitation, and he did not doubt that there was anything wrong.

The Sun-Destroying Demon retreated and huddled in his fireball. The Sun-Destroying Demon began to act openly, trying to contact anyone who could be contacted.

But this time, there is one more thing to do, find the Seven Yin King and see if there is any way to kill the Seven Yin King.

Of course, this is just an excuse. The Yang-Destroying Demon also knows that Qiyin is a bad guy who is not good at other things, but his ability to run away is second-to-none.

He has never been out, and he is sure that the only Qiyin who was not dead, not trapped, and completely free back then has never entered the present world even once.

Because Qiyin was not sure whether he was dead or not, he did not dare to enter the real world, for fear of leaving even the slightest trace and being caught.

The Sun-Destroying Demon mobilized the power of his personality and began to call and penetrate.

All Wei Lan's arrogance disappeared, and he felt that he might really die in the first trial, just like his predecessors who failed.

He took the wrong path. After leaving the extreme cold forbidden area and returning to the Hengduan Mountains, he was still careless.

He thought he was careful enough and knew the dangers in the Hengduan Mountains, but now, he still fell into danger.

On top of the snow-capped mountains, a cold wind blew, blowing the floating snow on the surface.

A stone statue with its body curled up, its arms folded across its chest, and its head lowered appeared in the snow.

Wei Lan's body was stiff and he didn't dare to move.

He has never seen it with his own eyes, but he also learned about this kind of monster in the Hengduan Mountains when he was studying in the clan.

When ordinary people see this kind of monster for the first time, they may retreat quietly, but in fact, they will only emerge under the snow when they sense that there are creatures approaching.

At this time, as long as the person moves, the slightest movement, or the slightest leakage of power, they will be completely awakened.

They have no soul, and their bodies are comparable to ten thousand years of black ice. The way they reproduce is to freeze the creatures that accidentally enter the territory into ice cubes and bring them back as a breeding ground for future generations.

In the past, Wei Lan still felt there was a glimmer of hope, but now that he was physically and mentally exhausted and exhausted, it would be difficult for him to get over it.

He has been standing here quietly for several days, looking for a solution.

Even for recovery, I only dare to rely on my body to naturally absorb the spiritual energy to recover. I don't dare to meditate or take pills because there is too much movement.

At this moment, the whisper he heard before sounded in his mind again.

This time it was no longer the kind of madness that nearly split his brain, but a low and calm tone, with an undeniable bewitching quality.

Those whispers penetrated silently, plucked his heartstrings, provoked his will, and were full of uneasy feelings.

Wei Lan closed his eyes and tried to calm down. He knew that this was something that members of his family would occasionally experience after entering the extreme cold forbidden area.

Some people's spirits are too weak and their willpower is weak, and they will go crazy if they cannot bear it.

His grandfather had told him that it wasn't that some being was out to harm them.

But they are too weak, so weak that they can't bear the other party's whisper in their ears.

Just like when he first started practicing, he saw those stronger monks coming and going, and they were all escaping lights. Sometimes the other monks just stood there, and all he saw was a ball of light.

Once, he accidentally saw two strong men fighting, and his eyes were half-blinded by the dazzling light.

It's not that people have any thoughts against him, it's just that he is too weak, but he still has to come into contact with beings that are far more powerful than him.

Wei Lan began to rejoice at this moment. He was once proud that he was never lazy when learning. He kept some childhood stories in mind.

Only now can I strengthen my will and resist the whispers in my mind.

He was thinking that this powerful being might have tried his best to lower his voice and reduce his divine power.

After some time, Wei Lan began to partially understand the whispers in his mind.

That being is much easier to talk to than expected, because instead of asking him to kneel down and be loyal, he is asked to do some very simple things, and as a reward, he will be given some strength.

Wei Lan didn't hesitate much. He immediately agreed. If he didn't agree, he would die here now.

The next moment, a faint blue halo appeared in his body. When he opened his eyes again, a faint blue appeared in his irises, and his body was enveloped by a faint halo.

Immediately afterwards, we saw statues with half of their bodies exposed in the distance. As the breeze blew, the snow covered them again, as if they had never existed.

This means that the monsters are no longer aware of his presence.

Wei Lan didn't dare to delay and quickly looked for a way out. He found a relatively safe road and ran quickly through the Hengduan Mountains.

Only after he walked out of the Hengduan Mountains, saw the city, and entered it to rest did he dare to recall what was left in his mind.

That person didn't leave much behind, and didn't even say what the simpler things he was asked to do were. He just gave him strength first and let him leave alive.

Wei Lan knew that he might have to pay a heavy price.

But in that case, he either died right then or he might die later, and he could only choose the latter.

Connecting with that mark, he heard the whisper again.

Intermittently, he didn't hear it completely, but he probably understood it.

Let him do two things.

One thing is to find a human race, who is leaving the extreme cold forbidden land with the Wei family.

The second thing is for him to find a great demon named Qi Yin. If he finds any traces or clues, he can report them.

The second thing can be done slowly, but the first thing must be done as soon as possible.

Wei Lan knew who it was as soon as he heard it, and he secretly breathed a sigh of relief. At least the family leader and Wei Tai were still alive.

The first thing is indeed very simple. It is just a medium to contact the other party.

But the third person cannot know about this.

Wei Lan didn't dare to bet on the consequences of talking casually. He could only wait here.

Yu Ziqing and his party came out of the extreme cold forbidden area without any danger, crossed the Hengduan Mountains in zigzags, and returned to the western part of the earthquake.

This time, Wei Jing was more proactive. When passing through the Hengduan Mountains, he would also introduce to Yu Ziqing what was nearby, or what dangerous places or dangerous creatures there were.

Much of this information has not been mentioned in the classics. Only a family like the Wei family can accumulate this knowledge over the years.

Seeing that Yu Ziqing seemed to be very interested, Wei Jing took advantage of the situation and said that the trip was tiring and the cold air was not easy to corrode him. He asked Yu Ziqing to rest at Wei's to get rid of the cold. By the way, he could go to Wei's library to observe and give some advice. , because many of Wei's records are somewhat out of date.

Wei Jing, this old guy, was so good at talking, that Yu Ziqing couldn't refuse the call of knowledge, so he agreed.

I just entered the city and saw Wei Lan who had been waiting here for a long time.

This young man, who was quite arrogant a few months ago, has obviously become much calmer, and his whole person has become humble and calm.

Judging from the fact that his breath has not completely recovered yet, he probably received a lot of beatings on the way back alone.

At least now when I see Yu Ziqing, I will take the initiative to greet him, and my eyes are so sincere that I can't tell the true or false respect.

Yu Ziqing feels that Wei's educational philosophy is somewhat similar to Jin Lanshan, but more extreme than Jin Lanshan.

At least Jin Lanshan was only beaten severely, and his life would not be in danger. No matter how miserable it was, he would not die.

The Wei family's trial was purely life-defying, and if you failed, you would die.

The effect is outstanding.

It's like being completely transformed.

Yu Ziqing smiled and responded politely.

Wei Lan was a little nervous. He felt that he could let that existence go to great lengths to use him as a medium and contact him so politely.

That person is definitely not a simple person. The owner's politeness is not just routine politeness. He really lowers his status to flatter him.

Yu Ziqing followed the Wei family to where the Wei family was stationed.

There is a small town not far from the Hengduan Mountains. Many people who enter the Hengduan Mountains will enter this small town to rest and collect updated information.

Because generations of people have explored, starting from here and radiating out into the Hengduan Mountains for more than a thousand miles, the areas have basically been explored and are relatively safe.

When he arrived at the Wei family, he held a banquet as usual. After washing his hands, Wei Jing readily asked Yu Ziqing to come to the library for guidance.

In the past, this was simply impossible.

But now, facing a big change, Wei Jing is counting on Yu Ziqing to keep his word and really help the Wei family find a new path.

The core of the family's classics are useless, and the rest don't matter.

Yu Ziqing did not look at those precious classics, but looked through the Wei family's genealogy.

In particular, there are detailed records about important family members and family heads of each generation.

Starting from Wei Jing and going forward, there is actually not much difference. They are all exploring from generation to generation, and finally die in the extreme cold forbidden land.

Their family clearly recorded that they dedicated themselves to the family's cause.

Unfortunately, others thought they were just trying to be pioneers and pave the way in the western part of the earthquake, so they all respected them.

The first generation head of the Wei family, the above record shows that at the beginning, like those monks who went to the Hengduan Mountains to try their luck, he wanted to find some treasures there.

Later, by chance, I passed through the Hengduan Mountains and discovered the other half of the territory claimed by the great earthquake in the records, that vast world.

It was there that he found his mission. He spent his whole life exploring the extreme cold forbidden land, and found the original relatively safe path, which established Wei's original method of identifying danger and avoiding danger.

By chance, I got my first power and turned it into the inheritance of the Wei family.

Yu Ziqing knew that this was not Wei Jing's hidden secret, but the hidden version of the genealogy, which was recorded in this way. There was no mention of anyone the first generation head of the family had met in the entire article.

Some parts were written by the first generation head of the family himself.

This man was so cruel that he sold all his descendants who had not yet appeared at that time.

Yu Ziqing saw at the end that the first-generation family leader entered the extreme cold forbidden place when his life was about to end and disappeared completely.

At that time, some things were lost.

The subsequent generations of family heads also imitated the first generation of family heads, but there was an additional procedure.

When the current family head goes to the extreme cold forbidden land to sacrifice his life, the next generation of family heads will follow him to prevent the possibility of leaving something unsaid, or losing the final insights, etc.

Seeing this, Yu Ziqing immediately became acutely aware of the problem.

No one has ever seen the first-generation head of the family die. No one was seen alive, and no body was seen after death.

As for the soul lamp going out?

Give me a break.

The soul lanterns of this era have been perfected from generation to generation, and loopholes can be exploited. People have even begun to abandon the soul lanterns and research new similar magic weapons.

The soul lamps of that era had as many loopholes as a sieve, and the sieve holes were so big that people today could drill through them at will.

The first generation head of the Wei family might not have died at all at that time.

This guy is so cruel that he sold his children and grandchildren, and is he willing to die?

Others may not know what's going on. This guy who signed a contract with the Yang Demon and was cursed, will he be deceived?

Starting from the second generation of the Wei family head, every generation of family head will have someone watching them go to sacrifice.

The same is true for Wei Jing this time.

Yu Ziqing thought for a while, if the first head of the Wei family had not died, then maybe the career that the Wei family mentioned was true?

Are what the first generation head of the family told his descendants true?

It's just that the benefits of this business are not enjoyed by the descendants of the Wei family, but by the first generation of family heads.

With the connection of blood, the broken fragments are constantly gathered and fused together.

Yang Mo wants to use the Wei family to gather the broken personalities, but no matter how they are brought together, they will definitely pass through the Wei family bloodline before they reach Yang Mo's hands.

If the first generation head of the Wei family had not died, as long as bloodline was used, he would be the first person to handle it. This was not a matter of priority, but a matter of procedure.

After Yu Ziqing read the genealogy, he continued to look at other records of the Wei family.

The more he looked at it, the more he felt that his guess might be true, but before, people like Wei Jing and others could not make such a guess without knowing the truth.

If the first generation head of the family faked his death, then why didn't he fake his death in front of others?

Why is this flaw left?

There is only one possibility. The way for the subsequent family heads to sacrifice themselves is that the first generation family leader will really die if he does it. He has no choice but to fake his death like this.

Some things were even specifically allowed to be lost as a lesson for future family heads to remember.

This can ensure that the sacrifices of subsequent family heads will be correct, and can also teach the next generation of family heads personally and pass it on from generation to generation.

Yu Ziqing continued to check the detailed information of other family heads.

Soon, a record was found among the ninth generation family head.

In the ninth generation, the Wei family had some troubles and lost some things. In addition, over time, some ritual materials also disappeared, and there was a big problem with the performance of rituals.

Then, when the ninth-generation head of the family went to the Forbidden Land of Extreme Cold for the last time, when the head of the tenth generation returned, he found something left by the seventh-generation head of the family in the Forbidden Land of Extreme Cold, which happened to contain this bit of lost inheritance.

It talks about how those things can be used as substitute materials after being processed and processed.

This is really good luck.

If Yu Ziqing hadn't studied rituals on his own, and he had seen with his own eyes how much effort Mo Huitou, a master in rituals, had put in to provide a variety of alternative material options, he would have believed that Wei was just lucky. .

Those materials, once you get them, cannot be used directly as raw materials.

Most of them require complicated processing or refining. For some ritual materials, one material is comparable to refining a magic weapon.

Don't even dare to guarantee that a certain spare material can be used. There are several kinds. Try them first, and then try them in conjunction with each other before you can be sure.

When the seventh generation head of the Wei family became the head of the Wei family, rituals and rituals had been out of favor for a long time, and most of them had been lost.

Even though the seventh-generation head of the family is a genius, he doesn't even have the basic materials and the basic environment. He just studies a hammer.

For example, give all the lost rituals to Lao Yang and let Lao Yang find replacement materials.

It is estimated that one day's work progress is enough for the old sheep to grind for hundreds of years.

This has nothing to do with talent or knowledge, it is purely a fault in certain places in the development of the times.

Don't look back can connect seamlessly, because he is going from the fault back, and Lao Sheep has to start from scratch and fill in the front of the fault first.

The innate starting point is so big that it is impossible to pursue it.

Yu Ziqing is now sure that the ancestor of the Wei family is definitely not dead, at least from the ninth to the tenth generation, he is definitely not dead yet.

If this guy is still alive now, he must know that the contract is broken.

I'll probably come back to see what happened.

What would such a ruthless person who is so selfish and disowns all his relatives do?

Of course, the priority is if this thing intercepts the sacrifices of more than ten generations of family heads, even if it does not intercept all of them.

How strong is this guy now?

I'm afraid I really can't beat him, and now that I don't have any pendants with me, I feel so insecure.

After pondering for a moment, Yu Ziqing took out a piece of jade slip and sent a message to Jinlan Mountain.

Jin Lanshan felt a jade slip broken and immediately stopped what he was doing.

Immediately afterwards, one jade slip was broken one after another.

She determined the meaning of the broken order according to the numbers.

"Let eldest sister come to me."

Xian Xian did not dare to delay and immediately summoned Wu Shuangge. She was led by Wu Shuangge and fled away, and soon arrived at the east side of the Jinlan Mountain forbidden area.

The residence of King Ruan Ren is still very lively, and there are many people to cooperate and enhance the atmosphere, so that King Ruan Ren can eat happily.

Even if you find it boring to meet people every day, that's easy. There are plenty of idle hungry ghosts.

You can change people every day and set up ten tables to accompany you, ensuring that there will be no repeat guests for hundreds of years.

Xian Xian came to King Ruan Ren's side and saluted respectfully. She looked at King Ruan Ren with his eyes closed and whispered softly.

"Senior, the potentially most talented junior in your lineage is my young master Qing Ziyu.

He was in great danger, and he might die an ugly death, the kind that would destroy both his body and soul.

The young master said, I hope you could be kind enough to move your feet and respond a little bit. "

Seeing that King Ruan Ren had no reaction, Xianxian thought for a while and added.

"It has something to do with some immortal guys. The young master may not be able to survive even if he is reborn with a drop of blood.

If the young master were to be destroyed physically and mentally, your lineage, the most talented descendant in history, would be gone. "

Before he could finish his words, in the blink of an eye, King Ruan Ren had disappeared.

Xianxin squinted her eyes and smiled, and bowed respectfully to the empty chair.

Turning to look at the others, no one else was eating.

All of them had solemn expressions and murderous intent in their eyes.

There is a big meaning of giving an order, and everyone should stand shoulder to shoulder.

Xian Xian waved her hand.

"Eat your food."

After hearing this, both people and hungry ghosts continued to be happy and continued to eat.

Yu Ziqing has preset a variety of precautions. This time, according to Xian Xian's understanding, there is no danger for the time being, but there may be danger at any time. I feel so insecure, please let eldest sister protect me.

If there was really an invincible danger, Yu Ziqing would not summon him like this.

He must have torn up several Void Escape Scrolls first, and then tried to kill them.

Having said that, Xianxian still went to find the big ghost and was fully prepared.

Yu Ziqing was still reading in Wei's library. Within two days, Wei Lan appeared with a pot of hot tea.

After putting down the hot tea, Wei Lan didn't leave in a hurry, but bowed.

"Senior, there is something I want to let you know."

"you say."

Wei Lan very honestly told the story of how the whisper appeared in his mind and how he escaped.

Because of this, he could only tell Yu Ziqing.

"That one wants to talk to senior."

"Haha..." Yu Ziqing laughed out loud. Yang Mo went to all the trouble to find him, just to chat?

Why, are you trying to fool him?

Did this guy figure it out so quickly?

"Okay, you can get in touch and I'll talk to him."

Wei Lan immediately started calling, and the little power in his head immediately turned into a mark and contacted the Sun Destroying Demon.

The next moment, Wei Lan's consciousness was suppressed. He raised his head, his eyes turned blue, and his whole temperament changed instantly.

When Yu Ziqing looked at that look, there was not much emotion, and he was even very calm. The calmness made Yu Ziqing feel a little incredible.

This guy doesn't even scream to kill?

Yu Ziqing showed a smile and cupped his hands.

"Congratulations, congratulations, you finally broke through the obstacles and strengthened your will."

“Thanks to you, my consciousness is cracked.

But this is a good thing. The other half is determined to follow the original path, but it makes me determined to pursue death.

I would like your help. "

"Wait a minute." Yu Ziqing interrupted the Sun Destroyer's words, and his thoughts began to spin rapidly.

What does cracked mean?

Has Yang Demon's consciousness split into two?

Is it that serious?

If the two of them were conscious, why didn't they fight first?

Oh, that's right, they come from the same source, they are immortal, and indeed no one can do anything to the other.

After thinking quickly, Yu Ziqing waved his hand.

“I’m not interested in you, or you.

I'm not interested in you asking me for help. Besides, why should I help you? "

"The other half has great malice towards you, but I don't. We can work together to kill him and destroy the last vestige of life."

"What's in it for me? I'm quite satisfied with the status quo and I don't want to worry about it.

You asked me to help you when you came up. You guys, the arrogance hidden in your bones still can't fade away?

Is this the attitude of asking for help?

It's not impossible for me to help you.

You have to do something good for others, you have to show some sincerity, right?

To put it simply, let’s talk about the first generation head of the Wei family first. Is he alive? "

The Sun-Destroying Demon glanced at Yu Ziqing in surprise and nodded.

"Yes, he is not dead.

I gave him a fragment of my personality back then, and he endured it without dying.

I signed an ancient contract with him.

He used the connection of blood to help me condense my broken personality.

I gave him a glimmer of personal immortality, freeing him from the shackles of lifespan.

And to condense the broken personality, he does need his help. "

"Where are the others?"

"Since the sacrifice of the previous generation Wei Shi ended, he disappeared and never appeared again."

"What about this time? He didn't come?"

"No, he will not come until the sacrifice begins."

"Do you know where he usually is?"

"I don't know, he will only appear when the sacrifice begins."

"That's it?" Yu Ziqing was a little disappointed.

"The power he had, it was easy to recognize."

Yu Ziqing stopped talking and drank tea by himself, as if he didn't want to talk to the Sun-Destroying Demon.

The Sun-Destroying Demon himself came to the door and wanted to kill the Yang-Liu Demon.

Yu Ziqing almost laughed out loud.

If I can kill the Liuyang Demon, can I also kill you?

Oh, that's right, if the Yang Demon splits, this Sun-Destroying Demon, who firmly pursues the power of death, is seeking death.

If Yu Ziqing could send him to his death, he would be very happy.

This calculation can be heard from a world away.

But to be honest, Yu Ziqing was really happy.

He himself planned to kill the Yang Demon.

Having said that, it is impossible to fully agree. It depends on how much the Sun Destroyer is willing to pay in order to achieve his goal.

“It’s not impossible to agree to help.

The problem now is that your contract with the first ancestor of the Wei family is broken, and he will definitely come to see what happened.

If they find me, they will definitely kill me.

As everyone knows, I am just a small seventh-level physical cultivator, and I will definitely not be able to defeat him.

I'm busy protecting myself right now and have no time to help you. "

"..." The Sun-Destroying Demon was silenced.

When did the human race become like this, where they can lie to one's face without changing their face or heartbeat?

Does he believe in this kind of ghost transformation?

Having said that, the Sun Destroyer took it as true.

Anyway, the contract has been destroyed, and the path taken by the first ancestor of the Wei family is destined to be impossible, and there is no way to pursue the power of death.

"Just like how you resisted in the extreme cold forbidden area, you can resist him from using my power."

"That's it? It's gone?"

“Or, you lead him to the Forbidden City of Extreme Cold, touch him with your fire, introduce him into my world, and I will help you get rid of him.

Or, if I give you my mark and my power, he will be unable to do anything to you. "

"He doesn't use powers other than yours? Are you sure he doesn't?"

The Sun-Destroying Demon was speechless.

After pondering for a long time, he discovered that he really had no other choice.

"I will disturb him when he takes action, that's all.

If he doesn't appear in the Forbidden City, I won't be able to take back what I gave him. "

"Hey..." Yu Ziqing was a little disdainful. It was really disdainful to become such a god and demon.

"You can't help me with anything, why should I help you?"

"I'll let you kill the other half and then kill me."

Yu Ziqing was a little nervous. He was well-informed, but how could he negotiate like this?

"I also want your help to find traces of Qi Yin. Before I can truly pursue the power of death, I must first destroy Qi Yin."

"Seven Yin King?"


"Why are you involved with the Seven Yin King again?"


"Let me think about it. It's not impossible to help you, but many things require your cooperation. I'm afraid you won't cooperate with me."

"I can cooperate with you in whatever you want, as long as you can accomplish my goal."

Speaking of this, Wei Lan's body trembled slightly, his face turned pale, and the blue light in his eyes quickly faded.

Wei Lan didn't even regain consciousness. He rolled his eyelids and passed out.

With his strength, even as a medium, he wouldn't be able to withstand it for long.

Yu Ziqing took a look and found that Wei Lan's soul was weak, his body's yang energy was weak, and his whole body seemed to be drained dry.

Yu Ziqing was kind-hearted and fed him a few pills and invigorated his blood. He summoned Wei Jing and settled him quietly.

Yu Ziqing was distracted from reading, and calculated the time. If King Ruan Ren was more reliable, it should be almost there.

Everything else is easy to talk about, even if Yu Ziqing dies, as long as the body is left behind.

King Ruan Ren would definitely not be able to accept it if only Yu Ziqinghui was destroyed both physically and mentally.

He said goodbye to Wei Jing and said he would go back to check the information and see how to find a new path for the Wei family.

After walking out of the Wei family, Yu Ziqing glanced at the Hengduan Mountains that could be seen, wandering along the edge of the mountains, flying towards the south wind.

A few hours later, the surrounding area was already a wilderness. Yu Ziqing was flying halfway when he saw a cold light suddenly appear.

Yu Ziqing did not dodge or evade, but relied solely on his physical body to bear the blow. The next moment, he turned into an afterimage and hit the ground heavily.

Half of Yu Ziqing's body was buried in the soil, his face was pale, he squinted his eyes slightly and glanced around. He didn't even see anyone, but there were several cold lights that appeared out of thin air.

"Sister, if you don't care anymore, it doesn't matter if I die, but my body will collapse..."

Yu Ziqing shouted, and the next moment, there was a sudden sound in the air?

??The sound exploded.

The sudden cold light was crushed by Ruan Renwang's bare hands with his eyes closed, and her figure just flashed and then disappeared.

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The next moment, he saw a dazzling divine light suddenly light up in the distance, and the cold air and the yin energy collided together.

The shock wave set off swept across hundreds of miles.

Yu Ziqing stopped pretending and climbed out of the pit neatly. He stared at the battle in the distance with his eyes wide open and his vision activated to the extreme.

He wanted to see if his previous speculation was true, and whether the big rice dumplings of the Xia family were related to the initial collapse of Yang Mo's personality.

As long as King Ruan Ren fights against the owner of Yang Demon's power, he can tell immediately.

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