Lord of Deception

Chapter 188: Destroy it quickly, there are really many traitors (10k)

Yu Ziqing hid in the ancestral hall, closed his eyes, and began to try to contact Lao Yang.

He wanted to learn something from Lao Yang, something about the land.

As expected, the ring on the seventh floor was greatly disturbed, a little more than the disturbance in the Book of Anshi.

However, it is not completely blocked, because the portal archway here is just outside, and it still has some connection with the outside.

Face-to-face text communication is somewhat stumbling, but fortunately it doesn’t have much of an impact, and the slow internet speed doesn’t make it impossible to send text.

Yu Ziqing described the situation here to Lao Yang, and then asked.

"How to kill the grounder in the normal way?"

The old sheep was stuck for a long time without moving. Then it got stuck again, and a page of words appeared in front of him.

"The emperor issued an edict, listed his crimes, used sacrificial vessels to declare to heaven and earth, and deprived him of his earthly position.

But this is normal. Those earth creatures you mentioned have turned into evil gods.

Apart from destroying the mountains and cutting down the temples and killing them by force, even the emperor probably couldn't forcefully dethrone him from his position as a local.

After all, there were too many lands there, so much that it was impossible to seize them by force.

This is only possible if the hearts and minds of his believers and the people are completely lost before his authority can be abolished. "

"Do you know what's going on with that incense-eater?" Yu Ziqing continued to ask.

“Those who eat breath will be divine and live long.

I once saw similar records in a fragmented stone tablet.

They were like earth animals, feeding on the scent of incense. From then on, they no longer ate whole grains.

Even mortals, as long as the scent of incense continues, they can even live several times longer.

If you start practicing with the breath of incense as the foundation, you will be practicing the path of the earth.

Listening to what you said, that evil god has taken over everyone in the land, and everyone is dependent on him.

The foundation of their incense comes from the earth.

When one is prosperous, both are prosperous; when one is lost, both are harmed.

If you try to kill the so-called county emperor, those people who are based on his power will probably die.

Without the scent of incense, they would starve to death like mortals. But in different places, they would just die at the end of their lives.

If the situation turns out to be what you said, then this place will be completely hopeless.

No matter what, you can't save everyone.

If the world hadn't been turned upside down to this extent, Dadai wouldn't have disappeared. "

"Tell me first, everything you know about the land." Yu Ziqing was somewhat silent.

Most of a day later, Yu Ziqing came out of the ring on the seventh floor and came to the broken window of the ancestral hall, looking at the people outside.

Those pale-faced mortals, if you ignore that they are incense eaters, look quite normal.

There are just some places that seem abnormal.

Yu Ziqing heard someone nearby discussing evil things.

The county emperor in the city emperor's temple re-recruited some people. They were all candidates who were not qualified to share the incense with them. Instead, they survived yesterday's disaster.

News came out from the Chenghuang Temple that evil spirits came to cause trouble at the temple fair yesterday. The Chenghuang Lord and a group of spiritual officials in the temple fought fiercely against the evil spirits and drove them back. However, the Chenghuang Temple also suffered heavy losses.

He heard those people talking about evil spirits with fear and hatred.

I heard a parent laughing and saying that he brought back a piece of very powerful evil meat. After giving it to his children, he said that he would have the hope of joining the city emperor in the future, hunting down evil spirits, and protecting the peace and prosperity of Wuzi City.

If you didn't know what was going on here, this would be a peaceful and peaceful city.

Yu Ziqing looked at the people walking by in the distance. Each of them may have lived for hundreds of years, and may have exceeded the limit of their lifespan long ago.

If they were allowed to return from incense-eaters to normal people, they would probably die immediately.

Yu Ziqing thought of the poor families he saw yesterday, and suddenly understood something.

At the end of this period, there may not be a normal person in Wuzi City, not even a fragrant person, who has a chance to become a normal person.

Because those who had the opportunity were probably from poor families, and they had all died in the last few hundred years of Dadui.

The old man Yu Ziqing met before may have died of old age in the end.

If this is a huge seal, what exactly is the disaster or event that caused the seal?

According to what Yu Ziqing has been to, the seals in the Book of Anshi are basically a complete disaster.

from start to finish.

And here, less than a year has passed. The old man said that the county emperor here had already appeared sixty years ago.

The development of Wuzi City to what it is today did not happen overnight.

Yu Ziqing has never encountered this kind of disaster that started in the middle or even late stages of a disaster.

Or is it that this period is actually the beginning of the perceived disaster?

Originally, after Yu Ziqing tested whether incense could poison the eighth-level county emperor, he planned to try it by forcibly destroying his temple and destroying his consciousness to see if he could recapture Wuzi City.

But now, everything you can see is ghosts.

Yu Ziqing gave up this idea.

Killing it has no effect.

He carried the ancestral hall and flew all the way out of Wuzi City.

Since there are still normal people who are resisting the enemy, go to them and ask about the situation, and then find other strong people who have come in.

Integrating the power of those strong men, a dozen ninth level, even if they are basically one calamity and two calamities, they are still top-notch combat power.

According to the experience in the Book of Anshi, at the end of the Dingmao era, the overall strength of Dadui declined greatly.

In fact, Yu Ziqing once thought about it once in a while. If it were at the end of the Ding Mao era, it would probably be possible to push the dozen or so ninth levels.

After all, at the end of the stage, even seventh-level people can become county guards.

Now it seems that the situation here is still somewhat different from the situation in the Book of Anshi.

Is it possible that it is not that the official power is too weak, but that it is too strong and it is impossible to become a county guard?

If Da Dui's overall strength was really that weak, why was he still fighting Da Gan for so long?

The history that has not yet settled is still somewhat biased.

Yu Ziqing carried the ancestral hall and flew all the way. When he saw a river, he flew slowly from high in the sky.

He saw a layer of brilliance suddenly appearing in mid-air, falling from the sky and falling to the ground.

After the ancestral hall slowly passed by, the falling light became distorted, as if the space expanded out of thin air to allow the ancestral hall to pass through.

After passing through that brilliance, when I look back, I can no longer see the river, nor can I see the light smoke of birds in the distance, gathering strength and hovering over the city.

Yu Ziqing put away the ancestral hall and turned back again. The place where he flew was the normal world.

Although the wilderness is desolate, there is no ghostly atmosphere that is not like the human world.

Large areas of fertile fields are already overgrown with weeds, and large areas of mature grain remain unharvested.

Yu Ziqing flew all the way to Wuzi City. The Wuzi City he saw at this time had no breath of living people. It was dilapidated and there were traces of flames in some places.

Flying into the city, all the city's protection dissipated, and all its power was gone.

Yu Ziqing took out the magistrate's seal of Wuzi City. The light flickered, still weak, as if covered with dust.

Randomly entering a large house, the place had accumulated a thick layer of dust, and no one had been there for at least decades.

The entire city is not much different from what it was in the other world. The only difference is that the City Emperor Temple here is not as grand as the one inside.

The temple here is just an ordinary small temple with no power at all.

In another place, a big pit appeared, which is where Yu Ziqing dug up the ancestral hall.

Yu Ziqing's guess was correct. The ancestral hall did not belong to the world inside. It was just because of the special nature of the ancestral hall that non-incense eaters could see and enter it.

After Yu Ziqing explored for a while, he suddenly stopped and the big ghost appeared behind Yu Ziqing carrying the Ten Thousand Souls Flag.

A man wearing a metal mask appeared on the top of a building at some point, looking at Yu Ziqing from a distance.

As soon as Yu Ziqing had an idea, he made seals with both hands and changed them dozens of times.

The person opposite was slightly startled, immediately put away his hidden methods, and responded with the same seal.

This is a unique communication method of faceless people. It has many changes. As long as it is used, the identity of the other party can be confirmed.

Yu Ziqing reported the identity of the Faceless Man Yi32, which means that he has inherited the identity of Yi32.

The man with the metal mask flew over and saluted in the air.

"Dadui's faceless man, Bingbajiu, has met the Lord."

"When you see me, do you know where I come from?"

"I know that Lord Yisanji's code name has been sealed for a long time. If you can inherit the codename of Lord Yisanji, you must have met Lord Yisanji personally."

"As long as you know, what is going on here?"

Yu Ziqing breathed a sigh of relief. He was actually a living person. If he was sealed here alive, he must know a lot of things.

The two landed, and Bingbajiu slowly told what happened here.

At the end of the Ding Mao period, there were internal and external troubles, and the people were in dire straits.

The seal of Dadui was abused, and the tycoons from various cities in various places completed the annexation over a long period of time, and they began to control all important positions.

There are more and more cases where one city is dominated by one family.

The prestige of the imperial court gradually declined.

Since the incident of the demon concubine ended and the imperial court was settling accounts and cleaning up the relevant people, unknowingly, another great favorite was born.

This favorite was promoted very quickly and his clique was extremely powerful.

Facing internal and external troubles and gradually losing control of the place, this favorite came up with a good idea.

The imperial court has always paid attention to balance and checks and balances.

The local area begins to lose control, natural and man-made disasters continue, and external enemies and internal troubles occur one after another. The key is to first check and balance the local area and stabilize the interior.

A good idea is to start reusing land.

After all, there are many people in that place who are famous in the area and have excellent character.

Moreover, the earth cannot leave the fief. If it leaves the fief, its strength will plummet by more than 90%, and it will lose its foundation. If the body dies, it will die completely.

However, the land can only be sealed by imperial decree, and the emperor can only issue talisman calls.

The land is only used to supervise the local area, and by the way, it can also adjust the local hydrology, wind and rain.

Then, Emperor Dui believed his favorite minister's words and began to carry out this major reform.

There was definitely some resistance, but with the top-down push and the fact that the feudal landowners were all local virtuous people, the progress was pretty smooth.

In the first few years, the local tyrants did restrain themselves a lot, and the local supervisors were sometimes more useful than faceless people.

The frequent natural disasters have become much less frequent, and the climate seems to have become normal.

However, the brutal expansion, coupled with the treacherous ministers, made great achievements and the power grew day by day.

Slowly, things began to change.

The strength of the land is getting stronger and stronger. Initially, it is to check and balance the local area, but the local area is only strong to a certain extent.

In addition, they colluded with each other, bribed favored ministers, and deceived the superiors and subordinates together. After reporting this to the superiors, the people who accepted the imperial edict began to change.

From the moment the first powerful member of the family was consecrated as an earth warrior, everything began to get out of control.

The divine kingdom of the earth integrates into the local area and turns into the other world, constantly attracting people and turning into people who eat delicious food.

How the first incense-eater appeared and how he was transformed, no one knows.

At that time, there were constant natural and man-made disasters, and the land was full of hungry people. The appearance of the incense eaters was beautified as a last resort, and there were no more hungry people.

This time is actually the last chance to stop it.

However, the treacherous officials in the imperial court were in power and did not stop it. Instead, they praised it and vigorously promoted it.

If people who eat fragrant food do not eat whole grains, how many resources can be saved.

Moreover, they live longer and are generally stronger than ordinary people. Especially when the food is over, they are so powerful that one person can fight against several ordinary people and still have the upper hand.

If this is the case within the Divine Dynasty, the overall foundation will become stronger.

These are the words of the treacherous officials who deceived Dui Huang.

The most important thing is that on the surface, it seems to be true, and Duihuang naturally believes it.

Then, things got completely out of control.

As expected, the local tycoons were fighting against the locals, but it gradually turned into a situation where the powerful locals were just one family.

Slowly, under the cover of the Kingdom of God, many things are hidden.

After the people who acted as information channels also began to be corrupted, Duihuang and the people at the top could no longer see the truth.

Ever since, the earth began to be stronger than the powerful, and the land became a powerful force dominated by the earth.

It is stronger and more troublesome than before. In addition, everyone has become a foodie, so there is no solution to this matter.

To this day, in the Kingdom of God, those who eat incense are normal people, while normal people are aliens.

Orthodox monks, especially Qi Refining monks, are evil. They excessively consume the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and cause constant natural disasters. They are irrefutable evil and can be killed by everyone.

The Earthly One particularly likes the flesh, blood, and soul of the Qi Refining monks. If they can be captured alive, that would be the best sacrifice.

But those who practice the way of incense and fire are the right path.

Physical training is still painful, and there are still people who practice the incense way.

However, those who only practice physical training are still evil.

The way of incense and physical training, that's fine.

The former management system dominated by county governors has basically ceased to exist in name only.

Faceless people are not much different. Faceless people who don't follow the path of incense are particularly easy to die.

Just like those county guards and county guards who practice normally.

Even today's government is almost controlled by treacherous ministers.

Bingbajiu's tone was low, unable to conceal the trace of struggle and despair, and he slowly told the story.

When Yu Ziqing heard this, he immediately asked.

"Where's Duihuang?"

"Your Majesty... Dui Huang is concentrating on cultivating the way of incense..." Bing Bajiu was filled with despair, almost overflowing with despair.

"..." Yu Ziqing was shocked.

"Duihuang went to practice the way of incense? What does he want to do? Is he crazy?"

"I don't know either. Our leader, Jia Shisan, risked his life to remonstrate and was sentenced to death. No one knows what happened in the middle. When your Excellency was about to die, he only said one sentence: Duihuang wanted to succeed. god."

"Haha..." Yu Ziqing laughed out loud. He looked up to the sky and laughed: "Hahahaha..."

“Before ancient times, countless martyrs spilled their blood across the sky, finally overthrowing the gods.

Nowadays, the earth is so dignified and reused that the earth becomes out of control and turns into an evil god.

He actually wants to become a god. Does he want to live forever? "

Yu Ziqing smiled sarcastically, while Bing Bajiu remained silent.

"Does the Faceless Men still have a leader?"

"A Fourteen led many faceless men to defect, but he himself was sealed. Now, there is no leader."

"Sealed as a disaster?" Yu Ziqing was shocked, but felt that there was nothing surprising.

"Jia-Fourteen is extremely talented, and he also practices killing and execution knives. They couldn't kill him, so they could only seal him."

"Then, who sealed this place?"

Yu Ziqing already had some guesses.

After Bingbajiu was silent for a long time, he said in a harsh voice.

"Back then, Jia Shi4 gathered all the officials in the imperial court who did not follow the path of incense.

Enter the Dadui ancestral temple, use the method of blood sacrifice to sacrifice Dadui, and announce it to heaven and earth.

At the same time, in the entire Dadui, the remaining normal people in various places who were not incense eaters entered the ancestral halls of their respective clans.

In order to take the ancestral temple as the head and connect the clan ancestral halls in the entire Dadui.

Burning the great luck, connecting everyone's blood, starting from the foundation, destroying their foundation.

We almost succeeded, just a little bit.

It’s just a little bit different…”

"what happened?"

"Duihuang took action, Duihuang took action to stop us.

In order to stop us, he united with the twelve and sixty county guards who had turned into incense eaters, plus all the locals.

In this way, what we want to do is turned into a disaster that can overturn Dadui, and is sealed.

A Fourteen fought desperately to stop him, but those people were no match for him, but they were still able to seal him.

Nothing can be undone. "

Yu Ziqing's head was buzzing from the shock.

He had made a lot of guesses.

He once speculated that Emperor Dui had discovered something that could overturn the catastrophe of Da Dui, so he had to seal the entire Da Dui.

I have also speculated whether there was some huge natural disaster, like a comet hitting the earth, so the seal of Dadui had to be sealed along with the entire Dadui.

I've made countless guesses, but never thought it would be like this.

Duihuang did take action, that was true, but the nature was completely different.

Yu Ziqing had just one thought right now.

Destroy it, it’s hopeless.

This ghost world, this final battle, there is no need to save it anymore, let’s destroy it quickly...

Yu Ziqing took a long time to digest the news.

"Someone is coming in outside, do you know?"

"I know, I came out this time for this reason.

We got news that something happened in Wuzi City. The county emperor of Wuzi City was seriously injured, and the temple collapsed and its foundation was damaged.

This matter has already made a big fuss in Dingmao City today, and there is no way to cover it up.

The imperial court has sent people to investigate.

I happened to be nearby, and as soon as I got the news, I came to investigate.

If you encounter a strong person from outside, take him away quickly. "

"Have the powerful foreigners already had conflicts with the locals here?"

"Several times, they killed a city emperor, several county emperors, land gods, and river gods.

But there was also a strong man who was surrounded and killed before he had time to escape.

Therefore, I hurriedly came first this time, fearing that I would be late.

It's the best situation if you can come out of the evil god's kingdom. It's best for us to leave quickly now. "

The two left Wuzi City and headed southwest.

Along the way, I passed some places where people once lived, but no one could be seen anymore.

Cities, towns, townships, and villages are all empty, with dilapidated houses and abandoned farmland, as if they were in the last days.

Those people did not disappear, but they all became the people of the Kingdom of Earth God and became people who eat incense.

The more Yu Ziqing looked at it, the more he felt that it should be destroyed quickly.

Bing Bajiu took Yu Ziqing all the way to a group of mountains and found a blessed place.

When we arrived at the place, someone immediately took the magic weapon and started testing it.

Test whether the two of them are incense eaters and whether they are following the path of incense.

After confirming that it was not the case, they confirmed their identities, and then quietly introduced them into the cave.

After Yu Ziqing entered, he finally saw a few familiar people.

They are the ninth-level experts who came in first.

But here, there are only seven people, and all of them are injured and their faces are not pretty.

"Jinlanshan Qingziyu, besides you, is anyone else coming in?"

There was an old man with a golden face and obviously serious injuries. When he saw Yu Ziqing, he immediately asked questions.

"For the time being, I'm the only one who can come in first to check out the situation. After all, I have Dadui's seal in my hand."

Seeing what the old man wanted to say, Yu Ziqing immediately continued.

"No need to ask, I can't get out even if I have the big seal. The world has changed and the big seal has almost no effect anymore."

Everyone couldn't help but feel their hearts sinking, and their faces were as sinking as water.

The people who came in first this time were all powerful men from the big factions, and they were not the sect leaders, so their status was actually about the same.

They are all strong people who can make decisions, are strong enough, and put it on the bright side.

These people have a reputation and prestige, and it will be much easier for them to do things on the surface. It will also be easier for them to communicate with each other.

Naturally, it is more convenient for Yu Ziqing.

Yu Ziqing looked at everyone one by one. Among the seven people, there were six. Yu Ziqing could make a judgment at the first sight of them.

The only person left was the old man who spoke first.

The leader of the Daqian Duobao Sect should have already retreated, but just in time for this incident, he stepped forward.

In the Duobao Sect, there is actually a new sect leader in charge. Whatever happens to him will not have a particularly big impact on the Duobao Sect.

"Senior, don't worry too much.

I, Jin Lanshan, was invited to help. I was just here to investigate in the early stages.

If I haven't gone out for a while, people outside will naturally know that I can't go out.

They will also act more cautiously.

The outside world already knew about the death of the leader of the Nirvana Sect.

When the leader of the Nirvana Sect was temporarily appointed, some news spread that he was plotted by a traitor.

what happened? "

When everyone heard this, their faces became darker, and each one looked uglier than the other.

Master Duobao looked at the others and sighed.

“The leader of the Nirvana Sect has indeed been plotted against.

When we came in, there were fifteen people.

We secretly explored and discovered those ground creatures. After fighting with them, we gradually learned about the situation here.

There were differences between us. "

"It can't be that they want to help those locals, right?" Yu Ziqing was a little surprised.

“They think that since they came here, they discovered that this is more than just the sealing place of the Datu Jade Seal.

But the sealed place of Dadui has disappeared, so our goal is to reach the final stage.

All it takes is for the disappeared Da Dui to return and the tenth level path can be opened.

As long as the tenth level path is opened, there will definitely be someone who can break through, be it the Three Gods Dynasty or our sect family.

By then, even this last great exchange will seem like a ghost.

You can also turn your hands to make clouds, turn your hands to make rain, and kill all those lands.

Even if at this moment, it can be regarded as helping those locals and Duihuang, it is only a temporary measure. "

The leader of Duobao Sect gave a bitter smile and shook his head.

“Maybe their inheritance is not that long.

In my Duobao Sect, there are only a few words about things from ancient times.

After I knew that Duihuang had made all this possible and wanted to become a god.

I then made up my mind that even if the road to the tenth level was cut off from now on, I would never let this Dadui return.

If Da Dui returns, the tenth level of the road will be opened.

Everyone is equal on this road, and Duihuang may have a chance to reach the tenth level.

And those lands will probably advance to the tenth level faster.

When the time comes, it will be easier said than done to kill those monsters.

I'm afraid that the local disaster here will spread out and harm the Three Gods Dynasty and us. "

The leader of Duobao Sect looked around and looked at the others.

“In the final analysis, the reason for our monks’ practice is to live forever.

If there is a shortcut, we may not be able to control our true intentions, let alone those mortals.

However, if you want to go this way, you will have to break the inheritance of the Taoism.

Qi refining has since become an evil way. How can we face our ancestors?

It's a pity that we can understand it, but they may not be able to understand it.

Or, be bold and think things won’t get out of hand.

Or, it is so sad to have your will shaken by that shortcut. "

Yu Ziqing was very silent after hearing this.

Even Da Dui, this huge divine dynasty, has been turned into such a ghostly state.

Where did those people get the courage and confidence to think that this matter would not be out of their control.

Yu Ziqing felt that those people were probably shaken and made excuses for themselves.

I'm afraid they themselves don't believe it. If they have the ability after Dadui returns, they can kill those monsters.

In just a few months, the people who came in first were all divided like this.

Not one traitor, but seven.

It is no longer important whether their will is wavering, whether they are greedy and choose the path, or whether they are brainwashed.

Ninth level strong men are all very egotistical.

Yu Ziqing felt more and more that he should destroy it quickly.

At night, after everyone finished chatting, they all went to rest and recuperate. Yu Ziqing quietly came to another place where strong men were training.

After entering, Yu Ziqing made a silent gesture to the other party, immediately took out the materials and began to manually assemble a secret room.

After completing the shielding, Yu Ziqing sat opposite the strong man.

"Senior, I want to know the specific circumstances of the Nirvana Sect leader's death at that time."

"Have you discovered the problem?" The middle-aged man sitting across from him had a sinking face. He could see that Yu Ziqing was so careful to hide it from others.

"Senior, let's talk about the specific situation first. Do you all know who plotted against the leader of the Nirvana Sect at that time and how?"

"It's not very clear. We dispersed to investigate at that time. When I rushed back, the leader of the Nirvana Sect had already died."

"I feel that the leader of Duobao Sect is not very trustworthy."

"Huh?" The middle-aged man's expression condensed, with questions in his eyes.

"Senior, don't ask me why. In fact, I can't tell you. I just think you have to be careful. There is nothing wrong with being careful."

Yu Ziqing secretly visited six people at night and told them all about the matter.

It's not because Yu Ziqing thinks they are trustworthy, it's just because the information provided by their sect is detailed enough, and Song Chengyue's information complements each other, which is enough to draw the sword.

At least their sect is trustworthy in wanting to save them.

Taking another ten thousand steps back, even if any of the six people had other ideas, Yu Ziqing would just treat it as one more pendant.

As for Duobao Sect Master, the two data sources are complementary to each other, but they are not even enough to pass the judgment standard.

Either his sect has given him a key piece of information, or there is a problem with the Duobao Sect leader, and this problem will most likely occur within a few months of entering here.

Anyway, he couldn't tell, so Yu Ziqing thought there was something wrong with him.

Yu Ziqing and the other six people couldn't find any problem with the Duobao Sect leader, but they still cared about it.

In the temporary base of the Faceless Man, Yu Ziqing continued to read through the materials and add information.

The more I watch it, the less I want to watch it any more.

A few days later, in the dead of night, a dark figure emerged from the blessed land.

The man took out a magic weapon the size of a pinky fingernail and blew it gently. The black bean-like magic weapon disintegrated on its own and turned into small bugs and flew out.

The early warning methods and detection methods here failed to notice those little bugs.

If you don't see them, you won't even sense those little bugs.

One after another, small insects flew near the guards and landed on them. Their sharp mouthparts pierced the skin of those people.

In an instant, each of the guards fell straight down with horror in their eyes.

They didn't even have time to issue a warning.

After knocking down all the guards outside, but not killing any of them, the black shadow waved his hand, and the insects flew back automatically, fell into his hands, and condensed into a black bean.

He turned around and re-entered the blessed land. As soon as he entered, he saw bright lights inside, the faceless man, and six strong men, Yu Ziqing, all waiting at the entrance.

The light illuminated the face of the visitor, who was the master of Duobao Sect.

He looked at a group of people who were staring at him coldly with some surprise, with a calm expression.

"It's so late, are you going out?"

With that said, he turned around and left naturally.

The next moment, a black light was seen falling from the sky.

A stream of light flew out of the Duobao Sect leader's body and turned into a palm-sized shield, blocking the black light. Then he himself turned into a ray of light and rushed towards the entrance of the blessed land.

With a puff, the leader of the Duobao Sect paused, and a bloody long knife pierced his chest.

A stream of light from his body disappeared into the entrance of the blessed land, and the surface of the Duobao Sect's skin turned into wood grains, and finally turned into an identical puppet, which was shattered by a long knife.

"The people of Duobao Sect are really troublesome. These weird magic weapons are coming one after another."

"Stop chasing, we have to move immediately." Yu Ziqing muttered softly.

Looking back, the faceless man had already organized everyone and brought everything they needed to bring.

They have long been accustomed to this, constantly moving and escaping.

The moment Duobao Sect Master came out quietly today, a strong man who had been staring at him noticed him.

From that moment on, everyone started preparing to leave here at any time.

I just didn't expect that the leader of the Duobao Sect, who was usually not showy but had many magic weapons, was not weak at all.

Everyone walked out of the blessed land and saw that all the guards outside fell to the ground, but none of them died. They immediately took them all away and fled together.

After traveling thousands of miles away, they saw the light shining in front of them, and a seven-story treasure building emerged in the light.

The sound of praise, mixed with the vast divine power, suddenly came.

A ninth-level earth warrior stood in the sky. He was wearing court clothes and holding a white jade tablet in his hand. The aura of incense lingered around his body. Not only did he have the aura of the earth warrior, he also had the aura of a high-ranking official from Dadui. The power of Dadui blessed his body, allowing him to Its momentum is three points stronger.

"Everyone, why are you in such a hurry when you arrive at my fief? Why don't you stay and understand the great road with me?

You are all outsiders, and you have no grievances or grudges against me.

I know what you are asking for, and we have our interests in mind.

Even if you are unwilling to help us, I can still ask Your Majesty to send you out.

All you need to do is wait patiently for Da Dui to return and then you can open the path to the tenth level.

how? "

Following the words of these ninth-level creatures, there were streaks of escaping light from the distance, rushing towards them.

"Don't talk nonsense to him. Leave first and then talk."

In an instant, six foreign ninth-level people, plus the remaining ninth-level ones in the Faceless Man base, took action together.

The ninth-level creature shook his head.

"I don't know how to praise, and even today, I still want to block my path, and I don't know what I can do."

He stood in the air, made a seal with one hand, pointed at the ground, and shouted in a low voice.

In an instant, he saw the seven-story high-rise building behind him glowing with glory. After the glory, the shadow of a county appeared.

In the shadow, the temples of several county emperors lit up with brilliance. Mountain gods, land gods, and river gods all lit up with brilliance.

The brilliance spreads across every inch of the mountains and rivers in a county.

With the blessing of huge power, his aura surged again.

After being blessed by the power of the earth, there is also the power of the Dadui Divine Dynasty, following closely behind and also blessing it.

Let his breath go straight to the peak of the ninth level.

Facing more than ten ninth-level people, he looked solemn and shouted in a deep voice.


With a loud shout, a huge mountain appeared out of thin air and forcibly blocked everyone's attack.

Then he pointed again.


The phantom of a large river appeared, rushing down from the sky, carrying the power of hundreds of millions of people.

The roaring sound seemed to make the sky tremble.

A single impact of the river turned the spiritual energy of this place upside down, thousands of divine lights were crushed, and all kinds of secret techniques were forcibly blocked.

After just two blows, there were several ninth-level people with pale faces and unstable breaths.

"Escape separately. Escape first and then we'll talk about it. Once we've settled down, we can gather together again."

Everyone fought and retreated, going around elsewhere.

I don't know when this place was also brought under the jurisdiction of the city emperor, and they couldn't fight him here.

And the opponent's reinforcements are coming soon.

Everyone had to disperse, break into pieces first, and then escape first.

The big ghost carried Yu Ziqing on his back and ran all the way without interfering in the battle at all.

Half an hour later, the powerful city emperor finally stopped chasing him and stayed within his fiefdom.

And reinforcements have arrived at this time.

In the night sky, there were signs of fighting from all sides.

Yu Ziqing looked at the seven-story treasured building in the distance, his face sinking like water.

Is this the power of Fucheng Emperor?

This ghost can not only be blessed by the power of the fief due to its position as a land, but also by the blessings of the county emperor and many land beasts below. It can even be blessed by the power of the divine dynasty of Datu.

How outrageous.

After being blessed in all directions, he used his divine power to display magical powers, which was comparable to the peak of the ninth level.

According to Da Dui's ghost transformation, there should be twelve emperors in this city.

No, eleven now.

The Fucheng Emperor who was the first to be killed probably underestimated the enemy when he met these people for the first time and was killed by a group of ninth-level people.

The second time, the emperor of Fucheng came forward and learned the lesson. When facing these people, he used all his firepower and blessings to suppress everyone from the beginning.

Yu Ziqing got separated from everyone, and fled with only the big ghost, waiting to get rid of the pursuers, and then go to the predetermined place to meet those people.

However, as soon as he reached a wilderness, he suddenly stopped.

The leader of Duobao Sect stood high in the sky.

He looked at Yu Ziqing with a smile on his face.

"As soon as you came here, they noticed that there was something wrong with me. I guess it was you who noticed that there was something wrong with me.

Can you tell me how you knew I had a problem? "

"Senior, do you still remember what your fifth great-grandson is called?"

The leader of Duobao Sect suddenly realized it, but then he became a little confused.

"You never asked me any questions. How did you know that I was a fake?"

"Uh, you're not the leader of Duobao Sect?" Yu Ziqing looked stunned.

"..." The Duobao Sect's leader's face darkened as he was tricked.

Then he stretched out a hand, as if piercing the sky, and shook it slightly.

At this time, Yu Ziqing saw that the sky within a hundred miles radius was actually a painting disguised.

The leader of Duobao Sect held the top of the painting with one hand and shook it casually, and the painting disguised as the night sky was pressed towards the ground.

Everything he passes seems to be involved and transformed into the content of the painting.

"To deal with me, you have to engage in such a big battle. It's really not like..."

Yu Ziqing sighed and patted the big ghost on the shoulder.

The big ghost took Yu Ziqing and quickly fell to the ground.

When it reached a certain level, Yu Ziqing took out the ancestral hall, and in an instant, he saw a halo of light flowing in front of him.

The ancestral hall took Yu Ziqing and rushed directly into the local divine kingdom.

The painting that enveloped hundreds of miles swept past indiscriminately, but there was nothing there.

He stretched out his hand and shook it, and the painting continued to shrink, rolled up on its own, and fell into his sleeve.

He frowned and looked down at the ground, with a trace of doubt in his eyes.

He only saw a strange-shaped thing, twisted and wrapped together in metal. For a moment, he didn't even recognize what kind of magic weapon it was.

"What magic weapon is that?"

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