A legendary boss with a level of 120!

Qin Feng’s eyelids also jumped.


This activity is simply not something that players can complete at this stage.

I’m afraid .


The troops of all Blue Star high school seniors came over, and they couldn’t beat such a 120-level legendary boss.

And this [Core of Flame], the specific attribute value Qin Feng can not be seen, but as a public boss, its skills can still be seen.

Qin Feng could only say… Very perverted.

The effect of [Rhythm of Flame] can only be described as a rogue.

As long as it is attacked, extremely strong magma will erupt.

Almost the AOE damage of the clear screen, the players’ troops at this stage are absolutely unbearable.

Although there is a CD, it is only a few minutes.

A few minutes to clear the screen AOE….

Who can stand this.

You know, it takes a certain amount of time for the population to regenerate, especially if the students’ territory level is very low now, the replenishment speed of the source of troops is very slow, and it is still very hurt to die a wave.

Several other skills, which are also outrageous, add a lot of defensive capabilities.

This BOSS….

It’s totally disgusting.

Qin Feng also remembered that in his previous life, it seemed that the first stage of public tasks was indeed complained about by players.

Of course.

That’s for ordinary people.

For Qin Feng…

It’s just a hot shower.

He then let the troops start gathering fire in an instant.


A stream of pale green lines streaked through the air, hitting the pitch-black shell of the core of Yan with unmistakable accuracy.

Countless numbers sprang up above the core of fire.






The core of Yan suddenly emitted a twisted and sharp sound that resounded throughout the underground space.

It was like fingernails rubbing on the blackboard, which made Qin Feng feel heart-wrenching.

In a flash.

Countless terrifying fiery red magma erupted from the heart.

And then.

The fiery red flames were like oceans, instantly filling the entire underground space.




Another series of terrifying green numbers popped up.

Qin Feng also took a deep breath, this [Yan Zhi Core], it was really disgusting.

As long as it is beaten, there will be a clear screen AOE, who can withstand this.


He was also relieved.

Fortunately, I have [Sharp Broken Blade (Gold Level)], which provides 5% of the real damage, otherwise I really can’t break it.

As a strange creature born from the plane of fire, all the attacks of [Flame Core] are naturally all fire attribute damage.

Qin Feng stood up with it.

Ten minutes later.

With the emptying of the last trace of blood.

The core of Yan Zhi suddenly erupted into a mournful cry.

The mountain shook for a while.

The core of the flame suddenly burst open, and the hot magma swept the entire space again.

At the same time, the sound of the system rumbling suddenly came out.

“Dingdong ~ World Announcement: With the efforts of all players, the first stage of the public mission [Breaking the Core of Flame] has made new progress, and the stage reward has been issued, please continue to work hard!”



Hear the system rumble, players all over the world… Naturally, they are all confused.

They all look at the countdown above their interface.

One hour and 32 minutes.


Isn’t there still more than an hour left?!

Naturally, the students broke their defenses.

“I wipe!! What’s the situation?! How did public tasks suddenly progress? ”

“The will of the heavens is convulsing?”

“Impossible! The will of the heavens has been running for millions of years, and it has never missed a mistake! ”

“Could it be that someone entered the map in advance?!”

“Fake, huh? 【War】It’s been so many years, never!! ”

“That can’t be someone hanging up, right?”

“Oh!! It’s so uncomfortable, Lao Tzu’s reward is much less!! ”

“Upstairs with a face…”


At this time, of course, all the students were extremely uncomfortable.

One by one, they were still rubbing their hands, waiting to enter the event map.

Someone is about to secretly do public tasks?!

Public tasks.

Even civilian players can more or less participate in some and then get some rewards.

But now….

The rewards were all divided among Qin Feng alone!

This Nima is also too upset!


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