"Who is it?"


Wu Ping looked at the sea shark that was killed by his hammer. Its head had exploded and blood plasma was sprayed all over the room.

If he hadn't retreated in time, he would have been splashed by the dirty blood.

After collecting a lot of basic information about the Sea Shark Gang, Wu Ping waited for a few more days and found out the deployment of the Haisha Gang headquarters.

Finally, he lurked at the residence of the sea shark tonight.

In fact, he secretly observed the sea shark for a long time, and the other party didn't notice it at all.

Even Wu Ping felt that even if he didn't use a big hammer, he could still beat the other party to death with one punch. This feeling was very wonderful.

Generally speaking, such a feeling only appears when one's strength is completely stronger than the opponent.

But the strong mental power told Wu Ping that he could do it.

However, out of caution, Wu Ping still did not force himself to show up and kill the sea shark head-on.

Instead, he attacked the sea shark when it was not aware of it, and hit it from the side with a big iron hammer, leaving it no time to react, and killed it with one blow.

Picking up the animal skin scroll scattered on the ground, Wu Ping took a look, and there was nothing on it.

But seeing how the sea shark was so fascinated by the animal skin scroll just now, this animal skin scroll should not be simple.

He remembered the "Nine Nine Forging Iron Skills", which was also recorded in an animal skin scroll.

Could it be? ? ?

"Dong Dong!"

"Boss, are you okay?"

Suddenly, with the knock on the door, a greeting came.

Obviously, Wu Ping's blow to kill the sea shark just now, although swift, also made some noise, which alarmed the people of the Haisha Gang.

Probably because of the majesty of the sea shark, no one dared to break in, but knocked on the door first to ask about the situation.

Seeing this, Wu Ping directly put the animal skin scroll into the storage bag, dodged, and hid in the room again.

It is safer to hide if you don't know who is coming.

Sure enough, after getting no response, the people outside the room couldn't wait any longer and broke into the room.

There were three people in total, and the one in the middle was obviously the leader.

At this time, they were completely stunned by the scene in front of them.

Looking at the headless body that was smashed, they recognized at first glance that this was their leader: Haisha.

The bloody smell in the room made them tremble.

"No, let's go!"

With a loud shout, the three people quickly came to their senses. They couldn't resist the Haisha who could kill the Xiantian realm so easily.

Moreover, it is very likely that the murderer is hiding in the room.

"Ah! Ah!"

With two screams, two of the three followers were smashed to death on the spot.

At this time, Wu Ping appeared in front of the only survivor.

It was impossible to leave.

This time, they chose to come out directly and leave one person behind because they were sure that the other party was not Xiantian and didn't need to be so cautious.

Moreover, he still needs to find someone to clarify the death of his grandfather Li Wu.


The only surviving member of the Haisha Gang knelt down when he saw Wu Ping, who was wearing a black mask and carrying a huge hammer on his shoulder.

At this moment, his heart was trembling.

"Hero, spare my life. I am the deputy leader of the Haisha Gang: Sha Wuneng."

"Now that the leader is dead, I am the leader of the Haisha Gang. I can let the Haisha Gang join you, and the wealth of the Haisha Gang is also yours."

Wu Ping looked at Sha Wuneng who kept kowtowing, his face unchanged.

Knowing how to say his own value, he is not really incompetent!

"Whether you can live depends on your performance."

"Do you know why the Wu family was destroyed?"

Sha Wuneng's face changed, and his heart skipped a beat. Wu family?

Could it be that the man in front of him was seeking revenge for the Wu family?

But I really don't know why Haisha wants to destroy the Wu family.

Sha Wuneng looked up at Wu Ping, his cold eyes made him dare not lie.

"Senior, I don't know why Haisha destroyed the Wu family, but after the destruction, the leader had people search the Wu family, probably looking for something."

"Later, the group of people who participated in the looting of the Wu family also died."

"I really don't know, and I dare not investigate."

Hearing this, Wu Ping had some guesses in his heart, but his face remained calm and asked another question:

"Do you know who hurt the father-in-law of the Wu family three months ago: Li Wu."

"I know this." Sha Wuneng blurted out.

He really knew this matter. Three months ago, Haisha's grandson "Hai Wang" went out and had a conflict with Li Wu, and called the gang's masters to beat Li Wu.

As the deputy leader of Haisha Gang, he knew Hai Wang very well.

He lost his parents when he was young and was brought up by Haisha. He has an arrogant and romantic personality and is the "crown prince" of Haisha Gang.

Haisha dotes on him very much.

And, usuallySafety is also what Haisha asked him to send someone to guard.

Later, under Sha Wuneng's narration, Wu Ping completely understood the cause and effect.

Haiwang's residence is next to Haisha's house, so it is convenient to go there.

Soon, under the leadership of Sha Wuneng, Wu Ping and the other two came to Haiwang's door quietly.

Haiwang is worthy of being called "Haiwang". At this time, he was still lying on the bed leisurely, hugging left and right, enjoying the silky smoothness.

Even the two people outside the door can clearly hear the movement inside.

Sha Wuneng has long been accustomed to this.

Wu Ping seemed very indifferent, and then said: "Go, drag him out."

After receiving the instructions, Sha Wuneng did not hesitate at all. He flashed and smashed the door directly. He grabbed Haiwang directly when he entered the door and dragged him out step by step.

"Uncle Sha, slow down, slow down, is it my grandpa who is looking for me?"

The Sea King who was dragged out of the door was still shouting loudly, not realizing that Sha Wuneng dragged him this time differently from usual.

"Who are you?" The Sea King who was released by Sha Wuneng immediately saw Wu Ping in black clothes and mask.

"It doesn't matter who I am. Li Wu was injured by someone you asked, right?"

"Uncle Sha, there is an assassin who is looking for revenge on me. Kill him for me." The Sea King pulled the corner of Sha Wuneng's clothes.

The answer in his heart was certain. Looking at the hollowed-out Sea King, Wu Ping was too lazy to say a word.

The big iron hammer was swung out and smashed down from above. The head of the Sea King bloomed like a flower, following the footsteps of the sea shark.

The splashing blood sprinkled Sha Wuneng all over.

"Pack up. Tomorrow, in the name of Haisha, call the high-level members of Haisha Gang."

"You will be the leader of Haisha Gang. I will kill anyone who disobeys me."

"Now, take me to the treasure house."

Hearing this, Sha Wuneng temporarily decided that his life was saved.

Then, he changed his clothes and called a few confidants to clean up the scene and guard Hai Mansion.

At the same time, he called a few more people to inform the high-level members of Haisha Gang to come to discuss tomorrow.

Thinking that he would become the leader of Haisha Gang tomorrow, although he was controlled by others, Sha Wuneng was also a little excited.

Wu Ping looked at all this calmly, followed Sha Wuneng, and slowly walked towards the treasure house.

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