The ancestral graves of the Wang family.


Gu Shang looked at the grave belonging to Wang Tong and ordered.

Several members of the organization did not have shovels.

They stood in several positions, and then the Gang Qi turned into their palms, and they dug open the tomb in a few strokes.

One of his subordinates waved his hand to kill him.

The coffin was broken, and Gu Shang next to him saw the book next to the body at a glance.

Said to be a book, it is actually a piece of flesh skin.

He stretched out his hand, and the strong energy flew towards the flesh and skin. Gu Shang looked at it carefully for a while.

"It's that kind of method, and it's very comprehensive."

After taking a second look, he felt a little regretful.

In addition to basic medicinal materials, this thing also requires something called a demon soul. As described above, the demon soul is a residual soul of a monster after its death.

It will stay next to the corpse for three days. After three days, the automatic Huawei fly ashes will dissipate.

"Unfortunately, it's of little use to me."

Shaking his head, Gu Shang turned around and left.

"Restore the status quo. After returning, we will directly attack the Wang family, the Zhang family, the Gui family, and the Qian family. No one will be left alive."

He would never hold back against those who had ill intentions towards him.

"Don't let anyone go."

He turned around and warned.

"As you command!"

Xixi stood nearby and spoke in an indifferent tone.

This year, she killed many people on behalf of the young master.

She is no longer the little girl who had nightmares when she saw dead people.

Now she is the sword in the hands of the young master.

Whoever the young master says to kill will die!


late at night.

Gu Shang sat in the study, rubbing his hair with both hands.

This time it was really difficult.

He didn't know how to tell his mother.

As a son, killing his mother and father's family is not normal no matter how you look at it.

But it really happened.

The meat skin was placed on the table, and Gu Shang glanced sideways.

A ray of moonlight fell from the window and imprinted on it.

The fleshy skin actually emitted a strange blue light.

"Essence of the Moon?"

Gu Shang took a step back.

He had seen this thing before on Xuanhuang.

Xuanhuang improves his strength by absorbing the essence of the sun and moon.

After a few seconds, the light dissipated.

A line of words appeared on the fleshy skin.

"On the mountain behind Tongxuan City, there are thatched houses on the flat ground on the top of the mountain."

It looks like an address.

Tongxuan City, the city next to Daye City, has been infiltrated by the Li family for a small part, and the Li family still has some power and influence there.

"Somebody come!"

Gu Shang decided to send someone to test it out.


The mountains are covered with snow.

The temperature here is extremely low and few people come here.

There are not even many animals.

On the top of the mountain, a figure in white sat cross-legged.

Heavy snow fell from the sky, covering him.

He was motionless, without breathing or heartbeat, like a dead person.

The snow fell as usual, covering him more completely.


In the sky, a large black bird flew over his head.

Poof! !

A touch of blood was thrown out, and the big black bird's body was shattered into pieces floating in the air.

They fall slowly.

The man in white stretched out his arm stiffly and grabbed the black bird's corpse.

With some kind of special power, his hands directly swallowed up the flesh and blood, leaving not a drop of blood nor any strange smell.

Body shaking.

The man in white stood up.

He was dressed in a white robe that covered his entire body. He wore a white hat on his head. Below it was a mask that covered his eyes. Below it, there was a pointed chin.

"Xiao Fengzi is dead."

The man in white sighed.

After practicing here for a year, Xiao Fengzi died unexpectedly.

"After all, I saved Ah Huang's life. Just wait and wait for me to avenge you."

He murmured.

Suddenly a figure ran down from the top of the mountain. It was brown, long and thin. It was a thin yellow dog with a long mouth and an undulating spine.

The man in white stretched out his hand and stroked the thin dog.

"Xiao Fengzi died in the Great Zhou Kingdom, which is the territory of the rotten snake head..."

He hesitated.

"Stay for another nine years. When I recover from my injuries and make another breakthrough, I will definitely blow his head off!"

He smiled.

Ah Huang next to him kept barking.

The next moment, the face of the man in white and the white hat on it kept trembling, and turned into a chicken head, wrong forehead, bird head! !

Revenge for Xiao Fengzi is just a trivial matter.

The most important thing is the rotten snake head.

The two of them are mortal enemies.

The battle lasted for nearly a thousand years, and each had its own victory or defeat.

The man in white with a bird's head and human body smiled.

The yellow dog next to me barked.

The top of the snow-capped mountains is very strange.



Xixi is back.

She was covered in dust and there was a trace of blood on her face.

"Young master, everything has been resolved. There was some problem in the middle. The Zhang family actually tied up a few innates..."

Xixi smiled: "But it's not a big problem, they are all dead."

Gu Shang nodded: "Well done."

The four major families have thousands of people in total.

It seems that he is really a villain who kills without blinking an eye and is determined to exact revenge.

There was a rush of footsteps outside.

A figure rushed over in a hurry.

"Sir, the people sent out this morning have achieved results."

The person wearing the organization's black robe stood in front of him panting.


Gu Shang looked at him, always feeling that something was wrong.

The man slowed down and was about to speak.

A black light suddenly flashed on his body, and his body began to tremble.

Xixi's Qi was released, and he was about to attack subconsciously.


Gu Shang stopped her.

The other party had no ill will towards him.

He had loyalty and felt it very clearly.

Under normal circumstances, strangers were 60, and those who had ill will towards him were below 60.

The member of the organization in front of him suddenly changed from 93 to 61.

To be verified.

The Qi was running, and Gu Shang led him to the door, ready to escape or attack at any time.

"I say, you are too cautious, kid."

The member of the organization turned around and said with some complaints.

His eyes were white, and he looked very strange.

Gu Shang took a step back.

No words.

"I have no ill will."

The man said in a deep voice.

"I want to make a deal with you."


Gu Shang was slightly stunned.

"What deal?"

This guy's identity is not simple, and he must be cautious.

"I always like equal exchange. I will give you something corresponding to what you can give me."

Equal exchange.

"What can you accept?"

Gu Shang asked.

"Life, soul, all kinds of things."

It's the same as saying nothing.

"I noticed you a long time ago. In the past few years, only two people have made deals with me, and you killed them all."

He trembled and smiled.

"To make up for it, you must trade with me once."

The other party's loyalty remains unchanged.

No malice.

Gu Shang thought about it.

Life must not be given, after all, he still wants the golden finger in the next life.

As for the soul?

He hasn't figured out the specific meaning of this thing yet, so it's not okay.

Other aspects? ?

Two minutes later.

He asked: "I have a hundred martial arts skills here, can we trade?"

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