Chapter 445 Searching

"What can I do? It's just because you have been in seclusion for too long during this period, and I miss you a little."

He smiled sadly. Indeed, although he didn't spend much time in that world this time, he actually spent three full years here.

Over the past three years, the exponential explosion has continuously increased his power.

At this point, his strength is already very strong. Even if everyone in this world attacks him, he is not afraid.

He even has absolute self-confidence and can destroy everything with just one thought.

What Buddha and Taozu?

In his eyes, they are all scum.

So what if he is suppressed by the realm? With absolute power, he can defeat everything!

"Are they all okay?"

Gu Shang asked casually.

"Every once in a while, Qin Wusheng will send someone over to report the news. Everything here is normal."

After receiving this response, Gu Shang nodded.

"You've been here for so long, are you interested in going out with me?"

Looking at the cute Huangguoshu, Gu Shang couldn't help but speak.

For some reason, after breaking through the 28th lens, he could clearly feel that there were more emotions in his heart.

It was as if something had been opened.

"Really? Where are you going, boss?"

Huang Guoshu looked at him with some surprise, and finally hugged his shoulders without hesitation.

She was so happy to be able to go out with Gu Shang.

"Come with me to find someone."

A young man wearing a yellow robe and a cold face appeared in Gu Shang's eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the figure changed again, becoming a small puppy with yellow fur.

Now his strength has increased countless times.

You can perceive the whole world by letting your mind go out.

There have been some speculations about Xuanhuang's whereabouts.

It's time to call this guy back.

"Is he someone important to the boss?"

"Yeah, it's very important to me."

Recalling the time when he had just traveled through time, Gu Shang's eyes showed a hint of complicated emotions.

"I understand. If that's the case, let's set off immediately!"

Huang Guoshu said first.


Gu Shang nodded.

A very ordinary mortal realm.

In a small village.

A big yellow dog was lying on the ground, panting heavily.

Next to him, there were more than a dozen sleepy little yellow dogs lying. These puppies seemed to have just been born and had not yet been able to open their eyes.

Half of the children were lying on the ground, and the other half was drinking milk in big gulps.

Behind the yellow dog, a dark-skinned middle-aged man was silently weeding the plants in the garden. He was also very skilled and experienced, and he cleared a piece of land in a few clicks.

After finishing, he walked to the nearby well, pulled two buckets of water up, and started watering the ground.

The weather has been a bit cold recently. If the ground is not watered in time, the food in front of his house will be wasted.

Alas, I don’t know when it will rain!

Glancing at the scorching sun with his peripheral vision, the middle-aged man sighed again.

"Woof woof woof!!"

Just then, a barking sound came.

In the distant mountain forest, a huge Shiba Inu ran out. The hair on his body was very short and his muscles were strong. The whole dog looked majestic and extremely handsome.

There was also a gust of wind when he ran, which added a lot of momentum to him.

"Ah Huang, why are you running so fast?"

The man who was working saw the Shiba Inu and couldn't help shouting.

The big yellow dog roared mightily twice, and then ran to the side of the female dog. He squatted down gently, licked the female dog and the puppies next to it with his tongue, and cleaned them.

The active puppies were playing with him excitedly, and their teeth that had not yet fully grown were biting his body gently.

The bitch on the other side watched this scene quietly, with the corners of her mouth slowly rising.

If anyone sees this scene, they will be extremely surprised.

A dog actually showed human emotions.

It's just too weird.

The man next to him has been working, and the sun is shining brightly. He is also sweating all over, and his body stinks.

After continuing for a while.

He stopped, picked up a pot of water, and walked over to two big yellow dogs and several puppies.

"What a handsome dog."

The man praised.

One hand kept stroking the big yellow dog's body.

He put the kettle on the ground, and the dogs immediately gathered around the kettle and started drinking.

The sound of chirping kept ringing.

The man showed a satisfied smile.

"It would be great if I could live like this forever. I don't have to think about those messy things and can quietly enjoy this pastoral time."

After thinking about it, he plopped down on the ground and leaned against the big yellow dog next to him, his expression becoming more and more mysterious.

Unfortunately, sometimes things are not something you would rather do than just do them.

Heaven and earth have their own destiny.

Just as the man was thinking, there was a sudden sound of horse hooves in the distance.

The sound got louder and louder, and before long, a group of soldiers and horses appeared in front of them. They were wearing heavy armor and riding strong horses. One by one, they were strong and powerful.

A middle-aged man walked out among the soldiers.

He rode a big horse and quietly stared at the middle building in front of him.

He sighed and tapped the black horse's butt gently. The black horse walked forward slowly and came to the side of the resting man.

The middle-aged man smoothly dismounted from his horse and half-knelt on the ground: "Old General Yun! Today, traitors in the imperial court are in power, and there are constant pressures from barbarians outside. Your Majesty is unable to fight against the various forces. We will do our best to send you to invite the general to come out!"

"I also ask the general to ignore the past grievances and help your majesty to sweep the world, kill the traitors, destroy the barbarians, stabilize the country, and turn the tide!!!"

He spoke with great emotion, his tone was grand, and his tone was ups and downs.

The man called General Yun shook his head: "You'd better please come back, I'm not in the mood to go out."

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Recalling the first half of his life, General Yun shook his head again: "Besides, the Great Zhou Dynasty has conquered the world for a long time. Even now, even if there are no powerful ministers and no foreigners, the lives of the people are miserable. Maybe changing the master will change the world. It has to look better.”

The middle-aged man didn't expect General Yun to say such words.

Before he came, he investigated very carefully.

Based on General Yun's past deeds and his moral character, as long as he tells the truth, General Yun will definitely not refuse, but what is going on now?

Seemingly sensing the doubts in his heart, General Yun roared: "When a person's life span comes to an end, there is no way he can recover. No matter how many good deeds he does and how much merit he accumulates, it is useless."

After saying this, he flicked his sleeves and walked straight into the courtyard.

"General Yun!!!"

When the middle-aged man saw him leaving like this, he felt unwilling to follow him and quickly stopped him.

Yunjiao did not respond to his words, but continued to move forward. He had completely let go of the things that he should let go more than thirty years ago. It is not realistic at all for him to go to the battlefield now.

Besides, he would never sacrifice his life for those ungrateful traitors.

Seeing that General Yun didn't listen to him, the middle-aged man's expression changed drastically.


He cursed angrily, and his mood was extremely bad.

General Yun, Yun Kaishan.

This is a legend of the continent.

Joined the army at the age of fifteen.

He has gone through thousands of battles, large and small, and killed hundreds of thousands of enemies. He took the lead in killing more than millions of enemies.

In less than three months, he advanced from an ordinary infantryman to a captain of ten thousand people. Then, he led his troops to kill the barbarian general. As a result, he was officially named a general and controlled hundreds of thousands of people.

He spent thirty years raising his personal martial arts to the pinnacle of the world.

It also expanded the power of the Great Zhou Dynasty tens of millions of miles forward, and all barbarians from all directions were dissatisfied, making those nomadic peoples good at singing and dancing.

But just when the world is at peace.

The emperor of the previous generation was worried that his great achievements would overwhelm his lord, so he teamed up with several of his ministers and devised a plan to ruin his reputation and send him back to the village.

When he was needed at first, all kinds of fame and fame were piled on him crazily. When he was no longer needed, he was kicked away.

This is the virtue of that family today.

How could he go back and work for their family again! !

Yuntaishan shook his head and closed the door tightly.

The middle-aged man outside knelt down and looked increasingly sad.

"Damn it, your majesty has given me an important task this time. It is related to the rise and fall of the Great Zhou Dynasty. We can't just give up."

After thinking for a while, he knelt directly on the ground next to him, held his fists in his hands, and said loudly: "If General Yun doesn't leave the mountain for a day, I will kneel here for a day!"

"Never take a step back until you die first."

He fought hard for the sake of royal orthodoxy.

Yun Kaishan in the yard saw him through the window and couldn't help laughing: "Even if you kneel for a year, ten years, or a hundred years, I will not frown."

How could he give in so easily if he was as hard as stone?

But as he looked at it, his expression suddenly changed.

I saw the middle-aged man outside suddenly grabbed a puppy on the ground and lifted it high.

"If General Yun doesn't agree, I will kill all the paparazzi!!"

Several soldiers behind him also came over, each holding a small puppy. The two big yellow dogs on the ground roared crazily and tried to struggle to resist, but were dragged to death by several other soldiers, unable to do so. Move.

"Hmph, as expected of the soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty, they themselves carry this aura of corruption."

Yun Kaishan sneered, pushed open the door, and walked out.

"Do you really think that the lives of a few dogs alone are enough to threaten me?"

"So what if you kill everyone in this village?"

"What does it have to do with me?"

He said loudly and dismissively.

"Since General Yun doesn't care, why did he come out again?"

Yun Kaishan grinned and grabbed a branch from the side: "When I see people who make me uncomfortable, I am used to getting rid of them completely!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his aura suddenly changed.

The whole person became fierce.

At the same time, a series of dark shadows suddenly appeared around his body, slowly rotating and wandering around him.

"Is General Yun really so stubborn?"

The middle-aged man sighed, then stretched out his hand and gently grabbed it. A trace of blood spurted out of his hand, and the puppy that had just been born died instantly.

After seeing him take action, several soldiers behind him also took action at the same time, killing the puppies around them, leaving only two big yellow dogs that kept roaring on the ground.

Yun Kaishan had a blank expression.

"What a fool, I can't figure out why Da Zhou sent you here?"

Since he had guessed that these puppies were important to him, he still had the courage to kill these dogs in front of him.

Nowadays, he is increasingly confused about their true thoughts.

But this does not prevent him from taking action to solve everything.

"Everyone, line up, attack."

The middle-aged man gently drew out the saber at his waist.

His Majesty had sent him here and said that if General Yun was willing, he would bring him back, and if he was not willing, he would let him stay here forever.

After all, no matter which force, General Yun was an important strategic material for conquering the world.

Even though he no longer had the powerful skills of the past, he could still act as a command system with his unique vision.

Since such talents cannot be obtained, let's destroy them.

The soldiers behind him acted quickly and formed a strange pattern in the blink of an eye.

Archers, swordsmen, gunners, and shieldmen.

Each type of soldier was interspersed with a strange posture, and the temperament on his body continued to rise and became more and more sharp.

"I have been here for decades, and this is the first time I have seen such a strange formation!"

Yun Kaishan was a little surprised. With his mind, he immediately saw the main offensive of this formation.

This formation is very strange and magical.

But if you want to defeat him with this point, it is really taken for granted!

Picking up a hoe next to him, he walked towards the army on the opposite side step by step.

At this moment, the two big yellow dogs on the ground suddenly stopped struggling.

They looked at each other, and the emotions in their eyes became more and more complicated.

No one noticed.

Yellow gas slowly flowed out of the bodies of the two big yellow dogs. The gas quickly gathered, and then after wandering in the air for a while, it accurately fell into the bodies of the two big yellow dogs.

The next moment, the two big yellow dogs suddenly broke through the struggle of the soldiers and their bodies changed drastically.

In the blink of an eye, they became giant dogs more than 10m tall and 15m long. They bared their teeth and claws, their eyes were fierce, and their aura was terrifying.

In the process of change, a large number of soldiers were affected and knocked away, and their hearts were broken and died.

Both the middle-aged man and Yun Kaishan noticed this change, and they looked at the scene in shock.


The middle-aged man pointed at Yun Kaishan, his face twisted: "Yun Kaishan, Yun Kaishan, it's ok for you to disobey discipline today, but why do you collude with the monster tribe!"

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