Longevity: Start with infinite blue bar

Chapter 379 You and I come together for a consultation (1/2)

Chapter 379 Let's go to the clinic together

The lights in the corridor suddenly flashed.

This scene happened very abruptly.

Gu Feng kept studying the various circuit problems above, but he had no clue.

Murong Qingfeng was also stroking his chin, as if he was thinking about something important.

There were three people on Gu Shang's side, one on the young man's side, plus the friend he mentioned, there were only five people in total.

But this guy just said seven!!

Things suddenly became a little weird.

Gu Shang checked carefully and found that there were indeed only four people here.

"Come on, let's play hide-and-seek together."

"From now on, I'll count to twenty, and you have to find a place to hide. If I find you, I'll eat you all."

The young man said excitedly, and then quickly turned his head and faced the snow-white wall.

"1, 2, 3, 4..."

He counted slowly, and his voice was loud, echoing in the corridor.

"Young Master, how about we hide for a while?"

"After all, this is a regular anomaly. If we don't follow his rules, we are likely to be stuck here."

Murong Qingfeng suddenly said.

"Then how can you confirm that this is the rule of this anomaly? This guy obviously has no special abilities, he just says strange things."

Gu Feng retorted.

"Look next to it, it's the doctor's office."

"Maybe the key to our departure is in this office!!"

Gu Feng pointed to a door next to the young man, his face excited.

Gu Shang hugged his shoulders and watched the scene quietly.

He was not pretending, but thinking seriously about what the two of them said.

Although this is a regular anomaly, his own existence is irregular.

Many golden fingers are completely out of the rules of this world, so he is so calm and fearless.

Continuously putting black fog on the two people next to him, he slowly thought about the next plan.

20 seconds passed in a flash.

The young man suddenly turned his head.

"Friends, I'm here to find you. You have to hide yourself well!!!"

When he turned around, he saw Gu Shang and the other two.

The three guys didn't move at all and were all in the same place.

"What do you mean? Why don't you play games with me?"

"I like playing hide-and-seek the most. Why don't you play with me?"

"I want my friends to help me!! Humph!"

The young man was furious and pointed at Gu Shang with a red face.

The next moment, a red sunken area suddenly appeared at the tip of his finger, and then the area suddenly expanded, and dense white teeth appeared around it, which were very small, like the saw teeth on a toothbrush.

The teeth expanded suddenly.

It reached an incredible level. Finally, a figure slowly walked out of it, followed by the second and third.

They were all wearing blue and white hospital gowns.

Everyone's face was numb, without any emotion, and pale.

The young man jumped twice: "Kill them for me, those who don't play games with me must die!!"

Three men in hospital gowns walked towards Gu Shang step by step and surrounded him.

The three guys are ordinary people.

Although this is a mental hospital and a strange place with strange rules, Gu Shang still has many ways to kill them at will.

At this moment, a voice suddenly appeared in the long corridor.

"Liu Qingfeng!!"

"Why did you come out again? Hurry back to the ward!"

The voice was extremely strong and full of power.

Immediately afterwards, a man suddenly walked to the right side of Gu Shang.


The next second, his figure paused.

He has come to Gu Shang.

A very weird posture, facing up, looking up at Gu Shang.

This is simply a sudden face kill in a horror movie. If it were an ordinary person, he would definitely fall into a coma and panic.

But Gu Shang didn't move his eyes.

This guy was wearing a long white coat.

He has short hair, but the gaps between the hair are very large and sparse, which makes him look successful.

On his forehead, you can clearly see the wide hairline.

"Are you a new patient? Who introduced you here?"

The man in the white coat returned to his normal posture and looked at Gu Shang with a vigilant look.

While talking, he kicked the man in the hospital gown: "If you don't go back, there will be no eggs tomorrow morning..."

The young man seemed to like eating eggs very much. Hearing this! He ran to the ward in front without hesitation.

His good friends also ran up, faster and faster, and finally surpassed him, turned into a stream of light, and got into his fingers.

"Hello, are you a doctor here?"

Gu Shang looked at the man in front of him and asked.

The man looked at him, took out a small notebook, and silently wrote a line of words.

"Mental retardation!"

A slash was drawn behind it, and it continued: "Lack of basic knowledge, unable to recognize the identity of the person being talked to."

Gu Shang was a little speechless, he just asked a question.

"Who was that young man just now? Did you see his friends? They suddenly emerged from his fingers, and his fingers could actually expand to that extent."

Gu Shang asked again.

"Are you sure what you saw?"

The doctor suddenly took out a pair of glasses from his pocket, put them on carefully, and looked at Gu Shang seriously.


After getting his response, the doctor took a step back, turned over a new page, and wrote a few words on it.

"Perception impairment has occurred."

"Hallucinations occur, and hallucinations are the main factor."

After finishing writing, he asked casually: "What is 100-7?"


"What is 93 minus 7?"


After getting the answer, the doctor wrote "normal mental development" on the paper, then turned to the previous page and wrote a question mark after "mental development retardation".

The knowledgeable Gu Shang naturally knew what this guy was up to.

He was just doing a consultation.

Diagnose some symptoms of mental illness through some of your own performances.

Thinking of this, he snatched the small notebook from the doctor's hand: "Did I take your notebook away?"

The doctor was a little confused, but nodded vigorously.

Gu Shang smiled slightly, opened the first page, and wrote in a small blank space next to it: "Thinking disorders have appeared, mainly delusions."

Seeing Gu Shang's behavior, the doctor also realized that this guy actually treated others in his own way.

Good guy, you are obviously the patient, why do you treat me as a patient instead?

His expression changed, and he reached out and grabbed Gu Shang's shoulder: "Listen to me, you are sick now, a very serious illness."

"Just a simple sensory disorder can seriously affect your daily life. Not only that, it will also cause certain harm to yourself and the friends around you!"

"Listen to me, I will admit you to the hospital, and you will stay here for three months like them."

"Don't worry, I am professional in medical treatment. I will use the medicine reasonably to help you recover as soon as possible."

The doctor said seriously, with a serious tone.

Gu Shang sighed.

"Why don't you understand what I mean? In fact, it's not me who's sick, but you."

He patted the housekeeper's hand casually, pulled it off, took off the doctor's white coat, and put it on himself.

"You can't even understand the most basic logic of reality. It seems your illness is more severe than I thought."

At this point, Gu Shang sighed with emotion, and then he waved to Gu Feng and the two people next to him: "Dr. Gu, Dr. Murong, please invite them back to the ward first. I will go for ward rounds later."

After memorizing the last button, Gu Shang directly opened the office door in front of him and walked in.

With his order, they didn't care about any problems or dangers. Gu Feng and Murong Yunhai didn't hesitate. They directly grabbed the doctor who took off his white coat from left to right and forced him to the side. of a ward.

"What are you doing, are you rebelling against Tiangang?"

"This is a mental hospital, not a place for your liver cancer!"

The doctor kept struggling.

Dancing and dancing, the state is very strong.

At this moment, Gu Shang suddenly poked his head out. He held four long bags in his hand and threw them over.

"His dream is getting more and more serious. You go and restrain him. I'll pay him first."

Gu Feng reached out to catch the four restraints and nodded.

"No, you can't restrain me. I'm a doctor and I have a professional qualification certificate!"

"I want to complain, I want to report!!!"

The doctor struggled even more crazily, and his eyes were blood red.

Gu Feng chuckled, stretched out his hand and patted his butt: "I think you want to sprout, you want to bloom!"

"Come on, let's tie up this second-hand Mr. Rose."

Murong Yunhai pulled him hard into the ward and pushed him into the bed closest to them. Then the two of them skillfully tied the restraints around his limbs.

During this period, the doctor kept struggling.

But his strength alone is too weak, and cannot compare to Gu Feng and Murong Yunhai, who have various enhancements.

Although the light of nothingness and all kinds of energy in their bodies are restricted, their physical strength far exceeds that of ordinary people, and they are completely restrained without any problems!

After the constraint is successful.

Looking at the doctor who was still yelling, Gu Feng shook his head, picked up a ball of smelly socks from the ground next to him, and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Don't make loud noises in the hospital. Don't you understand this simple truth? You also said that you are a doctor. I think you are a fake!"

Staring, he hummed a little tune, took Murong Yunhai out of the ward, and closed the door thoughtfully.

When they arrived at the doctor's office, they found that there was only Gu Shang inside. He was sitting in front of a table, carefully looking at the computer in front of him, and kept pulling the mouse with his right hand.

The picture on the screen kept being dragged downwards by him.

An average person would not be able to see clearly what the information above is.

The speed is too fast, no matter how powerful the instant memory is, it will not be able to remember everything, let alone understand it.

A few minutes later, Gu Shang stopped moving the mouse.

The computer's response was too slow, limiting his maximum speed. Just now, he had read all the medical records of 256 patients in this mental hospital.

More than 80% of the patients suffered from schizophrenia, and the rest suffered from bipolar disorder, mental retardation, depression, sexual dysfunction...

In addition to these diseases, there were also hypertension, heart disease, and diabetes!

Most of the patients were transferred from prisons or nursing homes, and a small number were forcibly escorted by community and village leaders.

After all, ordinary mental illnesses would not be sent to the hospital, and only those who were harmful to society and themselves would be sent here for recuperation.

Many patients have lived here for at least three years, and some have lived here for ten or eight years.

Of course, these are the most basic and simplest data, and everything is normal and reasonable.

Every medical order issued by these doctors is very appropriate, corresponding to the symptoms and performance of those patients...

The only difference is that no one is discharged here!

More than two hundred patients, no one has been discharged in the past two years.

I have to say that this is very strange and bizarre.

For any hospital, this is a very terrifying event.

"Interesting, a hospital where no one is discharged."

Standing up, Gu Shang took a last look at the computer screen and curled his lips.

At this time, there was a sudden sound of footsteps at the door.

Looking in the direction of the sound, it turned out that three young doctors came over.

Two girls and one boy.

The only boy was very tall, very white, wearing a pair of glasses, and looked gentle.

The girl behind the boy wore a white coat that was one size larger. Compared with ordinary people, she was slightly fatter. The most noticeable thing was the three black moles on her chin.

It seriously affected her own appearance.

The girl standing next to her was very thin and very beautiful.

At this moment, the three of them looked at the people in the office with some surprise.

The gentle-looking boy reacted quickly. He reached out and took off the stethoscope hanging around his neck: "Where are you from?"

"And you. Why are you wearing Dr. Wang's clothes? Where did you take him?"

It was just a check of the house, and three strangers suddenly appeared in the hospital.

Faced with this situation, the three people were very confused. You know, their hospital has a door access control. Where did these three guys break in from? It was really inexplicable.

Thinking of this, the boy quickly pressed the switch of a watch on his hand and raised his right hand casually.

Coughed at the speaker on the watch.


PS: Symptom differentiation:

First, attention disorder, second will disorder, third, self-awareness disorder, fourth, action behavior disorder, fifth, consciousness disorder, sixth, emotional disorder, seventh intellectual disorder, eighth, orientation disorder, ninth, sensory disorder, tenth, thinking disorder, eleventh, memory disorder

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