Longevity Species

Chapter 621 So it's too inflated! (third change)

Patriarch Qianyu and Emperor Xiyun were not discouraged, this was within their expectation. They even knew that the Xuankong Emperor Sect would not agree, and neither would the other four Emperor Sects.

But they still went to the other four emperor sects and informed the four emperor sects.

The choices of the Four Great Emperor Sects and the Xuankong Emperor Sect are the same, they are all ignored.

There was only one Hongchen Emperor Sect left, and since the mountain had been closed, they could not see anyone, so they could only return to Shangyang City.

Emperor Xiyun's eyes shone brightly, and he said in a deep voice: "Patriarch Qianyu, do you think Emperor Lei can really destroy the mountain gates of the five emperor sects?"

Ancestor Qianyu glanced at the void, sighed and said, "If it was before, I would not believe that someone could destroy the gates of the Five Great Emperors. But since I met Lei Shengzun, I have to admit that I was really short-sighted before. , Arrogant self-esteem. Emperor Zong has been on top for countless years, and they will never know that the world is changing. Well, in fact, there is no need for Emperor Zong to exist in ancient China. Let's go back and report to Emperor Lei truthfully. "

Patriarch Qianyu flew directly towards Shangyang City without even looking at the Emperor Zong Mountain Gate behind him.


"How can all the ways be united?"

In the secret room of Shangyang City, Lei Dao fell into deep thought.

He is comprehending the rules, well, it can’t be said to be comprehending, in fact, Lei Dao is still working hard, relying on the rule artifact Suppressing Magic Disk, Lei Dao has comprehended many rules, and now he is expending his life to analyze.

For Lei Dao, it seems that it is not difficult for him to comprehend the rules.

Relying on the Zhenmo disk to comprehend the rules, Lei Dao not only does not need to consume too much lifespan, but even increases his lifespan.

Therefore, now Lei Dao also has a "leisure mind" to think about how to unite all Daos.

If it was before, Lei Dao didn't care.

If one rule fails, there are ten rules, if ten rules fail, there are a hundred rules, and if a hundred rules fail, there are a thousand rules. He believes that as long as there are enough rules to comprehend, it will eventually lead to qualitative changes.

This is Lei Dao's idea, and it is also the simplest and most down-to-earth idea.

Quantitative change leads to qualitative change.

However, Lei Dao also needs time now, if the time is too long, if there is any change in the magic cave, it will be troublesome. Of course, Lei Dao can also stay out of the matter like the five emperors, but this is not Lei Dao's character.

He couldn't just sit and watch the Devil's Nest continue to expand until it got out of hand.

However, if you want to unite all Taos, how easy is it?

Lei Dao was thinking hard every day.

He is really distressed.

As he grimaced every day, and when he was thinking hard, the number of rules he comprehended continued to increase.

Fifty, fifty-five, sixty, sixty-five, seventy...

It has to be said that the real regular artifact is indeed much better than the semi-regular artifact. The rules inside are also far beyond the semi-rule artifact. Originally, Lei Dao had already comprehended dozens of rules, and the semi-rule artifact could no longer provide much help to Lei Dao.

But after getting the magic-suppressing disk, Lei Dao went deep into the magic-suppressing disk. With the magic-suppressing disk, Lei Dao also comprehended one rule after another, and he didn't need to spend a lot of life to force his entry.

As time passed, Lei Dao was still immersed in "comprehension".

Suddenly, Lei Dao seemed to have a glimmer of understanding.

"After such a long time, I still don't have any signs of the unity of all Taos. It seems that I am indeed not a talented practitioner. I can get to this day because I have worked ten times or even a hundred times harder than others. If I don't work hard , maybe I can only comprehend one or two rules, how can such a talent easily comprehend the unity of all Taos?"

"It seems that because I have comprehended dozens of rules before, I am inflated. I am so inflated that I am extravagantly seeking the unity of all ways? My talent is neither outstanding nor a great opportunity. I want to There is only one way to unite all Taos, and that is to understand the rules in a down-to-earth manner, and to comprehend them one by one honestly. You can no longer think about the unity of all Taos unrealistically, and you must not inflate it anymore! "

Lei Dao completely "enlightened" in his heart.

During this period of time, Lei Dao stepped on the Emperor Zong's gate one after another, and thwarted the Emperor Zong's conspiracy. Even the ancestor Qianyu brought a regular artifact, but he couldn't help Lei Dao, and was defeated by Lei Dao instead.

This made Lei Dao very "inflated".

Even, I heard other great emperors say that a true god usually comprehends a dozen or twenty rules to become a true god. Lei Dao didn't seem to care about it on the surface, but in fact, he began to have some thoughts deep in his heart.

He started to "bloat".

I feel that he has comprehended dozens of rules, and he should have united all ways long ago.

But now, Lei Dao is completely awake.

Such thinking is wrong.

What is Lei Dao able to do today?

Naturally, it was his hard work!

Lei Dao has never been a genius. He can get to where he is today because he has worked ten times or even a hundred times harder than others to make it to where he is today. If compared with those true gods, apart from hard work, Lei Dao has almost nothing else that can be compared with the true gods.

Those true gods are all the favored children of heaven, even the lucky ones of an era, they are the top geniuses. They can comprehend a dozen or more than twenty rules, so that they can comprehend something, unite all ways, and become a true god.

It doesn't mean that Lei Dao can also unite all Dao and become a true god.

A person with mediocre talent like Lei Dao still has to keep his feet on the ground and take it step by step.

Don't think about being able to unite all Taos and reach the sky in one step, that is simply impossible.

After adjusting his mentality, Lei Dao's will became firmer again. What he can do now is to accumulate, accumulate and accumulate, and keep comprehending the rules. When the rules are comprehended to a certain extent, quantitative changes will lead to qualitative changes.

As for other things, there is no need to think about it, and it is useless to think about it.

Therefore, Lei Dao continued to comprehend the rules. As long as the rules in the suppressing magic disk can help Lei Dao get started, it will be a huge help for Lei Dao.

The rest depends on his efforts!

Time passed by in a flash, and a month passed in the blink of an eye.

Patriarch Qianyu and Emperor Xiyun finally returned.

Even if the two are the top emperors, it still takes a long time to go back and forth between the five emperor sects. It takes a month to go back and forth, which is actually quite fast.

As soon as Patriarch Qianyu came back, he immediately reported the situation to Lei Dao.


Raidou opened his eyes again.

Since he strengthened his belief, abandoned some messy thoughts in his mind, and only comprehended the rules wholeheartedly, the number of rules he comprehended has also greatly improved.

Now, Lei Dao has comprehended a total of ninety-eight rules!

Ninety-eight rules, how terrifying is that?

When Patriarch Qianyu saw Lei Dao, even though Lei Dao could not display the rules, let alone exude breath deliberately, it still made Patriarch Qianyu feel trembling all over.

He is afraid!

Just a little bit of breath leakage made both Patriarch Qianyu and Emperor Xiyun unbearable. How strong is Lei Dao?

Could it be that he really became a god?

Can become a god, how huge is the movement?

They didn't feel any movement at all.

"Emperor Lei, have you become a true god?"

Patriarch Qianyu couldn't help asking.

"Achieving a true god?"

Lei Dao smiled slightly, shook his head, and said regretfully: "It's not so easy to become a true god. The true god is supreme, how can it be so easy to achieve? I was so ambitious before, and I was inflated. I thought I could destroy the two emperors." , Can you defeat Patriarch Qianyu and become a true god with the combination of several top emperors? I thought it was too simple, and now I have firm beliefs, and no one can shake my will!"

"Cultivation still needs to be down-to-earth, one step at a time. Like me, comprehend one rule after another, and finally be able to unite all paths and become a true god!"

Lei Dao's gaze was very firm. Obviously, he had already made up his mind, and no one could shake his will.

However, after listening to Lei Dao's words, Patriarch Qianyu and Emperor Xiyun looked at each other, and there was a look of dumbfounding in their eyes.

what is this?

Lei Dao is inflated?

Also step by step, one rule by one rule to comprehend.

If this is really the case, I am afraid that all the great emperors will not be able to become a true god until the end of their lives.

Lei Dao's "effort" is probably only Lei Dao can do it alone. Others should be honest, learn from other true gods, and realize the unity of all Dao as soon as possible.

Lei Dao's "down-to-earth" approach is simply terrifying.

Who needs to understand dozens or even hundreds of rules to be "down-to-earth"?

Is this still "not inflated", is it the kind of "down-to-earth" effort?

Patriarch Qianyu didn't care what happened to Lei Dao, but Lei Dao obviously failed to become a true god, which still disappointed Patriarch Qianyu. But Patriarch Qianyu was not surprised, how difficult is it to become a true god?

However, the most urgent task now is to report to Lei Dao about the five emperor sects.

"Emperor Lei, we have already tried to persuade the Five Great Emperor Sects, but unfortunately, the Wu Great Emperor Sect did not listen to our persuasion, and even acted reckless. Relying on the magic circle of the mountain gate, they felt that even if the magic cave spread and spread, They can also resist. Moreover, for them, even if the ancient Shenzhou is destroyed, their five emperors will be safe and sound."

Patriarch Qianyu reported the attitudes of the five emperor sects in detail.

Lei Dao frowned, looking very dissatisfied.

"The ancient Shenzhou was destroyed, and these emperors were indifferent? It seems that they really think that they are superior and detached from everything? Hmph, since they all feel that they are not practitioners of the ancient Shenzhou, and even any changes in the ancient Shenzhou have nothing to do with them , then erase it from the land of Ancient China, and Ancient China doesn’t need these five emperor sects anymore!”

Lei Dao's tone was cold, revealing a killing intent!

Originally, Lei Dao was still a little hesitant, and decided to give the five emperors a chance.

But now it seems that the five emperor sects do not "cherish" this opportunity.

That being the case, there is no need for the five emperor sects to exist.

For a while, Lei Dao had made up his mind to completely wipe out the five emperor sects!

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