Longevity Species

Chapter 495: The Land of Bones! (first update)

Kingdom of Hundred Flowers, land of bones!

When Lei Dao and Bai Huahou came to the corpse field, they found that the three floors in the corpse field were surrounded by several circles, and various formations could be seen everywhere.

Some saints of the first level, second level, and even third level of the Eucharist are guarding in each encirclement. If there is any disturbance, they will know in advance.

This kind of protection is indeed very strict.

It is impossible for even the fourth-level saint of the holy body to sneak into the bone field without making a sound.

However, Bai Huahou was never worried about someone quietly sneaking into the bone field to steal the elixir. What she was really worried about was that those powerful saints came to the bone field and simply robbed the elixir.

Maybe Bai Huahou is the holy figure of the fourth level of the Eucharist, and with the Holy Treasure, he is almost invincible at the fourth level of the Holy Body. It's not like meeting some emperor's sons and the like, so I'm not afraid at all.

But now in the entire Hundred Flowers Kingdom, there might be quite a few Holy Physique Fourfold Saints.

There's even a five-layer saint of the Eucharist!

This is what worries Bai Huahou.


When Lei Dao and Baihuahou came, many saints in the bone land were alarmed, but after seeing Baihuahou, many saints were relieved.

"Meet Baihuahou."

One of them, a burly man in armor, came to Bai Huahou respectfully and saluted Bai Huahou.

"Still not paying homage to Lei Shengzun?"

"Greetings to Lord Lei."

Lei Dao glanced at this armored man, but nodded slightly.

The man is obviously the person in charge of the Bone Land, and the peak of the Holy Body Triple Layer is Bai Huahou's confidant.

Bai Huahou said in a deep voice: "Holy Lord Kuishan, how is the place of bones?"

Kuishan Shengzun glanced at Baihua Shengzun and Lei Shengzun, and finally said in a deep voice: "I would like to report to Baihuahou, the situation is not optimistic recently. Near the corpse site, there are suddenly many prying eyes of the Holy Venerable, although there is no direct impact. The place of bones, but it seems to be waiting for something, and it is spying nearby, refusing to leave for a moment."

"What are you waiting for?"

Bai Huahou's face darkened and said: "I'm afraid they are waiting for the day when the first 50,000-year-old elixir in the bone field will mature. There must be spies in the bone field, and the news has already been leaked!"

In fact, it is very difficult to guard against this kind of thing. It is actually very easy to spread the news of the bone land. Some powerful saints have all kinds of magical means to make people become internal agents.

It is not easy to keep it completely secret.

Thinking of this, Bai Huahou became even more worried.

Once the first 50,000-year-old elixir matures, the corpse will probably become a barrel of explosives, which will be instantly ignited and then exploded. Bai Huahou cannot afford that kind of consequences.

This is also the reason why she traveled thousands of miles and chose to go to the Baihou League.

"Don't worry about Baihuahou. Since Lei is here, he is here to solve the problem. Please also ask Baihuahou to take Lei to the bone site and really have a look at those elixir."

Lei Dao said lightly, although his voice was very calm, but it seemed to have some kind of magical power, which could calm people's chaotic mood quickly.

Kuishan Shengzun was also very surprised, but he knew that Bai Huahou had recently gone to the Baihou League. Maybe this Lei Shengzun was the "strong aid" Bai Huahou invited from the Baihou League.

However, Kuishan Shengzun didn't feel any powerful aura from Lei Dao.

Can Lei Shengzun really control the situation, suppress the overall situation, and keep the place of bones?

You must know that the corpse site is secretly being spied on by many powerful saints.

"Lei Shengzun, please follow me."

Bai Huahou took a deep breath, knowing that he should not panic now. If she panicked, who else could the Hundred Flowers Kingdom rely on? What's more, with Lei Dao around, she should be at ease.

Under the leadership of Bai Huahou, Lei Dao saw the bone land.

The first time I came to the Bone Land, Lei Dao couldn't even see any difference. The so-called Bone Land looked like a small valley.

However, if one shrouds it with divine sense, one can vaguely see the "outline" of the entire boneyard, as if the body of a gigantic beast with tens of thousands of feet.

This is very unusual.

Ordinary strange beasts and holy beasts are good enough to reach thousands of feet, but how about tens of thousands of feet?

At least Lei Dao hadn't seen it.

Does such a strange beast or holy beast really exist?

Perhaps, that is no longer a holy beast!

"Lei Shengzun, this is the bone field, which is full of various elixir. It seems that those elixir are naturally suitable for growing in the bone field."

Bai Huahou introduced Lei Dao carefully.

The mysteries in the Bone Field have long been no secret, and it has been spread everywhere.

To put it simply, it is currently a relatively reliable speculation that even Bai Huahou agrees with.

The Bone Land is populated by a powerful alien beast, possibly a holy beast, or even a legendary divine beast!

Regardless of whether it is a holy beast or a divine beast, it is a very powerful holy beast. It died for some unknown reason, and the corpse slowly formed this bone field after hundreds of millions of years.

And the body of this strange beast may contain some strange power, which can make the elixir grow rapidly, which is very suitable for the growth of elixir, and can even shorten the time for the elixir to mature.

Even a 50,000-year elixir can grow.

Following Bai Huahou's introduction, Lei Dao saw the 50,000-year elixir at a glance.

He counted carefully, and there were a total of nine 50,000-year-old elixirs growing in the bones, which was quite a number, but there was only one that was really about to mature.

"Sure enough, the 50,000-year elixir that is about to mature will definitely mature in a month at most!"

Lei Dao felt a little hot in his heart.

He had waited too long for the 50,000-year panacea, and now he finally saw it. Lei Dao didn't care about the other eight 50,000-year-old elixir at all, he only cared about the one that was about to mature.

Even Lei Dao already regarded it as something in his pocket.

"Baihuahou, go and spread the news. When the time comes when the Wannian elixir matures, spread the news, and the news of the Baihou League can also be spread. I believe that when the time comes, those holy lords who are secretly spying will definitely not be able to sit still , all came to the bone land. Lei Dao will solve it together, once and for all!"

Lei Dao said suddenly.

This is Lei Dao's method, and even this method is simply "brutal and rude".

What is the solution?

This is clearly the extreme self-confidence.

Kuishan Shengzun's eyes flashed, and he was about to say something, but Bai Huahou's eyes lit up, he nodded thoughtfully and said: "Indeed, if there is Lei Shengzun sitting here, we can really draw them out , catch them all in one go. If you don’t care about the 50,000-year elixir, you won’t be spying in the dark.”

After a pause, Bai Huahou still expressed her worry: "It's just, Saint Lei, are you really sure to wipe out those saints in one go? At that time, there may be the peak of the fifth level of the Holy Body, and even the sixth level of the Holy Body." Come here."

No wonder Bai Huahou was worried, or questioned. Even if Shang Yanghou explained some of Lei Dao's "accomplishments" to Bai Huahou, but listening to others, how can it be true what he saw with his own eyes?

In Bai Huahou's impression, or in her cognition.

The four layers of the holy body may be able to leapfrog to fight, such as those sons of the emperor, or the powerful sons of the thirty-six holy places, etc., may all be able to leapfrog and fight.

But if it's a battle beyond two levels, it's too rare, it's even rare.

Lei Dao took a "serious" look at Bai Huahou, and said slowly, "If there is no Holy Body sixth-layer emperor, then there shouldn't be any problem."

Lei Dao said this seriously.

There is no problem with Lei Dao, the son of the five-fold emperor of the holy body.

But if it is the sixth-level emperor of the holy body, it is hard to say. Lei Dao is not fully sure whether he can completely defeat the sixth-level emperor of the holy body just by relying on the fifth-stage clone of the divine blood.

Of course, there is still some certainty, but not full certainty.

Therefore, Lei Dao was still quite cautious and did not brag about it.


When Bai Huahou and Kuishan Shengzun heard the words, they couldn't help but twitch their mouths slightly.

What does it mean that there is no problem if there is no sixth-layer emperor son of the Eucharist?

How could it be possible for the son of the sixth-level emperor of the Eucharist to compete for a mere 50,000-year-old elixir?

What kind of resources do those emperor sects have?

Those who can become the emperor's son, or the sixth-level emperor's son of the holy body, will definitely be trained emphatically. Leaving other things aside, there is absolutely no shortage of elixir supply alone.

Didn't Lei Dao's words indirectly say that he is invincible below the sixth level of the Holy Body?

No, it's not even as simple as the son of the sixth-level Eucharist, it's simply invincible below the seventh-level Eucharist!

Kuishan hesitated to speak, apparently a little unconvinced. But he's just a mere three-level saint of the Eucharist, and he doesn't even have the qualifications to question it.

Bai Huahou seemed to be worried about something.

After a long time, Bai Huahou gritted his teeth and said, "I trust Lei Shengzun, I believe in Baihou League, so I will spread the news. How about setting it in ten days? If the time is late, if those saints who know the inside story find out, what else will I do?" Thinking that we are using tricks to delay time, so as to secretly transfer the 50,000-year elixir, the gain outweighs the loss."

Lei Dao nodded and said, "Okay, then it will be ten days later."

Lei Dao spread the news, not really to get the 50,000-year elixir. In his eyes, this 50,000-year-old elixir is already in his pocket, and no one can take it away.

He did this to fulfill his promise to clean up those saints in the Hundred Flowers Kingdom who harbored evil intentions, secretly spied on, and coveted the bones and elixir.

I believe that once this news is spread, almost 90% of it is true. Even if the Holy One doubts it, he dare not take the risk not to come.

What if it is true?

If you don't come, wouldn't you miss the 50,000-year elixir?

It has been drafted. Once the news spreads, there will definitely be many holy venerables who will take risks. At that time, what Lei Dao has to do is very simple.

Just wipe out those holy venerables with evil intentions!

Lei Dao sat cross-legged on the ground of the bones, quietly guarding the 50,000-year-old elixir that was about to mature. From this moment on, the 50,000-year-old elixir would never leave Lei Dao's sight.

Kuishan Shengzun followed Baihuahou and left the corpse field.

Kuishan Shengzun couldn't help worrying: "Baihuahou, this Lei Shengzun is really so powerful, can he wipe out those saints?"

Bai Huahou shook his head and said: "I'm not sure, but I've already joined the Hundred Marquis League, so I can only trust Lei Shengzun. Besides, if he didn't have that kind of strength, wouldn't Lei Shengzun put himself in a trap?" In danger? Go ahead, do not compromise on what Lei Shengzun arranged, and do it well."


Kuishan Shengzun took a deep breath, and quickly went down to arrange the dissemination of news.

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