Longevity Species

Chapter 461 Patriarch, You Are Late! (first update)

"It exploded again..."

Seeing the scene in front of them, the third holy body was directly blown away by the storm holy body and the divine blood clone, and completely wiped out. Everyone opened their mouths and hesitated to speak, but in the end they still didn't say anything.

It seems... It seems that they are all used to it.

After all, Lei Dao had actually blown up a holy body of the Jiugong Patriarch before. Although the Jiugong Patriarch had various reasons, it was a fact that if it was blown up, it was blown up.

At least, this shows that Lei Dao's strength should be comparable to that of Jiugong Patriarch, or even stronger!

But now, Jiugong Patriarch has no reason or excuse.

Even though Lei Dao actually had the numerical advantage, he used the Storm Saint Body and the Divine Blood clone to blow up a Saint Body of the Nine Palace Patriarch.

Now, the patriarch of Jiugong, who has four layers of holy bodies, unexpectedly only has two holy bodies left. Moreover, now the last two holy bodies are also retreating steadily, being forced to retreat by Lei Dao's Annihilation Holy Body and Blue Ice Holy Body.

"how so?"

The Patriarch Jiugong couldn't believe the facts in front of him.

At this time, Lei Dao's Storm Saint Body and Divine Blood clone also flew up, besieging one of the Saints together with the Annihilation Saint Body.

Under the realm of God's Eye, this holy body was also quickly obliterated.

At this moment, the Patriarch Jiugong only had a holy body left, and a sense of crisis surged in his heart, and it was very strong.

Lei Dao's Annihilation Saint Body, Blue Ice Saint Body, Storm Saint Body, and Divine Blood Clone, four thousand-foot-long bodies, covering the sky and the sun, lie in the void, forming a circle, enclosing the ancestor of Jiugong A body surrounds it.

"What do you want to do? This old man is the sage under the command of Dongji King!"

Looking at the four terrifying bodies around Lei Dao, the Patriarch Jiugong also felt a little scared. He began to fear, even if he was a four-time strengthened Holy Body, how could he not be afraid in the face of four bodies that were not inferior to him, or even stronger than his Holy Body, approaching step by step?

"Hey, what does the sage under Dongji King have to do with Lei?"

There was a strange smile on the corner of Lei Dao's mouth.

His four bodies kept approaching the holy body of the Patriarch Jiugong, and also kept shrinking the encirclement. This kind of scene, this kind of "crushing" in numbers made Lei Dao feel very comfortable in his heart.

Under normal circumstances, it is he who is crushed by the number of opponents, but this time he also experienced the advantage in numbers. This feeling is really comfortable!

Look at the desperate expression of the Jiugong Patriarch, the majestic quadruple saint of the Holy Body, the Quadruple Patriarch of the Jiugonghou Kingdom, there are times when he is afraid, and he even moves out the Dongji King.

Could it be possible that Dongji King could do it himself?

What's more, a Jiugong patriarch is nothing more than a mere four-fold holy body, and Lei Dao has not invaded the Jiugong Hou Kingdom, so Dongji King may not care at all.

What Lei Dao wants to do most now is to kill Jiugong Patriarch!

It is extremely exciting to think about killing a quadruple Saint with the Holy Physique, even an ancestor of a country.


In the next moment, Lei Dao's Annihilation Holy Body and Blue Ice Holy Body all displayed the holy law.

The Storm Saint Body and the Divine Blood Clone joined forces, and under the cover of the Divine Blood Domain, rushed towards the last Holy Body of the Patriarch Jiugong.


The ancestor of Jiugong screamed, he didn't want to die like this, he didn't want to die in Shangyanghou Kingdom. This is different from his previous plan, completely different.

Before, he planned to come to the Kingdom of Shangyanghou, as long as the old ghost of Shangyang did not stop him, then he would be invincible! It can easily suppress all the saints of Shangyanghou Kingdom.

After all, he is the patriarch of the fourth layer of the holy body, who can overlook everything and crush everything!

Only, everything has changed.

Since the appearance of Lei Dao, everything has changed, beyond the control of Jiugong Patriarch.

Even the Patriarch of Jiugong didn't even bring the Holy Treasure of the Marquis of Jiugong with him. Whether there is a Holy Treasure or not is completely two different things.

Patriarch Jiugong missed his holy treasure very much.

It's a pity that it's too late now, he can't get the Holy Treasure again, and Lei Dao won't give him this chance.

"Patriarch Jiugong, Lei will send you on your way!"


As Lei Dao's voice fell, immediately, the attacks of the four huge bodies also fell on the Jiugong Patriarch.


The next moment, the shouts of Patriarch Jiugong stopped abruptly, and the holy body of Patriarch Jiugong, which was thousands of meters high, was also the last holy body, and it exploded directly like a balloon, turning into powder.

Jiugong Patriarch, the last holy body was also directly blown up, all the holy bodies were completely wiped out, and there was no life breath of Jiugong Patriarch anymore.

Patriarch Jiugong has fallen!

"Jiu... the Patriarch of Jiugong has fallen?"

"Old... Patriarch seems to have been blown up... the last holy body was also blown up."

"How did this happen? We're not fully prepared, even when the ancestor comes, can't we sweep everything away? Why is it different from what we imagined? It seems... It seems that the ancestor was swept away..."

"Lei Shengzun, with his own strength, he blew up the ancestor!"

There are only a few saints left in the Nine Palaces Marquis. After seeing this scene, they were dumbfounded, and they didn't even know what to say. They were extremely shocked deep in their hearts.

They would never have thought that when they came, the majestic and mighty Nine Palace Patriarch would be blown up, and all four holy bodies would be blown up.

This means that the Patriarch Jiugong has fallen!

How could the grand patriarch of the fourth level fall? They couldn't believe their eyes.

When the Patriarch of Jiugong came, he should sweep and crush everything.

After all, that is the invincible saint of the fourfold Eucharist!

Below the quadruple weight, who is the match?

But the scene in front of them is the truth, Jiugong Patriarch is right under their noses, right in front of their eyes, witnessed by them with their own eyes, and was blown away by Lei Dao forcefully.

Thinking of this, the sages of Jiugong Houguo felt shuddering, and even felt deep despair.

Really desperate.

Where did Lei Dao come from?

It's really unbelievable to be able to blow up the fourth-layer ancestor of the Holy Physique. It's like an elephant trying to trample ants to death, and one of the ants kills the elephant.

is it possible?

Even people from Shangyanghou Kingdom couldn't even believe the scene in front of them.

Lei Dao, blow up the Jiugong Patriarch!

Right in front of their eyes, they saw with their own eyes that the four holy bodies of the Patriarch Jiugong were blown up, and even the breath of life disappeared, which can be regarded as a complete fall.

But such a fact, in the eyes of everyone in the Marquis of Shangyang, seems to be unbelievable like a dream.


At this moment, a terrifying aura erupted from the depths of Shangyang City, and immediately after that, eight holy bodies of thousands of meters in length manifested in the void.

Accompanied by bursts of roars, four of the holy bodies quickly left Shangyang City.


Soon, four terrifying holy bodies of thousands of feet appeared in the void, and they came straight to the square where the inheritance ceremony was held.

"Where is the Jiugong old ghost? You bullied me, a junior of the Shangyang family, I can't spare you!"

Accompanied by endless anger and a loud voice, four holy bodies descended.

"Old Ancestor, it's Old Ancestor!"

"Meet the ancestor!"

"The ancestor of Shangyang finally appeared, it seems that he was trapped before?"

"I don't know who the fourth-layer ancestor of the holy body escaped from?"

All the saints of the Shangyang family knelt down and saluted the ancestor of Shangyang.


The ancestor of Shangyang had just arrived, but he felt something was wrong.

Just before that, he clearly felt the aura of the Patriarch of Jiugong, this point is absolutely unmistakable. After all, he has been dealing with the Patriarch Jiugong for an unknown amount of time, so how could he admit his mistake?

But now, the Patriarch Jiugong is nowhere to be seen.

Could it be that he escaped?

However, with the style of Patriarch Jiugong, this time the mobilization of teachers and crowds must be well-planned, and there is even a fourth-level holy venerable who is dedicated to pestering and stopping Patriarch Shangyang.

How could the Patriarch Jiugong give up halfway?

Moreover, there are seven saints from the Marquis of the Nine Palaces, and it seems that each of them has suffered heavy losses.

How is this going?

The ancestor of Shangyang couldn't recover.

"Where is the Jiugong old ghost? Get out!"

The ancestor of Shangyang had an astonishing momentum, his eyes were as sharp as a knife.

He was in a state of anxiety just now, and the fourth-level saint of the Eucharist who was pestering and blocking him made him helpless. But after the ancestor of Shangyang tried his best, the opponent retreated.

This made the ancestor of Shangyang feel very high-spirited and excited.

This time, he was destined to turn the tide.

Even if the Patriarch of Jiugong wants to play wild in Shangyang City, it depends on whether the Patriarch Shangyang agrees or not?

Just, why is it so quiet?

Even, a little weird?

When Patriarch Shangyang was in high spirits and prepared to fight to the death with Patriarch Jiugong, he found that everyone's eyes were a little dull, and even a little "embarrassed".

Yes, it is embarrassing!

What's so embarrassing?

So, the ancestor of Shangyang swept his eyes and saw the previous Marquis of Shangyang, and asked in a deep voice: "What's going on? Where did Jiugong old ghost go?"

The previous Marquis of Shang Yang took a deep breath, and he was even organizing his words.

Because, he didn't know everything he said, would Old Ancestor Shang Yang believe it?

This is really unbelievable, let alone the ancestors who didn't see it with their own eyes, they can be regarded as seeing it with their own eyes, but now it seems like a dream, and they can't believe it.

Will the ancestor believe it?

"Old Ancestor, you are late... There is no Jiugong Ancestor anymore. Because the Jiugong Ancestor has already fallen, and was directly blown up by Lei Shengzun, obliterating all the holy bodies."

The previous Shang Yanghou said in a low voice.

"What, Jiugong old ghost is dead? Lei Shengzun? Which ancestor?"

The ancestor of Shangyang opened his eyes wide.

He didn't know Lei Shengzun at all.

"Uh... Lei Shengzun is the first-class guest minister recruited by Shangyang Yunchuan, not the ancestor of any family. However, Lei Shengzun... is really strong. Today we can be saved because of Lei Shengzun's power, With my own strength, I saved the entire Shangyang City, and even saved the entire Shangyanghou Kingdom!"

The previous Shang Yanghou looked at Lei Dao with complicated eyes.

With his own power, Lei Dao blasted the Jiugong Patriarch head-on, who would believe it?

But it is a fact!

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