Hahaha, I have to say that sometimes after admitting that I am a waste, I feel less pressure.

Yesterday, I also said that I was not in a good state, and I posted four thousand, five thousand, and six thousand words of updates for three days in a row. But after I said that I was in a bad state, I seemed to feel less pressure.

I originally thought of writing a chapter of 4,000 words today, but I didn’t expect to write 13,400 words in one go.

I guess it’s not that stressful anymore!

Calculating the time, the book was released in March and put on the shelves in mid-April. It lasted three months and reached 8,000 per day.

The number of VIP words is 1.8 million, divided by six months, it is almost an average of 10,000 per day.

Including the month of publication, it has been seven months without interruption.

This result is also the best since Xiaoyu wrote a book.

However, Xiaoyu's tone stopped there.

Unless the results are bad, in fact, the current average subscription is eight to nine thousand, which is pretty good. If we continue to update more, we can make more money.

But the mental state and physical state are indeed not enough to support such an operation.

In addition, I have recently seen a lot of news from my colleagues. The great master Eagle suffered from retinal detachment, and a favorite historical author unfortunately passed away in July's new series, which really made me feel a little silent.

In fact, it is not just them, many colleagues around them have recently gone to the hospital for physical examination.

The medical records that can be mentioned include stomach problems, kidney stones, lung infections (sequelae of foreigners, I didn't pay attention to it before), various indicators exceeding the standard, etc.

Xiaoyu has never been to the hospital for a physical examination, so she may be a bit shy about medical treatment!

This is a bad behavior. Don’t learn from it. If you feel uncomfortable, go to the hospital for examination.

Although I have never been to a major hospital for a physical examination, I have indeed suffered from tenosynovitis, frozen shoulder, superficial gastritis and other occupational diseases through my writing for many years.

It was also the severe tenosynovitis a few days ago that caused my first update to drop sharply.

Although I put some plaster on it and it eased it a bit, I still feel sore from time to time.

By saying so much, I am not saying that I am being miserable, I am just talking about my recent experiences.

Finally, let’s talk about the follow-up update plan!

Stability and stability, such as eight thousand a day, are really not possible recently.

Xiao Yu plans to set the minimum standard of four thousand chapters per day, one chapter per day, four thousand words per chapter, try not to ask for leave, and keep updating. If there is an emergency and you need leave, you will be notified in advance.

However, this is not a stable situation. Occasionally, the state will come, just like today, and it will happen that I can write ten thousand words in one go.


Monthly passes and so on, just give them as you see. Maybe I will casually ask for a guaranteed monthly pass at the beginning and end of the month, so don’t mind.

There will also be additional updates such as rewards from the leader, but they should be additional updates on the basis of four thousand per day.

Anyway, let’s just let it happen!

Xiaoyu is also here to wish everyone good health, long life, happy family and smooth work!

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