Chapter 361

Slightly humming a little song, and conveniently placed the big iron pot on the stand aside, first to stop Xiaoyu’s direct desire to drink water, Lin Changfeng said to her earnestly.

“In any case, drink the boiled water.”

Xiaoyu nodded ignorantly. Although she didn’t know the scientific philosophy behind this sentence, she knew that listening to her uncle would not be wrong.

“Should we start a fire next?”

Lu Xinyu, who had done the preliminary preparations, blinked slightly. She knew very well that there were a few things that were indispensable for survival in the wild.

The first is naturally precious and edible fresh water.

The second kind is to solve a lot of troubles, and have items such as cooking food, lighting, material processing, and even playing a certain role in preventing attacks from wild beasts-fire.

The other audiences also felt quite curious, after all, Lin Changfeng’s current performance, although it seemed a bit lazy.

According to the living conditions and progress scores calibrated by the organizer’s program group, the sea exploration team is definitely the most comfortable.

Because of the survival team that everyone has high hopes for. As well as members of several other teams, they have begun to wear their own raincoats.

They braved the heavy rain that didn’t even get smaller, and began to go out searching for food, or looking for a new hiding place.

Lin Changfeng nodded slightly, beckoning to the camera habitually.

This action is very novel in the eyes of other fans and viewers. As fans and viewers in the live broadcast room with emotion, they are already quite familiar with this action.

This means that the “Neptunus Useless Knowledge Classroom” is about to start again!

“There are generally two types of fire making. The first one is that it is naturally ancient to make fire with wood, but it is usually only suitable for veterans, and newcomers should not try at will.”

“The second one is relatively simple. As long as we make good use of our existing resources, we will be able to make fire easily and simply.”

Everyone nodded involuntarily, but after another thought, Aquaman didn’t seem to say anything this time?

That’s it?

Aquaman, stand up now, what are you going to do?

Before everyone could react, Lin Changfeng had already taken it out again. During this hour or so, the raincoat woven from palm leaves was draped on him.

He also raised his head, looked at the sky, “smack” and continued after speaking.

“The rain will stop in about twenty minutes. Before everyone reacts, please search.”

With everyone’s doubts, the wind in the forest farm made Xiaoyu run away in a hurry, leaving behind some bewildered fans and spectators, wide-eyed and small-eyed.

“what’s the situation?”

“Just ran away like this?”

“What the hell is this?”

“Say yes, do you want to show us how to make fire?”

“We saw loneliness?”

A series of question marks made everyone involuntarily angry.

But before they could make the actual move, Lin Changfeng and Xiaoyu did not walk out for a few minutes before they came to a winding and winding river.

The “crashing” water caused everyone to explode the pot immediately, and the slightly scattered mist failed to attract everyone’s attention. What they cared about was the river itself!

“Isn’t this water?”

“Why bother to collect rainwater!”

The domineering spirit showed such a look as expected, he knew that Aquaman would not let himself down, and after a slight smile, he turned his head and raised his brows at everyone, and then said very proudly.

“I don’t know, have you judged and paid attention to details before watching Sea King enter the jungle?”

While talking, the playback screen that had been prepared a long time ago appeared in front of everyone.

Everyone saw that when they first got off the plane, other contestants were watching the surrounding camera.

Lin Changfeng looked thoughtfully at the surroundings and the towering peaks in the distance, but there were still lush woods.

This was in sharp contrast with other contestants, and everyone blinked involuntarily.

“Presumably everyone has already seen it. Other contestants are constantly advancing in the heavy rain in order to find a source of water.”

“But they are also obscured by the larger and dense jungle, so they can’t have a very good effect.”

“Aquaman had already roughly judged the location of the river before he entered the jungle.”

“Therefore, the place he chose to camp is closer to the river, so it can be so easy and simple.”

Although it was so light, fans and audiences still couldn’t help but exclaim inexplicably.

In their opinion, the performance is very relaxed, and even some of the laid-back Sea Kings, unknowingly, have already prepared so much in advance.

This has to make everyone feel inexplicably anticipating, what is this guy going to do next?

Soon, everyone got the answer!

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