The sea is still hot, but the water is still flowing.

Jiangnan came to the seaside and filled a large wooden basin with sea water. It didn't need to be too full, otherwise it couldn't float on the sea.

Then, he put the little sea dog 404 in the sea, pointed to the big wooden basin, and whispered: "Come on! You lean on the edge!"

The little sea dog 404 may have understood, or it may have felt uncomfortable in the sea, and immediately raised its two fleshy front flippers and placed them on the edge of the big wooden basin.

In this way, as long as it holds the wooden basin, it will not drown in the sea.

At the same time, you can bury your head in the sea water in the big wooden basin first, and simply adapt to learn how to breathe and hold your breath in the sea.

Now the little sea lion 404 eats and sleeps every day, and is very energetic. Although it looks bigger than the little sea lions of the same month, it is still a baby.

Looking at the sea water in the big wooden basin, as a baby, it is immediately full of curiosity.

First it looked at it, and then curiously buried its head in it.



Jiangnan, who was watching from the side, was worried that the little sea lion 404 would choke.

Who would have thought that it would spit bubbles in the water.

After spitting two large bubbles in a row, the little sea lion 404 raised its head and looked at the water in confusion, with great doubts in its little head.

Seeing this scene, Jiangnan felt relieved.

Because he knew that although sea lions are born to swim, in the wild, if they don’t have their mothers to teach them, they dare not go into the water at all, and will only stay on land.

Although the little sea lion 404 has been to the beach several times, he is still very unfamiliar with the sea.

But even though it was unfamiliar, it had just shown a sense of control over the water.

Choking on water, it doesn't exist at all!

Not only does it not exist, it can also spit bubbles!

This is talent, born, there is no way, it is simply not envious.

Just like human babies, they are born to swim, and it is for this reason that some scientists point out that humans evolved from fish.

Jiangnan smiled, picked up the little sea lion 404, and this time put it in a large wooden basin.

"Woo woo!"

"Woo woo!"

The little guy has not completely entered the wooden basin, but he has become panicked, struggling hard, constantly shaking his tail fin, and shouting hysterically, as if saying: No! No! I don't want it!

It thought it was about to fall into the sea, so it was anxious and panicked.

No means want!

Jiangnan hurriedly held the little sea dog 404 with one hand, gently stroked it, and gently comforted it: "We are in a wooden tub, not in the sea. Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, let's play in the water in the wooden tub, okay?"

"Woo woo!!"

It seems that he understood Jiangnan's words, or maybe the comfort worked. The little sea dog 404, who was still panicking in the last second, has calmed down now.

But it still stared at the big wooden tub, afraid that Jiangnan would throw it into the sea.

Jiangnan was not in a hurry, and patiently put the little sea dog 404 down slowly.

Of course, the first thing to touch the water was the fin tail.

At the moment of touching the water, the fleshy fin tail shook instinctively,

"Haha, it works!"

Jiangnan raised the corner of his mouth and continued to put the little sea dog 404 down.

Soon, the whole body of the little sea dog 404 fell into the big wooden tub.

Perhaps because of the inner uneasiness or fear, it hurriedly used its two front flippers to lie on the edge of the wooden basin.

What Jiangnan taught just now was just right for use.

It learned very quickly, just like some particularly smart children in kindergarten.

Because it was lying down, the body of the little sea dog 404 gradually floated on the water.

"Not bad! Really good! This is something you are born with, I don't even need to teach you!"

Jiangnan kept praising the little sea dog 404, and was particularly gentle.

Whether it is a person or an animal, when learning anything, the effect of praise is far greater than dislike, insults and punishment.

Unconsciously, the audience watching the live broadcast thought of the scenes of their school days.

"The island owner is like the English teacher I met in junior high school. She is also very gentle and patient in teaching us, so our class's grades are always much higher than other classes, and after every exam, she would let us watch a movie in class."

"You are so lucky. My junior high school teacher always swore and punished students in various ways, so I hated him at that time. I did well in other subjects, but I always failed the ones he taught."

"My childhood dream

I wanted to paint, and I even saved money to buy a paintbrush. I would paint when I had nothing to do. But one day my parents found out and tore up the book, saying that painting had no future and told me to learn from other children and study hard. If they had given me more encouragement, I might be a good painter now. "

"I had a similar experience. When I was a kid, I was tall and liked to play basketball, but my parents insisted that I study hard."

"There's nothing I can do. Many parents of our generation value learning, no, to be precise, grades, and don't consider anything else."

"You focus too much on learning and grades, and ignore sports, interests, and physical and mental health. Otherwise, the physical education teacher would be sick every time!"

"Wait, did you notice that the island owner hasn't let go?"

"Yes, why doesn't the island owner let go? This wooden tub is so big, the little guy can swim by himself."

"Let go? Aren't you really afraid that the fourth brother will be choked to death!"

"Can a sea lion be choked? ”

“People need to breathe, too, okay?”

Some viewers understood better, so Jiangnan didn’t have to explain.

The reason why he was still holding the little sea lion’s head gently with his hand was because he was worried that it would choke.

After all, it is a mammal and needs to breathe with lungs.

If you just put the respiratory tract into the water casually, something will happen.

In the wild, after the mother sea lion calls her babies to go into the water for the first time, she basically uses her body to hold the babies and float for a while, letting them get used to and learn first, and finally let them go to the sea to swim and explore.

“Come on, let’s learn to hold our breath now… I’m going to let go…”

Jiangnan said as he slowly let go of his hand.

Without the support, the little sea lion 404’s little head began to tentatively go into the water.

In the blink of an eye, the water covered the little sea lion 404’s mouth.

Then soon, it covered the nose.



“Hiss… It still doesn’t work. It keeps blowing bubbles and doesn’t hold its breath at all. "

Jiangnan's face was full of worry.

Although he could teach the fourth brother some things, he was not a real seal mother after all, and could not teach him to hold his breath.

Just then...



Hearing this sound, Jiangnan quickly reached out and lifted up the head of the little seal 404.

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