The screen showed the scene of O'Hara in the West Sea.

At this moment, O'Hara looked peaceful.

O'Hara was known as a famous archaeological sanctuary.

It had the largest number of scholars and the largest library with the most books in the world - the Tree of All-Knowing.

Looking at the green O'Hara, everyone still didn't know what this had to do with Nico Robin being wanted.

【Nico Robin: I was born on O'Hara Island. When I was three years old, my mother went out to sea to explore history. I was taken in by my uncle and studied with the scholars working in the Tree of All-Knowing. Because of my talent, I passed the exam and obtained a doctorate degree when I was eight years old, and also joined the team of O'Hara scholars. 】

Really talented!

After everyone knew about Robin's situation, there was only one thought in their minds. It was unimaginable that an eight-year-old child would be so outstanding.

Then O'Hara Island in the giant screen was surrounded by countless naval ships.

On the sea around O'Hara, naval ships gradually approached, and it seemed that there was some action.

Seeing this, everyone still had a little doubt in their hearts. Why did the navy surround O'Hara for no reason?

At the same time, everyone was very curious, how did Nico Robin get the title of the devil's son?

【Nico Robin: O'Hara scholars and I conducted a lot of research and exploration on the books in the World Tree, and finally discovered a secret. There was a gap in the past history, and this gap seemed to be concealed by someone.

In the 100 years of blank history, it seems that there was an ancient civilization, but later this country disappeared, and no history was left. In the blank 100 years of history, that is, when the World Government was just born, if the disappearance of this ancient civilization was related to the World Government, it means that the World Government is very likely to erase this 100 years of history, because this history is not good for them.

At that time, Director Kuroha told me not to continue studying this blank period, and continuing to study may bring about fatal disasters.

Later, the World Government discovered that O'Hara scholars were studying this 100-year blank history, so they charged O'Hara scholars with a crime and launched a horrific demon-killing order against O'Hara! In the entire O'Hara, I was the only one who survived.

Although I don't know what the blank 100 years of history is, O'Hara scholars are the best scholars in the world, but the navy killed them on false charges.

My existence poses a threat to the World Government, which is why the Navy offered a bounty of 79 million Baileys to me after I escaped, because only I can interpret the historical text.

So I have always wanted to fully understand what the blank history is by interpreting the historical text, so that the entire World Government could not bear to see the scholars who killed O'Hara!

This blank 100-year history is definitely a scandal for the entire World Government!

I am not worthy of the title of devil, but I think the Navy is more suitable for the word devil!

The Navy is defending justice on the surface, but in fact they are the real devils! 】

After listening to Nico Robin's narration, everyone was shocked.

Sure enough, the Navy's bounty for Nico Robin was too ridiculous.

How much of a threat can an eight-year-old child bring to the Navy?

Behind the Devil's Son, these hypocritical Navy actually did something even more outrageous.

The reason is just because these archaeologists tried to interpret the historical text.

When these archaeologists were trying to fill in a hundred years of history, the World Government directly issued a cruel demon-killing order and massacred the civilians of O'Hara.

Only Nico Robin survived!

This kind of behavior makes people feel extremely cruel just thinking about it.

Massacre of villagers on an entire island, is this really what the navy did?

Even if the navy had a little conscience, it would not do such an inhumane thing.

The positive image of the World Government and the Navy also completely collapsed at this moment!

Is this the Navy that has always used justice as its slogan?

Many islanders who believe in the Navy were greatly shocked at this moment!

The mouse colonel on the giant screen had already revealed the evil of the Navy.

And this time, the O'Hara incident, the entire Navy showed a completely inhumane act!

Before this live broadcast, I'm afraid no one would believe that the Navy would do such a thing.

With the disclosure of time, the image of the Navy has changed little by little in people's minds.

The Navy will also slaughter cruelly, and pirates will also help civilians in need. At least the Straw Hat Pirates have done a lot of meaningful things.

In the eyes of ordinary people, there is no absolute justice on the sea, and even the Navy cannot be fully trusted.

The Navy now looks like a puppet of the World Government!

A group of innocent archaeologists, just wanting to study the history of the past, were massacred by the Navy!

What kind of history made the World Government so cruel and massacred the scholars of O'Hara?

Thinking of this question, everyone felt terrified.

They could no longer believe in the so-called justice of the navy.

Having power, they carried out ruthless killings. Is this kind of justice? Can it be considered justice?

"The navy talks a lot about so-called justice, but what they end up doing is even more abominable than pirates!"

"That's right! I didn't expect the navy to be like this?"

"If it weren't for these live broadcasts, I'm afraid the navy would have continued to conceal it!"

The civilians outside the giant screen were filled with righteous indignation. They simply could not accept what the navy did.

Many residents knew that pirates were cruel and might commit some burning, killing and looting, but they did not expect that the navy was also doing this kind of business behind the scenes, but they hid it.

In comparison, it was not as open as the pirates.

Even after Roger became the Pirate King, he had never heard of any brutal massacre.

With the disclosure of the O'Hara incident, the image of the navy took a sharp turn for the worse worldwide.


This incident not only shocked the pirates, but also the civilians.

Even the Navy Headquarters became a little uneasy. This happened more than 20 years ago, a long time ago.

Most pirates didn't know about this at all.

After O'Hara, it was forbidden to discuss this matter within the entire navy.

Some young sailors who joined the navy with great ambitions and a sense of justice were a little unacceptable at this moment.

Is this still the navy they know?

Should they really serve such a navy?

Will they be forced to participate in this kind of massacre of innocent people in the future?

Thinking of this, some navy have fallen into self-doubt.

Navy Marshal Sengoku is now extremely angry.

This incident was actually exposed, and it was all over the world.

The most unacceptable thing is that they are powerless now and can only let the live broadcast go on.

No one can imagine what kind of live broadcast will happen next, and what kind of heavy news will happen!

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