As Han Donglai's story was exposed, many video bloggers edited the live video and added eye-catching texts to post it on major video platforms.

It caused a sensation.

Han Donglai's name became a hot topic on the Internet.

"Oh shit, is there such a thing?"

"Hybrid rice has reached this level? Oh my god."

"The yield per mu is 1,500 kilograms, which is more than Grandpa Yuan’s previous yield of 1,200 kilograms per mu. It’s so terrifying."

"This is simply outrageous. Although we don’t have to worry about food and drink now, this is also a major breakthrough!"

"In other words, we can grow more food with the same area? That will make a huge contribution to Longguo's planting industry and to mankind."

"Han Donglai, I remember this name."503" will go down in history. How come there is no news about such a powerful person? It's really strange."

"I also find it strange. seems that Han Donglai is Grandpa Yuan's last disciple."

"What? Grandpa Yuan's last disciple, damn, no wonder he is so powerful, this is a great achievement achieved by standing on the shoulders of giants, Han Donglai is awesome"

"It is really amazing, surpassing Grandpa Yuan. Such a person can definitely be elected as an academician of the Academy of Engineering."

"Wait...that's not right. He is Mr. Chu's student. The dean of the School of Engineering, Tang Youlong, is also Mr. Chu's student. Holy shit, how is this possible!"

"Shit, I was also shocked. They were all students of Mr. Chu. Mr. Chu actually taught two such awesome scientists. I was completely shocked."

"I can only say that Mr. Chu is awesome! (broken voice)"

With Han Donglai's sudden popularity, everyone on the Internet knows this name.

In addition, he is endorsed by Grandpa Yuan and is Grandpa Yuan's last disciple.

It is easier to arouse the curiosity of netizens.

They are discussing the new generation of agronomy master-level scientists.

Many netizens on the Internet call Han Donglai the successor of Grandpa Yuan.

He perfectly inherited Grandpa Yuan's legacy and deserves the respect of all Longguo people.

The edited videos quickly dominated the top of major video websites. The first to third lists are all about Han Donglai.

The rest are Chu Yuan and Liang Xiaoru.

It can be said that Chu Yuan's videos have been dominating the charts of major video websites these days.

The hot search charts on major video websites are all about Chu Yuan.

Almost every edited video has over a million likes, over a million comments, and over a million reposts.

This is also rare in the entire Douyin history.

Nothing like this has ever happened.

Therefore, Douyin officials attach great importance to this matter. The entire Douyin executives are in the office paying attention to the live broadcast room and can issue orders at any time. In the office of Douyin executives.

Zhang Yimin is also there.

Seeing this situation, he couldn't help but sigh

"It turns out that there are experts among the people"

"There is nothing left to be done in the city, so our future goal must be in the areas of agriculture, rural areas and farmers."

"A situation like today will definitely usher in major changes in Douyin's history. You must keep a close eye on it."

Other executives in the conference room nodded,"Yes."

Zhang Yimin continued,"And this Mr. Chu, give him the greatest support, remember, the greatest support."

"I have a feeling that this Mr. Chu will lead our Douyin to a higher level."

"If we can invite him to join Douyin, it will be the beginning of Douyin's rise."

He glanced around and said,"Whoever can do it, I will make him the vice president of the company with an annual salary of 200 million."

"hiss hiss……"

The high-ranking officials in the office took a deep breath. (To read exciting novels, go to Flylu Novel Network!) They were all shocked by Zhang Yimin's offer.

Douyin's vice president, with an annual salary of 200 million.

Either one of them was extremely attractive.

They were all very excited and eager to try.

"Boss, let me try."

"Boss, I'll try it too."

"I will definitely complete the task."

Zhang Yimin smiled and nodded when he saw this.

It seems that this move of his has successfully stimulated their motivation.

This is very good. If we can really get Mr. Chu to settle in Douyin, then the resources behind him... I dare not imagine it. This is Zhang Yimin's goal.

As a top businessman, he is smart.

Lijia Village.

After a brief shock, Chu Yuan looked at Daqiang.....[]

"Daqiang, you are too modest."

"This project is the result of your team's research, not the result of Donglai alone."

"I think Donglai thinks so too."

Daqiang looked at Chu Yuan deeply, with more respect in his eyes.

"I have heard Dong say that he has a good teacher."

"It was his elementary school teacher, Mr. Chu, a good teacher who changed his life. When he met him today, he was indeed worthy of his reputation."

"Before, Frog and I didn’t believe that there were really such good teachers in the world, such great teachers. Now that we have really come into contact with you, we realize that what Dong said is right."

"Mr. Chu, you are indeed a good teacher and a real gardener."

Da Qiang and Qingwa envied Han Donglai sincerely.

He was able to meet such a good teacher at such a young age. It laid a solid foundation for his life, and only then would he thrive in the future.

Qingwa said:"The main reason why we have not reported this project is that Donglai must write our name. He believes that this is the result of our team."

"It is not his personal achievement, but we don't want to. We must not infringe on other people's research results. We can't do this."

"So this project has not been reported and has remained at this stage."

After hearing this, Chu Yuan felt that Donglai did a good job and was really good at dealing with people and things.

He was very satisfied with Han Donglai's behavior.

It seemed that Han Donglai remembered his teachings in the past.

It also made him completely enlightened in his later life and had such a way of dealing with people and things.

This person is incredible, he really jumped over the dragon gate.

This scene moved hundreds of thousands of netizens in the entire live broadcast room.

One by one, they admired Han Donglai's actions.

"For Han Donglai, I can only admire"

"With his kind of character and qualities, he is a friend worth making for a lifetime."

"That's true. No wonder they have such a good relationship and laugh so happily. It turns out there is no intrigue between them."

"Some people are all honest with each other. I envy them. If the whole world is like this, the world will be peaceful."

Don't worry: 「Thiết Quyền Cảnh Cáo"

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