Chapter 82 This woman is so stupid and almost ruined the future of the world (sixth update)

"Oh my god, old man, are you an outdoor anchor?"

"I saw your live broadcast equipment."

The beautiful driver said in surprise.

Chu Yuan smiled modestly:"Yes, I am a small anchor."

The beautiful driver couldn't help laughing and said:"This is the first time I have met an outdoor anchor of such an old age."

Then she felt that there was something wrong with this sentence.

She immediately explained:"I didn't mean that, I'm just a little curious, don't mind it, old man!"

Chu Yuan smiled and shook his head:"Don't worry, I'm not that petty."

"However, there are indeed few anchors as old as me. In fact, I am just playing around."

"When you get older, you need to accept some new things, otherwise you will be eliminated by this society."

The beautiful driver seemed to be very interested in Chu Yuan.

After all, people like Chu Yuan are also extraordinary.

She smiled and said,"Yes, if the elderly accept new things, they will become much younger.���

"Many elderly people nowadays don't know how to use their mobile phones. I think this is not good. It costs 300 yuan to learn how to use them. It is good for the brain and prevents them from getting Alzheimer's disease too early."

Obviously, the beautiful driver agreed with Chu Yuan's behavior. She nodded frequently to show her approval.

Then she asked curiously,"By the way, old man, may I ask how many fans you have?"

Chu Yuan looked at his mobile phone and opened it.

Three million, seven hundred and fifty thousand fans.

Seeing this number, Chu Yuan was stunned.

He didn't expect that he would have so many fans.

It was really unexpected.

Chu Ling on the side also opened her mouth in surprise.

"There are so many fans here?"

"Grandpa, you've really become a big internet celebrity."

The beautiful driver was curious:"Old man, how many fans do you have?"

Chu Yuan smiled and replied:"3.75 million"


The taxi veered suddenly and almost hit the electric pole.

The people in the car were sweating coldly. Chu Yuan and Chu Ling were also scared.

Fortunately, the beautiful driver had good driving skills.

She turned the steering wheel suddenly and avoided a car accident.

The beautiful driver let out a long (bdfe) breath.

"Fortunately, fortunately, nothing happened."

Then he looked at Chu Yuan's grandson through the rearview mirror and asked,"Old man, are you all right?"

Chu Yuan looked normal and reminded,"Little girl, don't be distracted while driving. It's very dangerous. You have several lives and several families in your hands. You can't afford any mistakes."

Chu Ling, who was standing by, was so frightened that she hugged Chu Yuan's arm tightly.

"Huhuhu~ I'm scared to death"

"I feel like I just went to hell."

""Sister, thank you for letting me go to the gates of hell."

There was a tone of condemnation in her voice, and it was obvious that Chu Ling was frightened.

The beautiful driver felt embarrassed and did not dare to say anything more.

She could only keep apologizing.

"Sorry, sorry, I will be careful."

"It was mainly because I was frightened by the old man’s fans that my hands started shaking and this happened."

Chu Yuan expressed his understanding:"Forget it, he didn’t do it on purpose."

Hundreds of thousands of netizens in the live broadcast room were also shocked.

"Oh my god, I was scared to death just now"

"I thought Mr. Chu was ambushed!"

"I think so too. It was so scary. The car almost crashed and people died."

"That’s right, this beautiful driver was too careless. This is Mr. Chu. If something happens, can she afford the responsibility?"

"If something happens to Elder Chu, it will be a great loss to Dragon Country and even the whole world."

"That's right, Mr. Chu is an alien and has infinite value."

"He is an important hub for connecting with aliens, and he must not get into trouble."

Many netizens agree.

They think Chu Yuan is very important, and they think he is an important clue to breaking through the universe and aliens. He is an important figure for human beings to step into space. He is also an important figure in the turning point of human history. (To read the violent novels, go to Fulu Novel Network!)

If he gets into trouble, human progress will be delayed by many years.

That will be a great loss for mankind.

"Everyone must protect Mr. Chu."

Not only the netizens in the live broadcast room realized this.

In the Shangang Primary School group, the fifty students also realized this.

The class monitor was the first to speak in the group.

"I don't want what happened today to happen again"

"Who will do this?"

His tone was serious and stern.

Lao Wang immediately stepped forward.

"Monitor, I'm going."

"This kind of thing will never happen again, I promise."

The squad leader nodded:"Okay, Lao Wang, you go"

"We must protect Mr. Chu's safety, whether it is food, clothing, housing or transportation."

Old Wang vowed:"Rest assured, squad leader, I will complete the task."

Zhao Dahu:"Old Wang, do you want me to help?"

Old Wang:"No, if I need Dahu's help for such a small matter, then all these years of my life would be in vain."

Other students all liked the post in the group.

Then they sent some cheering emojis[]

"Come on, Lao Wang!"

"Lao Wang, you have a heavy responsibility!"

"Lao Wang, I'm going to give you the mission."


Chu Yuan forgave the beautiful driver.

The beautiful driver then let out a long sigh.

Her favor for Chu Yuan doubled. He was indeed an old teacher and a reasonable person.

If she met someone who was unreasonable, the beautiful driver really couldn't do anything to him.

The beautiful driver immediately eased the atmosphere.

She smiled and said,"Old man, you are really amazing. You actually have more than three million fans."

"You are probably the one with the most fans among the elderly bloggers on the Internet."

Chu Yuan smiled and said,"Maybe!"

The beautiful driver suddenly thought of something, which was the news she saw on Douyin recently.���

I looked at the rearview mirror suddenly, my eyes widened

"I go"


The taxi almost had another accident.

This time, all the netizens in the live broadcast room were pissed off.

"Damn, women are really stupid, no matter how pretty they are, they are just idiots, they made the same mistake twice in a row"

"Damn it, it turns out that you can't marry a pretty wife, she's totally brainless, and she'll just be a vase"

"That's right, this kind of person will really be pissed off by her, it's really speechless."

Countless netizens in the live broadcast room were scolding the beautiful driver.

Seeing this, Lao Wang in the Shangang Primary School group also changed his face.

"Damn it, I haven't taken any action yet and you're already causing trouble"

"This woman is"

"No, we can't let her continue driving. Who knows what will happen next."

Immediately ordered his men to hack into the taxi system and control the taxi.

: 「Thiết Quyền Cảnh Cáo"

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