Literary Master 1978

Chapter 19 To choose a side, you must understand the situation clearly.

If he followed the normal rhythm, Lin Chaoyang should come to show his sage in front of someone at this time, and shock the whole audience by casually reciting one or two classic poems passed down by later generations.

It was a pity that the young people present did not give him this opportunity. They did not pay much attention to Lin Chaoyang's arrival. After chatting with him for a few words, they were completely immersed in the enthusiasm for poetry.

Lin Chaoyang didn't feel that he was being left out. He could see that these people really loved them.

However, he had no enthusiasm for this kind of thing. On the contrary, when Zha Jianying continued to recite poetry, the conversation between Chen Jiangong and Zhang Yaozhong aroused his interest.

"Hey, Zou Shifang really wrote a letter to Mr. Mao Dun?" Zhang Yaozhong asked Chen Jiangong.

"Well, the person from the Youth League Committee agreed and he wrote the paper. Mr. Mao Dun is an old school friend of ours and will definitely give him face."

Lin Chaoyang asked curiously, and Zhang Yaozhong told him everything he knew, just like asking questions.

In the 1950s, Yanda once had a poetry club that was well-known among universities across the country—the May Fourth Literary Club.

Early members included Wu Zuxiang, Xie Mian, Feng Zhi, Qian Liqun and others. These people later became professors at Yanda and were also important figures in the Chinese cultural circle.

Last year, the country resumed the college entrance examination, and among the students in Grade 1977, there were a few people who were able to make ends meet. Led by Zou Shifang from the Department of Philosophy and Chen Jiangong from the Department of Literature, they made suggestions to the Culture Department of the Youth League Committee of the school, hoping that the proposal to organize the May Fourth Literary Society could be resumed. Obtained the approval of the Youth League Committee.

At the same time, the Youth League Committee and the YSU Student Union also began to prepare the May 4th Literary Society’s magazine, and wrote to Mr. Mao Dun hoping that he could write a launch speech and inscribe a title for this new publication.

After listening to Zhang Yaozhong's words, Lin Chaoyang felt a little impressed. Firstly, it was because of the organizational skills of these students, and secondly, it was because of Yanda's love for these students.

During the conversation between Zhang Yaozhong and Chen Jiangong, Lin Chaoyang thought of the novel he was writing.

As the saying goes, be prepared for a rainy day. After the novel is finished, it will definitely be published. Zhang Yaozhong has published poems in "Yanjing Literature and Art" before, so I can take this opportunity to consult him.

"Yew Chung, are the review standards of Yanjing Literature and Art high? Do you have any editors you are familiar with?"

"Brother Lin, do you want to submit a manuscript?" Zhang Yaozhong asked curiously.

Lin Chaoyang nodded, "I have this idea."

Zhang Yaozhong became interested and asked: "What subject matter are you writing about? Poetry? Novel? Or prose?"


"Novel..." he said in a deep tone, "I have met the editor of the poetry group, but the problem is that he doesn't care about you."

As he spoke, he rolled his eyes and pushed Chen Jiangong over.

"You have to ask Jian Gong for this matter. He is the old author of "Yanjing Literature and Art"."

Zhang Yaozhong told Chen Jiangong about Lin Chaoyang's idea of ​​​​submitting a manuscript, and he smiled heartily, "I am not an old author, I just submitted a few manuscripts to publications. But if you don't mind, Chaoyang, I can read some of your masterpieces." , to give you some reference.”

Lin Chaoyang smiled and said: "Thank you very much, Jian Gong. But I haven't finished the novel yet, and I happened to see you today. How about I wait until I finish the novel and bother you again?"

"With great pleasure!"

With a guide for submission, Lin Chaoyang thanked Chen Jiangong again, and after chatting with everyone for a few more words, seeing that it was a bit late, he said goodbye and left.

Looking at his back, Zha Jianying asked Zhang Yaozhong: "Are you familiar with that comrade?"

"I met on the train. Brother Lin's father-in-law is Professor Tao from the History Department."

When Zhang Yaozhong introduced the two parties just now, he only introduced their names and identities, and did not introduce any unnecessary information.

"Professor Tao!"

Everyone has heard of Tao Jingfa's name. He is one of the powerful professors in the history department, but his reputation is not well known outside.

Professor Tao's son-in-law, this was the first impression everyone in the Chinese Department had when they met Lin Chaoyang.

It was already half past six in the evening when Lin Chaoyang returned home. Tao's mother and Zhao Li were serving dishes to the dinner table. Seeing him come back, Tao's mother looked worried.

"On Sunday, you have to play outside. Have you done all your homework? Have you reviewed all your homework?"

Tao Yumo, who came back two minutes earlier than Lin Chaoyang, was scolded by his mother, with a blank look on his face. "You should have scolded me earlier. I didn't scold you when I entered the house just now. Now I have to scold you for eating."

She felt aggrieved, but she was good at observing words and emotions, and quickly realized that her mother was scolding someone else.

Inexplicably taking the blame for Lin Chaoyang, Tao Yumo vented his anger at being scolded by his mother on Lin Chaoyang, looking at him with a bit more hostility.

Tao Yushu was thoughtful and well aware of her mother's accusations and scoldings, but she couldn't say anything more about her mother's cunning way of hurting others. She could only give Lin Chaoyang a helpless look.

Lin Chaoyang was very clear about his mother-in-law's opinion of him, but he felt that instead of trying to please his mother-in-law, who disliked him, he should spend all his energy on his father-in-law, who favored him.

Tips for the workplace: There is only one leader in the unit, and you need to understand the situation clearly when taking sides.

After explaining his work today in a casual chat, Tao's father nodded in approval.

"You have just arrived at the unit. Helping your colleagues will help unite the comrades." Tao's father picked up the bowl, picked up the chopsticks and was about to pick up the food. As it should be.”

"That's what you said."

"Well, let's eat."

When the family was having dinner, Tao Yushu gave Lin Chaoyang an appreciative look.

After five or six days, Lin Chaoyang has gradually adapted to the work of Yanda Library and gradually become familiar with his colleagues. He is familiar with the work and feels at ease.

The work of the library is very busy, but also very leisurely. Generally, it is the busiest in the morning, noon and evening, because students do not have classes at this time, and they flock to the library. The reading room and the study room are always full of people.

When students are in class, the work is much more leisurely, and there are more times to take a break.

Lin Chaoyang used this time to complete the creation of his first short story.

It is useless to just write a novel. You have to publish it to get paid.

It happened to be Sunday again, so Lin Chaoyang did not run to help his colleagues on duty, but walked south with the freshly baked manuscript.

Building 32 is a simple gray brick building built in 1958, just south of Yannanyuan, a small western-style building courtyard where professors live.

On the day they met at Zhongting, Chen Jiangong told Lin Chaoyang where his dormitory was and asked him to come to his dormitory to find him after he finished writing the manuscript.

Today is Sunday, and students have no classes. There are many students in the corridor holding washbasins with clothes in them, presumably to go to the washroom to wash clothes. Some are carrying toiletries to go out, to take a shower.

Others put on light clothes and walked together in groups of three or five, with the leader holding a basketball around his waist, ready to sweat on the basketball court, and Chen Jiangong was among them.


Lin Chaoyang greeted him very familiarly, and Chen Jiangong responded cordially: "Chaoyang!"

He knew that Lin Chaoyang must be here to deliver the manuscript, so he said to the students around him: "You go, a friend is looking for me. I'm not here, play well, don't lose too badly."

"It's good that you're not here, we will definitely beat the Economics Department by 20 points." His arrogance was retorted by his classmates, and a group of people parted with laughter.

Chen Jiangong led Lin Chaoyang into the dormitory and poured him a glass of water.

"It seems that the manuscript has been completed?"

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