The two of them were very happy.

"Teacher Kakashi?

Why are you here?"

Looking at Kakashi who appeared in front of the examination room, Sakura asked in surprise.

"That's because this is an exam that only three people can take together...

Although I'm sure you will take part, I still have to confirm it in person.

At the same time, I also make sure that you all take part in the Chunin Exam according to your own wishes..."

Looking at the three confident people, Kakashi explained with satisfaction in his eyes.

Naruto and Sakura were both delighted...

And Sasuke heard this explanation that was different from the original play.

I sighed slightly in my heart...

The butterfly effect, has it already begun to show its strength...

"Sasuke, Naruto, Sakura.

You three...

are the group I am most proud of.

Go in..."

Looking at the three people, Kakashi narrowed his eyes and encouraged them again.

This made the three people, including Sasuke, feel warm and full of energy...

"Let's go, Naruto, Sakura..."

Looking at Kakashi deeply, Sasuke turned his eyes and shouted confidently.

Only he knew what situation he would face next...

So, he was more stressed than the three people! !

The next moment

As the three people entered one after another, they finally saw the huge crowds in the examination room...

"So, so many people..."

Looking at the room full of ninjas from various villages, Sakura subconsciously exclaimed.

Naruto beside him had a similar expression, looking at the many Genin with inexplicable excitement...


You are too slow, I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

Suddenly, Ino's coquettish voice sounded beside the three people.

Before Sakura could react, she saw Ino flying on Sasuke's back and rubbing her ears...

The soft touch of the lotus tip instantly made Sasuke's heart flutter...

Has Ino, this cosmos, started to grow! !

"Ino pig, get down quickly..."

How could Sakura bear it when she saw this, and immediately shouted and pulled Ino down.

This time she participated in the Chunin Exam to fight Ino, the strongest rival in love, not to let Ino fight her...


Sasuke-kun is mine..."

Ino was not moved at all, and even deliberately rubbed Sasuke's back twice to provoke.

This action instantly made Sakura furious! !

"Okay, now is not the time to joke..."

Sasuke rolled his eyes and pretended to be calm, reaching out to push Ino away.

He was not stupid, so he let himself become a battlefield between the two girls...

And this action also made Sakura secretly happy. Sasuke really didn't like girls like Ino.

"What a trouble...

I didn't expect that even you would come to take this exam!"

When the two girls were tit-for-tat and sparks were flying, Shikamaru's lazy tone sounded in Sasuke's ears.

Looking up, he saw Shikamaru walking over with Choji...


I didn't expect that all the freshmen in our class would participate!

It's really rare that everyone is together again...

The last time we met was when we had a meal together."

Inuzuka Kiba followed closely, with shy Hinata and cold Shino next to him.


I won't lose to you this time!

Kiba, Shikamaru, I must succeed in becoming a Chunin..."

Naruto immediately boasted to himself when he saw his friends gathered together, which made everyone look down on him.

Promoted to Chunin? ?

How is it possible...

"Hey, I told you guys to keep your voices down..."

Just as they were talking about the past, Kabuto Yakushi arrived as promised and acted as a good guy.

"Who are you?

You are so arrogant..."

Looking at Kabuto Yakushi, who was also wearing a Konoha forehead protector, Ino asked unhappily with her hands folded across her chest.

"I am Kabuto Yakushi..."

Under Sasuke's meaningful gaze, Kabuto Yakushi began to act as an enthusiastic senior.

Soon, after a while of getting familiar with each other, he took out the ninja intelligence card to attract everyone's attention...

Let Kiba, Naruto and others eager to try...

Sasuke, who knew the plot, had no interest in this, but instead turned his attention to other ninjas and began to search for targets.

[You have no interest in the information I collected...

Uchiha Sasuke, are you confident or arrogant? ]

Looking at the most important target without saying anything, Kabuto Yakushi's eyes flashed with interest...

[I found you, Uzumaki Karin...]

Sasuke looked around and suddenly paused, looking at the bright red hair in the crowd with flashing eyes.

He must not leave this super nanny to Orochimaru


Moreover, Karin is the woman who can follow him all his life.

She is also the absolute beauty who can give his life to him!!

How can Sasuke bear to let her fall into darkness...


Seeing Sasuke's burning gaze, Karin in the crowd blushed and lowered her head.

[That boy, so handsome...

Why is he looking at me? Could it be...

Oh no, it's the feeling of heartbeat...]

Just one look at each other, Karin can't forget Sasuke's handsome face.


Remember, my name is Uzumaki Naruto.

I won't lose to you...

Do you know..."

At this moment, Naruto couldn't help but burst out excitedly...

Everyone looked at him sideways, and the scene was instantly audible...

"You idiot..."

"Don't be so annoying, idiot..."

Sakura Ino shouted at almost the same time, looking at Naruto angrily and having a headache.

This guy, doesn't he know that this makes people hate him?

[Here it comes...]

Looking at the fast approaching sound ninja, Sasuke's heart moved, and the right hand in his trouser pocket made a seal with one hand.

"You little brat, don't be so arrogant..."

The sound ninja Sack grinned, crossed the crowd and rushed straight to Naruto.

At the same time, his companion Toss aimed at Yakushi Kabuto...


Seeing the sound ninja attack, Sakura subconsciously shouted to warn Naruto.

And Naruto turned his back to Sack, and turned his head blankly because he couldn't react in time!

At the critical moment.

"Get out..."

Just when Sack was only two meters away from Naruto, Sasuke snorted and suddenly exploded.

The right hand in his trouser pocket swung out instantly, and a lightning snake came like thunder in an instant...

The exploding lightning snake directly hit Sack's chest, paralyzing him and knocking him away.

At the same time, Kabuto Yakushi also knocked Toss out...

"Naruto, be careful next time you make a statement.

Don't let me clean up your mess every time..."

Looking at Naruto who realized it late, Sasuke smiled calmly and acted like a tyrant.

He was enjoying the feeling of hitting Naruto more and more...


"When did he cast the seal?"

"This is the strength of Konoha's Genin!!"

"So powerful..."

"Sasuke-kun is so handsome..."

"Great, Sasuke..."

At the same time, Genin from each ninja village and Sakura Ino exclaimed again.

Gaara's three siblings, the Gai class, the Sound Ninja, Karin and others looked at Sasuke with more fear and curiosity...

"Be quiet, you bastards..."

Just when the Sound Ninja was about to attack again, a rough voice accompanied by white smoke exploded...

"Sorry to have kept you waiting...

I am your chief examiner, Morino Ibiki.

The first exam of the Chunin selection begins now..."

On the podium, the Konoha examiner group headed by Morino Ibiki made a brilliant appearance.

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