Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 95 What do you think love is?

Leaving Kita Sumire aside.

There are only five actors left who need to audition.

But they all know.

According to his acting and kendo performance just now.

Kenichi Aoki's audition is actually over this time.

The audition now continues.

It's just a formality.

Because even though they are competitors, they understand how eye-catching Kita Sumire's performance just now is.

Even Yoshimoto Tsukinosuke, who has the most hope this time, seems a little pale in front of him.

They are a little surprised.

The actors present are all relatively famous in the industry.

They rarely hear, or even have never heard of the name 'Kita Sumire'.

So where did this genius actor come from?

It can't be that he just popped out of the ground, right?

After all, children don't have as strong a sense of competition as adults.

After a brief moment of loss and unwillingness.

Those big eyes looked curiously at Kita Sumire who was chatting and laughing with Tamura Koji.

For this "colleague" who suddenly appeared, they were more curious than hostile.

Only one person was different.

"Ugh - Damn it. Don't think you've won like this."

Looking at Kita Sumire, Yoshiyuki Tsukio, who had said before that "acting is everything", was crying in the corner with his feet in his arms.

Unlike the other actors with different personalities.

The agents of the other actors training centers were really silent at this moment.

They originally thought that the strongest competitor this time was Yoshimoto Tsukisuke.

But they didn't expect Kita Sumire to jump out right after.

Damn, the competition pressure is really a bit too much, right?

Especially the murderous aura that seemed to have really chopped several people with swordsmanship. Is it really acting?

And that AR actor training center?

It seems to be just a small actor training center in my impression, right?

There are only one or two famous actors.

Where did such an actor come from?

They were scratching their heads and were really at a loss.

And he was only eight years old, right? How could an eight-year-old kid perform so well when he was on stage under such great pressure?

Damn, Kenichi Aoki's audition might really be cancelled this time.

As they thought about it, they contacted acquaintances.

They wanted to find out where Kita Sumire, who seemed to have parachuted into the acting industry, came from.

Could he be the apprentice of a famous actor or director?

They were busy over there.

And the remaining auditions slowly ended in this process.

"So, Mr. Watanabe, Producer Aida, the auditions are over, and that's about it. Do you have any ideas about the candidates for the various roles in "Kengouden"? "

While sorting out the information of the various acting roles on the table, Kenzo Tanaka raised his head and asked.

This time, Kenichi Aoki was not the only one auditioning.

There were also the roles of the heroine Yukishiro Kaoru and the main supporting roles.

Of course he had to ask.

But the sentence had just come out of his mouth.

Mayu Watanabe has already sat down, with an unquestionable expression on his face:

"I don't care what Director Tanaka and Producer Aida think, the role of Kenichi Aoki must be played by the eight-year-old boy just now."

"." Kenzo Tanaka, Producer Aida.

You really dare to say that?

Who wanted to eat us alive before the audition?

But he was the first to express his opinion when choosing people?

They were a little speechless, thinking that the original author Mayu Watanabe was really overbearing.

But there was nothing they could do.

Who told him to sell well?

And the performance of Kita Sumire was obvious to all the three of them.

Kenichi Aoki chose him, and there was really nothing to say.


"I don't object to Kita Sumire being used for the role of Kenichi Aoki."

Producer Aida was the first to express his opinion, and he didn't forget to add a sentence.

"But you have to consider, Mr. Watanabe. AR's training center is not well-known in the industry. Kitasumi is the same. Compared to this point, although Yoshimoto Tsukinosuke's popularity has declined, his popularity is still more attractive to the audience."

That's right.

Let's put aside those miscellaneous supporting roles that don't even have lines.

Kitasumi has only participated in two works.

The first one is "The Grudge", which has a good reputation in horror movies, playing the villain role of Kuroda Uchiichi.

The other one is "The Kidnapped Natsuko" by Honma Fuhiko, playing the main role of Nogi Natsuko.

But strictly speaking, the movie "The Kidnapped Natsuko" is still being filmed, and it has not been officially released and has not been tested by the market, so strictly speaking it is not counted in the works.

In other words, Kitasumi's only slightly impressive work is "The Grudge".

This is indeed a bit unimpressive in the promotion of "Kengouden".

After all, the actor who plays the main role can also attract the audience to a certain extent.


"Does Kengoden need all that crap? Kengoden is famous."

Watanabe Mayu waved his hand, not caring about it.

He was telling the truth.

There is a reason why Kengoden is still so popular.

Even if there is no live-action movie adaptation, Kengoden is still one of the most prominent comics in Japan.

"I just told Mr. Watanabe the pros and cons of this, what does Director Tanaka think?"

Producer Aida was still the same. He didn't want to get involved. He explained and simply threw the pot to Kenzo Tanaka.

Kenzo Tanaka couldn't help but glared at him.

This guy is really an old fox.

He thought he wouldn't offend anyone, but he put the shit pot on his hands.

The key is that as a director, he had to continue.

Shaking his head speechlessly, Kenzo Tanaka was just about to express his thoughts.

But the words just got stuck in his throat and he couldn't say it.

Because he felt the gaze of Mayu Watanabe.

The meaning of that gaze was very simple - 'If you don't choose Kitasumi, just wait and see'.

This also made Kenzo Tanaka feel speechless.

You know, he has been a 'supporter of Kitasumi' from the beginning.

Mayu Watanabe is the one who really looks down on Kitasumi - he was still blowing his beard and staring before, wishing to eat people.

Why is it that now, he has become the target of public criticism?

The contrast is a bit big.

Kenzo Tanaka couldn't help but touch his head, thinking that if he stayed at Kadokawa Pictures, he would become bald sooner or later.

He sighed helplessly.

Then he stretched out his hand:

"I think Kitasumi is pretty good, let's choose him."

In such a communication with almost no obstacles.

The three of them quickly decided on the actor who should be the most troublesome main role.

Because he was busy taking Koji Tamura to talk to the sub-actors and agents of other agencies to get familiar with them.

So Kitasumi was not in a hurry to go back.

When he was done, it was already an hour after the audition.

But the results were also gratifying.

He received at least more than 20 business cards in his hand.

And it may be that he left an impression on many people during the audition.

As soon as he saw that it was Kitasumi, he took the initiative to come up and say hello.

These major agents who usually looked down on the AR sub-actor training center actually came over to talk to Koji Tamura with a smile.

This made Koji Tamura feel "flattered".

You know, as an agent at the bottom of the AR sub-actor training center.

It was the first time for him to be approached by someone.

The main reason for this change was

‘Kitsumi-kun is really amazing. ’

While chatting with the sub-agents of other companies, Koji Tamura thought so.

To be honest.

When he saw Yoshimoto Tsukinosuke’s almost amazing performance.

He felt that the audition might have been settled.

After all, his acting skills were not a big deal.

He had confidence in Kitsumi.

But there was really no way to deal with age or height - this physiological advantage was indeed an insurmountable point for Kitsumi.

However, after watching Kitsumi’s audition.

Koji Tamura knew that he was completely wrong.

Kitsumi’s performance was so excellent that it was almost impeccable.

The drooping eyes, the aura of a swordsman and the superb kendo level.

It was enough to make people ignore the difference in his age and height.

This also made Koji Tamura feel that there was nothing wrong with the choice he made before.

Fortunately, he chose Kitsumi.

Otherwise, he will really regret it for the rest of his life.

Tamura Koji was chatting happily.

Kita Sumire was chatting well with other actors.

Although there were still a few actors who were still a little upset about the fact that his role as Kenichi Aoki was already set.

But children are children after all.

Even if they are already in their teens, they are not so easy to fool.

But for Kita Sumire, who was 27 years old in his previous life.

They are still easy to manipulate.

"Hey? You like Kamen Rider? You have good taste. Actually, I like it too. Can we be friends? I want to go to your house to see Kamen Rider peripherals when I have time."

Kita Sumire spoke with a pure smile on his face.

"Hey? You prefer female-oriented animation? What's wrong with that? It's just a hobby. We can be friends and discuss it later."

Turning his head to the side, Kita Sumire held the hand of a little boy.

"Hello, I saw you before. What are you doing here alone? Oh - mobile games, I also have experience in this area. Come on, let's add each other on LINE. In this way, we will be friends and can communicate in the future."

Pick up the phone, add a friend, and return the phone to the other party happily.

"Although we were competitors just now, how about we be friends?"

He was busy.

He successfully became "friends" with many of the actors present.

This can also be regarded as an achievement.

After all, no one can predict what will happen in the future. What if one of the actors here suddenly becomes popular?

It is definitely worthwhile to build good relationships.


Bei Chengshi glanced at the actors surrounding him.

Yoshimoto Tsukinosuke, who had performed very well before, was not there.

Although he had no relatives or friends with the other party, he did not need to find him specially.

But.How to say it.

From the time when the other party came off the stage after the performance and waited for the result.

He always had an inexplicable feeling.

He felt that the other party seemed to be similar to Akiyama Shion in some aspects.

He touched his chin and thought for a while, but still smiled and decided to ask a question.

"Excuse me, does anyone know where Yoshimoto-kun went?"

"Yoshimoto-kun? I thought I saw him in the small waiting room on the other side when I went to the toilet just now."


Kitazumi thanked him, told Tamura Koji that he had to go to the toilet, and then walked away.

The small waiting room is not far away and is mainly used by Kadokawa Films to receive guests.

Kitazumi just took a step forward and walked for almost half a minute, and he could already see the place.

But the further you go.

The woman's voice is getting closer.

Feeling a little strange, Kitumi looked inside.

I saw a small waiting room.

It was a mother and son having a conversation. No, it was a conversation, but it was more a one-sided reprimand from the mother.

"Tsukinosuke! Are you really working hard? You obviously have such a huge advantage, but you don't behave as well as that eight-year-old child!"

The tall woman had a stern look on her face, her arms crossed and her body half bent.

".I tried really hard.Mom."

The boy opened his mouth, stood on tiptoes, and tried hard to defend himself.


"Shut up! You're still quibbling! If you worked hard, how could you only get this result?"


Hearing the woman's stern tone, the boy's face darkened under his short black hair.

Seeing this scene, he seemed to realize that his tone just now was indeed a bit harsh.

The woman quickly lowered her body and hugged the boy.

"I'm sorry, Tsukinosuke, it's my mother's fault. What she just said was a bit harsh, but you have to believe that she did everything for your own good. Do you understand?"


A long silence.

This silence lasted for about two or three minutes.

The boy spoke softly.


"Good boy, Tsukinosuke, please go back first, and then ask Hida's manager "Swordsman Den" if there are any other opportunities. You must know that you are fourteen years old this year, so you must seize this opportunity. ”

"I know, Mom."

He nodded and then came to the door.


Looking at Yoshimoto Tsukinosuke who was also stunned for a moment, Kitumi Minoru opened the crack in the door and coughed twice, then showed an innocent smile.

"Brother Yoshimoto, I'm looking for the toilet."

"Don't worry, I have no problem with you. To be honest, auditions are all based on their own abilities."

Sitting on the waiting chair on the other side, Tsukinosuke Yoshimoto looked at Kitumi, and then shook his head.


He actually doesn't have any objections to Kitumi Minoru.

Even in a sense.

Tsukinosuke Yoshimoto was somewhat grateful to the other party.

Thanks to the other party for ending the remaining life of a short-lived son like himself in the industry.

"Did you see what happened just now?"

Yoshimoto Tsukinosuke turned his head and asked.

"I did see it."

You definitely can't hide it.

He opened the crack in the door and stared at it for a long time. Tsukinosuke Yoshimoto was not a fool, so how could he be deceived?


In response, Yoshimoto Tsukinosuke fell into silence again.

After a long time, he looked at Bei Chengmi and spoke.

"I have a simple question to ask you, Beicheng-kun."

".You ask."

After all, he was caught eavesdropping. Kitumi couldn't find it easy to refuse at this moment, so he nodded.

"What do you think love is? Beicheng-kun?"

He looked at Kitumi Minoru and spoke seriously.


No, buddy?

Is this question simple?

There was an inexplicable expression on his face, and the corners of Beicheng Minoru's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

Why do you think I, an eight-year-old boy, can know the answer to this question?

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